173 research outputs found

    Baryonic Regge trajectories with analyticity constraints

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    A model for baryonic Regge trajectories compatible with the threshold behavior required by unitarity and asymptotic behavior in agreement with analyticity constraints is given in explicit form. Widths and masses of the baryonic resonances on the N and Δ\Delta trajectories are reproduced. The MacDowell symmetry is exploited and an application is given.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Inversionless gain in a three-level system driven by a strong field and collisions

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    Inversionless gain in a three-level system driven by a strong external field and by collisions with a buffer gas is investigated. The mechanism of populating of the upper laser level contributed by the collision transfer as well as by relaxation caused by a buffer gas is discussed in detail. Explicit formulae for analysis of optimal conditions are derived. The mechanism developed here for the incoherent pump could be generalized to other systems.Comment: RevTeX, 9 pages, 4 eps figure

    The dynamics of the quality of life of primary schoolchildren with different cognitive success

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    Objective: of the study was to study the quality of life of younger students in the dynamics of their education in primary school.Materials and methods: 573 children of primary schools of Rostov-on-Don were examined. Th e study of quality of life was carried out using the PedsQL 4.0 questionnaire. Depending on the level of cognitive development, children were divided into 2 groups: 82 children with high cognitive development made up the I (main) group and 491 children with an average level of cognitive development made up the II (control) group. Cognitive development was evaluated by the D. Wexler test, the Stanford-Binet intelligence scale with IQ coeffi cients, and E. Torrens creativity test.Results: primary schoolchildren with high cognitive abilities show a dynamic decrease in physical functioning with the lowest rates in the 4th grade, lower indicators of emotional functioning, characterized by an excessive reaction to failure, an increased level of anxiety and emotional instability. A decrease in social functioning is revealed, manifested by communicative problems in the process of interpersonal communication. Higher school functioning values were observed. From the 2nd grade, schoolchildren with high cognitive abilities showed statistically signifi cantly lower indicators of the overall quality of life score as compared with children of average intellectual development.Conclusions: among primary schoolchildren of high cognitive development, there is an imbalance in various aspects of the quality of life, which requires additional measures to optimize indicators

    Microstructural influence on the cyclic electro mechanical behaviour of ductile films on polymer substrates

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    When ductile metal films on compliant polymer substrates are strained in tension catastrophic failure can be suppressed by the substrate, thus allowing for their use in flexible electronics and sensors. However, the charge carrying ductile films must be of an optimum thickness and microstructure for the suppression of cracking to occur. Studies of strained films on polymer substrates tend to have more emphasis on the electrical properties and thickness effects than on the film microstructure or deformation behaviour. To address both the electrical degradation and deformation behaviour of metal films supported by polymer substrates two types of combined electro-mechanical in-situ tests were performed. First, is a combination of in-situ resistance measurements with in-situ confocal scanning laser microscopy imaging of the film surface during cycling. The 4 point probe resistance measurements allow for the examination of the changes in resistance with strain, while the surface imaging permits the visualization of extrusion and crack formation. Second, is the combination of in-situ resistance with in-situ X-ray diffraction measurements of the film stresses during cycling. The combination of electrical measurements, surface imaging, and stress measurements allow for a complete picture of electromechanical behaviour needed for the improvement and future success of flexible electronic devices


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    The paper expounds the research data on probiotic BS 225 administration effect on the growth rate in Siberian sturgeon young fishes grown under the conditions of industrial workshop on the fishery farm «Novosibirsky Rybzavod». To grow the fishes, fish-breeding pools made of concrete were employed which were supplied with a pit toremove feed remains and excrements, storage capacitor, mechanical and biological unit for pollution abatement to get the pools ready to be filled with water. The 1st experimental group of fishes received the preparation at the dose 10 mcl per kg; the 2nd one did 5 mcl per kg. The dose was recalculated after each 10 days. To clarify the effect of the preparation the control weighing was done regularly. The fish weight and body length, the largest height and some plastic traits were determined with common techniques. According to the data obtained, the absolute weight of the experimental underyearlings exceeded that of the control analogues when fed the microbiologic preparation. Expressivity of the absolute weight change depended on the preparation dose. The maximal gain in weight was recorded with the preparation given at the dose 10 microliters per 1 kg of weight. The sturgeons of the 1st experimental group exceeded the analogues of the 2nd experimental group on the 2nd and 3rd months of examination.Изложены результаты исследования по применению пробиотика BS 225 на скорость роста молоди сибирского осетра, выращенного в условиях индустриального цеха рыбоводного хозяйства «Новосибирский рыбзавод». Для выращивания рыбы использовались рыбоводные бассейны из бетона, снабжённые приямком для удаления остатков корма и экскрементов, накопительной емкости, механического и биологического блока очистки и водоподготовки. Препарат применяли в 1-й опытной группе в дозе 10 мкл/кг массы рыб, во второй – 5 мкл/кг. Перерасчет дозы проводили через каждые 10 суток. Для выяснения влияния препарата контрольные взвешивания проводили регулярно. Определяли абсолютную массу рыб и  длину тела, наибольшую высоту и  некоторые пластические признаки по общепринятым методикам. Согласно полученным данным, при скармливании микробиологического препарата сеголетки опытных групп по абсолютной массе превышали аналогов из контрольной группы. Выраженность изменения абсолютной массы зависела от дозы препарата. Максимальный прирост регистрировали при применении препарата в дозе 10 мкл/кг массы. Осетры 1-й опытной группы превышали аналогов из 2-й опытной группы на 2-й и 3-й месяцы исследования

    Exploring the design space of metadata-focused file management systems

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    Operating systems both old and new are reliant on the venerable hierarchical file system. For some time now, however, attempts have been made to either define new file systems or to bolt on applications that offer much improved functionality to attach and use metadata. This is because researchers have shown that traditional file systems are not able to meet users' needs in terms of organising large numbers of files effectively, and to support expeditious retrieval of those files when they are needed at a later time. Numerous proposals for post-hierarchical file management systems have been described in the literature; researchers focus on different dimensions of such systems in order to solve or reduce identified limitations. In some cases this leads to significantly different file system architectures, while in other cases new functionality is added on top of a traditional system through special purpose user-space applications. Orthogonally, some proposals focus on tags while others favour named attribute-value pairs. Still other choices are, seemingly, made in an ad hoc and often implicit manner. This paper investigates the different dimensions and associated choices that participate in the proposal of new approaches and that affect their ability to improve on current systems. The Cartesian product of those dimensions and options forms a large design space; we map some of the existing literature onto that design space and discuss approaches to evaluate new proposals

    Service Interaction Flow Analysis Technique for Service Personalization

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    Abstract Service interaction flows are difficult to capture, analyze, outline, and represent for research and design purposes. We examine how variation of personalized service flows in technology-mediated service interaction can be modeled and analyzed to provide information on how service personalization could support interaction. We have analyzed service interaction cases in a context of technology-mediated car rental service. With the analysis technique we propose, inspired by Interaction Analysis method, we were able to capture and model the situational service interaction. Our contribution regarding technology-mediated service interaction design is twofold: First, with the increased understanding on the role of personalization in managing variation in technology-mediated service interaction, our study contributes to designing service management information systems and human-computer interfaces that support personalized service interaction flows. Second, we provide a new analysis technique for situated interaction analysis, particularly when the aim is to understand personalization in service interaction flows

    Multi-factor service design: identification and consideration of multiple factors of the service in its design process

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    Service design is a multidisciplinary area that helps innovate services by bringing new ideas to customers through a design-thinking approach. Services are affected by multiple factors, which should be considered in designing services. In this paper, we propose the multi-factor service design (MFSD) method, which helps consider the multi-factor nature of service in the service design process. The MFSD method has been developed through and used in five service design studies with industry and government. The method addresses the multi-factor nature of service for systematic service design by providing the following guidelines: (1) identify key factors that affect the customer value creation of the service in question (in short, value creation factors), (2) define the design space of the service based on the value creation factors, and (3) design services and represent them based on the factors. We provide real stories and examples from the five service design studies to illustrate the MFSD method and demonstrate its utility. This study will contribute to the design of modern complex services that are affected by varied factors

    An Integrative Design Framework for New Service Development

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    Service innovation is focused on customer value creation. At its core, customer-centric service innovation in an increasingly digital world is technology-enabled, human-centered, and process-oriented. This requires a cross-disciplinary, holistic approach to new service design and development (NSD). This paper proposes a new service strategy-aligned integrative design framework for NSD. It correlates the underlying theories and principles of disparate but interrelated aspects of service design thinking: service strategy, concept, design, experience and architecture into a coherent framework for NSD, consistent with the service brand value. Application of the framework to NSD is envisioned to be iterative and holistic, accentuated on continuous organizational and customer learning. The preliminary framework's efficacy is illustrated using a simplified telecom case example. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014