3,442 research outputs found

    Smart cities and citizen engagement: Evidence from Twitter data analysis on Italian municipalities

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    Smart cities are increasingly keen to establish a fruitful conversation with their citizens, to better capture their needs, and create virtual platforms for stimulating co-creation processes between government and users, with the final objective of increasing the quality of life and well-being. Social media applications provide an opportunity for dialogic communication, where, for a relatively low cost, a large amount of information reaching a wide audience can be published and exchanged in real time, fueling opportunities for citizens' engagement. This study is based on a social media listening method, through Twitter data mining, which enabled disentangling different components of citizen engagement (popularity, commitment, and virality) for a sample of Italian municipalities. In addition, we executed a deep analysis of the types of communication artifacts exchanged and, through a content analysis of the tweets published by followers of the municipalities' accounts, we identified the main areas of interest in the social media conversations. Our results are based on the analysis of online conversations engaged by followers of Twitter accounts of a sample of 28 Italian municipalities, chosen among the most active and densely populated. We show that municipalities tend to use the Twitter account as a channel of communication to inform the population about a variety of topics, such as transport and public works, among the others. The volume of activity and number of followers (audience) vary from one municipality to the other. There is generally a negative relationship between the density of the population of a municipality and citizens' engagement: smaller municipalities show a higher citizens' engagement; the biggest ones, like Roma, Milan, Turin, Naples, are laggards. We finally conducted a city profiling process, which provides a representation of key citizens' segments in terms of engagement. Policymakers could find in our work useful tools to increase citizens' listening capacity

    Life satisfaction and musculoskeletal complaints in a population seeking osteopathy care: consecutive sample of 611 patients.

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    BackgroundLife satisfaction is a component of the subjective well-being construct. Research consistently suggests that life satisfaction is associated with enhanced social benefits and improved health outcomes. However, its relationship to musculoskeletal health outcomes is underexplored. This study evaluates the life satisfaction of a patient population presenting with musculoskeletal complaints, and the relationship of life satisfaction with other health demographics and behaviours.MethodThe study used a consecutive sampling design. Patients attending the Victoria University Osteopathy Clinic (Melbourne, Australia) were invited to complete the PROMIS® General Life Satisfaction scale (GLSS) along with questions related to health demographics and behaviours.ResultsThe GLSS T-score was not significantly different for gender, being born outside of Australia, speaking English at home, or complaint chronicity.ConclusionsLife satisfaction did not appear to be related to a range of health and demographic variables in the current musculoskeletal pain cohort. The PROMIS® General Life Satisfaction scale could prove useful to explore the relationship between life satisfaction and treatment outcomes for musculoskeletal complaints

    Surface modification of silicate, borosilicate and phosphate bioactive glasses to improve/control protein adsorption: PART I

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    Bioactive glasses (BGs) are promising for bone tissue regeneration. BG composition can be tailored, according to the application of interest, and/or functionalized with organic molecules/biomolecules to improve their performances. However, despite the wide knowledge concerning BGs, their interaction with proteins, fundamental for controlling the fate of the implant, has not been deeply investigated yet. Controlling or predicting protein adsorption requires a full understanding of the materials surface physico-chemical properties. In this work, four different BGs (S53P4, B25, SCNB, PhGlass) were surface-modified by four different treatments: 72 h-soaking in TRIS, 72 h soaking in simulated body fluid, APTES grafting and quaternized APTES grafting. The surfaces were then characterized both untreated and after each treatment by contact angle, zeta potential analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier Transform InfraRed–Attenuated Total Reflectance spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy. Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectrometry was then performed to investigate the ion leaching. The aim of this study (Part I) is the physico-chemical characterization of BGs as a function of the implemented treatments, aiming to better understand how the superficial properties are successively affecting protein adsorption. Protein adsorption on untreated and treated BGs will be discussed in a following manuscript (Part II)

    Effectiveness of 3D-printed orthoses for traumatic and chronic hand conditions: A scoping review

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    Background In the field of orthotics, the use of three-dimensional (3D) technology as an alternative to the conventional production process of orthoses is growing. Purpose This scoping review aimed to systematically map and summarize studies assessing the effectiveness of 3D-printed orthoses for traumatic and chronic hand conditions, and to identify knowledge gaps. Methods The Cochrane Library, PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science, IEEE, and PEDro were searched for studies of any type of 3D-printed orthoses for traumatic and chronic hand conditions. Any outcome related to the effectiveness of 3D-printed orthoses was considered. Two reviewers selected eligible studies, charted data on study characteristics by impairment type, and critically appraised the studies, except for case reports/series. Results Seventeen studies were included: Four randomized controlled trials, four uncontrolled trials, four case series and five case reports. Only three studies had a sample size >20. Impairments described were forearm fractures (n = 5), spasticity (n = 5), muscle weakness (n = 4), joint contractures (n = 2) and pain (n = 1). Four poor to fair quality studies on forearm fractures supported the effectiveness of 3D-printed orthoses on hand function, functionality, and satisfaction. One good quality study on spasticity demonstrated the effectiveness of 3D-printed orthoses on hand function. One poor quality pain study reported limited positive effects on satisfaction. Studies on muscle weakness and joint contractures showed no benefits. Conclusion Current literature addressing the effectiveness of 3D-printed orthoses for traumatic and chronic hand conditions consists primarily of small and poor methodological quality studies. There is a need for well-designed controlled trials including patient-related outcomes, production time and cost analyses

    Framing automatic grading techniques for open-ended questionnaires responses. A short survey

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    The assessment of students' performances is one of the essential components of teaching activities, and it poses different challenges to teachers and instructors, especially when considering the grading of responses to open-ended questions (i.e., short-answers or essays). Open-ended tasks allow a more in-depth assessment of students' learning levels, but their evaluation and grading are time-consuming and prone to subjective bias. For these reasons, automatic grading techniques have been studied for a long time, focusing mainly on short-answers rather than long essays. Given the growing popularity of Massive Online Open Courses and the shifting from physical to virtual classrooms environments due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the adoption of questionnaires for evaluating learning performances has rapidly increased. Hence, it is of particular interest to analyze the recent effort of researchers in the development of techniques designed to grade students' responses to open-ended questions. In our work, we consider a systematic literature review focusing on automatic grading of open-ended written assignments. The study encompasses 488 articles published from 1984 to 2021 and aims at understanding the research trends and the techniques to tackle essay automatic grading. Lastly, inferences and recommendations are given for future works in the Learning Analytics field

    HER2 Overexpression and Cytogenetical Patterns in Canine Mammary Carcinomas

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    Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) is a tyrosine kinase receptor that promotes tumor cell growth and is implicated in the pathogenesis of human breast cancer. The role of HER2 in canine mammary carcinomas (CMCs) is not clear. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the protein expression and cytogenetic changes of HER2 and their correlation with other clinical-pathological parameters in CMC. We retrospectively selected 112 CMCs. HER2, ER, and Ki67 were assessed by immunohistochemistry. HER2 antibody validation was investigated by immunoblot on mammary tumor cell lines. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was performed with probes for HER2 and CRYBA1 (control gene present on CFA9). HER2 protein overexpression was detected in 15 carcinomas (13.5%). A total of 90 carcinomas were considered technically adequate by FISH, and 8 out of 90 CMC (10%) were HER2 amplified, 3 of which showed a cluster-type pattern. HER2 overexpression was correlated with an increased number of HER2 gene copies (p = 0.01; R = 0.24) and overall survival (p = 0.03), but no correlation with ER, Ki67, grade, metastases, and tumor-specific survival was found. Surprisingly, co-amplification or polysomy was identified in three tumors, characterized by an increased copy number of both HER2 and CRYBA1. A morphological translocation-fusion pattern was recognized in 20 carcinomas (22%), with a co-localized signal of HER2 and CRYBA1. HER2 is not associated with clinical-pathological parameters of increased malignancy in canine mammary tumors, but it is suitable for studying different amplification patterns

    La valutazione delle performance nelle pubbliche amministrazioni nella prospettiva del valore pubblico

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    premessa la necessità di individuare vie di semplificazione delle performance organizzative ed individuali, l’articolo intende esplorare la possibilità di individuare nuove frontiere di valutazione della performance che integrino, connettano e finalizzino le due citate, avvalendosi di modalità di misurazione che leggano insieme le diverse dimensioni di performance. Ne scaturiscono le due seguenti Research Question: RQ1) quali potrebbero essere le nuove frontiere della valutazione delle performance? RQ2) come si potrebbero misurare le nuove frontiere della valutazione delle performance? Per dare risposta alla RQ1): • ai fini della costruzione del quadro teorico di riferimento, nel paragrafo 2 si analizzeranno, con approccio deduttivo, alcuni contributi scientifici di matrice tradizionale (New Public Management o NPM) e con approccio evoluto (Public Performance Management and Measurement o PPMM; Public Value Management and Measurement o PVMM), sul tema dei sistemi di Programmazione, Controllo e Valutazione (PCV) delle performance delle PA, con focus sui contenuti oggettivi. Per completezza si farà riferimento al contesto normativo in divenire, scaturente dalla Riforma Madia; • nel paragrafo 3 si proverà a ridisegnare la catena di PCV delle performance, e quindi le frontiere della valutazione, sulla base di cinque linee: a) Semplificare il processo e gli strumenti di PCV delle performance individuali e b) organizzative. c) Introdurre le performance istituzionali, d) creando un link bidirezionale tra i 3 livelli delle performance (istituzionale, organizzativo, individuale), e) rendendo utili le prime con la ricerca del VP. . Per dare risposta alla RQ2): • nel paragrafo 4, facendo leva sulla letteratura PVMM, si ragionerà intorno alle possibili modalità di misurazione disgiunta delle diverse dimensioni (sociale, economica, intangibile) delle performance organizzative e istituzionali e sulla misurazione congiunta di queste ultime attraverso un indice sintetico del Valore Pubblico (VP) che consenta di governare sinergicamente i processi per la sua creazione. Attraverso la proposta di un originale modello multidimensionale si normalizzeranno le diverse misure mediante un indice di meta-performance (o del VP); • nel paragrafo 5 si analizzerà, con un approccio induttivo di action research, il caso studio del Comune di Ferrara, con particolare riferimento alla politica istituzionale di miglioramento dell’offerta turistico-culturale, nel biennio 2013-2014. Tale caso verrà affrontato in chiave istituzionalista (DiMaggio e Powell, 1983), mettendo in luce i cambiamenti comportamentali osservati; • nel paragrafo 6 si discuterà intorno ai risultati emersi dal case study; • Infine, verranno delineati possibili sviluppi della ricerca

    Emerging topics in Brexit debate on Twitter around the deadlines a probabilistic topic modelling approach

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    The present study is focused on the online debate relating to the Brexit process, three years and half since the historical referendum that has sanctioned the divide of the United Kingdom from the European Union. In our analysis we consider a corpus of approximately 33 million Brexit related tweets, shared on Twitter for 58 weeks, spanning from 31 December 2019 to 9 February 2020. Due to its great accessibility to data, Twitter constitutes a convenient data source to monitor and evaluate a wide variety of topics. In addition, Twitter’s marked orientation towards news and the dissemination of information makes this microblogging network more connected to politics compared to other platforms. Through static and dynamic topic modelling techniques, we were able to identify the topics that have attracted the most attention from Twitters users and to characterise their temporal evolution. The topics retrieved by the static model highlight the major events of the Brexit process while the dynamic analysis recovered the persistent themes of discussion and debate over the entire period
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