21 research outputs found

    First report of a gallbladder hemangioma coexisting with gallstones: a case report and literature review of a rare finding

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    BACKGROUND: Gallbladder hemangioma is an exceptionally rare entity, with only ten cases reported in literature hitherto. The here described case is the first report of a gallbladder hemangioma coexisting with gallstones. CASE PRESENTATION: A 76-year-old male was hospitalized following repeated episodes of epigastric pain. Patient’s medical history included primary hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, obesity and hyperuricemia. Physical examination revealed marked pain in the right hypochondriac region, and laboratory workup was notable for mildly elevated glycemia (125 mg/dL) and pancreatic amylase (60 IU/L). Abdominal ultrasound showed multiple gallstones, a thickened gallbladder wall and mild edema of the perivisceral adipose tissue as well as a hepatic angioma. During surgery, an incidental subserosal nodule of about 1 cm was detected within the gallbladder fundus. After surgery, the clinical course was uneventful and the patient was discharged. Histopathological examination of the subserosal nodule showed multiple dilated vascular channels within a sclerosing matrix, a finding consistent with a cavernous hemangioma. Diffuse chronic cholecystitis was also present. CONCLUSIONS: Gallbladder hemangiomas represent a rare, likely underdiagnosed condition which can be undetected during the preoperative workup

    Chronic cholesterol administration to the brain supports complete and long-lasting cognitive and motor amelioration in Huntington's disease

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    : Evidence that Huntington's disease (HD) is characterized by impaired cholesterol biosynthesis in the brain has led to strategies to increase its level in the brain of the rapidly progressing R6/2 mouse model, with a positive therapeutic outcome. Here we tested the long-term efficacy of chronic administration of cholesterol to the brain of the slowly progressing zQ175DN knock-in HD mice in preventing ("early treatment") or reversing ("late treatment") HD symptoms. To do this we used the most advanced formulation of cholesterol loaded brain-permeable nanoparticles (NPs), termed hybrid-g7-NPs-chol, which were injected intraperitoneally. We show that one cycle of treatment with hybrid-g7-NPs-chol, administered in the presymptomatic ("early treatment") or symptomatic ("late treatment") stages is sufficient to normalize cognitive defects up to 5 months, as well as to improve other behavioral and neuropathological parameters. A multiple cycle treatment combining both early and late treatments ("2 cycle treatment") lasting 6 months generates therapeutic effects for more than 11 months, without severe adverse reactions. Sustained cholesterol delivery to the brain of zQ175DN mice also reduces mutant Huntingtin aggregates in both the striatum and cortex and completely normalizes synaptic communication in the striatal medium spiny neurons compared to saline-treated HD mice. Furthermore, through a meta-analysis of published and current data, we demonstrated the power of hybrid-g7-NPs-chol and other strategies able to increase brain cholesterol biosynthesis, to reverse cognitive decline and counteract the formation of mutant Huntingtin aggregates. These results demonstrate that cholesterol delivery via brain-permeable NPs is a therapeutic option to sustainably reverse HD-related behavioral decline and neuropathological signs over time, highlighting the therapeutic potential of cholesterol-based strategies in HD patients. DATA AVAILABILITY: This study does not include data deposited in public repositories. Data are available on request to the corresponding authors

    Where Morphological and Molecular Classifications Meet: The Role of p53 Immunohistochemistry in the Prognosis of Low-Risk Endometrial Carcinoma (GLAMOUR Study)

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    Simple Summary There is a lack of literature on the role of molecular classification in patients with morphological low-risk EC. We aimed to evaluate the incidence and prognostic role of p53 mutations in this specific subgroup of patients. Our findings show that 4.9% of low-risk EC are p53abn; the OR for the recurrence of p53abn versus p53wt patients was 5.23-CI 95% 0.98-27.95, p = 0.053. No difference in OS was observed between the two groups. Recurrences were mostly local and occur two years after diagnosis. Our data might serve as a valuable tool for clinicians' everyday practice, but larger prospective studies are urgently needed.Abstract No prospective study has validated molecular classification to guide adjuvant treatment in endometrial cancer (EC), and not even retrospective data are present for patients with morphological low-risk EC. We conducted a retrospective, multicenter, observational study including 370 patients with low-risk endometrioid EC to evaluate the incidence and prognostic role of p53 abnormal expression (p53abn) in this specific subgroup. Among 370 patients, 18 had abnormal expressions of p53 (4.9%). In 13 out of 370 patients (3.6%), recurrences were observed and two were p53abn. When adjusting for median follow-up time, the odds ratio (OR) for recurrence among those with p53abn versus p53 wild type (p53wt) was 5.23-CI 95% 0.98-27.95, p = 0.053. The most common site of recurrence was the vaginal cuff (46.2%). One recurrence occurred within the first year of follow-up, and the patient exhibited p53abn. Both 1-year and 2-year DFS rates were 94.4% and 100% in the p53abn and p53wt groups, respectively. One patient died from the disease and comprised p53wt. No difference in OS was registered between the two groups; the median OS was 21.9 months (16.4-30.1). Larger multicenter studies are needed to tailor the treatment of low-risk EC patients with p53abn. Performing molecular classification on all EC patients might be cost-effective, and despite the limits of our relatively small sample, p53abn patients seem to be at greater risk of recurrence, especially locally and after two years since diagnosis

    Potentilla norvegica L.

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    原著和名: エゾノミツモトサウ科名: バラ科 = Rosaceae採集地: 北海道 斜里郡 斜里町 岩尾別 (北海道 北見 斜里郡 斜里町 岩尾別)採集日: 1973/7/11採集者: 萩庭丈壽整理番号: JH019122国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-969122備考: DB作成協力会による補足あ

    Relationship between the Symptom frequency and anti-asthmatic Treatment intensity Score (STS) computed by using the weights from the GEIRD data (horizontal axis) and STS computed by using the weights from the ECRHS II data (vertical axis).

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    <p>Relationship between the Symptom frequency and anti-asthmatic Treatment intensity Score (STS) computed by using the weights from the GEIRD data (horizontal axis) and STS computed by using the weights from the ECRHS II data (vertical axis).</p