8 research outputs found

    Valorization of wheat production in marginal areas: farmer-centric experimentation for variety choice and evolutionary population development

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    In Italy, from 2000 to 2010, 58% of farms in mountain areas were abandoned leading to a 33% decrease in available land for agriculture. This research aimed to restore value and competitiveness to the Apennine area, by proposing a balanced and sustainable agriculture model. Following the needs of farmers, underutilised cereals were selected as the ideal genetic material for the study and development of short local food supply chains. The field experiments were carried out in two organic farms located in the Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy). During two growing seasons, seven wheat genotypes, two wheat evolutionary populations and one einkorn mixture were cultivated under organic farming management. Results related to functional traits are presented along with the main agronomic and technological parameters that were determined. Several nutritional properties are included. Mean yield and stability performance over environments for each genotype were explored using the “Genotype and Genotype by Environment biplot” elaboration. Considering yield performances, “Benco” was closer to the ‘ideal’ genotype. All the results were evaluated with the farmers, who expressed their own preferences from field observations. The right coupling between environment and genotypes can discourage the abandonment of hilly and mountainous farms by enhancing the economic competitiveness of agriculture in these regions

    GGE Biplot Analysis to Explore the Adaption Potential of Italian Common Wheat Genotypes

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    Given the substantial variation in global wheat yield, insufficient research in cultivar selection for climate change, and the lack of suitable germplasm in sustainable agroecosystems, there is a requisite for soft wheat genotypes, with stable grain yield as well as quality parameters. The present study was aimed at genotype evaluation (GGE biplot for “mean performance versus stability”) not only for yield, but also for technological, phytosanitary and functional quality parameters of 24 Triticum aestivum L. genotypes (eight landraces, old and modern varieties, respectively) within a single organic farm location (Argelato, Emilia-Romagna, Italy) over three consecutive years. Overall, high yield stability was shown for the landraces and old varieties. In particular, the landraces Piave and Gamba di Ferro, as well as the old variety Verna, showed high stability with above-average means for numerous quality parameters of interest. Additionally, relative stability combined with above-average mean for quality parameters was also demonstrated for the high-yielding Gentil Bianco and Guà 113. Aside from Verna, these “unrecognized” resilient genotypes were also shown to meet the requisites for suitable germplasm in sustainable agroecosystems. Future potential utilization of these more stable landraces in addressing climate change would also ultimately facilitate the survival of valuable genetic resources

    Chapter Tessere per la memoria sociale del Novecento: gli archivi di Antonio Carbonaro, Andrea Devoto, ANDU (Associazione nazionale docenti universitari)

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    The contribution illustrates the personal archives of Antonio Carbonaro, sociologist, Andrea Devoto, psychiatrist and the National Association of University Professors (ANDU), testimonies of great importance for the social history of the twentieth centur

    Chapter Tessere per la memoria sociale del Novecento: gli archivi di Antonio Carbonaro, Andrea Devoto, ANDU (Associazione nazionale docenti universitari)

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    The contribution illustrates the personal archives of Antonio Carbonaro, sociologist, Andrea Devoto, psychiatrist and the National Association of University Professors (ANDU), testimonies of great importance for the social history of the twentieth centur