101 research outputs found

    Unexplained Gaps and Oaxaca-Blinder Decompositions

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    We analyze four methods to measure unexplained gaps in mean outcomes: three decompositions based on the seminal work of Oaxaca (1973) and Blinder (1973) and an approach involving a seemingly naïve regression that includes a group indicator variable. Our analysis yields two principal findings. We show that the coefficient on a group indicator variable from an OLS regression is an attractive approach for obtaining a single measure of the unexplained gap. We also show that a commonly-used pooling decomposition systematically overstates the contribution of observable characteristics to mean outcome differences when compared to OLS regression, therefore understating unexplained differences. We then provide three empirical examples that explore the practical importance of our analytic results.discrimination, decompositions

    Unexplained Gaps and Oaxaca-Blinder Decompositions

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    We analyze four methods to measure unexplained gaps in mean outcomes: three decompositions based on the seminal work of Oaxaca (1973) and Blinder (1973) and an approach involving a seemingly naive regression that includes a group indicator variable. Our analysis yields two principal findings. We show that the coefficient on a group indicator variable from an OLS regression is an attractive approach for obtaining a single measure of the unexplained gap. We also show that a commonly-used pooling decomposition systematically overstates the contribution of observable characteristics to mean outcome differences when compared to OLS regression, therefore understating unexplained differences. We then provide three empirical examples that explore the practical importance of our analytic results

    Transgenic Rescue of the LARGEmyd Mouse: A LARGE Therapeutic Window?

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    LARGE is a glycosyltransferase involved in glycosylation of α-dystroglycan (α-DG). Absence of this protein in the LARGEmyd mouse results in α-DG hypoglycosylation, and is associated with central nervous system abnormalities and progressive muscular dystrophy. Up-regulation of LARGE has previously been proposed as a therapy for the secondary dystroglycanopathies: overexpression in cells compensates for defects in multiple dystroglycanopathy genes. Counterintuitively, LARGE overexpression in an FKRP-deficient mouse exacerbates pathology, suggesting that modulation of α-DG glycosylation requires further investigation. Here we demonstrate that transgenic expression of human LARGE (LARGE-LV5) in the LARGEmyd mouse restores α-DG glycosylation (with marked hyperglycosylation in muscle) and that this corrects both the muscle pathology and brain architecture. By quantitative analyses of LARGE transcripts we also here show that levels of transgenic and endogenous LARGE in the brains of transgenic animals are comparable, but that the transgene is markedly overexpressed in heart and particularly skeletal muscle (20–100 fold over endogenous). Our data suggest LARGE overexpression may only be deleterious under a forced regenerative context, such as that resulting from a reduction in FKRP: in the absence of such a defect we show that systemic expression of LARGE can indeed act therapeutically, and that even dramatic LARGE overexpression is well-tolerated in heart and skeletal muscle. Moreover, correction of LARGEmyd brain pathology with only moderate, near-physiological LARGE expression suggests a generous therapeutic window

    Prenatal muscle development in a mouse model for the secondary dystroglycanopathies

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    The defective glycosylation of α-dystroglycan is associated with a group of muscular dystrophies that are collectively referred to as the secondary dystroglycanopathies. Mutations in the gene encoding fukutin-related protein (FKRP) are one of the most common causes of secondary dystroglycanopathy in the UK and are associated with a wide spectrum of disease. Whilst central nervous system involvement has a prenatal onset, no studies have addressed prenatal muscle development in any of the mouse models for this group of diseases. In view of the pivotal role of α-dystroglycan in early basement membrane formation, we sought to determine if the muscle formation was altered in a mouse model of FKRP-related dystrophy

    Genome-Wide SNP Analysis Reveals Distinct Origins of Trypanosoma evansi and Trypanosoma equiperdum.

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    YesTrypanosomes cause a variety of diseases in man and domestic animals in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. In the Trypanozoon subgenus, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense and Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense cause human African trypanosomiasis, whereas Trypanosoma brucei brucei, Trypanosoma evansi, and Trypanosoma equiperdum are responsible for nagana, surra, and dourine in domestic animals, respectively. The genetic relationships between T. evansi and T. equiperdum and other Trypanozoon species remain unclear because the majority of phylogenetic analyses has been based on only a few genes. In this study, we have conducted a phylogenetic analysis based on genome-wide SNP analysis comprising 56 genomes from the Trypanozoon subgenus. Our data reveal that T. equiperdum has emerged at least once in Eastern Africa and T. evansi at two independent occasions in Western Africa. The genomes within the T. equiperdum and T. evansi monophyletic clusters show extremely little variation, probably due to the clonal spread linked to the independence from tsetse flies for their transmission.Funding was received from the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO, grants 1501413N and 1101614N) and the European DG Health and Food Safety (SANTE). We thank the Center of Medical Genetics at the University of Antwerp for hosting the NGS facility

    Maternal immunity enhances systemic recall immune responses upon oral immunization of piglets with F4 fimbriae

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    F4 enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) cause diarrhoea and mortality in piglets leading to severe economic losses. Oral immunization of piglets with F4 fimbriae induces a protective intestinal immune response evidenced by an F4-specific serum and intestinal IgA response. However, successful oral immunization of pigs with F4 fimbriae in the presence of maternal immunity has not been demonstrated yet. In the present study we aimed to evaluate the effect of maternal immunity on the induction of a systemic immune response upon oral immunization of piglets. Whereas F4-specific IgG and IgA could be induced by oral immunization of pigs without maternal antibodies and by intramuscular immunization of pigs with maternal antibodies, no such response was seen in the orally immunized animals with maternal antibodies. Since maternal antibodies can mask an antibody response, we also looked by ELIspot assays for circulating F4-specific antibody secreting cells (ASCs). Enumerating the F4-specific ASCs within the circulating peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and the number of F4-specific IgA ASCs within the circulating IgA+ B-cells revealed an F4-specific immune response in the orally immunized animals with maternal antibodies. Interestingly, results suggest a more robust IgA booster response by oral immunization of pigs with than without maternal antibodies. These results demonstrate that oral immunization of piglets with F4-specific maternal antibodies is feasible and that these maternal antibodies seem to enhance the secondary systemic immune response. Furthermore, our ELIspot assay on enriched IgA+ B-cells could be used as a screening procedure to optimize mucosal immunization protocols in pigs with maternal immunity

    Improving Access to Health Care: What Can the States Do?

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    This book features a dozen essays addressing access to health care.health care, access, states

    Can Insurance Cause Medical Care Spending to Grow too Rapidly?

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    Im Mittelpunkt dieses Beitrags steht die Frage, ob wettbewerbsfähige Krankenversicherungsmärkte und wettbewerbsfähige Märkte für medizinische Leistungen zu effizienten Wachstumsraten von qualitätsverbessernden, aber kostensteigernden Technologien führen. Der Beitrag zeigt, dass es auf der einen Seite vielerlei Gründe gibt, warum diese Wachstumsraten unter dem Optimum liegen können. Andererseits ist es schwierig, ökonomische Modelle zu entwickeln, die ein übermäßiges Wachstum und die damit verbundenen Kosten gleichzeitig abbilden. Wenn Krankenkassen es ablehnen können, neue Leistungen zu versichern, werden neue Technologien, die zu einer Wohlfahrtsminderung führen, nicht eingeführt. Dies trifft auch dann zu, wenn die Krankenkassen durch gesetzliche oder administrative Regelungen dazu verpflichtet werden, die gleiche Selbstbeteiligung für alle von der Versicherung abgedeckten Leistungen anzubieten. Die Folge ist, dass der relativ hohe technologiebedingte Kostenanstieg in weniger regulierten Gesundheitssystemen (wie dem der USA) mit einer größeren Wirtschaftlichkeit verbunden sein kann als geringere Wachstumsraten in staatlich regulierten Gesundheitssystemen wie den europäischen. Abstract This paper investigates the question of whether competitive markets in health insurance and in medical services will lead to efficient rates of growth in quality-improving but cost-increasing technology. It is shown that there are a number of reasons why the rate will be below the optimum, but that it is very difficult to develop models which display excess growth in technology and associated costs. As long as insurers are permitted to reject new services for coverage, new technologies which reduce welfare will not be adopted. This is true even if insurers are constrained by law or administrative to costs to provide the same coinsurance and deductibles for all covered services. The implication is that the relatively high technology driven cost increases in private health care systems (such in the United States) may represent greater efficiency than do the slower rates of growth in government-constrained systems