805 research outputs found

    Novae -The study of the reactive flow

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    There is a wide consensus in the astrophysics community that the mechanism underlying the observed Classical Nova eruptions is a surface thermonuclear runaway. We start this short review with the main observational facts that lead to the theoretical model of a thermonuclear runaway that takes place in an accreted hydrogen rich envelope placed on top of a cool degenerate core of a white dwarf. According to the theory, the accreted envelope becomes unstable to convection days to weeks prior to the runaway. During the extreme stages of the runaway itself, when the burning is most efficient, the envelope is fully convective. Therefore, the elements processed under such extreme conditions are lifted to the outermost regions of the star. A significant fraction of the envelope is ejected during the outburst. The complicated combination of hydrodynamic instabilities and explosive hydrogen burning, close to the surface of the star, gives us a unique opportunity to study this complex reactive flow. The range of core masses, core temperatures and accretion rates introduce a whole range of burning temperatures and densities. Following the description of the "standard" cases, we then focus on rare, but still possible, portions of the relevant parameter space, in which "breakout" of the traditional CNO cycle can occur and lead to heavy element enrichment patterns caused only by breakout burning. We conclude our review with the main challenges that nova theorists face today, with special emphasis on problems related to the nucleosynthesis issues.Comment: Proceedings of: Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics-V,Eilat,April,201

    The Sensitivity of Multidimensional Nova Calculations to the Outer Boundary Conditions

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    Multidimensional reactive flow models of accreted hydrogen rich envelopes on top of degenerate cold white dwarfs are very effective tools for the study of critical, non spherically symmetric, behaviors during the early stages of nova outbursts. Such models can shed light both on the mechanism responsible for the heavy element enrichment observed to characterize nova envelope matter and on the role of perturbations during the early stages of ignition of the runaway. The complexity of convective reactive flow in multi-dimensions makes the computational model itself complex and sensitive to the details of the numerics. In this study, we demonstrate that the imposed outer boundary condition can have a dramatic effect on the solution. Several commonly used choices for the outer boundary conditions are examined. It is shown that the solutions obtained from Lagrangian simulations, where the envelope is allowed to expand and mass is being conserved, are consistent with spherically symmetric solutions. In Eulerian schemes which utilize an outer boundary condition of free outflow, the outburst can be artificially quenched.Comment: 12 Pages 3 figures; Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Strange Cepheids and RR Lyrae

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    Strange modes can occur in radiative classical Cepheids and RR Lyrae models. These are vibrational modes that are trapped near the surface as a result of a 'potential barrier' caused by the sharp hydrogen partial ionization region. Typically the modal number of the strange mode falls between the 7th and 12th overtone, depending on the astrophysical parameters of the equilibrium stellar models (L, M, \Teff, X, Z). Interestingly these modes can be linearly unstable outside the usual instability strip, in which case they should be observable as new kinds of variable stars, 'strange Cepheids' or 'strange RR Lyrae' stars. The present paper reexamines the linear stability properties of the strange modes by taking into account the effects of an isothermal atmosphere, and of turbulent convection. It is found that the linear vibrational instability of the strange modes is resistant to both of these effects. Nonlinear hydrodynamic calculations indicate that the pulsation amplitude of these modes is likely to saturate at the millimagnitude level. These modes should therefore be detectable albeit not without effort.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Ap

    Socs36E Controls Niche Competition by Repressing MAPK Signaling in the Drosophila Testis

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    The Drosophila testis is a well-established system for studying stem cell self-renewal and competition. In this tissue, the niche supports two stem cell populations, germ line stem cells (GSCs), which give rise to sperm, and somatic stem cells called cyst stem cells (CySCs), which support GSCs and their descendants. It has been established that CySCs compete with each other and with GSCs for niche access, and mutations have been identified that confer increased competitiveness to CySCs, resulting in the mutant stem cell and its descendants outcompeting wild type resident stem cells. Socs36E, which encodes a negative feedback inhibitor of the JAK/STAT pathway, was the first identified regulator of niche competition. The competitive behavior of Socs36E mutant CySCs was attributed to increased JAK/STAT signaling. Here we show that competitive behavior of Socs36E mutant CySCs is due in large part to unbridled Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) signaling. In Socs36E mutant clones, MAPK activity is elevated. Furthermore, we find that clonal upregulation of MAPK in CySCs leads to their outcompetition of wild type CySCs and of GSCs, recapitulating the Socs36E mutant phenotype. Indeed, when MAPK activity is removed from Socs36E mutant clones, they lose their competitiveness but maintain self-renewal, presumably due to increased JAK/STAT signaling in these cells. Consistently, loss of JAK/STAT activity in Socs36E mutant clones severely impairs their self-renewal. Thus, our results enable the genetic separation of two essential processes that occur in stem cells. While some niche signals specify the intrinsic property of self-renewal, which is absolutely required in all stem cells for niche residence, additional signals control the ability of stem cells to compete with their neighbors. Socs36E is node through which these processes are linked, demonstrating that negative feedback inhibition integrates multiple aspects of stem cell behavior

    Logarithmically Slow Expansion of Hot Bubbles in Gases

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    We report logarithmically slow expansion of hot bubbles in gases in the process of cooling. A model problem first solved, when the temperature has compact support. Then temperature profile decaying exponentially at large distances is considered. The periphery of the bubble is shown to remain essentially static ("glassy") in the process of cooling until it is taken over by a logarithmically slowly expanding "core". An analytical solution to the problem is obtained by matched asymptotic expansion. This problem gives an example of how logarithmic corrections enter dynamic scaling.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    MAESTRO: An Adaptive Low Mach Number Hydrodynamics Algorithm for Stellar Flows

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    Many astrophysical phenomena are highly subsonic, requiring specialized numerical methods suitable for long-time integration. In a series of earlier papers we described the development of MAESTRO, a low Mach number stellar hydrodynamics code that can be used to simulate long-time, low-speed flows that would be prohibitively expensive to model using traditional compressible codes. MAESTRO is based on an equation set derived using low Mach number asymptotics; this equation set does not explicitly track acoustic waves and thus allows a significant increase in the time step. MAESTRO is suitable for two- and three-dimensional local atmospheric flows as well as three-dimensional full-star flows. Here, we continue the development of MAESTRO by incorporating adaptive mesh refinement (AMR). The primary difference between MAESTRO and other structured grid AMR approaches for incompressible and low Mach number flows is the presence of the time-dependent base state, whose evolution is coupled to the evolution of the full solution. We also describe how to incorporate the expansion of the base state for full-star flows, which involves a novel mapping technique between the one-dimensional base state and the Cartesian grid, as well as a number of overall improvements to the algorithm. We examine the efficiency and accuracy of our adaptive code, and demonstrate that it is suitable for further study of our initial scientific application, the convective phase of Type Ia supernovae.Comment: Accepted to Astrophysical Journal Suppliment (http://iop.org). 56 pages, 15 figures
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