10 research outputs found

    Agronomic performance and genetic divergence between genotypes of Manihot esculenta

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    The morphoagronomic characterization of 12 genotypes of M. esculenta was performed during the 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 crop years. The 12 genotypes were planted in a randomized block design, with four replicates per genotype. Number of tuberous roots per plant, weight of tuberous roots, root yield, total plant weight, harvest index, plant height, height of first branch, number of shoots, stem diameter, number of buds, leaf dry weight and petiole length were evaluated. Genotypes “Camuquem” and “Goiás” were the most productive, and “Amarela” and “Gema de Ovo” were the most divergent. Seventy percent of genetic diversity was due to petiole length (22.86%), root yield (19.20%), weight of tuberous roots (14.89%) and number of buds (13.72%). Overall, the present results indicate a broad genetic basis for the evaluated genotypes, so that such genetic variation benefits the plant breeding for future scenarios Further studies of the evaluated genotypes should be performed under environmental limitations, using biochemical and molecular tools to identify markers for genetic improvementinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Volatilização de amônia de ureias protegidas na cultura do cafeeiro conilon

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    Among the sources of nitrogen (N) used in agriculture urea is the most widely used fertilizer in Brazil. However, this source presents problems with the application on the soil surface due to N losses by NH3 volatilisation, resulting from the action of the enzyme urease. This study aimed to determine the losses of nitrogen (N) by Ammonia volatilisation and yield of Conilon coffee plants fertilized with protected ureas. The experiment was installed in Nova Venécia – Espírito Santo state, Brazil, in commercial coffee farming Conilon ‘Vitória INCAPER 8142’ with five sources of nitrogen fertilizers: Common Urea-45% N (UC45), Urea-45% N + NBPT (U45+NBPT), Urea-44.6% N + 0.15% Cu + 0.4 % B (U44.6+Cu+B); Urea-37% N + 17% de S (U37+S), and Ammonium Nitrate-34% N (AN34). The experimental design was randomized blocks with five treatments and six replicates. Ammonia collectors were installed in each plot immediately after fertilizer application. Ureas protected by NBPT inhibitor and the Cu + B micronutrients have lower volatilisation losses in relation to unprotected urea. The coating of urea with sulfur does not provide reduced losses of N by volatilisation. The coffee yield is not affected by the use of protected ureas with NBPT, Cu + B and S under the conditions studied.Dentre as fontes de nitrogênio utilizadas na agricultura, a ureia é o fertilizante mais utilizado no Brasil. Todavia, apresenta problemas com a aplicação na superfície do solo devido às perdas de N por volatilização de amônia, decorrentes da ação da enzima urease. Objetivou-se determinar as perdas de N por volatilização de amônia de ureias protegidas e a produtividade de plantas de cafeeiro adubadas com tais fertilizantes. O experimento foi instalado em Nova Venécia – ES, em lavoura comercial de café Conilon ‘Vitória INCAPER8142’. Foram avaliadas cinco fontes de fertilizantes nitrogenados: T1= Ureia comum (45 % N); T2= Ureia (45 % N) + NBPT; T3= ureia (44,6 % N) +0,15% de Cu + 0,4 % de B; T4= ureia (37 % N) + enxofre (17 %); e T5= nitrato de amônio (34 % N). Foram instalados coletores de amônia, em cada parcela experimental, imediatamente após a aplicação dos fertilizantes. As ureias protegidas pelo inibidor NBPT e pelos micronutrientes Cu + B apresentam as menores perdas por volatilização que a ureia não protegida. O recobrimento da ureia com enxofre não proporciona redução das perdas de N por volatilização de amônia. A produtividade dos cafeeiros não é afetada pela utilização de ureias protegidas com NBPT, Cu + B e S, sob as condições estudadas

    Fluorescência transiente da clorofila a e crescimento vegetativo em cafeeiro conilon sob diferentes fontes nitrogenadas

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    The use of nitrogen fertilizers is an effective resource to increase the coffee yield, so that the improvement and /or generation of new techniques that assist in the management of nitrogen fertilization are essential, as will contribute to increase nitrogen use efficiency (N). Thus, this study aimed to determine the chlorophyll a fluorescence transient and vegetative growth in Conilon coffee under different nitrogen sources. The experiment was carried out in Nova Venécia - ES - Brazil, on coffee plantation Conilon cultivar “Vitória Incaper 8142”. Were evaluated five sources of nitrogen fertilizers: urea common, urea + NBPT, urea + Cu and B, urea + S, and ammonia nitrate. The chlorophyll a fluorescence maximum did not differ in any of the times examined. The values of relative chlorophyll index (RCI) alternated their significance with respect to treatments throughout the evaluation dates. The N sources were not responsible, singly, with changes to the RCI. The sources of nitrogen fertilizers with increased efficiency exhibited low influence on transient fluorescence of chlorophyll a and do not influence the vegetative growth of the coffee.O uso de fertilizantes nitrogenados é um recurso eficaz para elevar a produtividade do cafeeiro, de modo que o aprimoramento e/ou geração de novas técnicas que auxiliem no manejo da adubação nitrogenada são fundamentais, pois contribuirão para aumentar a eficiência de uso do nitrogênio (N). Dessa forma, objetivou-se determinar a fluorescência transiente da clorofila a e o crescimento vegetativo do cafeeiro Conilon sob diferentes fontes nitrogenadas. O experimento foi realizado em Nova Venécia - ES - Brasil, em lavoura de café Conilon cultivar “Vitória Incaper 8142”. Foram avaliadas cinco fontes de adubos nitrogenados: ureia comum, ureia + NBPT, ureia + Cu e B, ureia + S, e nitrato de amônio. A fluorescência máxima da clorofila a não diferiu em nenhuma das épocas analisadas. Os valores de índice relativo de clorofila (IRC) alternaram suas significâncias com relação aos tratamentos ao longo das datas de avaliação. As fontes de N não foram responsáveis, isoladamente, pelas alterações do IRC. As fontes de fertilizantes nitrogenados de eficiência aumentada apresentam baixa influência na fluorescência transiente da clorofila a e não influenciam o crescimento vegetativo do cafeeiro


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    O sistema silvipastoril possui potencial de reduzir a erosão, reduzir a necessidade de fertilizantes minerais e de melhorar as propriedades dos solos. O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os atributos físicos do solo em diferentes tipos de manejo do solo no norte do Espírito Santo. O experimento foi realizado em Jaguaré - ES. Avaliou-se a densidade do solo, densidade de partículas, volume total de poros, macro e microporosidade e resistência do solo a penetração nas profundidades de 0 a 10 e de 10 a 20 cm em áreas de seringueira em monocultivo, pastagem em monocultivo, sistema silvipastoril (de seringueira com pastagem) e fragmento de mata atlântica. Os atributos físicos do solo variaram em função das profundidades e das áreas avaliadas. O sistema silvipastoril apresentou menor densidade do solo, menor resistência à penetração e maior microporosidade que o cultivo de pastagem em monocultivo, indicando um efeito positivo no consórcio de pastagem e seringueira

    Plantio de aveia-preta na região de São Mateus no estado do Espirito Santo, Brasil

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    Among the cultivars of oat, it was decided to Embrapa 29 (Garoa) to be a good kind of mass production and adapted to the conditions in the Southeast. But there is no study of the cultivation of oat to the northern region of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, assessing the growth and development of Avena strigosa Embrapa 29 (Garoa) at conditions of northern ES, it is of paramount importance for the region, since this provides a number of improvements in soil quality. The area where the experiment was conducted, belongs to the Federal University of Espirito Santo, University Center North-CEUNES Holy Spirit campus of St. Matthew - ES. Sowing was carried out with a tillage machine in spaced grooves of 0.30 m. Did not make the correct soil acidity and, mineral and organic fertilizers applications. Even with the late planting, oat had a good development in the environmental conditions of the northern region ES. This possibly benefited from the texture, since there is no impediment to the root system of the plant. The black oats grow well in soil and climatic conditions of São Mateus-ES region, mainly on a Yellow Argillaceous type of texture sand-franca.Dentre as cultivares de aveia-preta, optou-se pela cultivar Embrapa 29 (Garoa) por ser uma espécie de boa produção de massa e adaptada às condições da região Sudeste, porém não há estudo do cultivo da aveia-preta para a região norte do Espírito Santo. Portanto, avaliar o crescimento e desenvolvimento da Avena strigosa cultivar Embrapa 29 (Garoa) nas condições edafoclimáticas do norte do ES, torna-se de suma importância para região, visto que essa propicia várias melhorias na qualidade do solo. A área onde foi instalado o experimento, pertence à Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro Universitário Norte do Espírito Santo-CEUNES, câmpus de São Mateus – ES. A semeadura foi realizada com uma máquina de plantio direto em sulcos espaçados de 0,30 m. Não realizou a correção da acidez do solo e nem aplicações de adubos minerais e orgânicos. Mesmo com o plantio tardio, a aveia-preta teve um bom desenvolvimento nas condições edafoclimáticas da região norte do ES. Este, possivelmente, foi beneficiado pela textura, visto que não há nenhum impedimento para o sistema radicular da planta. A aveia-preta desenvolve bem nas condições edafoclimáticas da região de São Mateus-ES, principalmente, sobre um Argiloso Amarelo de textura do tipo areia-franca

    Microclimate, development and productivity of robusta coffee shaded by rubber trees and at full sun

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    ABSTRACT There are few studies about the shading of Robusta coffee with rubber trees. The aim of this study was evaluate the microclimate, development and yield of Coffea canephora grown at full sun and shaded by rubber trees. The experiment consisted of a Robusta coffee crop (Coffea canephora) grown at under full sun and another coffee crop intercropped with rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis). The rubber trees and coffee crop were planted in the East/West direction, in Jaguaré, Espírito Santo, Brazil. Was evaluated the luminosity, temperature and relative humidity, leaf nutrient concentrations; internodes of the plagiotropic and orthotropic branches, leaf area; relative chlorophyll index, and tree yield of the coffee crops. The shading directly influenced the microclimate by reducing the air temperature in the summer and winter, as well as by increasing relative humidity. Luminosity in the summer had an average decrease of 905 lumens ft-2 throughout the day, which was equivalent to 72.49%, and luminosity in the winter had an average decrease of 1665 lumens ft-2, which was equivalent to 88.04%. The shading provided greater etiolation of the plagiotropic and orthotropic branches as well as greater leaf expansion as compared to the full sun. The leaf concentration of Fe and Mn were higher in the shaded coffee. Estimated chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll were greater in the coffee crop grown at under full sun. The dense shading produced by rubber trees provided losses in the coffee crop yield, however, there is the formation of the rubber tree

    Physiological responses of photosynthesis in black pepper plants under different shade levels promoted by intercropping with rubber trees

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    ABSTRACT Plants of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) may display changes in their photosynthetic activity as a result of environmental seasonal changes. Intercropping with tree species may represent an alternative to mitigate the impacts of climatic changes on crops. The objective of this work was to evaluate the physiological responses of photosynthesis in black pepper plants under different shade levels promoted by intercropping with rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex A. Juss.) Müll. Arg. The photosynthetic performance in black pepper along the day was evaluated under full sun and five shade levels. The resulted showed that variations positives in leaf gas exchanges were not exclusively dependent on the shade promoted by the distance in relation with the line of rubber trees in the field, but also fluctuate depending on the period of the day, the orientation (Northern or Southern), relating the line of trees and the season of the year. This study showed that shaded intercropped plants displayed some advantage in a few cases (black pepper plants located at 2 m, and 5 m between rubber trees, southern side) as regards the photosynthetic rate at midday and afternoon, and especially in summer, when compared to pepper plants cultivated in full sunlight condition, That would be likely related to the to the maintenance of somewhat lower temperature and higher relative humidity in the atmosphere close to the black pepper plant implying some advantage for such consortium system to mitigate the possible effects of future climate changes, like warming

    Multi-Environment and Multi-Year Bayesian Analysis Approach in <i>Coffee canephora</i>

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    This work aimed to use the Bayesian approach to discriminate 43 genotypes of Coffea canephora cv. Conilon, which were cultivated in two producing regions to identify the most stable and productive genotypes. The experiment was a randomized block design with three replications and seven plants per plot, carried out in the south of Bahia and the north of Espírito Santo, environments with different climatic conditions, and evaluated during four harvests. The proposed Bayesian methodology was implemented in R language, using the MCMCglmm package. This approach made it possible to find great genetic divergence between the materials, and detect significant effects for both genotype, environment, and year, but the hyper-parametrized models (block effect) presented problems of singularity and convergence. It was also possible to detect a few differences between crops within the same environment. With a model with lower residual, it was possible to recommend the most productive genotypes for both environments: LB1, AD1, Peneirão, Z21, and P2

    The influence of calyx maturation stage and types of packaging on the germination of goldenberry seeds

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    Studies of the optimum harvest time for obtaining seeds for the sexual propagation of the goldenberry are essential to help maintain seed viability. This study aimed to determine the optimum harvest time for the goldenberry based on the calyx maturation stage and viability of stored seeds. The design was completely randomized a in factorial design (5 x 3), with three replications. The treatments consisted of a combination of five calyx maturation stages, assessed based on color (green, green-yellow, greenish-yellow, yellow, brownishyellow), and three types of packaging: Kraft paper bags, plastic bags, and glass. The seeds were removed from the fruit and stored at the same temperature and shade conditions for 120 days. Based on the results of the 21-day germination test, it is recommended that goldenberry seeds should be obtained from fruit with a green-yellow to brownish-yellow calyx. All the packaging types analyzed by this study are recommended for the storage of goldenberry seeds obtained from fruit with a green-yellow to brownish-yellow calyx for a 120-day storage period

    Genetic diversity of promising ‘conilon’ coffee clones based on morpho-agronomic variables

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    Abstract Knowledge of the genetic variability of a population is essential to guide its preservation and maintenance in addition to increasing the efficiency of genetic breeding programs. On this basis, this study was conducted to evaluate the genetic diversity of Coffea canephora genotypes using multivariate statistical procedures applied to a set of morpho-agronomic variables. The materials employed in this study constitute a crop located in Vila Valério - ES, Brazil, where the genotypes are arranged in a randomized-blocks experimental design with four replicates. Significant differences were detected by the F test at the 1% or 5% probability levels among the genotypes for all evaluated traits, demonstrating heterogeneity of genetic constitution in the studied population, which is favorable to breeding, as it indicates the possibility to identify superior and divergent individuals. Based on the generalized Mahalanobis distance, the most divergent combinations were obtained between genotypes 23 and 10 (256.43) and 23 and 17 (250.09). The clusters formed by Tocher’s optimization and the UPGMA hierarchical method agreed, both similarly grouping the genotypes into three clusters. Of the analyzed traits, mature fruit weight (19.08%), yield (15.50%), plant diameter (12.42%), and orthotropic-shoot internode length (10.94%) were the most efficient to explain the dissimilarity among the genotypes