262 research outputs found
Zmiany w komórkach mezofilu liści roślin Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. spowodowane zasoleniem
Five-week-old tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) cv. Perkoz grown in pots
containing garden soil in a growth chamber were submitted to 50 or 150 mM NaCl for
1 h, 2 and 5 days. Tomato leaf anatomy generally did not change after short time
salinity, except 5-day-treatment with 150 mM NaCl, where changed cell shape
(shrunk and deformed) simultaneously with increased volume of intercellular spaces
(IS) were observed. Although leaf hydration (H) depleted only 1 h after 150 mM NaCl
treatment both salt concentrations generated two coexisting populations of saltaffected
mesophyll cells: (i) slightly-affected (Sl-A) which showed incipient
plasmolysis or slightly changed shapes, and (ii) severely-affected (Sv-A) which
showed severe plasmolysis; serious deformation of cell shape or disorganization
including cell degeneration. In Sl-A cells salinity changed location and shape of
chloroplasts which were: more rounded, with oversized starch grains (SG) (2d) or
more flat (5d). Salt-mediated changes were becoming more distinguished and
pronounced with length of 150 mM NaCl treatment. The amount of salt-affected cells
was changing during the experiment and depended on the salt concentration. In 50
mM-treated plants salt-affected cells appeared 1 h after treatment (~40%) and raised
up to 78% on 2nd day, however the population of Sl-A cells dominated. In 150 mM
NaCl-treated plants the percentage of affected cells raised during the experiment
from 75% to 99%. Firstly Sl-A cells dominated, but on the 5th day the majority was
Sv-A. Salt-affected cells were distributed quite evenly in palisade or spongy
mesophyll, except 2 d after treatment with 50 mM NaCl, when their number was
higher in the palisade mesophyll. Sv-A cells in the spongy mesophyll were located
mostly near the bundle while in the palisade mesophyll more irregularly. Different
susceptibility of cells to salt stress might be the consequence of an unequal
distribution of osmotic stress and subsequent ionic stress or physiological state of
Extraction and valorization of cellulose from municipal and industrial waste biomass
La cel·lulosa és el polímer orgànic més abundant del planeta. A causa de les seves propietats, com la biocompatibilitat, la biodegradabilitat, l'estabilitat tèrmica i química, s'ha utilitzat en moltes aplicacions. La cel·lulosa es pot obtenir a partir de residus de biomassa sense exposar els subministraments d'aliments i pinsos, els boscos i la biodiversitat al món. La biomassa es compon de fibres de cel·lulosa incrustades en una matriu sòlida de lignina i hemicel·luloses. Per alliberar-los s’han de realitzar processos de pretractament de biomassa. Durant els darrers anys ha cridat una gran atenció la dissolució de biomassa lignocelulosica en líquid iònic. Els líquids iònics s’utilitzen com a reemplaçament verd de dissolvents orgànics volàtils perjudicials pel seu caràcter no volàtil, una excel·lent estabilitat química i tèrmica. Aquesta tesi investiga l’extracció i valorització de la cel·lulosa a partir de residus de biomassa: fangs de paper industrial, fangs d’aigües residuals municipals i estufa de blat de moro agrícola com a font potencial d’hidrats de carboni, principalment cel·lulosa, que es poden convertir en molècules de valor afegit. Al mateix temps, aquest treball segueix el concepte d’economia circular per a residus de biomassa.La celulosa es el polímero orgánico más abundante en el planeta. Debido a sus propiedades, como la biocompatibilidad, la biodegradabilidad, la estabilidad térmica y química, se ha utilizado en muchas aplicaciones. La celulosa se puede obtener de los desechos de biomasa sin exponer los alimentos y los suministros de alimentos, los bosques y la biodiversidad en el mundo. La biomasa está compuesta de fibras de celulosa que están incrustadas en una matriz sólida de lignina y hemicelulosas. Para liberarlos se deben realizar procesos de pretratamiento de biomasa. En los últimos años, la disolución de la biomasa lignocelulósica en líquido iónico ha llamado mucho la atención. Los líquidos iónicos se utilizan como sustitutos ecológicos de los solventes orgánicos volátiles nocivos debido a su carácter no volátil, excelente estabilidad química y térmica. Esta tesis investiga la extracción y valorización de la celulosa de los residuos de biomasa: lodos de papel industriales, lodos de aguas residuales municipales y estufa agrícola de maíz como fuente potencial de carbohidratos, principalmente celulosa, que pueden convertirse en moléculas de valor agregado. Al mismo tiempo, este trabajo sigue el concepto de economía circular para los residuos de biomasa.Cellulose is the most abundant organic polymer on the planet. Due to its properties, such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, thermal and chemical stability it has been used in many applications. Cellulose can be obtained from biomass waste without exposing the food and feed supplies, forests, and biodiversity in the world. Biomass is composed of cellulose fibers which are embedded in a solid matrix of lignin and hemicelluloses. In order to release them pretreatment processes of biomass must be performed. Over the past years the dissolution of lignocellulosic biomass in ionic liquid has drawn a great attention. Ionic liquids are used as green replacement for harmful volatile organic solvents due to their non-volatile character, excellent chemical and thermal stability. This thesis investigates the extraction and valorisation of cellulose from biomass waste: industrial paper sludge, municipal sewage sludge and agricultural corn stover as a potential source of carbohydrates, mainly cellulose, which can be converted into value-added molecules. At the same time, this work follows the concept of circular economy for biomass waste
Kierunki rozwoju nanotechnologii w województwie podlaskim. Mapy. Marszruty. Trendy
W monografii zaprezentowano możliwe kierunki rozwoju nanotechnologii w województwie podlaskim opracowane w ramach projektu badawczego „Foresight technologiczny «NT FOR Podlaskie 2020». Regionalna strategia rozwoju nanotechnologii”.Joanicjusz Nazark
Administrative methods of local-scale entrepreneurship development support by territorial governments in Poland
According to Doing Business Index (which ranks countries on their ease of conducting business), published by the World Bank in 2009, Poland is on the 72nd place among 184 studied countries. Poland's main problems include excessive bureaucracy, complicated regulations, and multiple licences and permissions required in various sectors of the economy. According to the partial criterion 'starting a business', our country is on the very distant 117th place . This, undoubtedly, is a significant problem for Polish entrepreneurs and, at the same time, a major challenge for legislators who should quickly implement legislative solutions supporting new business development. The main barriers to business development in Poland are legal and administrative requirements which have to be met by businesses in the country. According to the conclusions of numerous studies conducted among entrepreneurs in Poland, the strongest disadvantages are inflexible labour law regulations as well as arduous administrative procedures. Accomplishment of formalities connected with the settlement of various regulatory liabilities (duration of procedures, number of required documents, availability of various document forms from one place, etc.) constitutes the main difficulty. This particularly applies to smaller companies which are used to traditional payment methods and fulfilment by themselves of all procedures required by the authorities. Despite the procedural obstacles limiting business activity in Poland, there is an increasing number of initiatives undertaken by local authorities with the aim to improve the climate for business development within their territories. Local authorities implement simple solutions helping to overcome administrative barriers. A measure commonly adopted by the authorities described in this paper is the implementation of a certified quality management system compliant with the ISO 9001:2000 standard. In this paper, the authors present initiatives implemented in selected municipal offices in Poland with the aim to facilitate business activity starting and conducting by entrepreneurs. The initiatives have been diagnosed in a questionnaire-based survey carried out by one of the authors among selected Polish municipal offices having implemented the quality management system
Preferencje klientów związane z zakupami online
Nowadays online shopping is becoming more popular among Polish consumers. The aim of the article is to establish the existence of statistically signifiant differences between certain aspects of the behaviour of consumers when shopping online and their age. The empirical base for the article comprises the material obtained as a result of a survey carried out on a sample of 597 people buying over the Internet.Zakupy online stają się coraz bardziej popularne wśród polskich konsumentów. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu wykazanie istnienia statystycznie istotnych różnic między wybranymi aspektami zachowań konsumentów podczas zakupów online a ich wiekiem. Bazę empiryczną opracowania stanowią wyniki badań diagnostycznych przeprowadzonych techniką CAWI na próbie 597 osób dokonujących zakupów przez Internet
Przegląd projektów foresightu branżowego w Polsce
As an instrument used to anticipate the future, foresight has a fairly short history in Poland. The first steps to promote the idea of foresight were taken by the Ministry of Science and Informatisation in 2003-2005 when the Pilot Foresight Project in the Health and Life research field was carried out. In 2006 the National Foresight Programme Poland 2020 was launched, with 8 regional and 10 industry foresight exercises running in parallel. This paper aims to provide a detailed picture of industry foresight projects carried out in Poland, describing them in terms of theme, objectives, expected results, stakeholders, geographical distribution, time frame and research horizon, methods applied, budgets and sources of funding. Furthermore, the paper identifies special characteristics of Polish industrial foresight exercises against the background of similar projects in other European countries, adopting the following criteria: number of projects, methodologies and research areas analysed.Foresight, jako narzędzie antycypowania przyszłości, ma w Polsce krótką historię. Działania sprzyjające promowaniu idei foresightu zostały zainicjowane w latach 2003-2005 przez Ministerstwo Nauki i Informatyzacji w formie Pilotażowego Programu Foresight w polu badawczym „Zdrowie i Życie”. W 2006 r. rozpoczęto realizację Narodowego Programu Foresight „Polska 2020”; prowadzi się także osiem projektów regionalnych oraz dziesięć projektów branżowych. Celem artykułu jest szczegółowa prezentacja projektów branżowych typu foresight realizowanych w Polsce, pod kątem tematyki, celów, oczekiwanych rezultatów, interesariuszy, rozmieszczenia geograficznego, ram i horyzontu czasowego, a także zastosowanych metod, budżetu i źródeł finansowania. Autorzy zwracają również uwagę na specyfikę polskich projektów foresightu branżowego na tle innych państw Europy, przyjmując za kryteria wyróżniające: liczbę projektów, metodykę oraz obszary badawcze będące przedmiotem analiz
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