52 research outputs found

    Culinary tourism in the Hutsulshchyna region – analysis of the current offer

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    The aim of this paper is to present the culinary offer of Hutsulshchyna against the background of the region’s culture and in the context of the development of culinary tourism. The paper constitutes an overview article. The research methods used in the work include the analysis of literature and web sources, field interview and a diagnostic survey using questionnaire technique (conducted among 140 tourists who visited the region before). The research results and the analysis revealed that rich cuisine and culinary heritage of Hutsulshchyna have great potential for the development of culinary tourism and are very interesting for tourists, albeit not enough promoted or sufficiently organized (although some interesting projects have been founded). The final conclusion of the paper is that it is necessary to continue cooperation and local partnership, take up new initiatives, as well as conduct further scientific research

    Foodie w podróży

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    Cultural Tourists Among Students from Toruń—Preliminary Profile

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    The objective of this paper is to outline a sketch profile of a young Polish cultural tourist based on an empirical quantitative study, which involved a group of students of Nicholaus Copernicus University in Toruń (UMK). A total of 1,139 surveys were obtained from three different departments. The profile exhibits preferences, motivations, traits, and behaviours of a cultural tourist. Furthermore, an attempt has been made to compare the attained profile of a student from Toruń with the profile of a student from Poznań already presented by Buczkowska in 2014. The comparison of these two profiles seeks to establish similarities and differences in attitudes, preferences, and behaviours of young adults (tourists) studying in different cities. The study may later be extended to other social environments. The research indicated a considerable similarity in behaviours and preferences of both surveyed groups, which could lead to a conclusion that Polish students as a social group exhibit traits characteristic of cultural tourists. It may also mean that learning about culture(s), as well as experiencing it, is of great importance in their travels. For that matter, this comparative study signals the need for further analysis of tourists with the use of the same survey instrument

    Postępowanie fizjoterapeutyczne u pacjenta z zespołem stopy cukrzycowej po amputacji kończyny dolnej na poziomie podudzia

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      Zespół stopy cukrzycowej (ZSC) jest najczęstszym powi­kłaniem w przebiegu cukrzycy, które może prowadzić do utraty kończyny dolnej. Po amputacji bardzo ważny aspekt stanowią rehabilitacja i prewencja wtórna. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono przypadek 75-letniego chorego na cukrzycę typu 2 po amputacji kończyny dolnej lewej na poziomie podudzia w prze­biegu ZSC. Pacjent został poddany postępowaniu fizjo­terapeutycznemu składającemu się z licznych procedur mających na celu reedukację chodu i naukę korzystania z protezy. Odegrało to istotną rolę w przywróceniu sprawności możliwie najbardziej zbliżonej do tej sprzed zabiegu amputacji, a w związku z tym umożliwiło choremu powrót do życia społecznego i zawodowego

    Physiotherapeutic approach in managing a patient after below-knee amputation due to diabetic foot syndrome

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     Diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) is the most common complication in the course of diabetes and can lead to loss of the lower limb. In case of amputation an important role is played by physiotherapeutic proce­dures and secondary prevention. The article presents the case of a 75-year-old man with type 2 diabetes, after below- knee amputation of the left lower limb in the course of DFS. The patient underwent a physi­otherapeutic treatment consisting of a number of procedures aimed at re-education of the gait function and learning to use the prosthesis. It played an impor­tant role in restoring social and professional activities of the patient and thus enabled him to return to his usual life. (Clin Diabetol 2017; 6, 6: 218–220) Diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) is the most common complication in the course of diabetes and can lead to loss of the lower limb. In case of amputation an important role is played by physiotherapeutic proce­dures and secondary prevention. The article presents the case of a 75-year-old man with type 2 diabetes, after below- knee amputation of the left lower limb in the course of DFS. The patient underwent a physi­otherapeutic treatment consisting of a number of procedures aimed at re-education of the gait function and learning to use the prosthesis. It played an impor­tant role in restoring social and professional activities of the patient and thus enabled him to return to his usual life. (Clin Diabetol 2017; 6, 6: 218–220

    Potential use of histone deacetylase inhibitors in cancer therapy

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    Epigenetics is a branch of science that focuses on mechanisms related to control and modification of expression of genetic material without any changes to its sequences. Such mechanisms include post-translational modifications of histones. It is widely known that carcinogenesis is related to hypoacetylation of genes that influence apoptosis, the cell cycle, cell signaling, the immunologic response, angiogenesis and occurrence of metastasis. Currently conducted research focuses on several strategies related to epigenetic therapy. One such strategy is based on the use of histone deacetylase inhibitors. This paper presents mechanisms through which these compounds work and a summary of their characteristics. It also includes a review of clinical tests related to histone deacetylase inhibitors, as well as their relationship with other chemotherapeutic methods. A better understanding of the involved mechanisms will provide a rational basis to improve the therapeutic outcome of available antitumor agents

    Ocena związku między omentyną-1 a markerami metabolizmu kostnego i cytokinami systemu RANKL/RANK/OPG u dziewcząt z jadłowstrętem psychicznym

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      Introduction: Omentin-1, secreted by visceral adipose tissue, has been indicated in the regulation of bone metabolism in girls with anorexia nervosa (AN). The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between omentin-1 and bone metabolism in girls with AN as well as the potential involvement of OPG and RANKL in this relationship. Material and methods: Serum omentin-1, OC, CTx, OPG, and sRANKL were determined by ELISA in 49 girls with AN and in 30 healthy controls, aged 13 to 17 years. Results: Girls with AN exhibited significant reduction in body weight, BMI, and Cole index as well as a significant increase in serum omentin-1 levels, compared to healthy participants. These changes were associated with a significant decrease in serum OC and CTx levels and a significant increase in OPG and sRANKL while the OC/CTx and OPG/sRANKL ratios were significantly decreased. BMI and the Cole index correlated negatively and significantly with omentin-1 levels, positively with CTx levels and the OC/CTx ratio in the control group (C), girls with AN, and all study participants (C + AN). Girls with AN showed a significant negative correlation between BMI, the Cole index, and OPG levels. The combined group (C + AN) showed a significant positive correlation between BMI, the Cole index, and the OPG/sRANKL ratio. Omentin-1 levels correlated negatively and significantly with OC and CTx levels as well as with the OC/CTx and OPG/sRANKL ratios in the C, AN, and C + AN groups. Conclusions: The relationship between omentin-1, bone markers, and the OC/CTx and OPG/sRANKL ratios observed in girls with AN indicates the involvement of this adipokine in the regulation of dynamic balance between bone formation and resorption processes. Omentin-1 might exert a negative effect on bone remodelling in girls with AN by inhibiting both bone formation and resorption. The OPG/sRANKL system plays an important role in the latter. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (6): 514–520)    Wstęp: Sugeruje się, że omentyna-1 produkt wisceralnej tkanki tłuszczowej, może współuczestniczyć w regulacji metabolizmu kostnego u dziewcząt z jadłowstrętem psychicznym (AN). Celem pracy była ocena związku między omentyną-1 a metabolizmem kostnym u dziewcząt z AN z uwzględnieniem ewentualnego udziału OPG i RANKL w mechanizmie powiązań między nimi. Materiał i metody: U 49 dziewcząt z AN i 30 zdrowych w wieku 13–17 lat oceniono stężenia omentyny-1, OC, CTx, OPG i sRANKL w surowicy metodą ELISA. Wyniki: U dziewcząt z AN wykazano istotne zmniejszenie masy ciała, wskaźnik masy ciała (BMI), wskaźnika Cole’a oraz znamienny wzrost stężenia omentyny-1 w surowicy w porównaniu z grupą dziewcząt zdrowych. Zmianom tym towarzyszyła znamienna supresja stężeń OC, CTx oraz wzrost stężeń OPG i sRANKL w surowicy przy istotnie obniżonych wartościach wskaźników OC/CTx i OPG/sRANKL. Wartości wskaźników BMI i Cole’a korelowały istotnie ujemnie ze stężeniami omentyny-1 oraz dodatnio ze stężeniami CTx i wartościami wskaźnika OC/CTx w grupie kontrolnej (C), u dziewcząt z AN i u wszystkich dziewcząt łącznie (grupa C + AN). Znamienną ujemną korelację między wartościami wskaźników BMI i Cole’a a stężeniami OPG stwierdzono w grupie dziewcząt z AN. U dziewcząt grupy C + AN wykazano natomiast istotną dodatnią korelację między wartościami wskaźników BMI i Cole’a a wskaźnikiem OPG/sRANKL. Stężenia omentyny-1 korelowały istotnie ujemnie ze stężeniami OC, CTx i wartościami wskaźników OC/CTx i OPG/sRANKL w grupach: C, AN oraz C + AN. Wnioski: Wykazana zależność między omentyną-1 a markerami kostnymi oraz wskaźnikami OC/CTx i OPG/sRANKL u dziewcząt z AN wskazuje na udział tej adipokiny w regulacji dynamicznej równowagi między procesami kościotworzenia i resorpcji kości. Omentyna-1 działa niekorzystnie na remodeling kostny u dziewcząt z AN wpływając zarówno na tworzenie tkanki kostnej, jak i jej resorpcję. W tym ostatnim mechanizmie istotną rolę odgrywa układ OPG/sRANKL. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (6): 514–520)

    Prostate cancer with different ERG status may show different FOXP3-positive cell numbers

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    Prostatic carcinoma is the most frequent cancer in males in the Western world. A significant proportion of these cancers have a recurrent translocation involving ETS family genes, which leads to the overexpression of ERG transcription factor. Prostate cancers, which bear this mutation, differ in a number of features, including tumor microenvironment. One of the components of the tumor microenvironment is FOXP3 positive lymphocytes, which may participate in breaking immunosurveillance and promoting tumor growth. The aim of the study was to analyze the relationships between ERG expression, number of FOXP3 positive cells and other features of the tumor. The study group consisted of 65 cases. Tissue microarrays composed of 2 mm tissue cores were used for immunohistological evaluation. Immunohistochemistry for ERG and FOXP3 was performed according to the routinely applied protocol. The FOXP3 positive cells were counted and the results were expressed as the number of cells per mm2. The average number of FOXP3 positive cells was 33.30/mm2 for all cases, 21.43/mm2 for the ERG negative and 42.28/mm2 for the ERG positive group (p < 0.02). There were no significant relationships between FOXP3 positive cell count and any other parameters studied. Our results suggest that the immune response may differ between ERG negative and ERG positive prostatic carcinomas