119 research outputs found

    \u27It’s just filth:’ Banned books and the project of queer erasure

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    This paper seeks to explore the connection between the banning of queer books, the creation of discourses of controversy, and the erasure of queer knowledges and peoples from schools. Using a queer theory-informed approach to critical discourse analysis, we ask how these proposed bans seek to erase queer peoples, how this impacts teachers, and what teacher preparation programs can do to counter these acts of destruction

    From Local to Global: Making the Leap in Teacher Education

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    As the world becomes increasingly globalized, teachers must prepare a diverse group of students with new skills and mindsets necessary to engage in this global environment. This requires changes in teacher education, including expansion of instructional lenses from the local to the global. This case study examined how one teacher educator attempted to incorporate global competency into her course on culturally responsive teaching. Using surveys, document analysis, observations, and interviews with both the instructor and her students, the researchers found that some global competencies were developed. Ultimately, however, many areas of global competence were not addressed, due to the course’s focus on personal dispositions over practices and on local issues over global ones. We recommend that teacher education programs include a separate course on global competency, as well as more training for teacher educators on how best to develop globally competent pedagogy in pre- and in-service teachers

    Expanding approaches to teaching for diversity and social justice in K-12 education: Fostering global citizenship across the content areas

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    Educators today must be able to respond to the needs of an increasingly diverse student body and to teach all students the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for civic participation in a globalized, pluralist society. While state departments of education and national teacher organizations have begun to adopt global awareness in their teaching standards and evaluation tools, there is a Fostering global citizenship across content areas2need for educators to understand what globally competent teachers actually do in classrooms across subject areas and grade levels. This qualitative, multiple case study explores the signature pedagogies (Shulman, 2005) of 10 in-service teachers in one southeastern state who teach for global competence in math, music, science, English, social studies, and language classes across elementary, middle, and high schools. We found three signature pedagogies that characterized globally competent teaching practices across participants: 1) intentional integration of global topics and multiple perspectives into and across the standard curriculum; 2) ongoing authentic engagement with global issues; and 3) connecting teachers’ global experiences, students’ global experiences, and the curriculum. These signature pedagogies provide visions of possibility for concrete practices teachers can adapt to infuse global citizenship education into their own contexts and for policies that school districts and teacher education programs can consider in preparing and supporting teachers in this wor

    Ampliando abordagens ao ensino à diversidade e justiça social na educação K-12: Promover a cidadania global através das áreas de conteúdo

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    Educators today must be able to respond to the needs of an increasingly diverse student body and to teach all students the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for civic participation in a globalized, pluralist society. While state departments of education and national teacher organizations have begun to adopt global awareness in their teaching standards and evaluation tools, educators need to understand what globally competent teachers actually do in classrooms across subject areas and grade levels.  This qualitative, multiple case study explores the signature pedagogies (Shulman, 2005) of 10 in-service teachers in one southeastern state who teach for global competence in math, music, science, English, social studies, and language classes across elementary, middle, and high schools. We found three signature pedagogies that characterized globally competent teaching practices across participants: 1) intentional integration of global topics and multiple perspectives into and across the standard curriculum; 2) ongoing authentic engagement with global issues; and 3) connecting teachers’ global experiences, students’ global experiences, and the curriculum. These signature pedagogies provide visions of possibility for concrete practices teachers can adapt to infuse global citizenship education into their own contexts and for policies that school districts and teacher education programs can consider in preparing and supporting teachers in this work. En la actualidad los docentes deben de ser capaces de responder a las necesidades de un alumnado diverso y enseñar conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes para la participación cívica en sociedades pluralistas y globalizadas. Mientras que departamentos de educación y organizaciones nacionales de docentes han empezado a adoptar una conciencia global en sus estándares de enseñanza y las herramientas de evaluación, docentes necesitan entender lo que hacen los maestros competentes al nivel mundial realmente en sus salas de clase, a través de disciplinas y niveles de grado. Este estudio cualitativo de casos múltiples explora pedagogías emblemáticas (Shulman, 2005) de 10 docentes en-servicio en un estado del sudeste que ensenan competencias globales en las matemáticas, el músico, ciencia, inglés, estudios sociales y clases de idiomas a través de escuelas primarias, intermedias y colegios secundarios. Los autores identificaron tres pedagogías emblemáticas que caracterizan prácticas de enseñanza competente a nivel mundial: 1) la integración intencional de temas globales y perspectivas múltiples en y a través del currículo estándar; 2) un compromiso autentico con problemas globales; y 3) conectando las experiencias globales de docentes, experiencias globales de los estudiantes, y el currículo. Estas pedagogías emblemáticas proveen perspectivas potenciales para practicas concretas que docentes pueden adaptar para una educación ciudadanía global en contextos diferentes y para políticas que distritos escolares y programas de formación docente pueden considerar en la preparación y apoyo de los docentes.Hoje, educadores devem ser capazes de responder ás necessidades de um alunado diverso e para ensinar a todos os alunos o conhecimento, as habilidades e atitudes necessárias para a participação cívica numa sociedade pluralista globalizada. Enquanto os departamentos estatais de educação e as organizações nacionais de professores tem começado de adoptar uma consciência global em seus padrões de ensino e as ferramentas de avaliação, educadores precisam de entender o que realmente faz os professores competentes ao nível mundial em suas aulas, através das disciplinas e níveis acadêmicas. Este qualitativo estudo de casos múltiplas explora as pedagogias emblemáticas (Shulman, 2005) de 10 professores em-serviço num estado do sudeste que ensinam para a competência ao nível mundial em as matemáticas, a música, a ciência, o inglês, os estudos sociais e aulas de línguas através de escolas primarias, médias e colégios. Os autores encontraram três pedagogias emblemáticas que caracterizam práticas de ensino competente ao nível mundial entre as participantes: 1) a integração intencional de temas globais e perspectivas múltiplas em e através do currículo comum; 2) um compromisso autentico com problemas globais; e 3) uma conexão entre as experiências globais dos professores, as experiências globais dos alunos e o currículo. Estas pedagogias emblemáticas provem vistas potenciais para práticas concretas que professores podem adaptar para infundir a educação de cidadania mundial em seus próprios contextos e para políticas que distritos escolares e programas de formação do professor podem considerar na preparação e apoio dos professores neste trabalho

    Hormone-regulated expression and distribution of versican in mouse uterine tissues

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Remodeling of the extracellular matrix is one of the most striking features observed in the uterus during the estrous cycle and after hormone replacement. Versican (VER) is a hyaluronan-binding proteoglycan that undergoes RNA alternative splicing, generating four distinct isoforms. This study analyzed the synthesis and distribution of VER in mouse uterine tissues during the estrous cycle, in ovariectomized (OVX) animals and after 17beta-estradiol (E2) and medroxyprogesterone (MPA) treatments, either alone or in combination.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Uteri from mice in all phases of the estrous cycle, and animals subjected to ovariectomy and hormone replacement were collected for immunoperoxidase staining for versican, as well as PCR and quantitative Real Time PCR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In diestrus and proestrus, VER was exclusively expressed in the endometrial stroma. In estrus and metaestrus, VER was present in both endometrial stroma and myometrium. In OVX mice, VER immunoreaction was abolished in all uterine tissues. VER expression was restored by E2, MPA and E2+MPA treatments. Real Time PCR analysis showed that VER expression increases considerably in the MPA-treated group. Analysis of mRNA identified isoforms V0, V1 and V3 in the mouse uterus.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results show that the expression of versican in uterine tissues is modulated by ovarian steroid hormones, in a tissue-specific manner. VER is induced in the myometrium exclusively by E2, whereas MPA induces VER deposition only in the endometrial stroma.</p

    Maternal immune activation affects female offspring whisker movements during object exploration in a rat model of neurodevelopmental disorders

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    Poly I:C rat offspring are used to investigate the effects of in utero exposure to maternal immune activation (MIA) and have been suggested as a model of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD). The behavioural symptoms of this model are diverse and can vary with external factors, including the choice of background strain and husbandry practices. Measuring whisker movements provides quantitative, robust measurements of sensory, motor and cognitive behaviours in rodents. In this study, whisker movements were investigated in 50-day-old male and female offspring of MIA-exposed rat dams and compared to age-matched offspring of control (vehicle) dams. Rat offspring were filmed using high-speed videography in a sequential object exploration task with smooth and textured objects. Poly I:C treatment effects were found in female offspring that did not increase whisker mean angular position during object exploration, especially for the smooth object, indicating an attentional deficit. Whisker tracking during object exploration is demonstrated here, for the first time, as a useful, quick and non-invasive tool to identify both treatment effects and sex differences in a model of MIA-induced NDDs

    Integration of computational modeling with membrane transport studies reveals new insights into amino acid exchange transport mechanisms

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    Uptake of system L amino acid substrates into isolated placental plasma membrane vesicles in the absence of opposing side amino acid (zero-trans uptake) is incompatible with the concept of obligatory exchange, where influx of amino acid is coupled to efflux. We therefore hypothesized that system L amino acid exchange transporters are not fully obligatory and/or that amino acids are initially present inside the vesicles. To address this, we combined computational modeling with vesicle transport assays and transporter localization studies to investigate the mechanism(s) mediating [14C]L-serine (a system L substrate) transport into human placental microvillous plasma membrane (MVM) vesicles. The carrier model provided a quantitative framework to test the 2 hypotheses that L-serine transport occurs by either obligate exchange or nonobligate exchange coupled with facilitated transport (mixed transport model). The computational model could only account for experimental [14C]L-serine uptake data when the transporter was not exclusively in exchange mode, best described by the mixed transport model. MVM vesicle isolates contained endogenous amino acids allowing for potential contribution to zero-trans uptake. Both L-type amino acid transporter (LAT)1 and LAT2 subtypes of system L were distributed to MVM, with L-serine transport attributed to LAT2. These findings suggest that exchange transporters do not function exclusively as obligate exchangers.—Widdows, K. L., Panitchob, N., Crocker, I. P., Please, C. P., Hanson, M. A., Sibley, C. P., Johnstone, E. D., Sengers, B. G., Lewis, R. M., Glazier, J. D. Integration of computational modeling with membrane transport studies reveals new insights into amino acid exchange transport mechanisms

    Inhibition of placental mTOR signaling provides a link between placental malaria and reduced birthweight

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    BACKGROUND: Placental Plasmodium falciparum malaria can trigger intervillositis, a local inflammatory response more strongly associated with low birthweight than placental malaria infection alone. Fetal growth (and therefore birthweight) is dependent on placental amino acid transport, which is impaired in placental malaria-associated intervillositis. Here, we tested the hypothesis that mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling, a pathway known to regulate amino acid transport, is inhibited in placental malaria-associated intervillositis, contributing to lower birthweight. METHODS: We determined the link between intervillositis, mTOR signaling activity, and amino acid uptake in tissue biopsies from both uninfected placentas and malaria-infected placentas with and without intervillositis, and in an in vitro model using primary human trophoblast (PHT) cells. RESULTS: We demonstrated that (1) placental mTOR activity is lower in cases of placental malaria with intervillositis, (2) placental mTOR activity is negatively correlated with the degree of inflammation, and (3) inhibition of placental mTOR activity is associated with reduced placental amino acid uptake and lower birthweight. In PHT cells, we showed that (1) inhibition of mTOR signaling is a mechanistic link between placental malaria-associated intervillositis and decreased amino acid uptake and (2) constitutive mTOR activation partially restores amino acid uptake. CONCLUSIONS: Our data support the concept that inhibition of placental mTOR signaling constitutes a mechanistic link between placental malaria-associated intervillositis and decreased amino acid uptake, which may contribute to lower birthweight. Restoring placental mTOR signaling in placental malaria may increase birthweight and improve neonatal survival, representing a new potential therapeutic approach

    Maternal Immune Activation Induces Adolescent Cognitive Deficits Preceded by Developmental Perturbations in Cortical Reelin Signalling.

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    Exposure to maternal immune activation (MIA) in utero significantly elevates the risk of developing schizophrenia and other neurodevelopmental disorders. To understand the biological mechanisms underlying the link between MIA and increased risk, preclinical animal models have focussed on specific signalling pathways in the brain that mediate symptoms associated with neurodevelopmental disorders such as cognitive dysfunction. Reelin signalling in multiple brain regions is involved in neuronal migration, synaptic plasticity and long-term potentiation, and has been implicated in cognitive deficits. However, how regulation of Reelin expression is affected by MIA across cortical development and associated cognitive functions remains largely unclear. Using a MIA rat model, here we demonstrate cognitive deficits in adolescent object-location memory in MIA offspring and reductions in Reln expression prenatally and in the adult prefrontal cortex. Further, developmental disturbances in gene/protein expression and DNA methylation of downstream signalling components occurred subsequent to MIA-induced Reelin dysregulation and prior to cognitive deficits. We propose that MIA-induced dysregulation of Reelin signalling contributes to the emergence of prefrontal cortex-mediated cognitive deficits through altered NMDA receptor function, resulting in inefficient long-term potentiation. Our data suggest a developmental window during which attenuation of Reelin signalling may provide a possible therapeutic target
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