2,256 research outputs found

    Investigation of Statistical and Imaging Methods for Luminescence Detection of Irradiated Ingredients

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    This project investigated two potential approaches to improving the reliability of lumines-cence methods for detecting minor irradiated ingredients in foods. Whereas in the 1980’s there were no validated methods for laboratory detection of irradiated foods, work conducted in the UK and elsewhere by the mid 1990’s had resulted in the development of a series of physical, chemical and biological methods capable of detecting a range of irradiated food classes. Of these the luminescence methods embodied in EN1788 (Thermoluminescence) and EN13751 (Photostimulated luminescence) standards have been applied to detection of a vari-ety of products including herbs and spices, and seafood. In common with the other EN stan-dard methods almost all validation work had been originally conducted using pure irradiated or unirradiated ingredients. Yet application experience had shown the presence of mixed products containing both irradiated and unirradiated ingredients. A short study was commis-sioned by MAFF to investigate the impact of blending on standard EN1788 methods, and on the provisional draft EN13751 (the standard having been published in the meantime) method. This showed the impact of dilution of irradiated material between 10% and 0.1% concentra-tions on detection rates, which unsurprisingly are reduced by extreme dilution. UK labelling regulation, both before and after adoption of the European Directive on Food Irradiation, call for labelling of all irradiated ingredients regardless of concentration or origin within the final product. This study was therefore motivated by the recognition of the long term need for im-proved methods to improve reliability at low concentrations. Two complementary approaches were investigated. The project first examined whether TL data collected using the EN1788 method could be enhanced using advanced statistical proce-dures. Data sets from the SURRC TL archive, and from project CSA4790 were used both to define the characteristics of irradiated and unirradiated end members, and to assess classifica-tion methods using the controlled blending experimental data sets of CSA 4790. Multivariate analyses, based on principal components analysis and discriminant analysis of glow curve data; kinetic deconvolution approaches coupled to PCA and DA, and neural analyses were investigated and compared with detection rates achieved using expert visual classification. To complement this experiments were undertaken to explore the potential of using focussed laser stimulation to produce spatially resolved measurements from mineral grains separated from foods. Two systems were evaluated based on IR and visible band lasers. Work was under-taken to explore sample presentation and to assess the ability of this approach to distinguish mixtures of irradiated and unirradiated grains. The statistical work was successful in developing three approaches which could be used for objective identification of irradiated materials. Pure irradiated and unirradiated data sets from 150 sample pairs were obtained having searched the SUERC archive of more than 3500 lu-minescence analyses. These were used to set up multivariate analyses based on the ap-proaches outlined above. Performance in recognising irradiated ingredients using these meth-ods was then assessed with data drawn from the MAFF blending investigation, comprising 160 permutations of irradiated and unirradiated herbs and spices at 10%, 1% and 0.1% con-centrations. It was possible to achieve good detection rates with alatistical approaches, the best approaches inigated being the use of glow curve deconvolution coupwith li discrimination, and the use of neural appros. The absolute performance achieved matched that opert visual clfication utilising the revised EN1788 criterwhich were adopted within the international standauring course of this project. The use of ad-vancedtistical methods, while not adding performance, can pde objective support to visual classifications. During performance assessment it was aloted that theformance of all methods wasficiently close to infer that detections rates are most dependent on the statistical presence or absence of irradiated grains within the extracted samples used for TL analysis. This raises practical suggestions for improving detection rates at low concentrations based on the use of larger samples and more specific mineral separation approaches. These may be worth investigating further. Laser scanning approaches were also investigated using highly focussed laser beams to stimulated luminescence sequentially from different parts of separated mineral samples. Work was conducted using a system which had been developed in earlier work at SUERC, and then followed by additional investigation using an improved instrument built during the project. Initial work confirmed the feasibility of using laser scanning approaches to obtain spatially resolved luminescence data at or near the dimensions of individual mineral grains. Practical obstacles included the recognition that laser scattering from surfaces coated with mineral grains introduced an element of cross-talk between different parts of the sample, and difficulties in accurate re-positioning of the sample using the first generation prototype in-strument. Work was conducted to investigate a series of different sample presentation media to improve the former, and to incorporate high precision mechanical and optoelectronic means of re-positioning samples between initial measurements, external irradiation, and sub-sequent re-measurement. Both IR and visible band semiconductor lasers were investigated with successful production of single grain images. The short and medium term reliability of the lasers used was acceptable. The lasers used both however eventually failed, which sug-gests that long term lifetime may be an issue for further work. Of the two lasers the IR laser in particular gave a good signal to background ratio for discriminating between irradiated and unirradiated grains. Quantitative analysis of the grain resolved images confirms the potential of this approach in identifying minor irradiated components. The overall conclusions of the work are that both statistical approaches and imaging instru-ments are able to enhance current methods. The observation that visual classification can match the performance even of deconvolution or neural approaches suggests that future effort should be directed more towards improvement of grain statistics in conventional measure-ments, and in further development and investigation of imaging approaches. In these ways it can anticipated that the performance of standard luminescence methods for detecting dilute mixtures of irradiated and unirradiated food ingredients could be significantly improved. To do so would further enhance work conducted by FSA and other bodies to ensure that regula-tions governing the use of irradiation in food processing and the labelling of imported foods are followed

    Novel Technique for Ultra-sensitive Determination of Trace Elements in Organic Scintillators

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    A technique based on neutron activation has been developed for an extremely high sensitivity analysis of trace elements in organic materials. Organic materials are sealed in plastic or high purity quartz and irradiated at the HFIR and MITR. The most volatile materials such as liquid scintillator (LS) are first preconcentrated by clean vacuum evaporation. Activities of interest are separated from side activities by acid digestion and ion exchange. The technique has been applied to study the liquid scintillator used in the KamLAND neutrino experiment. Detection limits of <2.4X10**-15 g 40K/g LS, <5.5X10**-15 g Th/g LS, and <8X10**-15 g U/g LS have been achieved.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods

    The Relationship Between Diabetes Distress and Clinical Depression With Glycemic Control Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

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    ObjectiveTo clarify previous findings that diabetes distress is related to glycemic control and self-management whereas measures of depression are not, using both binary and continuous measures of depression.Research design and methodsFour hundred and sixty-three type 2 patients completed measures of diabetes distress (Diabetes Distress Scale [DDS]) and clinical depression (Patient Health Questionnaire 8 [PHQ8]). PHQ8 was employed as either a binary (&gt;or=10) or continuous variable. Dependent variables were A1C, diet, physical activity (PA), and medication adherence (MA).ResultsThe inclusion of a binary or continuous PHQ8 score yielded no differences in any equation. DDS was significantly associated with A1C and PA, whereas PHQ8 was not; both DDS and PHQ8 were significantly and independently associated with diet and MA.ConclusionsThe lack of association between depression and glycemic control is not due to the use of a binary measure of depression. Findings further clarify the significant association between distress and A1C

    Self-Efficacy, Problem Solving, and Social-Environmental Support Are Associated With Diabetes Self-Management Behaviors

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    OBJECTIVE — To evaluate associations between psychosocial and social-environmental variables and diabetes self-management, and diabetes control. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS — Baseline data from a type 2 diabetes self-management randomized trial with 463 adults having elevated BMI (M 34.8 kg/m2) were used to investigate relations among demographic, psychosocial, and social-environmental variables; dietary, exercise, and medication-taking behaviors; and biologic outcomes. RESULTS — Self-efficacy, problem solving, and social-environmental support were indepen-dently associated with diet and exercise, increasing the variance accounted for by 23 and 19%, respectively. Only diet contributed to explained variance in BMI ( 0.17, P 0.0003) and self-rated health status ( 0.25, P 0.0001); and only medication-taking behaviors contrib-uted to lipid ratio (total–to–HDL) (0.20, P 0.0001) and A1C (0.21, P 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS — Interventions should focus on enhancing self-efficacy, problem solving, and social-environmental support to improve self-management of diabetes. Diabetes Care 33:751–753, 2010 D iabetes management requires coor-dination between the patient andthe primary care team. Given the lifestyle changes required for self-management success, patient, social, and environmental factors, including health care (1) and community support (2), are increasingly recognized as important. Un-derstanding relations among demo-graphic, psychosocial, and social-environmental variables, and multiple health risk behaviors is critical to devel-oping interventions that will sustain health behavior changes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS — Baseline data were col-lected as part of a patient randomized trial to evaluate the impact of an interactive, multimedia diabetes self-management program relative to “enhanced ” usual car

    Assessing Organizational Readiness for Depression Care Quality Improvement: Relative Commitment and Implementation Capability

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    Background: Depression is a major cause of morbidity and cost in primary care patient populations. Successful depression improvement models, however, are complex. Based on organizational readiness theory, a practice’s commitment to change and its capability to carry out the change are both important predictors of initiating improvement. We empirically explored the links between relative commitment (i.e., the intention to move forward within the following year) and implementation capability. Methods: The DIAMOND initiative administered organizational surveys to medical and quality improvement leaders from each of 83 primary care practices in Minnesota. Surveys preceded initiation of activities directed at implementation of a collaborative care model for improving depression care. To assess implementation capability, we developed composites of survey items for five types of organizational factors postulated to be collaborative care barriers and facilitators. To assess relative commitment for each practice, we averaged leader ratings on an identical survey question assessing practice priorities. We used multivariable regression analyses to assess the extent to which implementation capability predicted relative commitment. We explored whether relative commitment or implementation capability measures were associated with earlier initiation of DIAMOND improvements. Results: All five implementation capability measures independently predicted practice leaders’ relative commitment to improving depression care in the following year. These included the following: quality improvement culture and attitudes (p = 0.003), depression culture and attitudes (p \u3c0.001), prior depression quality improvement activities (p \u3c0.001), advanced access and tracking capabilities (p = 0.03), and depression collaborative care features in place (p = 0.03). Higher relative commitment (p = 0.002) and prior depression quality improvement activities appeared to be associated with earlier participation in the DIAMOND initiative. Conclusions: The study supports the concept of organizational readiness to improve quality of care and the use of practice leader surveys to assess it. Practice leaders’ relative commitment to depression care improvement may be a useful measure of the likelihood that a practice is ready to initiate evidence-based depression care changes. A comprehensive organizational assessment of implementation capability for depression care improvement may identify specific barriers or facilitators to readiness that require targeted attention from implementers

    Coherent Control of Atomic Beam Diffraction by Standing Light

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    Quantum interference is shown to deliver a means of regulating the diffraction pattern of a thermal atomic beam interacting with two standing wave electric fields. Parameters have been identified to enhance the diffraction probability of one momentum component over the others, with specific application to Rb atoms.Comment: 5 figure