405 research outputs found

    Complete Genome Sequence of Bacteroides ovatus V975

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    The complete genome sequence of Bacteroides ovatus V975 was determined. The genome consists of a single circular chromosome of 6,475,296 bp containing five rRNA operons, 68 tRNA genes, and 4,959 coding genes

    Medizinische und gesundheitsökonomische Bewertung der Radiochirurgie zur Behandlung von Hirnmetastasen

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    Background: Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) are in general used to gain a first insight into gene activities from a species of interest. Subsequently, and typically based on a combination of EST and genome sequences, microarray-based expression analyses are performed for a variety of conditions. In some cases, a multitude of EST and microarray experiments are conducted for one species, covering different tissues, cell states, and cell types. Under these circumstances, the challenge arises to combine results derived from the different expression profiling strategies, with the goal to uncover novel information on the basis of the integrated datasets. Findings: Using our new analysis tool, MediPlEx (MEDIcago truncatula multiPLe EXpression analysis), expression data from EST experiments, oligonucleotide microarrays and Affymetrix GeneChips® can be combined and analyzed, leading to a novel approach to integrated transcriptome analysis. We have validated our tool via the identification of a set of well-characterized AM-specific and AM-induced marker genes, identified by MediPlEx on the basis of in silico and experimental gene expression profiles from roots colonized with AM fungi. Conclusions: MediPlEx offers an integrated analysis pipeline for different sets of expression data generated for the model legume Medicago truncatula. As expected, in silico and experimental gene expression data that cover the same biological condition correlate well. The collection of differentially expressed genes identified via MediPlEx provides a starting point for functional studies in plant mutants

    The pan-genome of Lactobacillus reuteri strains originating from the pig gastrointestinal tract

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    Background Lactobacillus reuteri is a gut symbiont of a wide variety of vertebrate species that has diversified into distinct phylogenetic clades which are to a large degree host-specific. Previous work demonstrated host specificity in mice and begun to determine the mechanisms by which gut colonisation and host restriction is achieved. However, how L. reuteri strains colonise the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of pigs is unknown. Results To gain insight into the ecology of L. reuteri in the pig gut, the genome sequence of the porcine small intestinal isolate L. reuteri ATCC 53608 was completed and consisted of a chromosome of 1.94 Mbp and two plasmids of 138.5 kbp and 9.09 kbp, respectively. Furthermore, we generated draft genomes of four additional L. reuteri strains isolated from pig faeces or lower GI tract, lp167-67, pg-3b, 20-2 and 3c6, and subjected all five genomes to a comparative genomic analysis together with the previously completed genome of strain I5007. A phylogenetic analysis based on whole genomes showed that porcine L. reuteri strains fall into two distinct clades, as previously suggested by multi-locus sequence analysis. These six pig L. reuteri genomes contained a core set of 1364 orthologous gene clusters, as determined by OrthoMCL analysis, that contributed to a pan-genome totalling 3373 gene clusters. Genome comparisons of the six pig L. reuteri strains with 14 L. reuteri strains from other host origins gave a total pan-genome of 5225 gene clusters that included a core genome of 851 gene clusters but revealed that there were no pig-specific genes per se. However, genes specific for and conserved among strains of the two pig phylogenetic lineages were detected, some of which encoded cell surface proteins that could contribute to the diversification of the two lineages and their observed host specificity. Conclusions This study extends the phylogenetic analysis of L. reuteri strains at a genome-wide level, pointing to distinct evolutionary trajectories of porcine L. reuteri lineages, and providing new insights into the genomic events in L. reuteri that occurred during specialisation to their hosts. The occurrence of two distinct pig-derived clades may reflect differences in host genotype, environmental factors such as dietary components or to evolution from ancestral strains of human and rodent origin following contact with pig populations

    AKE - The Accelerated k-mer Exploration Web-Tool for Rapid Taxonomic Classification and Visualization

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    Langenkämper D, Goesmann A, Nattkemper TW. AKE - The Accelerated k-mer Exploration Web-Tool for Rapid Taxonomic Classification and Visualization. BMC Bioinformatics. 2014;15(1): 384.Background: With the advent of low cost, fast sequencing technologies metagenomic analyses are made possible. The large data volumes gathered by these techniques and the unpredictable diversity captured in them are still, however, a challenge for computational biology. Results: In this paper we address the problem of rapid taxonomic assignment with small and adaptive data models (< 5 MB) and present the accelerated k-mer explorer (AKE). Acceleration in AKE's taxonomic assignments is achieved by a special machine learning architecture, which is well suited to model data collections that are intrinsically hierarchical. We report classification accuracy reasonably well for ranks down to order, observed on a study on real world data (Acid Mine Drainage, Cow Rumen). Conclusion: We show that the execution time of this approach is orders of magnitude shorter than competitive approaches and that accuracy is comparable. The tool is presented to the public as a web application

    mRNA Inventory of Extracellular Vesicles from Ustilago maydis

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) can transfer diverse RNA cargo for intercellular communication. EV-associated RNAs have been found in diverse fungi and were proposed to be relevant for pathogenesis in animal hosts. In plant-pathogen interactions, small RNAs are exchanged in a cross-kingdom RNAi warfare and EVs were considered to be a delivery mechanism. To extend the search for EV-associated molecules involved in plant-pathogen communication, we have characterised the repertoire of EV-associated mRNAs secreted by the maize smut pathogen, Ustilago maydis. For this initial survey, we examined EV-enriched fractions from axenic filamentous cultures that mimic infectious hyphae. EV-associated RNAs were resistant to degradation by RNases and the presence of intact mRNAs was evident. The set of mRNAs enriched inside EVs relative to the fungal cells are functionally distinct from those that are depleted from EVs. mRNAs encoding metabolic enzymes are particularly enriched. Intriguingly, mRNAs of some known effectors and other proteins linked to virulence were also found in EVs. Furthermore, several mRNAs enriched in EVs are also upregulated during infection, suggesting that EV-associated mRNAs may participate in plant-pathogen interactions

    Comparative gene expression in toxic versus non-toxic strains of the marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum

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    Yang I, John U, Beszteri S, et al. Comparative gene expression in toxic versus non-toxic strains of the marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum. BMC Genomics. 2010;11(1): 248.Background The dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum typically produces paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins, which are known only from cyanobacteria and dinoflagellates. While a PSP toxin gene cluster has recently been characterized in cyanobacteria, the genetic background of PSP toxin production in dinoflagellates remains elusive. Results We constructed and analysed an expressed sequence tag (EST) library of A. minutum, which contained 15,703 read sequences yielding a total of 4,320 unique expressed clusters. Of these clusters, 72% combined the forward-and reverse reads of at least one bacterial clone. This sequence resource was then used to construct an oligonucleotide microarray. We analysed the expression of all clusters in three different strains. While the cyanobacterial PSP toxin genes were not found among the A. minutum sequences, 192 genes were differentially expressed between toxic and non-toxic strains. Conclusions Based on this study and on the lack of identified PSP synthesis genes in the two existent Alexandrium tamarense EST libraries, we propose that the PSP toxin genes in dinoflagellates might be more different from their cyanobacterial counterparts than would be expected in the case of a recent gene transfer. As a starting point to identify possible PSP toxin-associated genes in dinoflagellates without relying on a priori sequence information, the sequences only present in mRNA pools of the toxic strain can be seen as putative candidates involved in toxin synthesis and regulation, or acclimation to intracellular PSP toxins

    Complete genome sequence of the fire blight pathogen Erwinia pyrifoliae DSM 12163T and comparative genomic insights into plant pathogenicity

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    Smits THM, Jaenicke S, Rezzonico F, et al. Complete genome sequence of the fire blight pathogen Erwinia pyrifoliae DSM 12163(T) and comparative genomic insights into plant pathogenicity. BMC Genomics. 2010;11(1): 2.Background: Erwinia pyrifoliae is a newly described necrotrophic pathogen, which causes fire blight on Asian (Nashi) pear and is geographically restricted to Eastern Asia. Relatively little is known about its genetics compared to the closely related main fire blight pathogen E. amylovora. Results: The genome of the type strain of E. pyrifoliae strain DSM 12163(T), was sequenced using both 454 and Solexa pyrosequencing and annotated. The genome contains a circular chromosome of 4.026 Mb and four small plasmids. Based on their respective role in virulence in E. amylovora or related organisms, we identified several putative virulence factors, including type III and type VI secretion systems and their effectors, flagellar genes, sorbitol metabolism, iron uptake determinants, and quorum-sensing components. A deletion in the rpoS gene covering the most conserved region of the protein was identified which may contribute to the difference in virulence/host-range compared to E. amylovora. Comparative genomics with the pome fruit epiphyte Erwinia tasmaniensis Et1/99 showed that both species are overall highly similar, although specific differences were identified, for example the presence of some phage gene-containing regions and a high number of putative genomic islands containing transposases in the E. pyrifoliae DSM 12163T genome. Conclusions: The E. pyrifoliae genome is an important addition to the published genome of E. tasmaniensis and the unfinished genome of E. amylovora providing a foundation for re-sequencing additional strains that may shed light on the evolution of the host-range and virulence/pathogenicity of this important group of plant-associated bacteria

    Einsatz von Protein- und Metabolit-Profiling-Methoden zur Unterscheidung von ökologischem und konventionellem Weizen

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    The interest in methods to proof organic food authenticity increases with the steadily rising popularity of food labelled organic. Profiling techniques enable the detection of a wide range of substances in biological samples. Together with bioinformatics tools these techniques are useful for biomarker searching, e. g. in plant extracts. Metabolomic and proteomic profiling techniques were used to screen organic and conventional wheat, originating from the DOK field trial in Switzerland. Up to 11 wheat varieties from three harvest years were analysed. We were able to detect a number of metabolites and proteins with significant differences between samples of conventional and organic grown wheat of the variety “Runal”. Results viewed across all 11 varieties indicated a higher influence of both the variety and the seasonal effects than the cultivation form. Nevertheless, PCA performed on metabolite data for the individual varieties and for individual growing seasons revealed a clustering according to the cultivation forms. Further research is necessary to assess, whether these methods can be applied to distinguish organic and conventional wheat from agricultural practice