306 research outputs found


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    The article deals with the expression of emotionality and expressiveness in a dialogue. The lexical system of the language contains words and ready-made constructions (for example, applause) that directly affect the emotional state. Different forms of such tools are used depending on the status of the interview. Praise, pleading, threats, blackmail, applause, etc. are the means chosen and included in speech at such moments. The peculiarities of emotive and aesthetic functions, expressiveness in the dialogic speech in the modern Azerbaijani and English languages are systematized and analized on the basis of the concrete dialogues taken from the living speech and fiction. Stylistic-expressive grammatical forms in both languages are remarkable for their emotional peculiarities and don’t depend on the type of speech. The special attention is given to interjections, exclamatory sentences, polysemantic words, reiteration, paralinguistic means, intonation, verbal context that play an important role in dialogues. It is also emphasized that in the dialogic speech participators are not content only with transmission of information but also try to influence the emotions of their conversation.The article deals with the expression of emotionality and expressiveness in a dialogue. The lexical system of the language contains words and ready-made constructions (for example, applause) that directly affect the emotional state. Different forms of such tools are used depending on the status of the interview. Praise, pleading, threats, blackmail, applause, etc. are the means chosen and included in speech at such moments. The peculiarities of emotive and aesthetic functions, expressiveness in the dialogic speech in the modern Azerbaijani and English languages are systematized and analized on the basis of the concrete dialogues taken from the living speech and fiction. Stylistic-expressive grammatical forms in both languages are remarkable for their emotional peculiarities and don’t depend on the type of speech. The special attention is given to interjections, exclamatory sentences, polysemantic words, reiteration, paralinguistic means, intonation, verbal context that play an important role in dialogues. It is also emphasized that in the dialogic speech participators are not content only with transmission of information but also try to influence the emotions of their conversation

    The Characteristics of Discourse in Economic Texts

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    This article explores the distinct discursive features prevalent in economic texts, focusing on the unique language patterns, rhetorical strategies, and communicative functions characterising this genre. The study identifies critical elements that differentiate economic discourse from other professional and academic writing forms by analysing various economic documents, including academic papers, financial reports, and policy briefs. These features include specialised terminology, quantitative data presentation, argumentative structures, metaphor, and analogy. The findings highlight how these characteristics effectively convey complex economic concepts, persuade diverse audiences, and facilitate informed decision-making. This analysis contributes to a deeper understanding of the linguistic and rhetorical conventions in economic writing, offering valuable insights for economists, educators, and communicators


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    Depending on the nature and characteristics of the heavy metals that accumulate on the surface of the soil, separated from vehicle waste around the highway, they migrate downwards in the soil profile. The course of this process and the properties of heavy metals have been studied by many researchers. The migration of heavy metals in the soil profile later leads to the contamination of plants, especially agricultural crops, with toxic substances. It enters the food chain around the highway, especially with the more intensive accumulation of lead. It is considered dangerous for animals when the amount of lead in dry fodder plants is 100 mg/kg. Its amount migrates deep into the soil profile for several years and remains in the soil for many years without losing its effect. Until recent years, tetraethyl lead was added to all fuels to increase its combustibility and increase the deformation pressure, which caused the release of 200 400 mg of lead into the atmosphere during the combustion of one liter of gasoline. The study found that the migration of heavy metals in the soil profile depends on its granulometric composition, density, thickness of many organic compounds and pHDepending on the nature and characteristics of the heavy metals that accumulate on the surface of the soil, separated from vehicle waste around the highway, they migrate downwards in the soil profile. The course of this process and the properties of heavy metals have been studied by many researchers. The migration of heavy metals in the soil profile later leads to the contamination of plants, especially agricultural crops, with toxic substances. It enters the food chain around the highway, especially with the more intensive accumulation of lead. It is considered dangerous for animals when the amount of lead in dry fodder plants is 100 mg/kg. Its amount migrates deep into the soil profile for several years and remains in the soil for many years without losing its effect. Until recent years, tetraethyl lead was added to all fuels to increase its combustibility and increase the deformation pressure, which caused the release of 200 400 mg of lead into the atmosphere during the combustion of one liter of gasoline. The study found that the migration of heavy metals in the soil profile depends on its granulometric composition, density, thickness of many organic compounds and p


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    For the study, mulberry silk was used for different feeding seasons (spring, summer, autumn) and adverse environmental conditions (high temperature, low humidity, poor quality feed) using Atlas-1 and Atlas-2 lines.During the study, we calculated the selection and genetic parameters (selection variance (SD), genetic growth (R) and realized heritability (h2R) ratios) of the leading adaptive selection traits in successive generations of the Atlas-1 and Atlas-2 lines.As a result, compared to the line control population, the Atlas 1 line had a higher rate than the Atlas 2 line for the selection variance. Genetic growth was higher in F7 and F8 than the F6 lineage of the Atlas 1 line. The satin 2 line was the lowest in F7 and the highest in F7 and F8 generations.The biological parameters of both lines have a high barometric mass due to the hereditary coefficient, the barrel curtain mass is moderate, and the survival barrel silence is even lower.Generally, both lines have the ability to be inherited by biological indicators. The results from our selection experiments confirmed our theoretical provisions and made it clear that adaptive breeding carried out under pessimistic feeding of all generations would be beneficial.Исследование проводилось в различные периоды кормления (весна, лето, осень) и основывалось на неблагоприятные условия окружающей среды (высокая температура, низкая влажность, низкое качество корма) с использованием линий тутового шелкопряда Атлаз-1 и Атлаз-2.В ходе исследования были выполнены расчеты ведущих признаков адаптивного отбора, селекционных и генетических параметров (селекционных дифференциалов (SD), генетического воспроизводства (R) и реализованной наследственности (h2R)) в последовательных поколениях линий Атлаз-1 и Атлаз-2.В результате, по сравнению с контрольной популяцией линии, линия Атлаз-1 имела более высокую скорость, чем линия Атлаз-2.для дисперсии выбора. Генетический рост был выше у F7 и F8, чем у линии F6 линии Атлаз-1. Линия Атлаз-2 была самой низкой в F7 и самой высокой в поколениях F7 и F8.Биологические параметры обеих линий по коэффициенту наследственности были; масса живого кокона высокая, масса вуали кокона средняя, шелковистость живого кокона низкая, даже опускается до минусового показателя.Как правило, обе линии обладают способностью наследоваться по биологическим показателям. Результаты наших селекционных экспериментов подтвердили предложенные нами теоретические положения и дали понять, что адаптивное разведение, путем вскармливания всех поколений в пессимистических условиях, будет полезным


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    The communication between family members has a significant impact on their mental health. The family relationships help children develop healthy personalities. Children who grow up in relationships based on mutual respect, love, tolerance and self-sacrifice develop healthy personalities. Children suffer the most from communication disorders. When a child sees his parents discussing their problems and solving them in a positive way, he finds an opportunity to prepare for the problems he may face in his future life. The goal of this research - to study the influence of the family environment on the formation of a child's personality, to obtain scientific and theoretical knowledge on the elimination of family conflicts that affect the development of children, refraining from arguments in the presence of children and creating favorable conditions for communication. Research methodology - approaches and ideas put forward in classical and modern psychology, applicable to family relationships and their influence on the formation of a child's personality, theories based on the study of problems related to the development of a child's personal qualities. The study analyzed family upbringing, influencing the formation of the personality of children, the attitude of parents to children and the parents among themselves, and positive and negative results were also identified.The communication between family members has a significant impact on their mental health. The family relationships help children develop healthy personalities. Children who grow up in relationships based on mutual respect, love, tolerance and self-sacrifice develop healthy personalities. Children suffer the most from communication disorders. When a child sees his parents discussing their problems and solving them in a positive way, he finds an opportunity to prepare for the problems he may face in his future life. The goal of this research - to study the influence of the family environment on the formation of a child's personality, to obtain scientific and theoretical knowledge on the elimination of family conflicts that affect the development of children, refraining from arguments in the presence of children and creating favorable conditions for communication. Research methodology - approaches and ideas put forward in classical and modern psychology, applicable to family relationships and their influence on the formation of a child's personality, theories based on the study of problems related to the development of a child's personal qualities. The study analyzed family upbringing, influencing the formation of the personality of children, the attitude of parents to children and the parents among themselves, and positive and negative results were also identified

    Electret composite with deep trapping centers on the interphase boundary

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    An electret composite comprising a polymer matrix material that contains particles of a piezoelectric material with deep trapping centers on the interphase boundaries between the matrix and particles of a piezoelectric material. The piezoelectric material may have a tetragonal or a rhombohedral structure, and the polymer matrix material may be selected from high-density polyethylene, polyvinylidene fluoride, and a copolymer of vinylidenechloride and tetrafluoroethylene. The composite has a potential difference> 500V, lifespan> 10 years, dielectric permeability≧ 20, specific electric resistance≧ 10 14 Ohm· m; provision of deep trapping centers on the interphase boundaries with activation energy in the range of 1 to 1.25 eV, and stable electret charge

    Optimization of fuzzy photovoltaic maximum power point tracking controller using chimp algorithm

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    In this paper, a photovoltaic (PV) fuzzy maximum power point tracking (MPPT) method optimized by the chimp algorithm is presented. The fuzzy logic controller (FLC) of seven triangular membership functions (MFs) is used. The optimization fitness function is composed of transient and steady-state indices under different irradiation and temperature operating conditions. By using MATLAB package, the performance of optimized method is examined and compared with asymmetrical FLC and well-known perturb and observe (P&O) tracking methods at different operating conditions in terms of: transient rising time (tr) and energy yield during 30 s. Moreover, the tracking methods are also compared in terms of the fitness function value. From the comparison of simulation results, a more energy can be harvested by using the proposed optimized tracking method compared to the other methods. Consequently, at the various operating conditions, the proposed method can be used as a more reliable tracking method for PV systems

    Muhammad Fizuli's Poetic Corpus of Ghazals

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    Данная статья посвящена корпусному исследованию. Материалом исследования послужили газели из «Дивана» Мухаммеда Физули на азербайджанском языке. В «Диване» представлено 305 газелей. Основная цель статьи заключается в глубоком анализе поэтического корпуса газелей Мухаммеда Физули. Это исследование направлено на анализ основных тем и мотивов, присутствующие в газелях Физули, и их влияние на восточную поэзию, оценивание влияние газелей Физули на развитие азербайджанской и мировой поэзии, а также их место в литературной традиции. Автор в рамках данной статьи статья стремится дать всестороннее понимание поэтического наследия Мухаммеда Физули и его важности для литературоведения и культурологии, так как именно Мухаммеда Физули является основоположником литературного азербайджанского языка. Исследование поэтического корпуса газелей Мухаммеда Физули обладает высокой актуальностью по ряду причин: во-первых, оно способствует сохранению культурного наследия Азербайджана и Востока в целом, а также укреплению национальной идентичности; во-вторых, работы Физули оказали значительное влияние на современную литературу и являются предметом интереса для лингвистов, культурологов и филологов; в-третьих, переводы газелей Физули на различные языки способствуют межкультурному диалогу и пониманию восточной поэзии; в-четвертых, философские и эстетические идеи, содержащиеся в его произведениях, остаются актуальными и сегодня, обогащая наше понимание мира; в-пятых, тема важна для академических исследований и образовательных программ, способствуя расширению научных знаний и обогащению культурного опыта студентов и исследователей. Таким образом, изучение поэтического наследия Мухаммеда Физули имеет широкое значение для различных сфер науки, культуры и образования.This article is dedicated to corpus research. The material for the study consists of gazelles from M. Fizuli's "Divan" in Azerbaijani language. The “Divan” contains 305 gazelles. The article's primary goal is to comprehensively analyse the poetic corpus of M. Fizuli's gazelles. This study aims to investigate the main themes and motifs present in Fizuli's gazelles and their influence on Eastern poetry, assess the impact of Fizuli's gazelles on the development of Azerbaijani and world poetry, as well as their place in literary tradition. Within the framework of this article, the author aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of M. Fizuli's poetic legacy and its significance for scholarly studies and cultural studies, as M. Fizuli is considered the founder of Azerbaijani literary language. The survey of M. Fizuli's poetic corpus is highly relevant for several reasons: firstly, it contributes to the preservation of Azerbaijan's and Eastern culture's cultural heritage and strengthens national identity; secondly, Fizuli's works have had a significant influence on contemporary literature and are of interest to linguists, cultural historians, and philologists; thirdly, translations of Fizuli's gazelles into various languages contribute to intercultural dialogue and understanding of Eastern poetry; fourthly, the philosophical and aesthetic ideas contained in his works remain relevant today, enriching our knowledge of the world; fifthly, the topic is essential for academic research and educational programs, contributing to the expansion of scientific knowledge and enrichment of the cultural experience of students and researchers. Thus, studying M. Fizuli's poetic legacy has broad significance for various science, culture, and education fields

    Phonetic and Lexical Features of Words Borrowed from French into English

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    This article delves into the phonetic and lexical characteristics of French loanwords in the English language, illustrating the complex interplay between these two historically intertwined tongues. It begins by exploring the rich historical background of English, emphasizing its Germanic roots and subsequent Latin, Norse, and particularly significant French influences. The paper then narrows its focus to scrutinize the phonetic adaptations of French loanwords in English, analyzing aspects such as stress patterns, vowel qualities, nasalization, and the treatment of final consonants. Additionally, the article examines the lexical features of these loanwords, including semantic fields, morphological adaptations, and the phenomenon of polysemy. Special attention is given to how these words have been integrated into different semantic fields like law, art, fashion, and cuisine, highlighting the cultural implications of these linguistic borrowings. The study employs a blend of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, including expert interviews, case studies, corpus analysis, and surveys, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject. The article concludes by reflecting on the broader linguistic and cultural significance of these loanwords, offering insights into the dynamic nature of language evolution and cultural exchange

    Dokumen Makul DPID

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