1,170 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja Perawat dengan Kepuasan Pasien di RSUD Prof. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe: The Relationship between Quality of Nurse’s Work Life and Patient Satisfaction at Prof. Dr. H. ALoei Saboe Hospital

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    Kualitas kehidupan kerja merupakan kondisi yang ditunjukkan sebagai pemikiran dan tindakan pegawai tentang kondisi fisik dan psikologis terhadap pekerjaan yang dilakukan, untuk mencapai rasa aman, puas dan mampu berkembang sebagaimana layaknya manusia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif. Desain penelitian analitik korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Dengan populasi 30 pasien dan 30 perawat. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel total sampling untuk perawat dan accidental sampling untuk pasien. Hasil penelitian didapatkan kualitas kehidupan kerja perawat dengan kepuasan pasien sebanyak 12 responden (40,0%) memiliki kualitas kehidupan kerja perawat yang baik dengan tingkat kepuasan pasien tinggi sebanyak 9 responden (30.0%), tingkat kepuasan cukup sebanyak 2 responden (6,7%) dan kepuasan kurang sebanyak 1 responden (3,3%). Sedangkan kualitas kehidupan kerja perawat cukup sebanyak 18 responden (60.0%) dengan tingkat kepuasan pasien tinggi sebanyak 5 responden (16,7%), dan kepuasan pasien cukup sebanyak 13 responden (43,3%). Hasil dari uji Fisher test diperoleh p value 0,399 (P value < 0,05). Disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan kualitas kehidupan kerja perawat dengan kepuasan pasien RSUD Prof. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe. Keterbatasan penelitian ini adalah jumlah responden yang masih belum bisa menggambarkan keadaan sebenarnya. Oleh karena itu, saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya harusnya bisa mengambil jumlah sampel yang lebih banyak dan menilai sikap serta perilaku responden saat memberikan informasi melalui kuesioner

    Recurrent neuroendocrine adenoma of the middle ear: A case report

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    Les historiens, qui sont rarement des oiseaux de très bon augure pour la vitalité des croyances qu’ils étudient, ont beaucoup écrit, depuis les années 1970, sur le purgatoire, ce troisième « lieu » de l’au-delà catholique, situé entre enfer et paradis. Support d’une dévotion très populaire, il a connu en Europe trois pics successifs de popularité, à la fin du Moyen Âge, au xviie et au xixe siècles. Le dogme et la croyance ont ainsi puissamment structuré dans la longue durée le rapport aux morts dans les sociétés de culture catholique, en leur conférant une « utilité » particulière, à la fois matérielle, institutionnelle, pastorale et anthropologique, que cet article s’efforce d’explorer.Historians are people who rarely contribute to the continued vitality of the beliefs they study. Since the 1970’s they have written a lot about purgatory, the third place in the catholic beyond. This is situated in between hell and paradise. The belief was the basis of a very popular cult which peaked in popularity in three different periods, one at the end of the Middle Ages, another in the seventeenth and a third in the nineteenth century. The dogma and the belief in purgatory have thus for long periods powerfully structured the relation to the dead in catholic cultures and have given these a particular “usefulness” whether this concerns material, institutional, pastoral or anthropological aspects. The paper attempts to explore these issues

    Notification of Security Threats on the Internet Proxy Server is a Server-based Short Message Service (SMS )

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    Defense system against interference when the activity is generally done manually by the administrator. This resulted in the integrity of the system depends on the availability and speed of the administrator in response to disturbance. In the current era of information technology, almost all information is important for an institution can be accessed by its users. Disclosure of such access raises new security issues in part of a computer network system that is very important to maintain the validity and integrity of data and ensure availability of services for its users.In this issue then designed a system to detect any interference. The detection is based filtering on the port service, using the programming language Delphi 7. The data obtained from the filtered traffic data packets passing the proxy server. By building a system that can work automatically and in real time, then perform the detection of intruders or illegal activities which will then be reported to the administrator.With this administrator can find out the use of illegal ports through port filter techniques on the traffic data service in and out in real time, from both internal and external networks. Administrators can do the monitoring without having to depend on availability. With such a system administrator can perform tasks more efficiently in maintaining the validity and integrity of data


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    Bahasa merupakan sebuah alat untuk berkomunikasi berinteraksi, dalam arti alat untuk menyampaikan pikiran, gagasan, konsep atau perasaan. Bahasa dapat diartikan sebagai sebuah sistem lambang, berupa bunyi, bersifat arbitrer, produktif, dinamis, beragam dan manusiawi. Bahasa daerah merupakan kekayaan budaya bangsa, punahnya bahasa berarti hilangnya kekayaan budaya bangsa. Padahal bahasa menyimpan banyak pengetahuan dan nilai-nilai berharga yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menghadapi tantangan dan masalah di masa depan, Bahasa Taliabu adalah bahasa yang digunakan oleh etnis Taliabu yang terletak di propinsi Maluku Utara, Semakin berkurangnya penggunaan bahasa Taliabu dalam komunikasi sehari-hari, terutama bagi generasi muda dan masyarakat suku Taliabu yang berpenduduk di dalam maupun luar daerah disebabkan oleh perkembangan zaman dan terkikisnya budaya-budaya daerah oleh dampak modernisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain sebuah aplikasi kamus bahasa Taliabu berbasis Android, yang akan memudahkan masyarakat dalam mempelajari kosa kata dalam bahasa Taliabu serta melestarikan bahasa Taliabu itu sendiri. Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan menggunakan Android Studio, Sqlite Manager dan diimplementasikan dalam sistem operasi Mobile yaitu Android. . Metode analisis data yang digunakan yaitu waterfall (air terjun) dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut : Analysis, desain, implementation, testing, dan maintenance. Pengujian sistem menggunakan metode pengujian testcase yakni whitebox, dan blackbo


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    AbstractThe rapid development of technology and the influence of the environment is very instrumental in shaping adolescents. There are many cases involving teenagers, this is a problem in the process of Islamic education in adolescents. Therefore, BTM Al-Fatah decided to establish youth mosque in order to avoid them from this influence. This research aimed to know how the coaching pattern of personality and religious adolescent Al-Fatah mosque. The data analysis used was qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the emphasis is on the pattern of mosque youth coaching through the alignment of mosque youth activities with BTM activities, hence they might synergize and strengthen each other. There are studies about Islam to form an Islamic character for mosque youth and to support mosque youth activities such as quality training in Basic Leadership Training and skills training in computer training funded by BTM, attitude personality development, and refresher are almost similar to skills training. Efforts to overcome the problem are to continue to foster and support mosque youth activities in financial terms, creating a conducive environment when there are disputes between the management of BTM and the Imam of the Mosque and keep activating vacuum activities so that mosque youth can work and innovate in positive activities

    Leaders in Interdependent Contexts Suppress Nonverbal Assertiveness: A Multilevel Analysis of Japanese University Club Leaders' and Members' Rank Signaling

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    Previous research has shown that leadership is signaled through nonverbal assertiveness. However, those studies have been mostly conducted in individualistic cultural contexts, such as in the U.S. Here, we suggest that one important strategy for goal attainment in collectivistic cultures is for leaders to self-regulate their behaviors. Thus, contrary to the previous evidence from individualistic cultural contexts, in collectivistic cultural contexts, leaders might suppress nonverbal assertiveness. To test this possibility, we assessed nonverbal behaviors (NVB) of Japanese leaders and members, and how they were evaluated by observers. We recruited Japanese leaders and members of university clubs and video-recorded them while introducing their club. Then, we coded their nonverbal rank signaling behavior. Finally, we asked a new set of naïve observers to watch these video-clips and to judge targets’ suitability for being possible club leaders. Results of a multilevel analysis (level 1: individual participants, level 2: clubs) suggested that the more the club culture focused on tasks (rather than relationships), the more likely were leaders (but not members) of those clubs to suppress their nonverbal assertiveness. Naïve observers judged individuals who restrained from emitting nonverbal assertiveness as being more suitable and worthy club leaders. Thus, our findings demonstrate the cultural fit between contextual effects at the collective level (i.e., cultural orientation of a group) and the signaling and perceiving of social ranks at the individual level (i.e., suppression of nonverbal assertiveness). We discuss the importance of studying the cultural fit between the collective reality that people inhabit and people’s psychology for future research in cultural psychologyvariou

    VIP-expressing interneurons in the anterior insular cortex contribute to sensory processing to regulate adaptive behavior

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    Adaptive behavior critically depends on the detection of behaviorally relevant stimuli. The anterior insular cortex (aIC) has long been proposed as a key player in the representation and integration of sensory stimuli, and implicated in a wide variety of cognitive and emotional functions. However, to date, little is known about the contribution of aIC interneurons to sensory processing. By using a combination of whole-brain connectivity tracing, imaging of neural calcium dynamics, and optogenetic modulation in freely moving mice across different experimental paradigms, such as fear conditioning and social preference, we describe here a role for aIC vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-expressing (VIP+) interneurons in mediating adaptive behaviors. Our findings enlighten the contribution of aIC VIP+ interneurons to sensory processing, showing that they are anatomically connected to a wide range of sensory-related brain areas and critically respond to behaviorally relevant stimuli independent of task and modality

    Pairwise covariance adds little to secondary structure prediction but improves the prediction of non-canonical local structure

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Amino acid sequence probability distributions, or profiles, have been used successfully to predict secondary structure and local structure in proteins. Profile models assume the statistical independence of each position in the sequence, but the energetics of protein folding is better captured in a scoring function that is based on pairwise interactions, like a force field.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>I-sites motifs are short sequence/structure motifs that populate the protein structure database due to energy-driven convergent evolution. Here we show that a pairwise covariant sequence model does not predict alpha helix or beta strand significantly better overall than a profile-based model, but it does improve the prediction of certain loop motifs. The finding is best explained by considering secondary structure profiles as multivariant, all-or-none models, which subsume covariant models. Pairwise covariance is nonetheless present and energetically rational. Examples of negative design are present, where the covariances disfavor non-native structures.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Measured pairwise covariances are shown to be statistically robust in cross-validation tests, as long as the amino acid alphabet is reduced to nine classes. An updated I-sites local structure motif library that provides sequence covariance information for all types of local structure in globular proteins and a web server for local structure prediction are available at <url>http://www.bioinfo.rpi.edu/bystrc/hmmstr/server.php</url>.</p

    Salvage high-dose chemotherapy for children with extragonadal germ-cell tumours

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    We reviewed the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) experience with salvage high-dose chemotherapy (HDC) in paediatric patients with extragonadal germ-cell tumour (GCT). A total of 23 children with extragonadal GCT, median age 12 years (range 1–20), were treated with salvage HDC with haematopoietic progenitor cell support. The GCT primary location was intracranial site in nine cases, sacrococcyx in eight, retroperitoneum in four, and mediastinum in two. In all, 22 patients had a nongerminomatous GCT and one germinoma. Nine patients received HDC in first- and 14 in second- or third-relapse situation. No toxic deaths occurred. Overall, 16 of 23 patients (70%) achieved a complete remission. With a median follow-up of 66 months (range 31–173 months), 10 (43%) are continuously disease-free. Of six patients who had a disease recurrence after HDC, one achieved a disease-free status with surgical resection followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In total, 11 patients (48%) are currently disease-free. Eight of 14 patients (57%) with extracranial primary and three of nine patients (33%) with intracranial primary GCT are currently disease-free. HDC induced impressive long-term remissions as salvage treatment in children with extragonadal extracranial GCTs. Salvage HDC should be investigated in prospective trials in these patients