173 research outputs found

    Recent Progress in Acoustic Travel-Time Tomography of the Atmospheric Surface Layer

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    Acoustic tomography of the atmospheric surface layer (ASL) is based on measurements of the travel times of sound propagation between sources and receivers which constitute a tomography array. Then, the temperature and wind velocity fields inside the tomographic volume or area are reconstructed using different inverse algorithms. Improved knowledge of these fields is important in many practical applications. Tomography has certain advantages in comparison with currently used instrumentation for measurement of the temperature and wind velocity. In this paper, a short historical overview of acoustic tomography of the atmosphere is presented. The main emphasis is on recent progress in acoustic tomography of the ASL. The tomography arrays that have been used so far are discussed. Inverse algorithms for reconstruction of the temperature and wind velocity fields from the travel times are reviewed. Some results in numerical simulations of acoustic tomography of the ASL and reconstruction of the turbulence fields in tomography experiments are presented and discussed. Zusammenfassung Die akustische Tomographie der atmosph¨arischen Bodenschicht basiert auf Messungen der Laufzeit von Schallwellen zwischen Sendern und Empf¨angern, welche ein tomographisches Messfeld bilden. Anschließend werden dann die Temperatur- und Windgeschwindigkeitsfelder innerhalb eines tomographischen Volumens oder einer Fl¨ache rekonstruiert, wobei verschiedene inverse Algorithmen angewendet werden k¨onnen. Eine verbesserte Kenntnis dieser meteorologischen Felder ist f ¨ur viele praktische Anwendungen bedeutsam. Tomographische Verfahren haben bestimmte Vorteile gegen¨uber den momentan genutzten Messverfahren f ¨ur die Temperatur und Windgeschwindigkeit. In dieser Ver ¨offentlichung wird ein kurzer ¨Uberblick zur Entwicklung der akustischen Tomographie der Atmosph¨are pr¨asentiert. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt auf der Darstellung des aktuellen Fortschritts in der akustischen Tomographie der atmosph¨arischen Bodenschicht. Die bisher genutzten tomographischen Messfelder werden vorgestellt. Inverse Algorithmen f ¨ur die Rekonstruktion von Temperatur- und Windgeschwindigkeitsfeldern aus akustischen Laufzeiten werden bewertet. Einige Resultate der numerischen Simulation der akustischen Tomographie der Bodenschicht und der Rekonstruktion von turbulenten Feldern meteorologischer Gr ¨oßen in tomographischen Experimenten werden dargestellt und diskutiert

    The Impact II, a Very High-Resolution Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Instrument (QTOF) for Deep Shotgun Proteomics

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    Hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) mass spectrometry is one of the two major principles used in proteomics. Although based on simple fundamentals, it has over the last decades greatly evolved in terms of achievable resolution, mass accuracy, and dynamic range. The Bruker impact platform of QTOF instruments takes advantage of these developments and here we develop and evaluate the impact II for shotgun proteomics applications. Adaption of our heated liquid chromatography system achieved very narrow peptide elution peaks. The impact II is equipped with a new collision cell with both axial and radial ion ejection, more than doubling ion extraction at high tandem MS frequencies. The new reflectron and detector improve resolving power compared with the previous model up to 80%, i.e. to 40,000 at m/z 1222. We analyzed the ion current from the inlet capillary and found very high transmission (>80%) up to the collision cell. Simulation and measurement indicated 60% transfer into the flight tube. We adapted MaxQuant for QTOF data, improving absolute average mass deviations to better than 1.45 ppm. More than 4800 proteins can be identified in a single run of HeLa digest in a 90 min gradient. The workflow achieved high technical reproducibility (R2 > 0.99) and accurate fold change determination in spike-in experiments in complex mixtures. Using label-free quantification we rapidly quantified haploid against diploid yeast and characterized overall proteome differences in mouse cell lines originating from different tissues. Finally, after high pH reversed-phase fractionation we identified 9515 proteins in a triplicate measurement of HeLa peptide mixture and 11,257 proteins in single measurements of cerebellum-the highest proteome coverage reported with a QTOF instrument so far

    Glucocorticoids associate with cardiometabolic risk factors in black South Africans

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    Circulating glucocorticoids are associated with metabolic syndrome and related cardiometabolic risk factors in non-Africans. This study investigated these associations in Africans, whose metabolic phenotype reportedly differs from Europeans. Adiposity, blood pressure, glycaemia, insulin resistance, and lipid profile, were measured in 316 African men and 788 African women living in Soweto, Johannesburg. The 2009 harmonized criteria were used to define metabolic syndrome. Serum glucocorticoids were measured using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Cortisol was associated with greater odds presenting with metabolic syndrome (odds ratio (95% CI) =1.50 (1.04, 2.17) and higher systolic (beta coefficient, β (95% CI) =0.04 (0.01, 0.08)) and diastolic (0.05 (0.02, 0.09)) blood pressure, but higher HDL (0.10 (0.02, 0.19)) and lower LDL (−0.14 (−0.24, −0.03)) cholesterol concentrations, in the combined sample of men and women. In contrast, corticosterone was only associated with higher insulin sensitivity (Matsuda index; 0.22 (0.03, 0.41)), but this was not independent of BMI. Sex-specific associations were observed, such that both cortisol and corticosterone were associated with higher fasting glucose (standardized β (95% CI): 0.24 (0.12, 0.36) for cortisol and 0.12 (0.01, 0.23) for corticosterone) and HbA1c (0.13 (0.01, 0.25) for cortisol and 0.12 (0.01, 0.24) for corticosterone) in men only, but lower HbA1c (0.10 (−0.20, −0.01) for cortisol and −0.09 (−0.18, −0.03) for corticosterone) in women only. Our study reports for the first time that associations between circulating glucocorticoid concentrations and key cardiometabolic risk factors exhibit both glucocorticoid- and sex-specificity in Africans

    A computational study of the effect of windscreen shape and flow resistivity on turbulent wind noise reduction

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    This is the published version. Copyright 2011 Acoustical Society of AmericaIn this paper, numerical simulations are used to study the turbulentwind noise reduction effect of microphone windscreens with varying shapes and flow resistivities. Typical windscreen shapes consisting of circular, elliptical, and rectangular cylinders are investigated. A turbulent environment is generated by placing a solid circular cylinder upstream of the microphone. An immersed-boundary method with a fifth-order weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme is implemented to enhance the simulation accuracy for high-Reynolds number flow around the solid cylinder as well as at the interface between the open air and the porous material comprising the windscreen. The Navier–Stokes equations for incompressible flow are solved in the open air. For the flow inside the porous material, a modified form of the Zwikker–Kosten equation is solved. The results show that, on average, the circular and horizontal ellipse windscreens have similar overall wind noise reduction performance, while the horizontal ellipse windscreen with medium flow resistivity provides the most effective wind noise reduction among all the considered cases. The vertical ellipse windscreen with high flow resistivity, in particular, increases the wind noise because of increased self-generation of turbulence

    Carbenic nitrile imines: Properties and reactivity

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    Structures and properties of nitrile imines were investigated computationally at B3LYP and CCSD(T) levels. Whereas NBO analysis at the B3LYP DFT level invariably predicts a propargylic electronic structure, CCSD(T) calculations permit a clear distinction between propargylic, allenic, and carbenic structures. Nitrile imines with strong IR absorptions above ca. 2150 cm-1 have propargylic structures with a CN triple bond (RCNNSiMe 3 and R2BCNNBR2), and those with IR absorptions below ca. 2150 cm-1 are allenic (HCNNH, PhCNNH, and HCNNPh). Nitrile imines lacking significant cumulenic IR absorptions at 1900-2200 cm -1 are carbenic (R-(C:)-N=N-R′). Electronegative but lone pair-donating groups NR2, OR, and F stabilize the carbenic form of nitrile imines in the same way they stabilize "normal" singlet carbenes, including N-heterocyclic carbenes. NBO analyses at the CCSD(T) level confirm the classification into propargylic, allenic, and carbenic reactivity types. Carbenic nitrile imines are predicted to form azoketenes 21 with CO, to form [2+2] and [2+4] cycloadducts and borane adducts, and to cyclize to 1H-diazirenes of the type 24 in mildly exothermic reactions with activation energies in the range 29-38 kcal/mol. Such reactions will be readily accessible photochemically and thermally, e.g., under the conditions of matrix photolysis and flash vacuum thermolysis

    Structure of HsdS Subunit from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis Sheds Lights on Mechanism of Dynamic Opening and Closing of Type I Methyltransferase

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    Type I DNA methyltransferases contain one specificity subunit (HsdS) and two modification subunits (HsdM). The electron microscopy model of M.EcoKI-M2S1 methyltransferase shows a reasonable closed state of this clamp-like enzyme, but the structure of the open state is still unclear. The 1.95 Å crystal structure of the specificity subunit from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis (TTE-HsdS) shows an unreported open form inter-domain orientation of this subunit. Based on the crystal structure of TTE-HsdS and the closed state model of M.EcoKI-M2S1, we constructed a potential open state model of type I methyltransferase. Mutational studies indicated that two α-helices (aa30-59 and aa466-495) of the TTE-HsdM subunit are important inter-subunit interaction sites in the TTE-M2S1 complex. DNA binding assays also highlighted the importance of the C-terminal region of TTE-HsdM for DNA binding by the TTE-M2S1 complex. On the basis of structural analysis, biochemical experiments and previous studies, we propose a dynamic opening and closing mechanism for type I methyltransferase

    The influence of a pre-exercise sports drink (PRX) on factors related to maximal aerobic performance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pre-exercise sports drinks (PRX) are commonly used as ergogenic aids in athletic competitions requiring aerobic power. However, in most cases, claims regarding their effectiveness have not been substantiated. In addition, the ingredients in PRX products must be deemed acceptable by the athletic governing bodies that regulate their use in training and competition. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a modified PRX formulation (known as EM·PACT™) from earlier investigations on factors related to maximal aerobic performance during a graded exercise test. The modification consisted of removing creatine to meet the compliance standards set forth by various athletic organizations that regulate the use of nutritional supplements.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-nine male and female college students varying in levels of aerobic fitness participated in a randomized crossover administration of PRX (containing 14 g/serving of fructose, medium-chain triglycerides, and amino acids mixed with 8 oz. of water) and placebo (PL) 30 minutes prior to performing a treadmill test with approximately one week separation between the trials. VO<sub>2</sub>max, maximal heart rate (HR), time to exhaustion (Time), and percentage estimated non-protein fat substrate utilization (FA) during two <it>a priori </it>submaximal stages of a graded exercise testing were evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The VO<sub>2</sub>max mean value of the PRX trial was significantly greater than the PL trial (P < 0.01). The mean value for Time was also observed to be greater for the PRX trial compared to PL (P < 0.05). Additionally, percentage of FA during submaximal stages of the exercise test was greater for PRX trial in comparison to PL (P < 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The modified PRX formulation utilized in this investigation supports the findings of the previous investigation and its efficacy for enhancing indices of aerobic performance (specifically VO<sub>2</sub>max, Time, & FA) during graded exercise testing.</p

    The Financial Burden of Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases in Rural Nigeria: Wealth and Gender Heterogeneity in Health Care Utilization and Health Expenditures

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    Objectives Better insights into health care utilization and out-of-pocket expenditures for non-communicable chronic diseases (NCCD) are needed to develop accessible health care and limit the increasing financial burden of NCCDs in Sub-Saharan Africa. Methods A household survey was conducted in rural Kwara State, Nigeria, among 5,761 individuals. Data were obtained using biomedical and socio-economic questionnaires. Health care utilization, NCCD-related health expenditures and distances to health care providers were compared by sex and by wealth quintile, and a Heckman regression model was used to estimate health expenditures taking selection bias in health care utilization into account. Results The prevalence of NCCDs in our sample was 6.2%. NCCD-affected individuals from the wealthiest quintile utilized formal health care nearly twice as often as those from the lowest quintile (87.8% vs 46.2%, p = 0.002). Women reported foregone formal care more often than men (43.5% vs. 27.0%, p = 0.058). Health expenditures relative to annual consumption of the poorest quintile exceeded those of the highest quintile 2.2-fold, and the poorest quintile exhibited a higher rate of catastrophic health spending (10.8% among NCCD-affected households) than the three upper quintiles (4.2% to 6.7%). Long travel distances to the nearest provider, highest for the poorest quintile, were a significant deterrent to seeking care. Using distance to the nearest facility as instrument to account for selection into health care utilization, we estimated out-of-pocket health care expenditures for NCCDs to be significantly higher in the lowest wealth quintile compared to the three upper quintiles. Conclusions Facing potentially high health care costs and poor accessibility of health care facilities, many individuals suffering from NCCDs—particularly women and the poor—forego formal care, thereby increasing the risk of more severe illness in the future. When seeking care, the poor spend less on treatment than the rich, suggestive of lower quality care, while their expenditures represent a higher share of their annual household consumption. This calls for targeted interventions that enhance health care accessibility and provide financial protection from the consequences of NCCDs, especially for vulnerable populations