1,508 research outputs found

    Report on cruises and data stations 2016

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    The report gives an overview of cruises in 2016, by the Institute of Marine Research and University of Bergen, on board research vessels: G.O. Sars, Johan Hjort, HĂ„kon Mosby, K. Bonnevie and G.M. Dannevig and some hired commercial vessels. Each cruise is described by a short description and a track chart mainly showing CTD, plankton and trawl stations. The coverage of the oceanographic sections is listed in a table. Another table shows the number of observations per month for the fixed stations. Meta data about the cruises are reported to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) using the form "Cruise Summary Report": http://www.seadatanet.org/Metadata/CSR . Research data are available from the Norwegian Marine Data Centre at Institute of Marine Research. The charts can internally at IMR be downloaded from the Institute Intranet/Archive: http://hinnsiden.imr.no/ressurser/bilder/bildearkiv. Charts in Mercator projection.Rapporten gir en oversikt over tokt i 2016 i regi av Havforskningsinstituttet og Universitetet i Bergen med G.O. Sars, Johan Hjort, HĂ„kon Mosby, K. Bonnevie og G.M. Dannevig samt noen innleide fartĂžyer. En kort beskrivelse av toktet samt, kurs- og stasjonskart – hovedsakelig CTD, plankton og trĂ„lstasjoner er vist. Tabeller viser nĂ„r de faste snittene er tatt, og antall observasjoner pr. mĂ„ned for de faste stasjonene. Toktene er innrapportert til Det internasjonale rĂ„d for havforskning (ICES) i skjemaet: ”Cruise Summary Report”: http://www.seadatanet.org/Metadata/CSR. Data fra toktene er tilgjengelig fra Norsk marint datasenter ved Havforskningsinstituttet. Kartene kan internt lastes ned fra instituttets intranettside/bildearkiv: http://hinnsiden.imr.no/ressurser/bilder/bildearkiv. Kart i Mercator projeksjon

    A Theoretical Discussion of How Common Understanding and Reflection Upon Need for Resources Can Prevent Risks Underlying Social Innovations

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    The welfare state is facing complex challenges. Social innovation is considered as the solution to social challenges and socalled wicked problems, problems in the welfare state that are important, but difficult to solve. This implies being willing to take the risk that is involved when being innovative. A discussion of how different kinds of social innovations carry various risks and how some of these can be prevented, is still limited. This article looks at experiences from previous social innovations and ask what we can learn from them. It elaborates on why social innovation is challenging and what we can do to reduce the risk of failure. The research question is: What risks are at stake in different social innovations, and how can these be prevented? The article highlights risks and issues associated with social or collaborative innovation related to welfare services. It is theoretical and based on innovation theory and previous research, with examples from Norwegian welfare services. The purpose is to explore challenges and risks involved in 4 stereotype versions of social innovation as a result of crossing 2 dimensions of social innovation described above: (a) the degree of novelty and (b) who has initiated the innovation. The article enlightens some aspects of the implementation phase that are important to be aware of if we want to minimize the risk of failure. This concerns the importance of creating a common understanding of the innovation and reflecting on the need for extra resources

    Drivers in and obstacles to innovation in work inclusion for people with intellectual disability; a new organization of the work measure permanently adapted work in public

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    Source at https://ep.liu.se/en/conference-article.aspx?series=&issue=160&Article_No=1.The aim of this paper is to discuss how social innovation can contribute to solving a comprehensive challenge: work inclusion for people with intellectual disability. We explore how a new organization of the measure Permanently Adapted Work in Public (VTAO), described as an incremental innovation, can promote work inclusion. We use theories of social innovation as an analytic framework for the analysis. The paper focuses on conditions that can promote or hamper successful implementation of this innovation. It is based on data from one of the work packages, including a qualitative study, in a large, ongoing study of work inclusion for people with intellectual disability with the title “Rethinking work inclusion for people with intellectual disability”. In this specific work package, we have so far interviewed 13 employees with intellectual disability, and 27 service providers at three sheltered workshops, four local NAV offices and three regional NAV offices. The study shows that the innovation helps facilitate work inclusion for people with intellectual disability. Several conditions related to the characteristics of the innovation, as well as social and cultural factors, seems to be crucial to its success. Structural conditions, such as economic and human resources, are also important for the implementation. Nevertheless, legislations and regulations for work measures and current practice at The Norwegian Labor and Welfare Service, seems to be obstacles to promote the use of the innovation more widely. In the conclusion we stress that social innovation promotes work inclusion for people with intellectual disability

    Report on cruises and fixed oceanographic data stations 2013

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    The report gives an overview of cruises carried out in 2013, by the Institute of Marine Research and University of Bergen, on board research vessels "G. O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "G. M. Dannevig", "Helmer Hanssen", and some hired commercial vessels. A short description of the cruise, in addition to routeand station charts (mainly the CTD, plankton and trawl stations) are shown. Tables show timing of oseanographic sections, and number of observations per month for the stations. Cruises are reported to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) using the form "Cruise Summary report": http://www.seadatanet.org/Metadata/CSR . Cruise data are available from the Norwegian Marine Data Centre at Institute of Marine Research. Charts can be downloaded from the Institute Intranet/Archive: http://hinnsiden.imr.no/ressurser/bilder/bildearki

    Report on oceanographic cruises and data stations, 2003

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    The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by the research vessels "G.O.Sars", "Johan Hjort", "H. Mosby" and "G.M. Dannevig" during 2003. The first tables shows the cruise number and the periods for each cruise. The next page shows the standard sections worked out by the Institute of Marine Research and the position of the fixed stations in the coast water. The following tables (page 2 and 3) indicate when the standard sections are worked out, and show the number of observations per month of each of the fixed stations. The data is available on request. This report may be used to identify ship and station numbers. NORSK SAMMENDRAG: Rapporten gir en oversikt over toktene til Havforskningsinstituttets forskningsfartÞy - ny "G.O.Sars", gamle "0, Sars"/"Sarsen", "Johan Hjort", "HÄkon Mosby" og "G.M. Dannevig" i 2003. Kartene viser hovedsakelig CTD- og trÄlstasjoner, men ogsÄ plankton stasjoner. For de fleste toktene vises kurs- og stasjonskart, samt oversikt over nÄr de faste snittene er tatt med antall obervasjoner pr. mÄned for de faste stasjonene langs kysten. Oversiktene er innrapportert til Det internasjonale rÄd for havforskning (ICES) sammen med "Cruise Summary Report". Data fra toktene er tilgjengelig fra Norsk Marint Datasenter. Rapporten kan brukes til Ä finne ut hvilke data man Þnsker Ä bruke

    Drivers in and obstacles to innovation in work inclusion for people with intellectual disability; a new organization of the work measure Permanently Adapted Work in Public

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    The aim of this paper is to discuss how social innovation can contribute to solving a comprehensive challenge: work inclusion for people with intellectual disability. We explore how a new organization of the measure Permanently Adapted Work in Public (VTAO), described as an incremental innovation, can promote work inclusion. We use theories of social innovation as an analytic framework for the analysis. The paper focuses on conditions that can promote or hamper successful implementation of this innovation. It is based on data from one of the work packages, including a qualitative study, in a large, ongoing study of work inclusion for people with intellectual disability with the title “(
..)”. In this specific work package, we have so far interviewed 13 employees with intellectual disability, and 27 service providers at three sheltered workshops, four local NAV offices and three regional NAV offices. The study shows that the innovation helps facilitate work inclusion for people with intellectual disability. Several conditions related to the characteristics of the innovation, as well as social and cultural factors, seems to be crucial to its success. Structural conditions, such as economic and human resources, are also important for the implementation. Nevertheless, legislations and regulations for work measures and current practice at The Norwegian Labor and Welfare Service, seems to be obstacles to promote the use of the innovation more widely. In the conclusion we stress that social innovation promotes work inclusion for people with intellectual disability

    Report on cruises and oceanographic stations 2015

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    English: The report gives an overview of cruises in 2015, by the Institute of Marine Research and University of Bergen, on board research vessels "G. O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", ”HĂ„kon Mosby” "G. M. Dannevig" and some hired commercial vessels. Each cruise is described by a short description and a track chart mainly showing CTD, plankton and trawl stations. The coverage of the oceanographic sections is listed in a table. Another table shows the number of observations per month for the fixed stations. Meta data about the cruises are reported to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) using the form "Cruise Summary Report": http://www.seadatanet.org/Metadata/CSR . Research data are available from the Norwegian Marine Data Centre at Institute of Marine Research. The charts can internally at IMR be downloaded from the Institute Intranet/Archive: http://hinnsiden.imr.no/ressurser/bilder/bildearkiv. Charts in Mercator projection. Norsk:Rapporten gir en oversikt over tokt i 2015 i regi av Havforskningsinstituttet og Universitetet i Bergen med ”G. O. Sars”, ”Johan Hjort”, ”HĂ„kon Mosby”, ”G. M. Dannevig” samt innleide fartĂžyer. En kort beskrivelse av toktet samt kurs- og stasjonskart – hovedsakelig CTD, plankton og trĂ„lstasjoner er vist. Tabeller viser nĂ„r de faste snittene er tatt, og antall observasjoner pr. mĂ„ned for de faste stasjonene. Toktene er innrapporterte til Det internasjonale rĂ„d for havforskning (ICES) i skjemaet ”Cruise Summary Report”: http://www.seadatanet.org/Metadata/CSR. Data fra toktene er tilgjengelig fra Norsk marint datasenter ved Havforskningsinstituttet. Kartene kan internt lastes ned fra instituttets intranettside/bildearkiv: http://hinnsiden.imr.no/ressurser/bilder/bildearkiv. Kart i Mercator projeksjon

    Measuring Non - Technical skills in a Norwegian Air Ambulance medical scenario using the customized rating instrument AeroNOTS.

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    Master's thesis in Health and social sciencesThe provision of life aid support to critically ill and injured patients in helicopter emergency medical sevices (HEMS) is a complex process strogly dependent on the team’s non-technical skills to provide sufficient health care.These skills include task management, situation awareness, decisionmaking and teamwork. However there has been a lack of frameworks for measuring such non-technical skills for air amulance personell. In 2015 Julia Myers performed a cuztomisation of the former validated observation tool Aneasthetists Non Technical Skills (ANTS) for use in HEMS called AeroNOTS (aeromedical non- technical skills). In the present study we apply this tool in a simulated clinical setting in Norway, to explore whether the tool is applicable in our environment,assess the tool’s validity, and measure whether NTS improve according to physicians’ experience.Stiftelsen Norsk Luftambulans

    The Use of Visual Representation in English Foreign Language Textbooks Produced in Norway

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    Master's thesis in Literacy studiesThis thesis is an investigation into the use of images in a selection of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) textbooks used in upper secondary school in Norway. The aim of the study was to explore the role and function of images in the individual textbooks and examine to what extent their use may differ between textbooks aimed at vocational study programmes and those aimed at general studies programmes. The basic assumption here is that images may have pedagogical functions besides simply illustrating the written words. The material for the study consists of a selection of seven available textbooks which were made for the current National Curriculum for Knowledge Promotion in Primary and Secondary Education and Training, also known as LK06. All the images in the seven textbooks were studied using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. A quantitative approach was used to produce overall descriptive statistics of the kinds of images and their placement and use. Each image was classified into several categories, including size, placement in the book and/or page, the presence of caption, type of image, main element depicted, distance between the viewer and the viewed, and the occurrence of eye contact. Collectively, these categories enabled an analysis of the potential level of difficulty in the decoding process, the information value in the image, and to what extent the image connects and communicates with the viewer. Some of the findings were followed up with a qualitative approach. Specific patterns and characteristics of image use in the different textbooks were investigated more closely by looking at specific examples. As the study is concerned with both learning and the use of images, its theoretical basis combines learning and reading theories. In addition to theories of learning and reading, Kress & van Leeuwen’s theory of ‘visual grammar’ and descriptive framework was applied when conducting a visual analysis. The curriculum in English for both vocational and general studies is identical, with only a small section allowing for adaptations for the particular study program (general or vocational). However, one could argue that the pupils enrolled in the different study programmes have different needs, both with regard to the learning process and its future applications. It was therefore of particular interest to find out whether there is a significant difference in the use of images between EFL textbooks aimed at vocational and general studies. The findings did not give straightforward answers; some differences were discovered in the use of images between the two study programmes, but much variation was found between the individual textbooks

    William Styron| A modern traditionalist

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