69 research outputs found

    Análisis de los elementos de los afiches como parte de la propaganda política del Partido Perú Posible en el distrito de Los Olivos en las elecciones municipales del año 2014

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    La presente investigación describe como se presenta el afiche como parte de la propaganda política de un partido durante las elecciones municipales. En esta ocasión se analiza los afiches de la propaganda política del partido Perú Posible en el distrito de Los Olivos en las elecciones municipales del año 2014. El actual alcalde del distrito de Los Olivos es el señor Pedro del Rosario, integrante del partido político Perú Posible y quién resultó ganador de las elecciones municipales del año 2014 en el distrito de Los Olivos. Para detallar los afiches se analiza sus elementos, como el mensaje, las imágenes y sus colores. En lo histórico, la propaganda debe haberse practicado desde el siglo pasado, cuando los candidatos que postulaban a algún puesto de gobernación daban a conocer sus planes y programas. Pero a través de algunos diarios, de reuniones en plazas y parques, y uno que otro volante elaborados de forma básica; pero, que cumplía su función de dar a conocer a los candidatos hacia el pueblo o los electores que se encontraban sólo en las ciudades más grandes del país

    Large-scale survey of seasonal drinking water quality in Malawi using in situ tryptophan-like fluorescence and conventional water quality indicators

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    Faecally-contaminated drinking water is a risk to human health, with the greatest risks to those living in developing countries. UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 aims to address this issue. Tryptophan-like fluorescence (TLF) shows potential as a rapid method for detecting microbial contamination in drinking water, which could reduce the spread of waterborne diseases. This study is the first to investigate the effectiveness of TLF for a large-scale survey using a randomised, spot-sampling approach. The large-scale survey took place in Malawi, sub-Saharan Africa, in the dry season (n = 183). A subset of sources were revisited at the end of the following wet season (n = 41). The effectiveness of TLF was assessed by comparing TLF results to thermotolerant coliforms (TTC), humic-like fluorescence (HLF), inorganic hydrochemical data and sanitary risk scores. The most prominent differences in microbial water quality were observed between source types, with little variation between districts and seasons. TLF, TTCs, turbidity and sanitary risk scores were all elevated at alternative sources (shallow wells and tap stands) compared to hand-pumped boreholes. In the dry season, 18% of hand-pumped boreholes showed TTC contamination, which increase to 21% in the wet season. Groundwater recharge processes are likely responsible for seasonal variability of inorganic hydrochemistry at hand-pumped boreholes. TLF was able to distinguish no and low WHO risk classes (TTC 0–9 cfu/100 mL) from medium, high and very high risk classes (TTC 10 – >1000 cfu/100 mL). TLF failed to distinguish between no and low risk classes, which limits the use of TLF for assessing water quality to drinking water standards. This dataset indicates that HLF may raise baseline TLF for samples with low TLF values, increasing false positives. Therefore, TLF is better suited as a rapid high-level water quality screening tool to assess moderate and high levels of faecal contamination

    Tryptophan-like fluorescence as a high-level screening tool for detecting microbial contamination in drinking water

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    Regular monitoring of drinking water quality is vital to identify contamination of potable water supplies. Testing for microbial contamination is important to prevent transmission of waterborne disease, but establishing and maintaining a water quality monitoring programme requires sustained labour, consumables and resources. In low resource settings such as developing countries, this can prove difficult, but measuring microbial contamination is listed as a requirement of reaching the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 6 for water and sanitation. A nine-month water quality monitoring programme was conducted in rural Malawi to assess the suitability of tryptophan-like fluorescence (TLF), an emerging method for rapidly detecting microbial contamination, as a drinking water quality monitoring tool. TLF data was compared with thermotolerant coliforms (TTCs, E. coli) and inorganic hydrochemical parameters. A large (n = 235) temporal dataset was collected from five groundwater drinking water sources, with samples collected once or twice weekly depending on the season. The results show that TLF can indicate a broader contamination risk but is not as sensitive to short term variability when compared to other faecal indicators. This is likely due to a broad association of TLF with elevated DOC concentrations from a range of different sources. Elevated TLF may indicate preferential conditions for the persistence of TTCs and/or E. coli, but not necessarily a public health risk from microbial contamination. TLF is therefore a more precautionary risk indicator than microbial culturing techniques and could prove useful as a high-level screening tool for initial risk assessment. For widespread use of TLF to be successful, standardisation of TLF values associated with different levels of risk is required, however, this study highlights the difficulties of equating TLF thresholds to TTCs or E. coli data because of the influence of DOC/HLF on the TLF signal

    Large-scale survey of seasonal drinking water quality in Malawi using in situ tryptophan-like fluorescence and conventional water quality indicators

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    Faecally-contaminated drinking water is a risk to human health, with the greatest risks to those living in developing countries. UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 aims to address this issue. Tryptophan-like fluorescence (TLF) shows potential as a rapid method for detecting microbial contamination in drinking water, which could reduce the spread of waterborne diseases. This study is the first to investigate the effectiveness of TLF for a large-scale survey using a randomised, spot-sampling approach. The large-scale survey took place in Malawi, sub-Saharan Africa, in the dry season (n = 183). A subset of sources were revisited at the end of the following wet season (n = 41). The effectiveness of TLF was assessed by comparing TLF results to thermotolerant coliforms (TTC), humic-like fluorescence (HLF), inorganic hydrochemical data and sanitary risk scores. The most prominent differences in microbial water quality were observed between source types, with little variation between districts and seasons. TLF, TTCs, turbidity and sanitary risk scores were all elevated at alternative sources (shallow wells and tap stands) compared to hand-pumped boreholes. In the dry season, 18% of hand-pumped boreholes showed TTC contamination, which increase to 21% in the wet season. Groundwater recharge processes are likely responsible for seasonal variability of inorganic hydrochemistry at hand-pumped boreholes. TLF was able to distinguish no and low WHO risk classes (TTC 0–9 cfu/100 mL) from medium, high and very high risk classes (TTC 10 – >1000 cfu/100 mL). TLF failed to distinguish between no and low risk classes, which limits the use of TLF for assessing water quality to drinking water standards. This dataset indicates that HLF may raise baseline TLF for samples with low TLF values, increasing false positives. Therefore, TLF is better suited as a rapid high-level water quality screening tool to assess moderate and high levels of faecal contamination

    Tryptophan-like fluorescence as a high-level screening tool for detecting microbial contamination in drinking water

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    Regular monitoring of drinking water quality is vital to identify contamination of potable water supplies. Testing for microbial contamination is important to prevent transmission of waterborne disease, but establishing and maintaining a water quality monitoring programme requires sustained labour, consumables and resources. In low resource settings such as developing countries, this can prove difficult, but measuring microbial contamination is listed as a requirement of reaching the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 6 for water and sanitation. A nine-month water quality monitoring programme was conducted in rural Malawi to assess the suitability of tryptophan-like fluorescence (TLF), an emerging method for rapidly detecting microbial contamination, as a drinking water quality monitoring tool. TLF data was compared with thermotolerant coliforms (TTCs, E. coli) and inorganic hydrochemical parameters. A large (n = 235) temporal dataset was collected from five groundwater drinking water sources, with samples collected once or twice weekly depending on the season. The results show that TLF can indicate a broader contamination risk but is not as sensitive to short term variability when compared to other faecal indicators. This is likely due to a broad association of TLF with elevated DOC concentrations from a range of different sources. Elevated TLF may indicate preferential conditions for the persistence of TTCs and/or E. coli, but not necessarily a public health risk from microbial contamination. TLF is therefore a more precautionary risk indicator than microbial culturing techniques and could prove useful as a high-level screening tool for initial risk assessment. For widespread use of TLF to be successful, standardisation of TLF values associated with different levels of risk is required, however, this study highlights the difficulties of equating TLF thresholds to TTCs or E. coli data because of the influence of DOC/HLF on the TLF signal

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamento de Nariño, Municipios de Pasto, Ipiales y Funes.

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    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamento de Nariño, Municipios de Pasto, Ipiales y Funes.El conflicto armado en Colombia ha hecho visibles muchos territorios y personas que eran desconocidos. En este trabajo se comprende y se analiza el caso de Ana Ligia una mujer del corregimiento de Aquitania, desplazada en dos oportunidades a causa de la violencia y los conflictos entre la guerrilla, paramilitares y ejército. En su relato nos muestra las subjetividades inmersas en su vivencia, el deseo de lucha pese a la angustia y miedo que vivieron todas las personas a las cuales se les vulneraron sus derechos. Ella es un ejemplo que pese a su situación trabajó con los desplazados escuchándolos, brindándoles apoyo psicosocial y continúa como modelo de coraje y no victimización, porque realizó estudios técnicos, hace poesía para liberar su dolor y espera una oportunidad laboral. La Violencia en Colombia a través de los años, ha dejado mucho para contar y seguimos en nuestros territorios percibiendo el miedo, los diferentes hechos como Desplazamiento Forzoso, masacres, asesinato a líderes, familias desorientadas, niños y niñas huérfanos, padres o madres abandonadas porque sus hijos salieron en busca de un mejor futuro, veredas o pueblos que han sido imágenes vivas de lo que en el pasado se llamó “Guerra o Violencia”. Lo que se busca con los aportes psicosociales como estrategia de superación de los actos de violencia es llegar a la comunidad, escuchar los relatos de los cuales han sido víctimas y encaminar una ruta de Atención para mitigar el dolor y hacer un pacto, hacer la violencia a un lado y construir paz, es lo que como base principal de sociedad debemos de tener. El grupo propone una serie de preguntas organizadas en circulares reflexivas y estratégicas para el caso de Ana Ligia. Otra historia que se analiza es la de las comunidades afro de Cacarica, territorios ricos en recursos naturales e hídricos, el valor que le dan a la tierra es el fundamento donde se construye su vida y su identidad; pero sumidas en la pobreza por causa de las disputas por los territorios, lo cual genera los enfrentamientos y se producen desplazamientos, amenazas, desapariciones y masacres.The armed conflict in Colombia has made visible many Territories and people who were unknown. In this work it is understandable and discusses the case of Ana Ligia, a woman of the Aquitania region, displaced twice because of violence and conflict between guerrillas, paramilitaries and the army. His story shows us subjectivities immersed in its experience, the desire to fight despite the anguish and fear that all persons which were violated their rights. She is an example that despite their situation worked with displaced persons listening to them, providing psychosocial support and continues as a model of courage and no victimization, because technical studies, makes poetry to release their pain and expected a job opportunity. Violence in Colombia over the years, has left much to tell and we continue in our territories perceiving fear, the different facts such as forced displacement, massacres, murder to leaders and children orphaned, confused families, fathers or mothers abandoned because their children went out in search of a better future, hamlets or villages that have been vivid images of what in the past was called "War and violence". What is sought with the psycho-social contributions as strategy for overcoming violence, reach the community, listen to the stories which have been the victims and direct a route of attention to alleviate pain and make a Pact, make the violence aside and to build peace, is what must have as a main basis of society. The Group proposes a series of questions organized into strategic and reflective circulars for the case of Ana Ligia. Another story that is analyzed is afro communities of Cacarica, territories rich in natural and water resources, the value given to the land is the Foundation is built where his life and his identity; but mired in poverty because of disputes for the territories, which generated clashes and produced displacement, threats, disappearances and massacres

    La impresionante diversidad y estructura del bosque tropical a través de una gradiente altitudinal en la selva central del Perú

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    Los bosques pre-montanos y montanos son poco estudiados y su composición florística es muy poco conocida, aunque últimamente aquí se han descubierto nuevas especies de árboles. Describimos la diversidad, composición florística y estructura del bosque en 13 parcelas permanentes de 1 ha, evaluadas en el 2018 en el Transecto Yanachaga en el Perú (400 a 3170msnm). Registramos un total de 6998 árboles, 617 especies, 249 géneros y 82 familias. Existe unas altas correlaciones  entre la altitud, la riqueza y diversidad de especies. La mayor riquezaocurre en la parcela PNY-05 a 470 msnm con 202 especies y la menor con 43 especies en la parcela PNY-01 a 3170 mnsm. La altura promedio del dosel es mayor entre los 400 y 800 msnm, y disminuye progresivamente a medida que se va subiendo, presentando alturas mínimas entre 2800 y 3170 msnm. Este mismo comportamiento ocurre con respecto al área basal y volumen de madera. Los individuos muestreados están representados por especies de árboles (88%), palmeras (4%), helechos arborescentes (6.5%), lianas (1.5%) y hemiepífitos leñosos (0. 03%). Las f ormas de vi da varí an notablemente en el transecto altitudinal, los árboles y palmeras son más abundantes y diversos en la parte baja, mientras los helechos arborescentes son abundantes por encima de los 1800 m. Existen diferencias en la diversidad, composición y estructura de árboles entre parcelas y también si se compara al llano amazónico. Los bosques del Transecto Yanachaga juegan un papel importante, puesto que conservan una alta diversidad de especies y hábitats

    A collaboratively derived environmental research agenda for Galapagos

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    Galápagos is one of the most pristine archipelagos in the world and its conservation relies upon research and sensible management. In recent decades both the interest in, and the needs of, the islands have increased, yet the funds and capacity for necessary research have remained limited. It has become, therefore, increasingly important to identify areas of priority research to assist decision-making in Galápagos conservation. This study identified 50 questions considered priorities for future research and management. The exercise involved the collaboration of policy makers, practitioners and researchers from more than 30 different organisations. Initially, 360 people were consulted to generate 781 questions. An established process of preworkshop voting and three rounds to reduce and reword the questions, followed by a two-day workshop, was used to produce the final 50 questions. The most common issues raised by this list of questions were human population growth, climate change and the impact of invasive alien species. These results have already been used by a range of organisations and politicians and are expected to provide the basis for future research on the islands so that its sustainability may be enhanced. </jats:p

    Association of respiratory symptoms and lung function with occupation in the multinational Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study

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    Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has been associated with exposures in the workplace. We aimed to assess the association of respiratory symptoms and lung function with occupation in the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease study. Methods We analysed cross-sectional data from 28 823 adults (≥40 years) in 34 countries. We considered 11 occupations and grouped them by likelihood of exposure to organic dusts, inorganic dusts and fumes. The association of chronic cough, chronic phlegm, wheeze, dyspnoea, forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1)/FVC with occupation was assessed, per study site, using multivariable regression. These estimates were then meta-analysed. Sensitivity analyses explored differences between sexes and gross national income. Results Overall, working in settings with potentially high exposure to dusts or fumes was associated with respiratory symptoms but not lung function differences. The most common occupation was farming. Compared to people not working in any of the 11 considered occupations, those who were farmers for ≥20 years were more likely to have chronic cough (OR 1.52, 95% CI 1.19–1.94), wheeze (OR 1.37, 95% CI 1.16–1.63) and dyspnoea (OR 1.83, 95% CI 1.53–2.20), but not lower FVC (β=0.02 L, 95% CI −0.02–0.06 L) or lower FEV1/FVC (β=0.04%, 95% CI −0.49–0.58%). Some findings differed by sex and gross national income. Conclusion At a population level, the occupational exposures considered in this study do not appear to be major determinants of differences in lung function, although they are associated with more respiratory symptoms. Because not all work settings were included in this study, respiratory surveillance should still be encouraged among high-risk dusty and fume job workers, especially in low- and middle-income countries.publishedVersio

    Prevalence of chronic cough, its risk factors and population attributable risk in the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study: a multinational cross-sectional study

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)Background: Chronic cough is a common respiratory symptom with an impact on daily activities and quality of life. Global prevalence data are scarce and derive mainly from European and Asian countries and studies with outcomes other than chronic cough. In this study, we aimed to estimate the prevalence of chronic cough across a large number of study sites as well as to identify its main risk factors using a standardised protocol and definition. Methods: We analysed cross-sectional data from 33,983 adults (≥40 years), recruited between Jan 2, 2003 and Dec 26, 2016, in 41 sites (34 countries) from the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study. We estimated the prevalence of chronic cough for each site accounting for sampling design. To identify risk factors, we conducted multivariable logistic regression analysis within each site and then pooled estimates using random-effects meta-analysis. We also calculated the population attributable risk (PAR) associated with each of the identifed risk factors. Findings: The prevalence of chronic cough varied from 3% in India (rural Pune) to 24% in the United States of America (Lexington,KY). Chronic cough was more common among females, both current and passive smokers, those working in a dusty job, those with a history of tuberculosis, those who were obese, those with a low level of education and those with hypertension or airflow limitation. The most influential risk factors were current smoking and working in a dusty job. Interpretation: Our findings suggested that the prevalence of chronic cough varies widely across sites in different world regions. Cigarette smoking and exposure to dust in the workplace are its major risk factors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio