3,984 research outputs found

    Mapping Sex Offender Addresses: The Utility of the Alaska Sex Offender Registry as a Research Data Base

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    The registration of sex offenders was part of a national effort to enhance public safety by permitting law enforcement officials to track the location of convicted sex offenders after their release. All fifty states have enacted legislation requiring persons convicted of various sex-related offenses to register with law enforcement agencies; many states also grant public access to all or a portion of their registries. This document reports on the Alaska Statistical Analysis Center's efforts to improve data accuracy in the Alaska Sex Offender Registry, maintained by the Alaska State Troopers, and to assess the registry's utility as a research tool.Bureau of Justice Statistics, Grant No. 1999-RU-RX-K006Background of the Project / Research Methodology / Results / Utility: Spatial Justice Research / APPENDICES / A. Alaska’s Sex Offender Registration Law / B. Establishment of a Central Registry of Sex Offenders in Alaska / C. Definitions of Offenses for which Convicted Persons Must Register as Sex Offenders in Alask

    Detection of Non-Random Galaxy Orientations in X-ray Subclusters of the Coma Cluster

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    This study on the Coma cluster suggests that there are deviations from a completely random galaxy orientation on small scales. Since we found a significant coincidence of hot-gas features identified in the latest X-ray observations of Coma with these local anisotropies, they may indicate regions of recent mutual interaction of member galaxies within subclusters which are currently falling in on the main cluster.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables v2: Rewritten introduction, amendments to the 'Interpretation' sectio

    Analytic results for two-loop Yang-Mills

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    Recent Developments in computing very specific helicity amplitudes in two loop QCD are presented. The techniques focus upon the singular structure of the amplitude rather than on a diagramatic and integration approachComment: Talk presented at 13th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections, 24-29 September, 2017,St. Gilgen, Austria, 9 page

    An investigation into the fertilizer particle dynamics off-the-disc

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    The particle size range specifications for two biosolids-derived organomineral fertilizers (OMF) known as OMF10 (10:4:4) and OMF15 (15:4:4) were established. Such specifications will enable field application of OMF with spinning disc systems using conventional tramlines spacing. A theoretical model was developed, which predicts the trajectory of individual fertilizer particles off-the-disc. The drag coefficient (Cd) was estimated for small time steps (10-6 s) in the trajectory of the particle as a function of the Reynolds number. For the range of initial velocities (20 to 40 m s-1), release angles (0° to 10°) and particle densities (1000 to 2000 kg m-3) investigated, the analysis showed that OMF10 and OMF15 need to have particle diameters between 1.10 and 5.80 mm, and between 1.05 and 5.50 mm, respectively, to provide similar spreading performance to urea with particle size range of 1.00 to 5.25 mm in diameter. OMF10 and OMF15 should have 80% (by weight) of particles between 2.65 and 4.30 mm, and between 2.55 and 4.10 mm, respectively. Due to the physical properties of the material, disc designs and settings that enable working at a specified bout width by providing a small upward particle trajectory angle (e.g., 10°) are preferred to high rotational velocities. However, field application of OMF with spinning discs applicators may be restricted to tramlines spaced at a maximum of 24 m; particularly, when some degree of overlapping is required between two adjacent bouts. The performance of granular fertilizers can be predicted based on properties of the material, such as particle density and size range, using the contour plots developed in this study

    Teaching The Interrelationships Among Costs, Expense, And Liability Of A Defined Benefit Pension Plan

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    The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) recently issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 158 “Employers’ Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement Plans” (SFAS #158).  Their intent is to comprehensively reconsider the accounting for postretirement benefit plans in phases.  The first phase was to provide timely and significant improvements and resulted in SFAS #158.  The object of this Statement is to improve the understandability and representational faithfulness of the amounts reported in the employer’s statement of financial position by recognizing as an asset or liability the overfunded or underfunded status of a defined benefit postretirement plan.  The purpose of this paper is to provide a logical approach for teaching accounting for a defined benefit pension plan.  This objective will be accomplished by providing a discussion with detailed illustrations of the interrelationships of the effects on income (both operating income and other comprehensive income) and the amount reported on the balance sheet

    Measuring the Efficiency Effect of Banning Anti-Microbial Growth Promoters: The Case of Danish Pig Production

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    This study examines the effect of banning antimicrobial growth promoters on efficiency in the production of weaned and slaughter (finishing) pigs. We focus on the reaction of producers and production efficiency. We evaluate the estimated output and input shadow prices relative to market prices to analyse producer reactions and capture the impact on production efficiency by evaluating the effects of the ban changes on total factor productivity. To this end we model a multi product shadow profit function and incorporate output and input related shadow prices by using a second order flexible functional form. The development in total factor productivity is subsequently measured by calculating the Malmquist index on the farm level. To make infer-ences on the effect of banning growth promoters over time we regress in a second estimation step the changes in total factor productivity on potential explanatory factors by applying a bootstrapped censored regression procedure. Our results suggest that there was no effect of the ban on total factor productivity due to outputs and inputs substitution. Breeding pigs are pro-duced at the expense of weaned and finisher pigs. Feed input is over utilised relative to other inputs. The high shadow prices for substituting outputs are associated with better export mar-ket prices. These findings may have critical implications for the slaughtering plants with over capacity.animal health economics, food economics, shadow prices, efficiency, antimicrobial growth promoters, pig production, Livestock Production/Industries, Q1, Q11, Q12, Q24,

    Changes To Accounting For Defined Benefit Postretirement Plans: Discussion And Illustration

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    Requests that the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) address issues related to employers’ accounting for defined benefit postretirement plans have increased in recent years.  Those requests have been made by users of financial statements and others, including the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) staff and representatives of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.  Constituents are interested in improved transparency and understandability

    SWPBS in Preschool: Training, Data, and Lessons Learned

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    This presentation will include a discussion of how School Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) was implemented in a University housed preschool, a review of the data that were collected, and a summary of the lessons learned from the research. Teachers and staff of the preschool were trained in SWPBS and Skillstreaming (McGinnis, 2012). In this four-part training participants learned the core tenets of PBS and how to implement it across the program. Implementation began at the start of the second semester. Fidelity of implementation data were collected using the School Wide Benchmarks of Quality Revised (BOQ-R; Kincaid, Childs, & George, 2010). In addition, child level data were collected using the Social Skills Improvement System (SSIS; Gresham & Elliot, 2008) and were used to identify challenging behaviors present in the classroom. Once behavior patterns were identified, the teachers were able to focus on specific skills for small groups of children. Small group instruction on social skills was facilitated using the Skillstreaming curriculum. Overall, fidelity data indicated rather low integrity; however, 13 of 17 children showed an increase in social skills, 14 of 17 children showed a decrease in challenging behaviors, and teachers and staff indicated SWPBS was an acceptable intervention
