31 research outputs found

    Adolescents' medicine use for headache : Secular trends in 20 countries from 1986 to 2010

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    Funding Information: The authors thank the Nordea Foundation (02-2011-0122) for financial support. Publisher Copyright: © 2015 The Author. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Public Health Association. All rights reserved.Background: This study reports secular trends in medicine use for headache among adolescents in 20 countries from 1986 to 2010. Methods: The international Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey includes self-reported data about medicine use for headaches among nationally representative samples of 11-, 13- and 15-year-olds. We included 20 countries with data from at least three data collection waves, with a total of 380 129 participants. Results: The prevalence of medicine use for headaches varied from 16.5% among Hungarian boys in 1994 to 62.9% among girls in Wales in 1998. The prevalence was higher among girls than boys in every country and data collection year. The prevalence of medicine use for headaches increased in 12 of 20 countries, most notably in the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, Sweden and Wales. Conclusion: The prevalence of medicine use for headaches among adolescents is high and increasing in many countries. As some medicines are toxic this may constitute a public health problem.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Developing the model for cross-sectoral cooperation for promoting health and wellbeing

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    In the rapidly progressing world where different sectors become more interconnected, cross-sectoral cooperation in health promotion lacks a specific set of instruments, navigating partners through the cooperation process in project implementation. Cross-sectoral cooperation is an everyday practice in business and has become an integral part of promoting health and wellbeing comprehensively and sustainably. In this paper, we propose a developed Model for cross-sectoral cooperation, which has been designed within the Interreg Baltic Sea Region project “Urban Labs for Better Health for All in the Baltic Sea Region” (Healthy Boost), aiming to boost cross-sectoral cooperation for health and wellbeing in cities and municipalities. The Model is developed based on literature research and self-assessment of cross-sectoral cooperation for health promotion in Healthy Boost partner cities and municipalities in Latvia, Poland, Russia, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Sweden. Composed of five major domains (risk identification, leadership, coordination, communication, and motivation) and four stages of cooperation (mapping, planning, implementation, and assessment), it provides a checklist of helpful questions for identifying solutions effectively and systematically. The Model can be used both as a navigational tool and as an “emergency” tool to manage cross-sectoral cooperation challenges successfully.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    How Are Adolescents Sleeping? Adolescent Sleep Patterns and Sociodemographic Differences in 24 European and North American Countries

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    © 2020 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Purpose: Insufficient and poor sleep patterns are common among adolescents worldwide. Up to now, the evidence on adolescent sleep has been mostly informed by country-specific studies that used different measures and age groups, making direct comparisons difficult. Cross-national data on adolescent sleep that could inform nations and international discussions are lacking. We examined the sleep patterns of adolescents across 24 countries and by gender, age, and affluence groups. Methods: We obtained sleep data on 165,793 adolescents (mean age 13.5 years; 50.5% girls) in 24 European and North American countries from the recent cross-sectional Health Behaviour in School-aged Children surveys (2013–2014 and 2017–2018). For each country, we calculated the age-standardized mean in sleep duration, timing, and consistency and the proportions meeting sleep recommendations on school and nonschool days from self-reported bedtimes and wake times. We conducted stratified analyses by gender, age, and family affluence group. Results: Adolescent sleep patterns varied cross-nationally. The average sleep duration ranged between 7:47 and 9:07 hours on school days and between 9:31 and 10:22 hours on nonschool days, and the proportion of adolescents meeting sleep recommendations ranged between 32% and 86% on school days and between 79% and 92% on nonschool days. Sleep patterns by gender and affluence groups were largely similar, but older adolescents slept less and went to bed later on school days than younger adolescents in all countries. Conclusions: The sleep patterns of adolescents vary across countries and sociodemographic groups. Insufficient sleep on school days is common in many countries. Public health and policy efforts to promote healthy adolescent sleep are encouraged.The work was supported by the European Regional Development Fund-Project "Effective Use of Social Research Studies for Practice" (No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_025/0007294) and by funding from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (ÉTA TL01000335) and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Inter-Excellence, LTT18020 (HBSC Czech Republic); the Public Health Agency of Canada (HBSC Canada); the Juho Vainio Foundation and the University of Jyvaskyla (HBSC Finland); and the Portugal- National Foundation for Science and Technology (HBSC Portugal).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Yield and content of biogenic elements in tomato fruit at different NaCl concentrations in nutrient solution

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    Kakvoću svježih plodova rajčice, osobito sadržaj minerala moguće je poboljšati povećanjem EC-vrijednosti, odnosno koncentracije NaCl-a u hranivoj otopini bez značajnijeg smanjenja prinosa. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 2004. i 2005. godine na sorti Belle, u hidroponima na pločama kamene vune s ciljem utvrđivanja utjecaja povećane koncentracije NaCl-a u hranivoj otopini na prinos rajčice i sadržaj biogenih elemenata u plodu. Pokus je postavljen po metodi slučajnog bloknog rasporeda u četiri ponavljanja, a uzorkovanje je provedeno u tri roka berbe. Hraniva otopina EC-vrijednosti 2 dS/m korištena je kao kontrola, a povećane ECvrijednosti su postignute dodavanjem NaCl-a u standardnu hranivu otopinu, 0,05 % pri 3 dS/m, 0,125 % pri 4,5 dS/m i 0,2 % pri 6 dS/m. Najveći prinos zabilježen je pri fertirigaciji standardnom hranivom otopinom i varirao je od 2,06 do 2,60 kg/biljci u 2004. i od 3,41 do 5,19 kg/biljci u 2005. Koncentracije 0,05 i 0,125 % NaCl-a rezultirale su statistički jednakim prinosom i sadržajem biogenih elemenata, a koncentracija 0,2 % NaCl-a signifikantno manjim vrijednostima navedenih parametara. Povećanjem koncentracije NaCl-a ostvareno je značajno povećanje sadržaja suhe tvari koje je proporcionalno povećanju NaCl-a u hranivoj otopini.Quality of fresh tomato fruits, especially mineral content can be improved by increasing the EC value, or the concentration of NaCl in the nutrient solution without a significant reduction in yield. The study was conducted during the years of 2004 and 2005 with Belle tomato variety in hydroponics rock wool slabs in order to determine the impact of increased concentrations of NaCl in the nutrient solution on tomato yield and content of biogenic elements in the fruit compared to the standard solution without added NaCl and the EC-value of 2 dS/m. The experiment was set in a randomized complete block design with four replications and sampling was conducted in three harvests. The nutrient solution with EC-value of 2 dS/m was used as a control and increased EC-values were achieved by adding NaCl in the standard nutrient solution, 0.05% at 3 dS/m, 0.125% at 4.5 dS/m and 0.2% at 6 dS/m. The highest yield was recorded with a standard nutrient solution treatment and ranged from 2.06 to 2.60 kg/plant in 2004 and from 3.41 to 5.19 kg/plant in 2004. In comparison to the standard solution without added NaCl, the concentration of 0.05 and 0.125% NaCl resulted in statistically equivalent yield and content of biogenic elements, and the concentration of 0.2% NaCl with reasonably smaller values of these parameters. Increasing NaCl recorded a significant increase in dry matter content, which is proportional to the increase of NaCl in the nutrient solution

    Adolescents perception of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and associated mental health and well-being: gender, age and socioeconomic differences in 22 countries

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    Background: The COVID-19-pandemic has had a profound impact on the lives of adolescents worldwide. This study examined the subjective perception of the COVID-19 pandemic measures and its association with mental health and well-being (i.e., loneliness, life satisfaction and multiple health complaints) among 13- and 15-years-old adolescents from 22 countries. Methods: Data from the cross-national Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) 2021/22 study were used from representative samples of 22 countries (N = 67,544; 51.9% girls). The self-perceived impact of COVID-19 measure comprised 10 items asking about the impact on several dimensions of adolescent lives (e.g., relationships with family and friends, health, or eating behaviours). Measures of loneliness, multiple health complaints, and life satisfaction were included as indicators of mental health and well-being. A non-parametric multilevel latent class analysis considering individual and country-levels was conducted to identify classes of self-perceived impact of the COVID-19 measures. Multilevel logistic regression models adjusted by age and socioeconomic status were applied to assess the association between COVID-19 measure impact classes and mental health. Results: Three classes were identified on individual level encompassing a neutral (51%), positive (31%), or negative (18%) perception of COVID-19 measures. A third of the adolescents reported a positive impact of the pandemic measures. The distribution of classes was heterogeneous within and across countries. Within the positive COVID-19 measure impact class, social relationships were the most important dimension, whereas mental health problems were mostly represented within the negative COVID-19 measure impact class. Girls with a negative perception of pandemic measures showed higher levels of loneliness and multiple health complaints and lower life satisfaction. 15-year-old adolescents and those with a low socioeconomic status reported higher levels of loneliness and lower life satisfaction. Conclusions: The majority of adolescents perceived the pandemic measures as neutral or positive. Girls, 15-year-old adolescents, and those with low socioeconomic status were at higher risk of suffering from pandemic measures and associated problems of loneliness, multiple health complaints, and low life satisfaction. We conclude that adolescent’s mental health and well-being should be considered in the decision-making process by ensuring that the unique challenges of adolescents are adequately addressed in policies

    Pain and moderate to vigorous physical activity in adolescence : An international population-based survey

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2015 American Academy of Pain Medicine. All rights reserved.Objective. To evaluate whether individual types of pain (headache, stomach-ache, and backache) or multiple pains affect the odds of young people achieving the recommended 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) per day in a large representative sample. Design. Multicenter cross-sectional survey. Setting. Twenty-eight countries across Europe and North America. Subjects. Adolescents (N 5 242,103). Methods. An analysis of data collected in two waves (2001/02 and 2005/06) of the health behavior in school-aged children (HBSC) study was performed. Survey questions included the HBSC symptoms checklist and the amount of regular physical activity. Multilevel logistic regression was used to account for clustering effect of MVPA within countries. Models investigated the relationship between pain and physical activity, adjusted for the HBSC study year. Six models were conducted separately for gender and age-group (11, 13, and 15 years) strata. Results. In general, the presence of pain was associated with reduced physical activity. Headache alone was associated with reduced physical activity in all six strata (odd ratios 0.77-0.84), stomach-ache alone in five strata (0.77-0.92), and backache alone in four strata (0.86-0.96). In 11- and 13-year-old girls, headache, stomach-ache, and backache, individually and in combination, were associated with decreased odds of being physically active (odds ratios ranging from 0.73 to 0.91). Within the other four age and gender strata, the relationship was less consistent. Conclusion. Pain is associated with reduced physical activity in adolescents but this association varies according to gender, age, and the type of pain experienced.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Developing the model for cross-sectoral cooperation for promoting health and wellbeing

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    In the rapidly progressing world where different sectors become more interconnected, cross-sectoral cooperation in health promotion lacks a specific set of instruments, navigating partners through the cooperation process in project implementation. Cross-sectoral cooperation is an everyday practice in business and has become an integral part of promoting health and wellbeing comprehensively and sustainably. In this paper, we propose a developed Model for cross-sectoral cooperation, which has been designed within the Interreg Baltic Sea Region project “Urban Labs for Better Health for All in the Baltic Sea Region” (Healthy Boost), aiming to boost cross-sectoral cooperation for health and wellbeing in cities and municipalities. The Model is developed based on literature research and self-assessment of cross-sectoral cooperation for health promotion in Healthy Boost partner cities and municipalities in Latvia, Poland, Russia, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Sweden. Composed of five major domains (risk identification, leadership, coordination, communication, and motivation) and four stages of cooperation (mapping, planning, implementation, and assessment), it provides a checklist of helpful questions for identifying solutions effectively and systematically. The Model can be used both as a navigational tool and as an “emergency” tool to manage cross-sectoral cooperation challenges successfully

    Self-reported health and patterns of romantic love in adolescents from eight European countries and regions

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    Purpose: Sexual minority youth (SMY) are at increased risk of poor health, but it remains unclear whether this phenomenon is universal. In this study, nationally representative samples of 15-year olds from eight European countries and regions were investigated to test if adolescents who have been in love with same- or both-gender partners report poorer health than those exclusively in love with opposite-gender partners or who have never been in love. Methods: A subsample of 13,674 adolescents participating in the 2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study was used. We conducted binary logistic regression, adjusted for gender, region, and relative family affluence, to analyze associations between self-reported romantic love, multiple psychosomatic symptoms, and poor self-rated health. Results: Adolescents reporting same-gender love (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 1.50, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.11–2.02) and both-gender love (aOR = 3.57, 95% CI: 2.65–4.83) had significantly higher odds for multiple psychosomatic symptoms than those who reported opposite-gender love. Similarly, both SMY groups had higher odds of poor self-rated health (aOR = 2.95, 95% CI: 1.64–5.31 and aOR = 3.08, 95% CI: 1.79–5.31, respectively). Those who reported that they have never been in love had significantly lower odds for multiple symptoms. Adjustment for sociodemographic variables and stratifying by gender did not substantially change the odds ratios. Conclusion: Adolescents in love with same- and both-gender partners reported poorer subjective health outcomes than those in love with opposite-gender partners or who reported never being in love, suggesting that SMY health inequalities are found across various European countries and regions.This research was supported by the following agencies and bodies: HBSC Belgium Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles is funded by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FWB), the Office of Birth and Childhood (ONE), the Walloon Region, and the Brussels-Capital Region. HBSC Bulgaria is funded by UNICEF-Bulgaria. HBSC England is funded by the Department of Health and Social Care. HBSC France is funded by Santé Publique France and French Monitoring Centre for Drug Use and Addiction (OFDT). HBSC Hungary is funded by ELTE Eötvös Loránd University. HBSC Iceland is funded by grants from the Icelandic Directorate of Health, Kaupfelag Eyfirdinga (KEA) and the University of Akureyri. North Macedonia is funded by the United Nations Population Fund/United Nations Development Programme. HBSC Switzerland is funded by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health and most of the Swiss cantons. The study was funded, in part, by grant number FDN 154335 from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (E.M.S., Principal Investigator).peer-reviewe