111 research outputs found

    Olhar, lugar, vazio: o teatro crĂ­tico de RaĂșl Antelo

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    O artigo propĂ”e um breve comentĂĄrio sobre a obra crĂ­tica do professor e pesquisador RaĂșl Antelo, que Ă© aqui apresentada em termos de um singular teatro crĂ­tico, para o qual as categorias de olhar, de lugar e de vazio tĂȘm importĂąncia fundamental. AtravĂ©s de algumas referĂȘncias a essa obra, contidas em textos publicados entre os anos 2000 e 2014, bem como tambĂ©m a suas principais fontes de inspiração teĂłrica, estudar-se-ĂĄ a maneira como, nela, a complexa articulação entre experiĂȘncia e experimentação promove uma renovação dos lugares do sujeito e do objeto, polos tradicionais do exercĂ­cio do conhecimento


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    This paper analyses the French presence in Brazilian Literature and Culture, from the romanticism with its indianism Ă  la Chateaubriand to the Modernism with Oswald de Andrade and Tarsila do Amaral. As in any contact between different peoples, the dialogue Brazil-France has its weak and strong times; in the last one, we can include two important “French missions”, the 1816’s one and the 1934’s one. There is a reflexion on the role of teaching/learning French in Brazil as well as on the issue of French language in the colonial context, through some ideas developed by Derrida and Glissant.Este texto enfoca a presença francesa na literatura e na cultura brasileiras, do romantismo com seu indianismo Ă  la Chateaubriand atĂ© o modernismo de oswald de Andrade e tarsila do Amaral. Como todo contato entre povos, o diĂĄlogo entre o brasil e a França tem seus tempos fracos e seus tempos fortes; nestes, incluem-se duas importantes “missĂ”es francesas”, a de 1816 e a de 1934. TambĂ©m se busca refletir sobre o papel do ensino do francĂȘs no brasil ou no eixo das relaçÔes coloniais, a partir do pensamento de autores como Derrida e Glissant


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    O primeiro livro de poemas de Paula Glenadel, "A vida espiralada" (CaetĂ©s), data de 1999, trĂȘs anos apĂłs a conclusĂŁo do seu doutorado na UFRJ. Em 2005 Ă© lançado "Quase uma arte" (Cosac & Naify), e, em 2008, "A fĂĄbrica do feminino" (7Letras). Em 2014, aparece "Rede" (Confraria do Vento). Paralelamente Ă  escrita literĂĄria, Paula Glenadel dedica-se Ă  pesquisa acadĂȘmica e Ă  tradução. Michel Deguy, Jacques Roubaud e Nathalie Quintane sĂŁo alguns dos autores que jĂĄ traduziu. Nessa entrevista, procuramos explorar as relaçÔes, tensĂ”es e reverberaçÔes que a autora enxerga (e vivencia) entre a escrita tradutĂłria e a escrita literĂĄria

    RessurgĂȘncia barroca: estilo e tradução cultural em Jacques Derrida

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    Considering the possibility of developing a reflection on the Baroque in all its potential as the preserver of desconstructive marginalities of knowledge and identity, observed from a LatinAmerican condition, this paper proposes a critical approach based on some Derrida's theoretical contributions, which resist to Eurocentrism, manifest an acceptance of dialogue with an "ailleurs", a translation of an "outside", meeting some places of transcendance haunting CrecoLatin-Western culture "itself"

    Nouvelles avancées en trifluorométhylthiolation et fluoroalkylsélénolation

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    Organofluorine compounds are widely known for their various applications (e.g. pharmaceutical and agrochemical industry, materials) whereas only a dozen have been identified in nature. This difference is due to the unique properties of the fluorine atom: lipophilicity, metabolic stability, conformation, etc. The combination of heteroatoms with a fluorinated moiety is able to modulate theses properties. Therefore, since early 2010s, many efforts have been devoted to introduce the SCF3 moiety onto molecules. This substituent shows high lipophilicity (Hansch Leo parameter: p = 1,44). By the end of 2000s, the Billard’s group developed reagents, named trifluoromethanesulfenamides, able to perform trifluoromethylthiolation on a large range of nucleophiles in a direct and electrophilic fashion. Recently, the « second generation » of trifluoromethanesulfenamides has demonstrated another reactivity. Indeed, in the presence of iodide anion, the polarity of the sulfur atom is inverted allowing reactions with electrophiles. Therefore, this stable reagent is able to react with both electrophiles and nucleophiles.Selenium constitutes an essential nutriment to humans. However, only a few methodologies have been developed to introduce SeRf moieties onto molecules. Lately, our group has reported the synthesis of diverse pre reagents able to perform the fluoroalkylselenolation of various nucleophiles in a direct and electrophilic fashion. The range of fluoroalkylselenolated moieties offers modulation of molecules’ physicochemical properties. Finally and for the first time, the Hansch Leo parameter of SeCF3 moiety has been measured (p = 1,29 ± 0,14), establishing this substituent as one of the most lipophilic ones. Many recent advances have been made and published on the topic but there is clearly room for improvement. Therefore, further efforts need to be dedicated for the development of new methodologies and reagentsLes molĂ©cules organiques fluorĂ©es sont de plus en plus reprĂ©sentĂ©es dans une grande diversitĂ© de domaines (e.g. industrie pharmaceutique et agroalimentaire, matĂ©riaux, etc.) malgrĂ© leur faible occurrence dans la nature. Ceci est dĂ» aux propriĂ©tĂ©s uniques de l’atome de fluor : lipophilie, stabilitĂ© mĂ©tabolique, conformation, etc. L’association d’un groupement fluorĂ© avec un hĂ©tĂ©roatome permet d’obtenir de nouvelles propriĂ©tĂ©s. C’est pourquoi au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 2010, certains groupes de recherche se sont focalisĂ©s sur la chimie du SCF3 et son introduction sur des molĂ©cules organiques. En effet, ce motif prĂ©sente un des caractĂšres lipophiles les plus Ă©levĂ©s (paramĂštre de Hansch Leo : p = 1,44). A la fin des annĂ©es 2000, le groupe de Thierry Billard a dĂ©veloppĂ© une sĂ©rie de rĂ©actifs, les trifluoromĂ©thanesulfĂ©namides, permettant de trifluoromĂ©thylthioler de maniĂšre directe et Ă©lectrophile une large gamme de nuclĂ©ophiles. RĂ©cemment, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© que la « seconde gĂ©nĂ©ration » des trifluoromĂ©thanesulfĂ©namides pouvait rĂ©agir de maniĂšre nuclĂ©ophile par inversion de polaritĂ© en prĂ©sence d’iodures. Ce rĂ©actif stable en condition aĂ©robie prĂ©sente donc deux rĂ©activitĂ©s diffĂ©rentes suivant les conditions de la rĂ©action.Contrairement Ă  son analogue soufrĂ©, trĂšs peu de mĂ©thodologies ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es afin d’introduire le motif SeRf sur des molĂ©cules bien que le sĂ©lĂ©nium constitue un nutriment essentiel chez l’ĂȘtre humain. L’annĂ©e derniĂšre, nous avons rapportĂ© la synthĂšse d’une sĂ©rie de prĂ© rĂ©actifs permettant la fluoroalkylsĂ©lĂ©nolation directe et Ă©lectrophile de divers nuclĂ©ophiles. La diversitĂ© des groupements fluoroalkylsĂ©lĂ©niĂ©s permet donc d’obtenir une modulation des propriĂ©tĂ©s physico chimiques. Enfin, le paramĂštre de Hansch Leo de SeCF3 a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ© pour la premiĂšre fois (p = 1,29 ± 0,14) et montre que ce motif est l’un des plus lipophiles derriĂšre son analogue soufrĂ©. Bien que des avancĂ©es majeures aient Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es rĂ©cemment, la marge de progression autour de cette chimie est encore grande. C’est pourquoi il faut continuer les efforts dans le dĂ©veloppement de nouveaux rĂ©actifs et de nouvelles mĂ©thodologie
