108 research outputs found


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223611704024http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223611704024O curso de especialização em Educação Ambiental da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria completou 15 anos em 2010. São disponibilizados dois formatos distintos, presencial e à distância (EaD), onde são atendidos cinco pólos (cinco cidades do interior do RS) da Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB): Agudo, Cacequi, Panambi, São Sepé e Sapiranga. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar algumas ações extensionistas envolvendo gestão informacional e de divulgação científica do curso, de modo a garantir uma maior visibilidade, tanto acadêmica, quanto social do mesmo. São propostas ações a organização bianual de um Congresso Internacional de Educação Ambiental (www.ufsm.br/panambi2011), com o objetivo de gerar discussões multi e interdisciplinares para que a sociedade tome providências na solução dos problemas ambientais, bem como, duas revistas eletrônicas de acesso gratuito e aberto, a Revista Eletrônica em Gestão, Educação e Tecnologia Ambiental – www.ufsm.br/reget) e a Revista Monografias Ambientais (www.ufsm.br/remoa), com o intuito de divulgar as pesquisas realizadas no âmbito do curso, bem como de disponibilizar a outras Instituições de Ensino Superior mais uma possibilidade de mostrar seus trabalhos nos mais diversos níveis acadêmicos, da graduação até resumos de teses de doutorado. Assim, as ações do curso em termos de divulgação científica e gestão informacional têm procurado atender as três temáticas básicas do curso, ou seja, a Educação, Sociedade e Cultura; as Práticas Educativas Ambientais e a Discussão dos Problemas Ambientais

    Cross-species gene expression analysis of species specific differences in the preclinical assessment of pharmaceutical compounds

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    Animals are frequently used as model systems for determination of safety and efficacy in pharmaceutical research and development. However, significant quantitative and qualitative differences exist between humans and the animal models used in research. This is as a result of genetic variation between human and the laboratory animal. Therefore the development of a system that would allow the assessment of all molecular differences between species after drug exposure would have a significant impact on drug evaluation for toxicity and efficacy. Here we describe a cross-species microarray methodology that identifies and selects orthologous probes after cross-species sequence comparison to develop an orthologous cross-species gene expression analysis tool. The assumptions made by the use of this orthologous gene expression strategy for cross-species extrapolation is that; conserved changes in gene expression equate to conserved pharmacodynamic endpoints. This assumption is supported by the fact that evolution and selection have maintained the structure and function of many biochemical pathways over time, resulting in the conservation of many important processes. We demonstrate this cross-species methodology by investigating species specific differences of the peroxisome proliferatoractivator receptor (PPAR) a response in rat and human

    Transcriptional and Epigenetic Consequences of DMSO Treatment on HepaRG Cells

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    Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is used to sustain or favor hepatocyte differentiation in vitro. Thus, DMSO is used in the differentiation protocol of the HepaRG cells that present the closest drug-metabolizing enzyme activities to primary human hepatocytes in culture. The aim of our study is to clarify its influence on liver-specific gene expression. For that purpose, we performed a large-scale analysis (gene expression and histone modification) to determine the global role of DMSO exposure during the differentiation process of the HepaRG cells. The addition of DMSO drives the upregulation of genes mainly regulated by PXR and PPARα whereas genes not affected by this addition are regulated by HNF1α, HNF4α, and PPARα. DMSO-differentiated-HepaRG cells show a differential expression for genes regulated by histone acetylation, while differentiated-HepaRG cells without DMSO show gene signatures associated with histone deacetylases. In addition, we observed an interplay between cytoskeleton organization and EMC remodeling with hepatocyte maturation

    Jean Chrysostome polémiste : un usage vivant de l’Écriture

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    François au miroir de Pascal. Une lecture de Sublimitas et miseria hominis

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    Polémiques, traditions et identités : réflexions autour des Discours contre les juifs et les judaïsants de Jean Chrysostome

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    International audienceIn his History of Antisemitism, Léon Poliakov describes John Chrysostom's Discourses against Judaizing Christians as « invectives of unbelievable violence » showing the « theological antisemitism » of the Fathers of the Church. However, Poliakov seems to ignore the literary traditions which influenced Chrysostom's Discourses. So, while they paid a tribute to the anti-Judaic polemical tradition which had characterized Christian literature since its beginning, the Discourses also depended on the pagan rhetorical tradition, which was conveyed in the teaching received by 4th-century Christian writers. This literary tradition, emphasizing the importance of clarity and reasonable use of passions, was to Chrysostom a powerful way to promote his point of view in the turbulent and violent religious context of Antioch. Thanks to the reconsideration of both of these traditions, we can bring to light what the real meaning of Chrysostom’s discourses is: they were an Antiochean priest’s contribution to the construction of a Christian identity. Therefore, if we study the context of the Discourses' elaboration and place them in the uninterrupted chain of the tradition, we can demonstrate these texts do not attest to « theological antisemitism », as Poliakov said, but are an intensive and vivid reflexion about Christian identity in Late Antiquity.Dans son Histoire de l'antisémitisme, Léon Poliakov qualifie les Discours contre les juifs de Jean Chrysostome (vers 347-407) de « diatribes d'une violence inimaginable » censées illustrer l'« antisémitisme théologique » des Pères de l'Église. Cette analyse prend cependant insuffisamment en compte la tradition, ou plutôt les traditions qui irriguent ces textes du Père antiochien. Ainsi, s'ils sont d'abord imprégnés par la tradition de la polémique antijudaïque, qui marque la littérature chrétienne depuis ses débuts, les textes de Jean Chrysostome se placent aussi dans la tradition de la rhétorique païenne véhiculée dans l'enseignement qu'ont reçu les auteurs chrétiens du IVe siècle. Cette tradition littéraire et son exigence de clarté et d'usage raisonné des sentiments ont été pour notre auteur des outils précieux pour faire valoir son point de vue au sein de la cité d'Antioche, alors marquée par une vie religieuse intense et troublée. Reconsidérer et réévaluer ces deux traditions au sein de l'œuvre de Jean Chrysostome, c'est redonner à ces textes leur signification réelle : la contribution d'un prêtre antiochien à la construction d'une identité chrétienne. Replacer les Discours contre les juifs dans le contexte de leur élaboration et dans la chaîne ininterrompue des traditions dont ils sont tributaires permet donc d'en faire non pas la preuve d'un « antisémitisme théologique », comme le disait Poliakov, mais un témoignage d'une réflexion intense et vivante sur l'identité chrétienne à la fin de l'Antiquité

    « Ô Dieu mon Dieu, ouvre mes yeux... » Note sur l’Élégie pour Jean-Marie

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