153 research outputs found

    GAIML: A New Language for Verbal and Graphical Interaction in Chatbots

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    Natural and intuitive interaction between users and complex systems is a crucial research topic in human-computer interaction. A major direction is the definition and implementation of systems with natural language understanding capabilities. The interaction in natural language is often performed by means of systems called chatbots. A chatbot is a conversational agent with a proper knowledge base able to interact with users. Chatbots appearance can be very sophisticated with 3D avatars and speech processing modules. However the interaction between the system and the user is only performed through textual areas for inputs and replies. An interaction able to add to natural language also graphical widgets could be more effective. On the other side, a graphical interaction involving also the natural language can increase the comfort of the user instead of using only graphical widgets. In many applications multi-modal communication must be preferred when the user and the system have a tight and complex interaction. Typical examples are cultural heritages applications (intelligent museum guides, picture browsing) or systems providing the user with integrated information taken from different and heterogenous sources as in the case of the iGoogle™ interface. We propose to mix the two modalities (verbal and graphical) to build systems with a reconfigurable interface, which is able to change with respect to the particular application context. The result of this proposal is the Graphical Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (GAIML) an extension of AIML allowing merging both interaction modalities. In this context a suitable chatbot system called Graphbot is presented to support this language. With this language is possible to define personalized interface patterns that are the most suitable ones in relation to the data types exchanged between the user and the system according to the context of the dialogue

    Stochastic model of solvent exchange in the first coordination shell of aqua Ions

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    Ion microsolvation is a basic, yet fundamental, process of ionic solutions underlying many relevant phenomena in either biological or nanotechnological applications, such as solvent reorganization energy, ion transport, catalytic activity, and so on. As a consequence, it is a topic of extensive investigations by various experimental techniques, ranging from X-ray diffraction to NMR relaxation and from calorimetry to vibrational spectroscopy, and theoretical approaches, especially those based on molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The conventional microscopic view of ion solvation is usually provided by a "static" cluster model representing the first ion-solvent coordination shell. Despite the merits of such a simple model, however, ion coordination in solution should be better regarded as a complex population of dynamically interchanging molecular configurations. Such a more comprehensive view is more subtle to characterize and often elusive to standard approaches. In this work, we report on an effective computational strategy aiming at providing a detailed picture of solvent coordination and exchange around aqua ions, thus including the main structural, thermodynamic, and dynamic properties of ion microsolvation, such as the most probable first-shell complex structures, the corresponding free energies, the interchanging energy barriers, and the solvent-exchange rates. Assuming the solvent coordination number as an effective reaction coordinate and combining MD simulations with enhanced sampling and master-equation approaches, we propose a stochastic model suitable for properly describing, at the same time, the thermodynamics and kinetics of ion-water coordination. The model is successfully tested toward various divalent ions (Ca2+, Zn2+, Hg2+, and Cd2+) in aqueous solution, considering also the case of a high ionic concentration. Results show a very good agreement with those issuing from brute-force MD simulations, when available, and support the reliable prediction of rare ion-water complexes and slow water exchange rates not easily accessible to usual computational methods

    A Networking Framework for Multi-Robot Coordination

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    Autonomous robots operating in real environments need to be able to interact with a dynamic world populated with objects, people, and, in general, other agents. The current generation of autonomous robots, such as the ASIMO robot by Honda or the QRIO by Sony, has showed impressive performances in mechanics and control of movements; moreover, recent literature reports encouraging results about the capability of such robots of representing themselves with respect to a dynamic external world, of planning future actions and of evaluating resulting situations in order to make new plans. However, when multiple robots are supposed to operate together, coordination and communication issues arise; while noteworthy results have been achieved with respect to the control of a single robot, novel issues arise when the actions of a robot influence another''s behavior. The increase in computational power available to systems nowadays makes it feasible, and even convenient, to organize them into a single distributed computing environment in order to exploit the synergy among different entities. This is especially true for robot teams, where cooperation is supposed to be the most natural scheme of operation, especially when robots are required to operate in highly constrained scenarios, such as inhospitable sites, remote sites, or indoor environments where strict constraints on intrusiveness must be respected. In this case, computations will be inherently network-centric, and to solve the need for communication inside robot collectives, an efficient network infrastructure must be put into place; once a proper communication channel is established, multiple robots may benefit from the interaction with each other in order to achieve a common goal. The framework presented in this paper adopts a composite networking architecture, in which a hybrid wireless network, composed by commonly available WiFi devices, and the more recently developed wireless sensor networks, operates as a whole in order both to provide a communication backbone for the robots and to extract useful information from the environment. The ad-hoc WiFi backbone allows robots to exchange coordination information among themselves, while also carrying data measurements collected from surrounding environment, and useful for localization or mere data gathering purposes. The proposed framework is called RoboNet, and extends a previously developed robotic tour guide application (Chella et al., 2007) in the context of a multi-robot application; our system allows a team of robots to enhance their perceptive capabilities through coordination obtained via a hybrid communication network; moreover, the same infrastructure allows robots to exchange information so as to coordinate their actions in order to achieve a global common goal. The working scenario considered in this paper consists of a museum setting, where guided tours are to be automatically managed. The museum is arranged both chronologically and topographically, but the sequence of findings to be visited can be rearranged depending on user queries, making a sort of dynamic virtual labyrinth with various itineraries. Therefore, the robots are able to guide visitors both in prearranged tours and in interactive tours, built in itinere depending on the interaction with the visitor: robots are able to rebuild the virtual connection between findings and, consequently, the path to be followed. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains some background on multi-robot coordination, and Section 3 describes the underlying ideas and the motivation behind the proposed architecture, whose details are presented in Sections 4, 5, and 6. A realistic application scenario is described in Section 7, and finally our conclusions are drawn in Section 8

    DRUDIT: web-based DRUgs DIscovery Tools to design small molecules as modulators of biological targets.

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    Abstract Motivation New in silico tools to predict biological affinities for input structures are presented. The tools are implemented in the DRUDIT (DRUgs DIscovery Tools) web service. The DRUDIT biological finder module is based on molecular descriptors that are calculated by the MOLDESTO (MOLecular DEScriptors TOol) software module developed by the same authors, which is able to calculate more than one thousand molecular descriptors. At this stage, DRUDIT includes 250 biological targets, but new external targets can be added. This feature extends the application scope of DRUDIT to several fields. Moreover, two more functions are implemented: the multi- and on/off-target tasks. These tools applied to input structures allow for predicting the polypharmacology and evaluating the collateral effects. Results The applications described in the article show that DRUDIT is able to predict a single biological target, to identify similarities among biological targets, and to discriminate different target isoforms. The main advantages of DRUDIT for the scientific community lie in its ease of use by worldwide scientists and the possibility to be used also without specific, and often expensive, hardware and software. In fact, it is fully accessible through the WWW from any device to perform calculations. Just a click or a tap can start tasks to predict biological properties for new compounds or repurpose drugs, lead compounds, or unsuccessful compounds. To date, DRUDIT is supported by four servers each able to execute 8 jobs simultaneously. Availability and implementation The web service is accessible at the www.drudit.com URL and its use is free of charge. Supplementary information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    In search of a new attractant for monitoring Stegobium paniceum L. (Coleoptera: Anobiidae): Poster

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    Stegobium paniceum (L.) is a major pest for several stored products worldwide. Monitoring methods for this species, based on pheromone traps, are affected by the complexity and expensiveness of the chemical synthesis of the pheromone isomer [(2S,3R,1’R)-Stegobinone] and/or by its lost of efficacy after two weeks at room temperature. So other semiochemicals that can be exploited for monitoring this species are highly desirable. In this study was tested the behavioral response in two-choice olfactometer of S. paniceum adults to Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) collected from colonized substrate. The elution of the headspace collection from S. paniceum colony elicited attraction of both sexes. The GC-MS chemical analysis of the extract indicated the presence of several alkanes, alcohols, aldehydes and fatty acids, some of them already reported to attract other stored product coleopteran pests and promising candidates for further studies to test their attractiveness on S. paniceum.Stegobium paniceum (L.) is a major pest for several stored products worldwide. Monitoring methods for this species, based on pheromone traps, are affected by the complexity and expensiveness of the chemical synthesis of the pheromone isomer [(2S,3R,1’R)-Stegobinone] and/or by its lost of efficacy after two weeks at room temperature. So other semiochemicals that can be exploited for monitoring this species are highly desirable. In this study was tested the behavioral response in two-choice olfactometer of S. paniceum adults to Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) collected from colonized substrate. The elution of the headspace collection from S. paniceum colony elicited attraction of both sexes. The GC-MS chemical analysis of the extract indicated the presence of several alkanes, alcohols, aldehydes and fatty acids, some of them already reported to attract other stored product coleopteran pests and promising candidates for further studies to test their attractiveness on S. paniceum

    Robotic Heller-Dor myotomy: 10-year monocentric experience compared with POEM

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    Achalasia is a rare motility disorder caused by an incomplete relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter and loss of esophageal peristalsis. As a consequence, the bolus swallowing is hindered and the patients complain dysphagia, regurgitation, chest pain, respiratory symptoms and weight loss. Achalasia’s treatment has been varied over time, from therapies aiming to relax the lower sphincter of the esophagus, including drugs andBotox injection or mechanical dilatations, to surgical myotomy. Robotic or laparoscopic Heller-Dor procedure is considered the gold standard surgical treatment for symptomatic achalasia as it is proved to be effective and safe. As an alternative, Per-Oral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) was applied over the past decade, aiming to combine the same results of mini-invasive procedure to the advantages of endoscopic approach. In this study, we are going to compare the medium-long term results of mini-invasive Heller-Dor procedure, routinely performed in our Department, with those of POEM reported in literature

    Lipid Nanoparticles Loaded With Resveratrol And Glycyrrhetinic Acid As New Tool For Wound Healing

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    Skin and mucous membranes maintain the homeostasis of the full body and are the first barriers against microbial infections. Therefore, their integrity is crucial and any lesion or injury must be quickly treated. In healthy people, several steps, such as inflammation, production of pro-oxidative species, cells proliferation and remodelling, follow each other creating a cascade process that determine the total restoration of the injured tissue. However, even a single discrepancy in these phases can delay the wound healing or irreversibly compromise the tissue. A smart strategy to promote wound healing could be the administration of natural compounds such as polyphenols and triterpenoids which are characterized by strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, antimicrobial properties and low side effects. However, the beneficial effects of these molecules are limited by their disadvantageous physico-chemical properties (e.g., low solubility in water, degradation) that compromise their bioavailability and thereby their clinical use. Based on these considerations, the aim of this work was to prepare and characterize a novel drug delivery system in form of multicomponent lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) constituted by a complex mixture of PEGylated lipid, Glyceryl monoester and Menthol able to entrap the polyphenol Resveratrol (RSV) and the triterpenoid Glycyrrhetinic Acid (GA) in order to protect them from degradation and maximize their effectiveness so as to make them useful for the wound management. Following optimization of the lipid blend composition and excipient ratios, it resulted homogeneous, with a melting range temperature of 57-61°C and containing GA (2.73 ± 0.23%w/w) and RSV (4.56 ± 0.04%w/w) in the amorphous form. The LNPs, obtained by homogenization followed by high-frequency sonication, were characterized by DLS and SEM analyses resulting almost monodispersed (PDI: 0.267 ± 0.010), with spherical shape (by SEM), nanometric size (162.86 ± 3.12nm) and suitable Z-potential (-21.40 ± 7.33mV). The quantitative analyses showed high encapsulation efficiency for both RSV and GA having a suitable DR% (96.82 ± 1.34% and 99.6 ± 1.29%, respectively) and LE% (96.82 ± 1.34% and 97.15 ± 0.19%, respectively) values. RSV release studies highlighted a sustained and controlled pattern of discharge to different chemical environments simulating the wound conditions. Moreover, LNPs showed significant scavenger properties evaluated by the DPPH assay. Last, the biological evaluations (scratch assay) highlighted an enhanced fibroblasts proliferation and migration at extremely low doses (LNPs 22 μg/mL corresponding to RSV 5 μM). Furthermore, a promising antibiofilm effect against Staphilococcus aureus was observed in a dose-dependent manner. In conclusion, these novel multicomponent LNPs could represent a next generation carrier constituting a promising tool for wound healing purposes


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    -To create a MR radiological template for endometriosis -To review MR reports and images in patients with endometriosis to assess the accurancy of the reports

    The Evolving Scenario in the Assessment of Radiological Response for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in the Era of Immunotherapy: Strengths and Weaknesses of Surrogate Endpoints

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a challenging malignancy characterised by clinical and biological heterogeneity, independent of the stage. Despite the application of surveillance programs, a substantial proportion of patients are diagnosed at advanced stages when curative treatments are no longer available. The landscape of systemic therapies has been rapidly growing over the last decade, and the advent of immune-checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) has changed the paradigm of systemic treatments. The coexistence of the tumour with underlying cirrhosis exposes patients with HCC to competing events related to tumour progression and/or hepatic decompensation. Therefore, it is relevant to adopt proper clinical endpoints to assess the extent of treatment benefit. While overall survival (OS) is the most accepted endpoint for phase III randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and drug approval, it is affected by many limitations. To overcome these limits, several clinical and radiological outcomes have been used. For instance, progression-free survival (PFS) is a useful endpoint to evaluate the benefit of sequential treatments, since it is not influenced by post-progression treatments, unlike OS. Moreover, radiological endpoints such as time to progression (TTP) and objective response rate (ORR) are frequently adopted. Nevertheless, the surrogacy between these endpoints and OS in the setting of unresectable HCC (uHCC) remains uncertain. Since most of the surrogate endpoints are radiology-based (e.g., PFS, TTP, ORR), the use of standardised tools is crucial for the evaluation of radiological response. The optimal way to assess the radiological response has been widely debated, and many criteria have been proposed over the years. Furthermore, none of the criteria have been validated for immunotherapy in advanced HCC. The coexistence of the underlying chronic liver disease and the access to several lines of treatments highlight the urgent need to capture early clinical benefit and the need for standardised radiological criteria to assess cancer response when using ICIs in mono- or combination therapies. Here, we review the most commonly used clinical and radiological endpoints for trial design, as well as their surrogacy with OS. We also review the criteria for radiological response to treatments for HCC, analysing the major issues and the potential future perspectives

    Dexamethasone Prophylaxis in Pediatric Open Heart Surgery Is Associated with Increased Blood Long Pentraxin PTX3: Potential Clinical Implications

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    Glucocorticoid administration before cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) can reduce the systemic inflammatory response and improve clinical outcome. Long pentraxin PTX3 is a novel inflammatory parameter that could play a protective cardiovascular role by regulating inflammation. Twenty-nine children undergoing open heart surgery were enrolled in the study. Fourteen received dexamethasone (1st dose 1.5 mg/Kg i.v. or i.m. the evening before surgery; 2nd dose 1.5 mg/kg i.v. before starting bypass) and fifteen children served as control. Blood PTX3, short pentraxin C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-1 receptor II (IL-1RII), fibrinogen and partial thromboplastin time (PTT) were assayed at different times. PTX3 levels significantly increased during CPB in dexamethasone-treated (+D) and dexamethasone-untreated (−D) subjects, but were significantly higher in +D than −D patients. CRP levels significantly increased both in +D and −D patients in the postoperative days, with values significantly higher in −D than +D patients. Fibrinogen and PTT values were significantly higher in −D than +D patients in the 1st postoperative day. IL-1RII plasma levels increased in the postoperative period in both groups. Dexamethasone prophylaxis in pediatric patients undergoing CPB for cardiac surgery is associated with a significant increase of blood PTX3 that could contribute to decreasing inflammatory parameters and improving patient clinical outcome