534 research outputs found

    Entanglement as a semantic resource

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    The characteristic holistic features of the quantum theoretic formalism and the intriguing notion of entanglement can be applied to a field that is far from microphysics: logical semantics. Quantum computational logics are new forms of quantum logic that have been suggested by the theory of quantum logical gates in quantum computation. In the standard semantics of these logics, sentences denote quantum information quantities: systems of qubits (quregisters) or, more generally, mixtures of quregisters (qumixes), while logical connectives are interpreted as special quantum logical gates (which have a characteristic reversible and dynamic behavior). In this framework, states of knowledge may be entangled, in such a way that our information about the whole determines our information about the parts; and the procedure cannot be, generally, inverted. In spite of its appealing properties, the standard version of the quantum computational semantics is strongly "Hilbert-space dependent". This certainly represents a shortcoming for all applications, where real and complex numbers do not generally play any significant role (as happens, for instance, in the case of natural and of artistic languages). We propose an abstract version of quantum computational semantics, where abstract qumixes, quregisters and registers are identified with some special objects (not necessarily living in a Hilbert space), while gates are reversible functions that transform qumixes into qumixes. In this framework, one can give an abstract definition of the notions of superposition and of entangled pieces of information, quite independently of any numerical values. We investigate three different forms of abstract holistic quantum computational logic

    A quantum computational semantics for epistemic logical operators. Part I: epistemic structures

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    Some critical open problems of epistemic logics can be investigated in the framework of a quantum computational approach. The basic idea is to interpret sentences like “Alice knows that Bob does not understand that π is irrational” as pieces of quantum information (generally represented by density operators of convenient Hilbert spaces). Logical epistemic operators (to understand, to know. . .) are dealt with as (generally irreversible) quantum operations, which are, in a sense, similar to measurement-procedures. This approach permits us to model some characteristic epistemic processes, that concern both human and artificial intelligence. For instance, the operation of “memorizing and retrieving information” can be formally represented, in this framework, by using a quantum teleportation phenomenon

    A Model for Enveloping Space Station Logistics Requirements

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    Since the inception of the Space Station customer Logistics study, it became apparent that a modeling process was needed to provide insight into the many sensitivities and relationships which exist among the numerous variables which impact Space Station Customer Accommodations and Logistics Support Requirements with regard to their associated design requirements. such a model would provide the necessary and timely support to the Space Station designers and planners during the program\u27s early development. This paper will address the current design and operations of the Space Station in particular the Manufacturing and Technology Laboratory (MTL) which is the primary focus of the study and the model. Typical experiments planned for the MTL will be addressed as well as their on-orbit operational and logistical requirements. A detailed description of the model developed under the study along with some of its many applications for scoping Space Station Logistics Requirements will be presented

    Technology Development Missions Concept Definition Study TDMX 2066 Large Inflatable/ Rigidized Structures

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    The advent of the Space Station will require the development and advancement of many new technologies. One of which is the development of Inflatable/ Rigidized Structures. This paper addresses the concept definition, feasibility and requirements for a Large Inflatable/Rigidized Hangar for Payload Servicing on the Space Station. Inflatable/Rigidized Structure Technology has existed for .many years, but applications of this technology to Space Based Elements has only begun during the past decade. Inflatable/Rigidized Structures offer a variety of benefits and applications to the Space Station, key of which is their low weight and volume requirements for transfer to the Station. A 60X40 foot foam hangar can be packaged and shipped in a specialized container approximately 46 m3 and will provide 3200 m3 of usable working/storage space. Previous studies have produced tremendous success in the area of design, fabrication and development of such Inflatable/Rigidized Structures as: a Spacelab transfer tunnel, module airlocks, platforms, large storage hangars, interconnect tunnels, and lunar habitation modules. This paper will address the technology issues/advancements which must be meet, the requirements for accommodations on the Space Station, such as crew and equipment requirements to assemble the hangar at the Station. Pre-launch ground requirements will also be addresses, which include new advanced packaging techniques for Rigidized structures. Typical Ground and On-orbit scenarios will be provided. Finally a preliminary evolutionary plan will be presented which indicates the major experiment development phases from ground based prototypes to full scale Stat-ion deployment

    A first-order epistemic quantum computational semantics with relativistic-like epistemic effects

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    Quantum computation has suggested new forms of quantum logic, called quantum computational logics. In these logics well-formed formulas are supposed to denote pieces of quantum information: possible pure states of quantum systems that can store the information in question. At the same time, the logical connectives are interpreted as quantum logical gates: unitary operators that process quantum information in a reversible way, giving rise to quantum circuits. Quantum computational logics have been mainly studied as sentential logics (whose alphabet consists of atomic sentences and of logical connectives). In this article we propose a semantic characterization for a first-order epistemic quantum computational logic, whose language can express sentences like "Alice knows that everybody knows that she is pretty". One can prove that (unlike the case of logical connectives) both quantifiers and epistemic operators cannot be generally represented as (reversible) quantum logical gates. The "act of knowing" and the use of universal (or existential) assertions seem to involve some irreversible "theoretic jumps", which are similar to quantum measurements. Since all epistemic agents are characterized by specific epistemic domains (which contain all pieces of information accessible to them), the unrealistic phenomenon of logical omniscience is here avoided: knowing a given sentence does not imply knowing all its logical consequences

    Conjugatable water-soluble Pt(ii) and Pd(ii) porphyrin complexes: Novel nano- and molecular probes for optical oxygen tension measurement in tissue engineering

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    Measurement of oxygen tension in compressed collagen sheets was performed using matrix-embedded optical oxygen sensors based on platinum(II) and palladium(II) porphyrins supported on polyacrylamide nanoparticles. Bespoke, fully water-soluble, mono-functionalised Pt(II) and Pd(II) porphyrin complexes designed for conjugation under mild conditions were obtained using microwave-assisted metallation. The new sensors display a linear response (1/τ vs. O₂) to varying oxygen tension over a biologically relevant range (7.0 × 10⁻⁴ to 2.7 × 10⁻¹ mM) in aqueous solutions; a behaviour that is maintained following conjugation to polyacrylamide nanoparticles, and following embedding of the nanosensors in compressed collagen sheets, paving the way to innovative approaches for real-time resolution of oxygen gradients throughout 3D matrices useful for tissue regeneration

    Epistemic quantum computational structures in a Hilbert-space environment

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    Some critical open problems of epistemic logics can be investigated in the framework of a quantum computational approach. The basic idea is to interpret sentences like “Alice knows that Bob does not understand that π is irrational” as pieces of quantum information (generally represented by density operators of convenient Hilbert spaces). Logical epistemic operators (to understand, to know ...) are dealt with as (generally irreversible) quantum operations, which are, in a sense, similar to measurement-procedures. This approach permits us to model some characteristic epistemic processes, that concern both human and artificial intelligence. For instance, the operation of “memorizing and retrieving information” can be formally represented, in this framework, by using a quantum teleportation phenomenon

    Quantum information, cognition, and music

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    Parallelism represents an essential aspect of human mind/brain activities. One can recognize some common features between psychological parallelism and the characteristic parallel structures that arise in quantum theory and in quantum computation. The article is devoted to a discussion of the following questions: 1. a comparison between classical probabilistic Turing machines and quantum Turing machines. 2. possible applications of the quantum computational semantics to cognitive problems. 3. parallelism in music