174 research outputs found

    Validation of the Scale for the Assessment of Illness Behavior (SAIB) in a community sample of elderly people.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the construct validity of the SAIB in a community sample of elderly people. The SAIB was administered to a large community sample representative of the German population aged 60-85 years (n=1593). The original model was assessed and then refined through confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses. Criterion validity was evaluated by comparing SAIB scores with external criteria in 3 categories: subjective health, chronic illness and health care utilization. The originally suggested five factor structure of the SAIB yielded a comparative fit index (CFI) of 0.70 and the weighted root mean square residual (WRMR) was 3.68. A shortened questionnaire with 13 items and four factors resulted in better model fit (CFI 0.97 and WRMR 1.3). Correlations between subjective health and the new scales ranged from 0.06 to 0.33. Effect sizes (Cohens d) of mean differences in factor scores between those with and without healthcare system contact varied by healthcare type, ranging from 0.05 to 0.94; effect sizes were largest in relation to contact with psychotherapy and alternative medicine practitioners. We propose a shortened version of the SAIB with a different scale structure, which resulted in better model fit with our data. Neither the original nor revised SAIB appeared to discriminate well in terms of health care use, suggesting that the illness behavior as currently conceptualized may not fully explain the increased use of healthcare in the elderly

    Regular and problematic leisure-time Internet use in the community: results from a German population-based survey

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    In our study, we attempted to identify systematically the use of Internet applications in the German population in order to derive risk factors for problematic use. In a representative survey of the German population, we queried 1,401 women and 1,111 men between the ages of 14 and 94 years by specific questions and standardized questionnaires on depression, anxiety (HADS), and depersonalization (CDS-2). The majority of the German population (55%) used the Internet in their leisure time. Users were younger and had a higher socioeconomic status (education, employment, income). Leisure-time use included e-mail and information search, as well as shopping. Chatting, online communities, games and sex were domains of young, mostly male adults. Overall, 9.3% reported at least one negative consequence of Internet use, especially neglect of recreational activities and problems with family/partner, work or education, and health. Problematic use was associated with longer average daily online times, avoidance of negative emotions, preference for certain applications (gaming, gam- bling, online sex) and an increased rate of depersonalization. The extent of Internet use per se is not sufficient as an addiction criterion and other negative consequences; rather, specific adverse consequences need to be identified. If the Internet is used excessively to cope with negative affect states and alternative means of coping (e.g., social support, health-promoting behavior) are diminished, a vicious cycle may ensue with increasing stress and reliance on the reinforcing properties of certain online activities that may finally lead to addictive behaviour

    Posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen in Deutschland: Ergebnisse einer gesamtdeutschen epidemiologischen Untersuchung

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    Zusammenfassung: In einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsstichprobe (n=2426) über ein breites Alterspektrum (14-93Jahre) wurden die Prävalenz traumatischer Ereignisse, des Vollbildes der posttraumatische Belastungsstörung (PTBS) und partieller PTBS-Syndrome geschätzt. Ein standardisiertes Interview mit einer Traumaliste des Composite International Diagnostic Interviews (CIDI) und eine PTSD-Symptomliste nach DSM-IV (modifizierte PTSD-Symptomskala) wurden eingesetzt. Die Einmonatsprävalenzrate lag bei 2,3% für das PTBS-Vollbild sowie 2,7% für die partiellen PTBS-Syndrome. Während sich keine Geschlechtsunterschiede hinsichtlich der Prävalenz ergaben, zeigten sich Altersgruppenunterschiede: Die über 60-Jährigen hatten eine Prävalenz bez. des PTBS-Vollbildes von 3,4%, während diese bei den 14- bis 29-Jährigen 1,3% und bei den 30- bis 59-Jährigen 1,9% betrug. Die partiellen PTBS-Syndrome zeigten ebenfalls einen Altersgipfel mit 3,8% in der Gruppe der Älteren sowie 2,4% bei Mittelalten und 1,3% bei jungen Erwachsenen. Die Ergebnisse entsprechen weitgehend denen anderer internationaler Studien, wenn Kriegsauswirkungen für bestimmte Altersgruppen als nationale Besonderheiten berücksichtigt werden. Erstmals konnte unsere repräsentative Studie eine - wahrscheinlich durch den 2.Weltkrieg mitbedingte - relativ hohe Prävalenz der PTBS in der höchsten Altersgruppe der deutschen Bevölkerung aufzeige

    Associations between anxiety, body mass index, and sex hormones in women

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    Background: Several studies have shown a positive association between anxiety and obesity, particularly in women. We aimed to study whether sex hormone alterations related to obesity might play a role in this association. Patients and methods: Data for this study were obtained from a population-based cohort study (the LIFE-Adult-Study). A total of 3,124 adult women (970 premenopausal and 2,154 postmenopausal) were included into the analyses. The anxiety symptomatology was assessed using the GAD-7 questionnaire (cut-off ≥ 10 points). Sex hormones were measured from fasting serum samples. Results: We did not find significant differences in anxiety prevalence in premenopausal obese women compared with normal-weight controls (4.8% vs. 5.5%). Both obesity and anxiety symptomatology were separately associated with the same sex hormone alteration in premenopausal women: higher total testosterone level (0.97 ± 0.50 in obese vs. 0.86 ± 0.49 nmol/L in normal-weight women, p = 0.026 and 1.04 ± 0.59 in women with vs. 0.88 ± 0.49 nmol/L in women without anxiety symptomatology, p = 0.023). However, women with anxiety symptomatology had non-significantly higher estradiol levels than women without anxiety symptomatology (548.0 ± 507.6 vs. 426.2 ± 474.0 pmol/L), whereas obesity was associated with lower estradiol levels compared with those in normal-weight group (332.7 ± 386.5 vs. 470.8 ± 616.0 pmol/L). Women with anxiety symptomatology had also significantly higher testosterone and estradiol composition (p = 0.006). No associations of sex hormone levels and BMI with anxiety symptomatology in postmenopausal women were found. Conclusions: Although both obesity and anxiety symptomatology were separately associated with higher testosterone level, there was an opposite impact of anxiety and obesity on estradiol levels in premenopausal women. We did not find an evidence that the sex hormone alterations related to obesity are playing a significant role in anxiety symptomatology in premenopausal women. This could be the explanation why we did not find an association between obesity and anxiety. In postmenopausal women, other mechanisms seem to work than in the premenopausal group

    Prevalence of suicidal ideation in German psychotherapy outpatients: A large multicenter assessment

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    Background Suicidal ideation is a major concern in clinical practice. Yet, little is known about prevalence rates of suicidal ideation in patients undergoing outpatient psychotherapeutic treatment. Therefore, the aim of the current study is to assess the prevalence of suicidal ideation in a large sample of psychotherapy outpatients in Germany. The data analyzed in this study is taken from the KODAP-project on the coordination of data collection and analysis at German university-based research and training outpatient clinics for psychotherapy. Methods A total of N = 10,357 adult outpatients (64.4 % female; age: M(SD) = 35.94 (13.54), range: 18–92 years of age) starting cognitive-behavioral therapy at one of 27 outpatient clinics in Germany were included in the current study. Prevalence of suicidal ideation was assessed with the Suicide Item (Item 9) of the Beck-Depression Inventory II. Results Suicidal ideation was reported by 36.7 % (n = 3795) of the participants. Borderline Personality Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and recurrent Major Depression were the diagnoses most strongly associated with the presence and severity of suicidal ideation. Limitation Suicide ideation was assessed only with the respective item of the Beck Depression Inventory II. Conclusion Suicidal ideation is very common among adult patients who start psychotherapy in Germany. A well-founded knowledge of risk assessment in suicidal patients and suicide-specific treatment options is therefore highly relevant

    Social determinants and lifestyle factors for brain health: Implications for risk reduction of cognitive decline and dementia

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    Substantial evidence indicates a huge potential for risk reduction of cognitive decline and dementia based on modifiable health and lifestyle factors. To maximize the chances for risk reduction, it is useful to investigate associations of social determinants and lifestyle for brain health. We computed the “LIfestyle for BRAin health” (LIBRA) score for baseline participants of the Leipzig Research Centre for Civilization Diseases (LIFE) Adult Study, a population-based urban cohort in Germany. LIBRA predicts dementia in midlife and early late life populations, comprising 12 modifiable risk factors (heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, alcohol consumption, smoking, physical inactivity, diet, depression, cognitive inactivity). Associations of social determinants (living situation, marital status, social isolation, education, net equivalence income, occupational status, socioeconomic status/SES, employment) with LIBRA were inspected using age- and sex-adjusted multivariable linear regression analysis. Z-standardization and sampling weights were applied. Participants (n = 6203) were M = 57.4 (SD = 10.6, range 40–79) years old and without dementia, 53.0% were women. Except for marital status, all considered social determinants were significantly associated with LIBRA. Beta coefficients for the association with higher LIBRA scores were most pronounced for low SES (β = 0.80, 95% CI [0.72–0.88]; p < 0.001) and middle SES (β = 0.55, 95% CI [0.47–0.62]; p < 0.001). Social determinants, particularly socioeconomic factors, are associated with lifestyle for brain health, and should thus be addressed in risk reduction strategies for cognitive decline and dementia. A social-ecological public health perspective on risk reduction might be more effective and equitable than focusing on individual lifestyle behaviors alone

    Measuring Future Time Perspective across Adulthood: Development and Evaluation of a Brief Multidimensional Questionnaire.

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    PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: Despite calls for the consideration of future time perspective (FTP) as a multidimensional construct, mostly unidimensional measurement instruments have been used. This study had two objectives: (a) to develop a brief multidimensional questionnaire for assessing FTP in adulthood and evaluate its psychometric properties; and (b) to examine age associations and age-group differences of the dimensions of FTP. DESIGN AND METHODS: Data were collected from 625 community-residing adults between the ages of 18 and 93, representing young, middle-aged, and older adults. The psychometric evaluation involved exploratory factor analyses (EFA) and confirmatory FA (CFA), reliability and validity analyses, and measurement invariance testing. Zero-order and partial correlations were used to examine the association of the dimensions of FTP with age, and multivariate analysis of variance was used to examine age-group differences. RESULTS: EFA and CFA supported a three-factor solution: Future as Open, Future as Limited, and Future as Ambiguous. Metric measurement invariance for this factor structure was confirmed across the three age groups. Reliability and validity analyses provided evidence of sound psychometric properties of the brief questionnaire. Age was negatively associated with Future as Open and positively associated with Future as Limited. Young adults exhibited significantly greater ambiguity toward the future than middle-aged or older adults. IMPLICATIONS: This study provides evidence in support of the psychometric properties of a new brief multidimensional FTP scale. It also provides evidence for a pattern of age associations and age-group differences consistent with life-span developmental theory

    Analyzing the link between anxiety and eating behavior as a potential pathway to eating-related health outcomes

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    Anxiety is a widespread phenomenon that affects various behaviors. We want to analyze in how far anxiety is connected to eating behaviors since this is one potential pathway to understanding eating-related health outcomes like obesity or eating disorders. We used data from the population-based LIFE-Adult-Study (n = 5019) to analyze the connection between anxiety (GAD-7) and the three dimensions of eating behaviors (FEV)-Cognitive Restraint, Disinhibition, and Hunger-while controlling for sociodemographic variables, smoking, physical activity, personality, and social support. Multivariate regression analyses showed significant positive associations between anxiety and Disinhibition as well as Hunger, but not between anxiety and Cognitive Restraint. Interventions that help individuals to better regulate and cope with anxiety, could be one potential pathway to reducing eating disorders and obesity in the population

    What builds resilience? Sociodemographic and social correlates in the population-based LIFE-adult-study

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    Resilience is closely related to mental health and well-being. Identifying risk groups with lower resilience and the variables associated with resilience informs preventive approaches. Previous research on resilience patterns in the general population is heterogeneous, and comprehensive large-scale studies are needed. The aim of our study is to examine sociodemographic and social correlates of resilience in a large population-based sample. We examined 4795 participants from the LIFE-Adult-Study. Assessments included resilience (RS-11), social support (ESSI), and social network (LSNS), as well as the sociodemographic variables age, gender, marital status, education, and occupation. The association of resilience with sociodemographic and social correlates was examined using linear regression analyses. Higher resilience was associated with female gender, married marital status, high education, and full-time occupation. Social support and social network were positively associated with resilience. Our results implicate that resilience is related to various sociodemographic variables. Social variables seem to be particularly important for resilience. We identified risk groups with lower resilience, which should be given special attention by public health policies, especially in times of crisis. Reducing loneliness and promoting social connectedness may be promising ways to build resilience in the general population
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