3,299 research outputs found

    Electrostatic Patch Effect in Cylindrical Geometry. I. Potential and Energy between Slightly Non-Coaxial Cylinders

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    We study the effect of any uneven voltage distribution on two close cylindrical conductors with parallel axes that are slightly shifted in the radial and by any length in the axial direction. The investigation is especially motivated by certain precision measurements, such as the Satellite Test of the Equivalence Principle (STEP). By energy conservation, the force can be found as the energy gradient in the vector of the shift, which requires determining potential distribution and energy in the gap. The boundary value problem for the potential is solved, and energy is thus found to the second order in the small transverse shift, and to lowest order in the gap to cylinder radius ratio. The energy consists of three parts: the usual capacitor part due to the uniform potential difference, the one coming from the interaction between the voltage patches and the uniform voltage difference, and the energy of patch interaction, entirely independent of the uniform voltage. Patch effect forces and torques in the cylindrical configuration are derived and analyzed in the next two parts of this work.Comment: 26 pages, 1 Figure. Submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Influence of topography on tide propagation and amplification in semi-enclosed basins

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    An idealized model for tide propagation and amplification in semi-enclosed rectangular basins is presented, accounting for depth differences by a combination of longitudinal and lateral topographic steps. The basin geometry is formed by several adjacent compartments of identical width, each having either a uniform depth or two depths separated by a transverse topographic step. The problem is forced by an incoming Kelvin wave at the open end, while allowing waves to radiate outward. The solution in each compartment is written as the superposition of (semi)-analytical wave solutions in an infinite channel, individually satisfying the depth-averaged linear shallow water equations on the f plane, including bottom friction. A collocation technique is employed to satisfy continuity of elevation and flux across the longitudinal topographic steps between the compartments. The model results show that the tidal wave in shallow parts displays slower propagation, enhanced dissipation and amplified amplitudes. This reveals a resonance mechanism, occurring when\ud the length of the shallow end is roughly an odd multiple of the quarter Kelvin wavelength. Alternatively, for sufficiently wide basins, also PoincarĂ© waves may become resonant. A transverse step implies different wavelengths of the incoming and reflected Kelvin wave, leading to increased amplitudes in shallow regions and a shift of amphidromic points in the direction of the deeper part. Including the shallow parts near the basin’s closed end (thus capturing the Kelvin resonance mechanism) is essential to reproduce semi-diurnal and diurnal\ud tide observations in the Gulf of California, the Adriatic Sea and the Persian Gulf

    L008 DĂ©faut de diffĂ©renciation veino-lymphatique embyonnaire par modulation de l’ARN interfĂ©rence

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    L’ARN interfĂ©rence, mĂ©canisme de rĂ©gulation de l’expression des gĂšnes, est mĂ©diĂ©e par les siARNs et les microARNs, ARN non-codants de 20 Ă  22 nuclĂ©otides affectant la rĂ©gulation post-transcriptionnelle d’ARNm cibles avec lesquels ils s’apparient.La RNase DICER est une enzyme centrale de la biosynthĂšse des siARNs et microARNs. Les souris dont le gĂšne dicer est invalidĂ© ont un phĂ©notype complexe, et meurent trĂšs tĂŽt pendant le dĂ©veloppement, notamment Ă  cause d’un dĂ©faut d’angiogenĂšse.Afin d’étudier l’ARN interfĂ©rence au cours de l’angiogenĂšse embryonnaire, des souris dont le gĂšne dicer est floxĂ© (mutant conditionnel) sont croisĂ©es avec des souris exprimant la recombinase Cre, de maniĂšre constitutive, sous le contrĂŽle du promoteur du gĂšne tie2, dirigeant ainsi son expression dans les cellules endothĂ©liales (CE) et les cellules hĂ©matopiĂ©tiques.Nos rĂ©sultats montrent que l’invalidation de dicer sous le contrĂŽle du promoteur du gĂšne tie2 entraine une mortalitĂ© embryonnaire suite Ă  un ƓdĂšme et des hĂ©morragies au treiziĂšme jour du dĂ©veloppement (E13,5). L’analyse histologique montre des vaisseaux lymphatiques remplis de sang, suggĂ©rant une mauvaise sĂ©paration du rĂ©seau sanguin et lymphatique. Cette hypothĂšse est Ă©tudiĂ©e par marquage des vaisseaux lymphatiques (LYVE-1) et des vaisseaux sanguins (PECAM) sur embryon entier et peaux isolĂ©es Ă  diffĂ©rents stades prĂ©cĂ©dant la mort.Ces embryons prĂ©sentent Ă©galement un problĂšme de dĂ©veloppement du foie, probablement dĂ» Ă  l’activitĂ© du promoteur tie2 dans les lignĂ©es hĂ©matopoiĂ©tiques. La mise en culture de ces foies fƓtaux Ă  E13,5 rĂ©vĂšle une atteinte des prĂ©curseurs hĂ©matopoĂ©tiques.L’étude de ces prĂ©curseurs Ă  des stades plus prĂ©coces (E8,5) est en cours au laboratoire.Nos rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent donc un rĂŽle important de l’ARN interfĂ©rence dans le contrĂŽle Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tique de l’angiogenĂšse et de la lymphangiogenĂšse embryonnaire mais Ă©galement dans le dĂ©veloppement de l’hĂ©matopoiĂšse, suggĂ©rant son implication dans la diffĂ©renciation veino-lymphangiogenĂšse, dont les mĂ©canismes molĂ©culaires seront discutĂ©s

    Influence of Workload on Auditory Evoked Potentials in a Single-stimulus Paradigm

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    Mental workload can be assessed via neurophysiological markers. Temporal features such as event related potentials (ERPs) are one of those which are very often described in the literature. However, most of the studies that evaluate their sensitivity to workload use secondary tasks. Yet potentials elicited by ignored stimuli could provide mental state monitoring systems with less intrusive probing methods. For instance, auditory probing systems could be used in adaptive driving or e-learning applications. This study evaluates how workload influences auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) elicited by a single-stimulus paradigm when probes are to be ignored. Ten participants performed a Sternberg memory task on a touchpad with three levels of difficulty plus a view-only condition. In addition, they performed two ecological tasks of their choice, one deemed easy (e.g. reading novels), and the other difficult (e.g. programming). AEPs were elicited thanks to pure tones presented during the memory task retention period, and during the whole extent of the external tasks. Performance and AEPs were recorded and analyzed. Participants’ accuracy decreased linearly with increasing workload, whereas the difference in amplitude between the P3 and its adjacent components, N2 and SW, increased. This reveals the relevance of this triphasic sequence for mental workload assessment

    Poly(4-vinyl pyridine) radiografted PVDF track etched membranes as sensors for monitoring trace mercury in water

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    International audiencePoly-4-vinyl pyridine chains were radiografted inside the etched-tracks of PVDF nanoporous membrane. P4VP grafting was found to be localized on the solid PVDF surface. Coating of these PVDF-g-P4VP membranes with a very thin layer of gold results in an ASV electrochemical sensor. Functionalized ion track-etched PVDF-g-P4VP sensors were found very selective and highly sensitive for mercury LOD 5 ng/L. a b s t r a c t By a radiation-induced grafting technique, we have functionalized track-etched nanoporous polymer membranes with mercury sensitive poly-4-vinyl pyridine (P4VP). Coating of these membranes with a very thin layer of gold results in an electrochemical sensor that is very selective and highly sensitive for mercury LOD 5 ng/L – well below the norms for water (0.015 mg/L potable water and 0.5 mg/L residual waters-French water norms of 27 October 2011). E-beam irradiation permitted optimization of the radiografting synthesis on PVDF thin films prior to ion-track grafting. Synthesis and characterization by EPR, FESEM and FTIR are described in detail. A comparison between FTIR in ATR and transmission modes enabled us to localize the grafting on the surface of the e-beam irradiated PVDF films allowing us to extrapolate what happens on the etched tracks. Using Square Wave Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (SW-ASV), mercury concentrations of 1 mg/L are detected in 2 h and low ng/L concentrations are detected after 24 h of adsorption. The adsorption is passive so sensors do not require instrumentation and the analysis takes only 3–4 min. Also, the P4VP functionalized sensor appears insensitive to pH variations (pHs 3–9), high salt concentrations (up to 1 g/ L) and the presence of other heavy metals in the same solution.

    Extended states in 1D lattices: application to quasiperiodic copper-mean chain

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    The question of the conditions under which 1D systems support extended electronic eigenstates is addressed in a very general context. Using real space renormalisation group arguments we discuss the precise criteria for determining the entire spertrum of extended eigenstates and the corresponding eigenfunctions in disordered as well as quasiperiodic systems. For purposes of illustration we calculate a few selected eigenvalues and the corresponding extended eigenfunctions for the quasiperiodic copper-mean chain. So far, for the infinite copper-mean chain, only a single energy has been numerically shown to support an extended eigenstate [ You et al. (1991)] : we show analytically that there is in fact an infinite number of extended eigenstates in this lattice which form fragmented minibands.Comment: 10 pages + 2 figures available on request; LaTeX version 2.0

    Looking inside the black box : a theory-based process evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial of printed educational materials (the Ontario printed educational message, OPEM) to improve referral and prescribing practices in primary care in Ontario, Canada

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    Background: Randomised controlled trials of implementation strategies tell us whether (or not) an intervention results in changes in professional behaviour but little about the causal mechanisms that produce any change. Theory-based process evaluations collect data on theoretical constructs alongside randomised trials to explore possible causal mechanisms and effect modifiers. This is similar to measuring intermediate endpoints in clinical trials to further understand the biological basis of any observed effects (for example, measuring lipid profiles alongside trials of lipid lowering drugs where the primary endpoint could be reduction in vascular related deaths). This study protocol describes a theory-based process evaluation alongside the Ontario Printed Educational Message (OPEM) trial. We hypothesize that the OPEM interventions are most likely to operate through changes in physicians' behavioural intentions due to improved attitudes or subjective norms with little or no change in perceived behavioural control. We will test this hypothesis using a well-validated social cognition model, the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) that incorporates these constructs. Methods/design: We will develop theory-based surveys using standard methods based upon the TPB for the second and third replications, and survey a subsample of Ontario family physicians from each arm of the trial two months before and six months after the dissemination of the index edition of informed, the evidence based newsletter used for the interventions. In the third replication, our study will converge with the "TRY-ME" protocol (a second study conducted alongside the OPEM trial), in which the content of educational messages was constructed using both standard methods and methods informed by psychological theory. We will modify Dillman's total design method to maximise response rates. Preliminary analyses will initially assess the internal reliability of the measures and use regression to explore the relationships between predictor and dependent variable (intention to advise diabetic patients to have annual retinopathy screening and to prescribe thiazide diuretics for first line treatment of uncomplicated hypertension). We will then compare groups using methods appropriate for comparing independent samples to determine whether there have been changes in the predicted constructs (attitudes, subjective norms, or intentions) across the study groups as hypothesised, and will assess the convergence between the process evaluation results and the main trial results.The OPEM trial and OPEM process evaluation are funded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR). The OPEM process evaluation study was developed as part of the CIHR funded interdisciplinary capacity enhancement team KT-ICEBeRG. Gaston Godin, Jeremy Grimshaw and France Légaré hold Canada Research Chairs. Louise Lemyre holds an R.S. McLaughlin Research Chair

    Statistical properties of microcracking in polyurethane foams under tensile test, influence of temperature and density

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    We report tensile failure experiments on polyurethane (PU) foams. Experiments have been performed by imposing a constant strain rate. We work on heterogeneous materials for whom the failure does not occur suddenly and can develop as a multistep process through a succession of microcracks that end at pores. The acoustic energy and the waiting times between acoustic events follow power-law distributions. This remains true while the foam density is varied. However, experiments at low temperatures (PU foams more brittle) have not yielded power-laws for the waiting times. The cumulative acoustic energy has no power law divergence at the proximity of the failure point which is qualitatively in agreement with other experiments done at imposed strain. We notice a plateau in cumulative acoustic energy that seems to occur when a single crack starts to propagate
