194 research outputs found

    Economic instruments of water management in the light of the draft Water Law of June 2016

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    The paper presents the planned changes in the environmental fees system resulting from the Government’s draft water law of 23 June 2016. The comparison of existing and proposed economic instruments is made based on the regulations of the draft law and the existing legislation. Analyses of charge rates for water services and the impact of their changes on prices of some products and services are conducted.W tekście przedstawiono planowane zmiany w systemie opłat środowiskowych wynikających z rządowego projektu ustawy wodnej z dnia 23 czerwca 2016 r. Porównanie istniejących i proponowanych instrumentów ekonomicznych jest wykonane na podstawie przepisów projektowanej ustawy oraz przepisów obowiązujących. Zostały przeprowadzone analizy stawek opłat za usługi wodne oraz wpływu ich zmian na ceny niektórych produktów i usług

    Evaluation of the economic efficiency of flood protection projects

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    W artykule przedstawiono problemy z szacowaniem strat powodziowych przy użyciu wskaźników wartości mienia opublikowanych w Rozporządzeniu Ministra Środowiska, Ministra Transportu, Budownictwa i Gospodarki Morskiej, Ministra Administracji i Cyfryzacji oraz Ministra Spraw Wewnętrznych z dnia 21 grudnia 2012 r. w sprawie opracowywania map zagrożenia powodziowego oraz map ryzyka powodziowego (Dz.U. z 2013 r. poz. 104) wynikające z ich aktualności i zaprezentowano propozycje aktualizacji wskaźników do bieżących cen, a także zaproponowano dodatkowe wskaźniki szacowania strat powodziowych w produkcji rolnej oraz strat w majątku obrotowym przedsiębiorstw.This article presents the problems in estimating flood losses with the use of indicators of property value published in the Regulation of 21th December 2012 issued by the Minister of the Environment, the Minister of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy, the Minister of Administration and Digitization, and the Minister of Internal Affairs on the development of flood threat maps and flood risk maps (Journal of Laws of 2013. pos. 104). The article describes proposals of indicators updated to current prices. Also, additional indicators are proposed for estimating flood losses in agricultural production and losses of current assets of enterprises

    Wpływ zmian w zakresie prawa konsumenta do odstąpienia od umowy wprowadzonych przez ustawę o prawach konsumenta na branżę e-commerce

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    W artykule omówione zostały zmiany, jakie wprowadzi do polskiego porządku prawnego ustawa z 30.05.2014 r. o prawach konsumenta w zakresie przysługującego konsumentom prawa do odstąpienia od umowy zawieranej na odległość. Artykuł stanowi porównanie dotychczasowego porządku prawnego z tym, który wprowadzi nowa ustawa. Szczególna uwaga poświęcona zostanie czterem głównym zagadnieniom: terminowi na dokonanie odstąpienia od umowy, formie złożenia oświadczenia woli o odstąpieniu, regulacjom związanym z ponoszeniem kosztów zwrotu towaru, a także sytuacjom, w których prawo do odstąpienia od umowy jest wyłączone

    Self-inspection of sprayers and seed treatment machines in Poland – proposal of instruction manual

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    The long period of 5 years between the purchase of plant protection equipment and the first mandatory inspection, and then 3 or 5 years between the follow-up inspections, as practiced in Poland, may result in considerable deterioration of technical condition of the machines, and in consequence in the increased risk for the operators and the environment. This risk may be mitigated by regular selfinspections of such equipment performed by the users themselves. In order to promote such good practice and help the operators to carry out their own inspections of sprayers and seed treatment machines two dedicated manuals were developed and approved by relevant authorities. In these manuals the procedures of self-inspection are outlined in form of check-list of control points followed by relevant illustrations and comments on evaluation criteria. Only basic tools and a calibration kit are needed to carry out the self-inspection. The manuals also include a lot of additional information making them valuable training materials.The long period of 5 years between the purchase of plant protection equipment and the first mandatory inspection, and then 3 or 5 years between the follow-up inspections, as practiced in Poland, may result in considerable deterioration of technical condition of the machines, and in consequence in the increased risk for the operators and the environment. This risk may be mitigated by regular selfinspections of such equipment performed by the users themselves. In order to promote such good practice and help the operators to carry out their own inspections of sprayers and seed treatment machines two dedicated manuals were developed and approved by relevant authorities. In these manuals the procedures of self-inspection are outlined in form of check-list of control points followed by relevant illustrations and comments on evaluation criteria. Only basic tools and a calibration kit are needed to carry out the self-inspection. The manuals also include a lot of additional information making them valuable training materials

    Water use analysis in Silesia voivodship using an input-output model

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    In the paper an input-output modeling is proposed for working out an assessment of water use of the economy. It is presented the conception of the assessment of water requirements of the economy on the basis of an analysis of the indirect water use. For the purpose of water use analysis for Silesian voivodship the regional input-output model is carried out by using location quotient technique

    Ewa Ostrowska (1907-1977)

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    Calibration of orchard sprayers – the parameters and methods

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    According to the new EU directive on sustainable use of pesticides (EC 2009/128) calibration of sprayers has to be implemented in the EU Member States. It is also required in the environmental and operators’ safety context of different documents and guidelines determining the implementation of good practices or the compliance with standards of certified crop production. The most recent guidelines underline the up-to-date opinion that calibration of sprayer should optimise the on-crop product deposition, and reduce the off-target loss of pesticides. Therefore calibration for orchard sprayers should in particular include aspects regarding spray volume determination, airflow adjustment and selection of the type, number and configuration of nozzles, aiming at high spray application quality and its environmental impact. Spray volume adapted to specific orchard may be calculated based on Tree Row Volume concept. The air flow setting includes adjustment of air volume/velocity, air flow range and air- flow direction/deflection. The type, number and configuration of nozzles are selected aiming at enhanced deposition and distribution of spray in the crop canopy, and reduced spray drift. The practical methods of calibration considering these aspects are proposed in this paper