22 research outputs found

    The Economy of Developing Countries in the Context of Globalization: Global Supply Chain Management

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    Globalization has a great influence on the development of the independent state economies. Supply chain management (SCM) in the era of expanding global sourcing can play a critical role in diffusing corporate responsible practices throughout the emerging developing countries economies. Thus, this paper aims to examine how responsible SCM can contribute to supplier performance, including environmental, social and operational performances through the improvement of relationship commitment in the Asian context. The research deals with the economic aspect of globalization and analyzes the indicators that most closely reflect the development of countries in the globalizing world economy inward foreign direct investment, outward foreign direct investment, economic globalization index and the dependence of a country's GDP on foreign direct investment. It is assumed that foreign direct investment has a significant impact on the development of the country's economy. To check this hypothesis, the relationship between the growth of the gross domestic product of Asian countries and foreign direct investment is being investigated. The calculated correlation coefficient between the growth rates of the country's GDP and the growth rates of foreign direct investment did not show a relationship between these variables. Using the matrix to analyze Asian countries from the standpoint of inward foreign direct investment and the economic globalization index, it was determined that China and Singapore are the countries with high levels of inward FDI and high rates of economic globalization. The coefficient of economic globalization of such countries as Japan, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Malaysia, the Republic of Korea, India, Vietnam and Kyrgyzstan is above 50 out of 100. However, foreign direct investment in these countries is much lower than in China

    The concept of personality in postmodern stories of the Turkish writer Bouquet Uzuner.

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    The relevance of the problem is the need for an artistic understanding of the issues of social reorganization of the country, and to identify the relationship between the inner world of an individual and socio-political events that influenced the artistic specificity of modernist literature. The purpose of this article is to consider the philosophical categories of alienation and loneliness and their embodiment in the literary and artistic field. The main results of the study are in understanding the formation of a new mentality, in the formation of a new personality, designed to be perceived as not only a literary phenomenon, but also as socio-political and cultural-historical one

    Organizational and Managerial Mechanisms for Resolving Social Conflicts: Legal Aspect

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    In this article the author solves the problems of managements of social conflicts with the help of regulatory mechanisms. Manage existing conflict involves settlement, resolution or even suppression of the latter in the interests of society as a whole or its individual subjects. Good governance adds conflict to the process form, capable of minimizing losses of various kinds. One of most important public institutions, the effect of which can be directed on elimination of contradictions of the conflict parties, conflict management and resolution are legal provisions. The article presents the conceptualization and justification the critical role of law as a universal mechanism of regulation of social conflicts, an analysis of alternative methods of conflict resolution. Identified and practically justified the possibilities and prospects of application of legal norms under negotiation, mediation or arbitration. The question of the impact of legal norms on social conflict, its structure and dynamics is discussed. Researching the problem of solving conflict, author analyze some specific situations and identifies opportunities of overcoming social conflicts. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7p5

    Politeness in english and chinese greetings as cultural reflection

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    The article deals with the features of linguistic and cultural expressions of category of politeness in English and Chinese. The features of Chinese culture compared with the culture of England and considered the lexical ways of expressing politeness in these languages. Suggested the classification of lexical means of politeness. Pointed out that category of politeness strongly depends on the structure of the societies in which these languages operate according to their patterns of social behavior. Data introduces ways of studying politeness by different researches. Also mentioned classical view to the cultural aspects of greetings in both languages and role of politeness in intercultural communication. Consideration of two languages represented from lexical, pragmatical point of view. Politeness related to the culture and it is important to mention that what is said, how is said and how many are representation of cultural differences, different habits and rules. We mention that how something is said is more important that what is said.El artículo trata de las características de las expresiones lingüísticas y culturales de la categoría de cortesía en inglés y chino. Las características de la cultura china se compararon con la cultura de Inglaterra y consideraron las formas léxicas de expresar cortesía en estos idiomas. Se sugiere la clasificación de los modos léxicos de cortesía. Se señala que la categoría de cortesía depende en gran medida de la estructura de las sociedades en las que estos lenguajes operan de acuerdo con sus patrones de comportamiento social. Los datos introducen formas de estudiar la cortesía en diferentes investigaciones. También es mencionada la visión clásica de los aspectos culturales de los saludos en ambos idiomas y el papel de la cortesía en la comunicación intercultural. La cortesía relacionada con la cultura y es importante mencionar que lo que se dice, cómo se dice y cuántos son la representación de las diferencias culturales, los diferentes hábitos y reglas. Mencionamos que la forma en que se dice algo es más importante que lo que se dice

    Some aspects of chinese teaching and difficulties of the first month learning in primary school

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    The article is devoted to analyses of Chinese teaching difficulties of the first learning month in primary school in Kazan city. Investigation took part in Kazan schools in primary classes.  It was counted how many characters pupils could learn in one month and checked their residual knowledge. The article speaks about children adaptation to Chinese language. We maintaine cultural and linguistic specifics of Chines language in teching process, speake about impotance of motivation of primary school pupals. The paper arguing that culture and language cannot be separated from each other? discussing why children of preschool age are even easier to adapt to the structures of the new language. The study put forward principles that importante at the early stage:transparency, clarity, accessibility,practicality (applicability) The material that given at the initial stage of training should be very simple and extremely accessible explained.  We concludining that at the initial stage, having two hours a week it is not worth taking more than 5-6 characters in the first month, as the students' mind gets used to a new form of writing and culture. Speech Apparatus adapts to unusual phonetics. An important aspect that we highlighted in the teaching process is that the material studied should be adapted to the realities of our life and applicable in practice

    The use of neologisms as a unique means of transferring the chinese attitude to money

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    The relevance of our research deals with growth of interests of cultural influence on different languages aspects. The article is devoted to the analysis of neologisms in modern Chinese language. In China, until 1949, neologisms reflected the realities of urban and rural life of that time, the confrontation between the CCP and the Kuomintang. The formation of the People's Republic of China brought to the forefront the issues of economic and political development, which could not but find its reflection in the language. The research examines the emergence and modern use of neologisms relating to money in Chinese, the cultural characteristics and manifestation of Chinese life in the neologism. Also raises the question of how long neologisms remain as a new vocabulary. The results of research could be used in teaching Chinese and could be interesting for Chinese learners. From the results of the survey, it is clear that neologisms related to material well-being are quite actively used in everyday life. The unique attitude of the Chinese towards money is traced in neologism in the last 20 years. People immediately react to what is happening in their country, you laughing or not approving, creating whole layers of vocabulary, which can determine the social mood

    The concept of personality in postmodern stories of the Turkish writer Bouquet Uzuner.

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    The relevance of the problem is the need for an artistic understanding of the issues of social reorganization of the country, and to identify the relationship between the inner world of an individual and socio-political events that influenced the artistic specificity of modernist literature. The purpose of this article is to consider the philosophical categories of alienation and loneliness and their embodiment in the literary and artistic field. The main results of the study are in understanding the formation of a new mentality, in the formation of a new personality, designed to be perceived as not only a literary phenomenon, but also as socio-political and cultural-historical one.La relevancia del problema radica en la necesidad de una comprensión artística de los problemas de la reorganización social del país, y de identificar la relación entre el mundo interior de un individuo y los hechos sociopolíticos que influyeron en la especificidad artística de la literatura modernista. El propósito de este artículo es considerar las categorías filosóficas de alienación y soledad y su encarnación en el campo literario y artístico. Los principales resultados del estudio están en entender la formación de una nueva mentalidad, en la formación de una nueva personalidad, diseñada para ser percibida no solo como un fenómeno literario, sino también sociopolítico y cultural-histórico

    Teaching intercultural communication through associative fields of professional vocabulary

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    In the era of globalization and social distancing, intercultural dialogue plays a crucial role and requires a thorough reinterpretation. It is impossible without foreign language proficiency. Therefore, teaching foreign languages is a key to professional competency and personal growth. Language reflects the culture and functions as a universal tool of mutual understanding. It makes it possible to embrace the interlocutor’s mentality through grasping the peculiarities of the language. The proposed article is devoted to the validity study of the associative field technique. Its application contributes to the successful memorizing of terms and terminological expressions in a foreign language. The research considers the corresponding theoretical background devoted to the issues of intercultural communication, associative fields, and metaphorization of terms and terminological expressions in English. The methods applied in the study include comparative analysis, the method of continuous sampling, and a questionnaire survey. After the survey, the authors identified the terms that evoke associations with the notions “death” and “dead”. The article contains a number of interim conclusions with a further perspective on this issue. It is determined that the notion of “death” stands out as a representative of the “naïve” picture of the world and an initially expressive concept. In the case of a formal concept, the notion functions as a successful component of terms, especially metaphorical ones. The results of the study may be implemented in teaching a foreign language and intercultural communication, as well as in comparative linguistics and cultural studies