13 research outputs found

    Galaxy populations in the Hydra i cluster from the VEGAS survey:I. Optical properties of a large sample of dwarf galaxies

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    At ~50 Mpc, the Hydra I cluster of galaxies is among the closest cluster in the z=0 Universe, and an ideal environment to study dwarf galaxy properties in a cluster environment. We exploit deep imaging data of the Hydra I cluster to construct a new photometric catalog of dwarf galaxies in the cluster core, which is then used to derive properties of the Hydra I cluster dwarf galaxies population as well as to compare with other clusters. Moreover, we investigate the dependency of dwarf galaxy properties on their surrounding environment. The new Hydra I dwarf catalog contains 317 galaxies with luminosity between -18.5<MrM_r<-11.5 mag, a semi-major axis larger than ~200 pc (a=0.84 arcsec), of which 202 are new detections, previously unknown dwarf galaxies in the Hydra I central region. We estimate that our detection efficiency reaches 50% at the limiting magnitude MrM_r=-11.5 mag, and at the mean effective surface brightness μe,r\overline{\mu}_{e,r}=26.5 mag/arcsec2arcsec^2. We present the standard scaling relations for dwarf galaxies and compare them with other nearby clusters. We find that there are no observational differences for dwarfs scaling relations in clusters of different sizes. We study the spatial distribution of galaxies, finding evidence for the presence of substructures within half the virial radius. We also find that mid- and high-luminosity dwarfs (MrM_r<-14.5 mag) become on average redder toward the cluster center, and that they have a mild increase in ReR_e with increasing clustercentric distance, similar to what is observed for the Fornax cluster. No clear clustercentric trends are reported with surface brightness and S\'ersic index. Considering galaxies in the same magnitude-bins, we find that for high and mid-luminosity dwarfs (MrM_r<-13.5 mag) the g-r color is redder for the brighter surface brightness and higher S\'ersic n index objects.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 25 pages, 21 figure

    VEGAS: A VST Early-type GAlaxy Survey

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    Context. In this paper, we present ultra-deep images of the compact group of galaxies HCG 86 as part of the VEGAS survey. Aims. Our main goals are to estimate the amount of intra-group light (IGL) as well as to study the light and colour distributions in order to address the main formation process of the IGL component in groups of galaxies. Methods. We derived the azimuthally averaged surface brightness profiles in the g, r, and i bands with g − r and r − i average colours and colour profiles for all group members. By fitting the light distribution, we extrapolated the contribution of the stellar halos plus the diffuse light from the brightest component of each galaxy. The results are compared with theoretical predictions. Results. The long integration time and wide area covered make our data reach deeper than previous literature studies of the IGL in compact groups of galaxies and allow us to produce an extended (∼160 kpc) map of the IGL, down to a surface brightness level of ∼30 mag arcsec−2 in the g band. The IGL in HCG 86 is mainly in diffuse form and has average colours of g − r ∼ 0.8 mag and r − i ∼ 0.4 mag. The fraction of IGL in HCG 86 is ∼16% of the total luminosity of the group, and this is consistent with estimates available for other compact groups and loose groups of galaxies of similar virial masses. A weak trend is present between the amount of IGL and the early-type to late-type galaxy ratio. A lack of a clear correlation is found between the amount of diffuse light and the cluster or group virial mass. Conclusions. By comparing the IGL fraction and colours with those predicted by simulations, the amount of IGL in HCG 86 would be the result of the disruption of satellites at an epoch of z ∼ 0.4. At this redshift, the observed colours are consistent with the scenario where the main contribution to the mass of the IGL comes from the intermediate-to-massive galaxies (1010 ≤ M* ≤ 1011 M⊙)

    Formation of an ultra-diffuse galaxy in the stellar filaments of NGC 3314A: Caught in the act?

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    The VEGAS imaging survey of the Hydra I cluster has revealed an extended network of stellar filaments to the south-west of the spiral galaxy NGC 3314A. Within these filaments, at a projected distance of ∼40 kpc from the galaxy, we discover an ultra-diffuse galaxy (UDG) with a central surface brightness of μ0, g ∼ 26 mag arcsec−2 and effective radius Re ∼ 3.8 kpc. This UDG, named UDG 32, is one of the faintest and most diffuse low-surface-brightness galaxies in the Hydra I cluster. Based on the available data, we cannot exclude that this object is just seen in projection on top of the stellar filaments and is thus instead a foreground or background UDG in the cluster. However, the clear spatial coincidence of UDG 32 with the stellar filaments of NGC 3314A suggests that it might have formed from the material in the filaments, becoming a detached, gravitationally bound system. In this scenario, the origin of UDG 32 depends on the nature of the stellar filaments in NGC 3314A, which is still unknown. The stellar filaments could result from ram-pressure stripping or have a tidal origin. In this letter we focus on the comparison of the observed properties of the stellar filaments and of UDG 32 and speculate on their possible origin. The relatively red colour (g − r = 0.54 ± 0.14 mag) of the UDG, similar to that of the disk in NGC 3314A, combined with an age older than 1 Gyr and the possible presence of a few compact stellar systems, points towards a tidal formation scenario

    Galaxy populations in the Hydra I cluster from the VEGAS survey:I. optical properties of a large sample of dwarf galaxies

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    Abstract Context: Due to their relatively low stellar mass content and diffuse nature, the evolution of dwarf galaxies can be strongly affected by their environment. Analyzing the properties of the dwarf galaxies over a wide range of luminosities, sizes, morphological types, and environments, we can obtain insights about their evolution. At ∼50 Mpc, the Hydra I cluster of galaxies is among the closest cluster in the z ≃ 0 Universe, and an ideal environment to study dwarf galaxy properties in a cluster environment. Aims: We exploit deep imaging data of the Hydra I cluster to construct a new photometric catalog of dwarf galaxies in the cluster core, which is then used to derive properties of the Hydra I cluster dwarf galaxy population as well as to compare it with other clusters. Moreover, we investigate the dependency of dwarf galaxy properties on their surrounding environment. Methods: The new wide-field g- and r-band images of the Hydra I cluster obtained with the OmegaCAM camera on the VLT Survey Telescope (VST) in the context of the VST Early-type GAlaxy Survey (VEGAS) were used to study the dwarf galaxy population in the Hydra I cluster core down to r-band magnitude Mr = −11.5 mag. We used an automatic detection tool to identify dwarf galaxies from a ∼1 deg² field centered on the Hydra I core, covering almost half of the cluster virial radius. The photometric pipeline was used to estimate the principal photometric parameters for all targets. Scaling relations and visual inspection were used to assess the cluster membership and construct a new dwarf galaxy catalog. Finally, based on the new catalog, we studied the structural (Sérsic index n, effective radius Re, and axis ratio) and photometric (colors and surface brightness) properties of the dwarf galaxies, also investigating how they vary as a function of clustercentric distance. Results: The new Hydra I dwarf catalog contains 317 galaxies with a luminosity between −18.5 &lt; Mr &lt; −11.5 mag, a semi-major axis larger than ∼200 pc (a = 0.84″), of which 202 are new detections, and previously unknown dwarf galaxies in the Hydra I central region. We estimate that our detection efficiency reaches 50% at the limiting magnitude Mr = −11.5 mag, and at the mean effective surface brightness μ̄e,r = 26.5 mag arcsec−2. We present the standard scaling relations for dwarf galaxies, which are color-magnitude, size-luminosity, and Sérsic n-magnitude relations, and compare them with other nearby clusters. We find that there are no observational differences for dwarfs scaling relations in clusters of different sizes. We study the spatial distribution of galaxies, finding evidence for the presence of substructures within half the virial radius. We also find that mid- and high-luminosity dwarfs (Mr < −14.5 mag) become, on average, redder toward the cluster center, and that they have a mild increase in Re with increasing clustercentric distance, similar to what is observed for the Fornax cluster. No clear clustercentric trends are reported for surface brightness and Sérsic index. Considering galaxies in the same magnitude bins, we find that for high and mid-luminosity dwarfs (Mr &lt; −13.5 mag), the g − r color is redder for the brighter surface brightness and higher Sérsic n index objects. This finding is consistent with the effects of harassment and/or partial gas stripping

    KELT-21b: A Hot Jupiter Transiting the Rapidly Rotating Metal-poor Late-A Primary of a Likely Hierarchical Triple System

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    We present the discovery of KELT-21b, a hot Jupiter transiting the V = 10.5 A8V star HD 332124. The planet has an orbital period of P = 3.6127647 ± 0.0000033 days and a radius of 1.5860.040+0.039{1.586}_{-0.040}^{+0.039} RJ\,{R}_{{\rm{J}}}. We set an upper limit on the planetary mass of MP<3.91{M}_{P}\lt 3.91 MJ\,{M}_{{\rm{J}}} at 3σ3\sigma confidence. We confirmed the planetary nature of the transiting companion using this mass limit and Doppler tomographic observations to verify that the companion transits HD 332124. These data also demonstrate that the planetary orbit is well-aligned with the stellar spin, with a sky-projected spin–orbit misalignment of λ=5.61.9+1.7\lambda =-{5.6}_{-1.9}^{+1.7\circ }. The star has Teff=759884+81{T}_{\mathrm{eff}}={7598}_{-84}^{+81} K, M=1.4580.028+0.029M{M}_{* }={1.458}_{-0.028}^{+0.029}\,\,{M}_{\odot }, R=1.638±0.034R{R}_{* }=1.638\,\pm 0.034\,\,{R}_{\odot }, and vsinI=146v\sin {I}_{* }=146 km s−1, the highest projected rotation velocity of any star known to host a transiting hot Jupiter. The star also appears to be somewhat metal poor and α-enhanced, with [Fe/H]=0.4050.033+0.032[\mathrm{Fe}/{\rm{H}}]=-{0.405}_{-0.033}^{+0.032} and [α/Fe] = 0.145 ± 0.053; these abundances are unusual, but not extraordinary, for a young star with thin-disk kinematics like KELT-21. High-resolution imaging observations revealed the presence of a pair of stellar companions to KELT-21, located at a separation of 1farcs2 and with a combined contrast of ΔKS=6.39±0.06{\rm{\Delta }}{K}_{S}=6.39\pm 0.06 with respect to the primary. Although these companions are most likely physically associated with KELT-21, we cannot confirm this with our current data. If associated, the candidate companions KELT-21 B and C would each have masses of ~0.12 M\,{M}_{\odot }, a projected mutual separation of ~20 au, and a projected separation of ~500 au from KELT-21. KELT-21b may be one of only a handful of known transiting planets in hierarchical triple stellar systems

    OGLE-2019-BLG-0825: Constraints on the Source System and Effect on Binary-lens Parameters Arising from a Five-day Xallarap Effect in a Candidate Planetary Microlensing Event

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    We present an analysis of microlensing event OGLE-2019-BLG-0825. This event was identified as a planetary candidate by preliminary modeling. We find that significant residuals from the best-fit static binary-lens model exist and a xallarap effect can fit the residuals very well and significantly improves χ ^2 values. On the other hand, by including the xallarap effect in our models, we find that binary-lens parameters such as mass ratio, q , and separation, s , cannot be constrained well. However, we also find that the parameters for the source system such as the orbital period and semimajor axis are consistent between all the models we analyzed. We therefore constrain the properties of the source system better than the properties of the lens system. The source system comprises a G-type main-sequence star orbited by a brown dwarf with a period of P ∼ 5 days. This analysis is the first to demonstrate that the xallarap effect does affect binary-lens parameters in planetary events. It would not be common for the presence or absence of the xallarap effect to affect lens parameters in events with long orbital periods of the source system or events with transits to caustics, but in other cases, such as this event, the xallarap effect can affect binary-lens parameters

    A giant planet undergoing extreme-ultraviolet irradiation by its hot massive-star host

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    The amount of ultraviolet irradiation and ablation experienced by a planet depends strongly on the temperature of its host star. Of the thousands of extrasolar planets now known, only six have been found that transit hot, A-type stars (with temperatures of 7,300-10,000 kelvin), and no planets are known to transit the even hotter B-type stars. For example, WASP-33 is an A-type star with a temperature of about 7,430 kelvin, which hosts the hottest known transiting planet, WASP-33b (ref. 1); the planet is itself as hot as a red dwarf star of type M (ref. 2). WASP-33b displays a large heat differential between its dayside and nightside, and is highly inflated-traits that have been linked to high insolation. However, even at the temperature of its dayside, its atmosphere probably resembles the molecule-dominated atmospheres of other planets and, given the level of ultraviolet irradiation it experiences, its atmosphere is unlikely to be substantially ablated over the lifetime of its star. Here we report observations of the bright star HD 195689 (also known as KELT-9), which reveal a close-in (orbital period of about 1.48 days) transiting giant planet, KELT-9b. At approximately 10,170 kelvin, the host star is at the dividing line between stars of type A and B, and we measure the dayside temperature of KELT-9b to be about 4,600 kelvin. This is as hot as stars of stellar type K4 (ref. 5). The molecules in K stars are entirely dissociated, and so the primary sources of opacity in the dayside atmosphere of KELT-9b are probably atomic metals. Furthermore, KELT-9b receives 700 times more extreme-ultraviolet radiation (that is, with wavelengths shorter than 91.2 nanometres) than WASP-33b, leading to a predicted range of mass-loss rates that could leave the planet largely stripped of its envelope during the main-sequence lifetime of the host star

    The KELT Follow-up Network and Transit False-positive Catalog: Pre-vetted False Positives for TESS

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    The Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) project has been conducting a photometric survey for transiting planets orbiting bright stars for over ten years. The KELT images have a pixel scale of ~23"/pixel---very similar to that of NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)---as well as a large point spread function, and the KELT reduction pipeline uses a weighted photometric aperture with radius 3'. At this angular scale, multiple stars are typically blended in the photometric apertures. In order to identify false positives and confirm transiting exoplanets, we have assembled a follow-up network (KELT-FUN) to conduct imaging with higher spatial resolution, cadence, and photometric precision than the KELT telescopes, as well as spectroscopic observations of the candidate host stars. The KELT-FUN team has followed-up over 1,600 planet candidates since 2011, resulting in more than 20 planet discoveries. Excluding ~450 false alarms of non-astrophysical origin (i.e., instrumental noise or systematics), we present an all-sky catalog of the 1,128 bright stars (6<V<10) that show transit-like features in the KELT light curves, but which were subsequently determined to be astrophysical false positives (FPs) after photometric and/or spectroscopic follow-up observations. The KELT-FUN team continues to pursue KELT and other planet candidates and will eventually follow up certain classes of TESS candidates. The KELT FP catalog will help minimize the duplication of follow-up observations by current and future transit surveys such as TESS.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ, 21 pages, 12 figures, 7 table