97 research outputs found

    Protective but Not Anticonvulsant Effects of Ghrelin and JMV-1843 in the Pilocarpine Model of Status epilepticus.

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    In models of status epilepticus ghrelin displays neuroprotective effects mediated by the growth hormone secretagogue-receptor 1a (GHS-R1a). This activity may be explained by anticonvulsant properties that, however, are controversial. We further investigated neuroprotection and the effects on seizures by comparing ghrelin with a more effective GHS-R1a agonist, JMV-1843. Rats were treated either with ghrelin, JMV-1843 or saline 10 min before pilocarpine, which was used to induce status epilepticus. Status epilepticus, developed in all rats, was attenuated by diazepam. No differences were observed among the various groups in the characteristics of pilocarpine-induced seizures. In saline group the area of lesion, characterized by lack of glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity, was of 0.45\ub10.07 mm2 in the hippocampal stratum lacunosum-moleculare, and was accompanied by upregulation of laminin immunostaining, and by increased endothelin-1 expression. Both ghrelin (P<0.05) and JMV-1843 (P<0.01) were able to reduce the area of loss in glial fibrillary acidic protein immunostaining. In addition, JMV-1843 counteracted (P<0.05) the changes in laminin and endothelin-1 expression, both increased in ghrelin-treated rats. JMV-1843 was able to ameliorate neuronal survival in the hilus of dentate gyrus and medial entorhinal cortex layer III (P<0.05 vs saline and ghrelin groups). These results demonstrate diverse protective effects of growth hormone secretagogues in rats exposed to status epilepticus

    The incidence of vestibular neuritis in Italy

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    ObjectiveThis study aims to estimate the incidence of Vestibular neuritis (VN) in three different districts in Italy, its epidemiological features, and the prevalence of comorbidities associated with it. MethodsAn observational prospective study of 198 patients referred to ENT departments in Siena, Grosseto, and Cuneo was carried out over a 2-year period. Each patient underwent a complete otoneurologic examination in the first 48 h from the onset of symptoms and a brain MRI in the early stages of the disease. The follow-up lasted for 1 year. ResultsThe total VN incidence rate of the three municipalities was 48.497 (95% CI: 48.395-48.598) and its standardized value was 53.564 (95% CI: 53.463-53.666). The total VN incidence rate for the whole sample (municipality and district of the three centers) was 18.218 (95% CI: 18.164-18.272), and its standardized value was 20.185 (95% CI: 20.129-20.241). A significant difference was highlighted between patients living in the city compared to those living in the surrounding area (p < 0.000), this may be due to the ease of reaching the otoneurological referral center. ConclusionThe total incidence rate for the three municipalities was 48.497. This result is higher than previously reported studies

    The PANGEA project: a qualitative analysis for Intimate Partner Violence through anti violence workers during COVID-19 pandemic : Il progetto PANGEA: un’analisi qualitativa dell’Intimate Partner Violence attraverso i lavoratori della rete antiviolenza durante la pandemia da COVID-19

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    Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is the most difficult gender-based violence’s form to identify and to stop. The pandemic conditions may have caused an increase of this form but it is difficult to measure. The anti-violence workers could be a valuable and reliable source to obtain informations about women and working conditions during the pandemic. Tuscany region is suitable to conduct this study because has an high rate of IPV and had a long period of lockdown. Thanks to the regional interest it was possible to make a project able to study many aspects of this phenomenon. In the first phase, described in this article, it was possible to understand the major sentiments, emotions, feelings and moods of the anti-violence workers respect of the issues in question.La violenza di genere è un fenomeno molto frequente e l’Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) è la forma più difficile da identificare e contrastare. Le condizioni pandemiche potrebbero aver causato un incremento di questa forma, ma misurarla risulta estremamente complesso. Gli operatori anti violenza sono delle valide ed affidabili risorse per ottenere informazioni riguardo alle condizioni delle donne, ma anche riguardo alle condizioni lavorative durantela pandemia. Considerando che la regione toscana ha un alto tasso di IPV e che in questa regione il lockdown è durato a lungo, è una delle migliori regioni in Italia dove condurre uno studio di questo tipo. Grazie all’interesse mostrato dalla regione è stato possibile iniziare un progetto in grado di valutare molti aspetti di questo fenomeno. Nella prima fase, che sarà descritta in questo articolo, è possibile comprendere i principali sentimenti, emozioni,stati d’animo e atteggiamenti degli operatori anti violenza rispetto alle tematiche in questione

    Phthalates and Bisphenol A: presence in blood serum and follicular fluid of italian women undergoing assisted reproduction techniques

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    Background: folliculogenesis is a strictly regulated process that may be affected by endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) through sometimes not so clear molecular mechanisms. Methods: we conducted a multicentric observational study involving six fertility centers across Italy, prospectively recruiting 122 women attending a fertility treatment. Recruited women had age ≤42 years, and normal ovarian reserve. Blood and follicular fluid samples were taken for EDCs measurement using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry and each woman completed an epidemiological questionnaire. Results: The main EDCs found were monobutyl phthalate (MBP) (median blood: 8.96 ng/mL, follicular fluid 6.43 ng/mL), monoethylhexyl phthalate (MEHP) (median blood: 9.16 ng/mL, follicular fluid 7.68 ng/mL) and bisphenol A (BPA) (median blood: 1.89 ng/mL, follicular fluid 1.86 ng/mL). We found that serum MBP concentration was significantly associated with the considered area (p < 0.001, adj. mean: 7.61 ng/mL, 14.40 ng/mL, 13.56 ng/mL; Area 1: Milan–Turin, Area 2: Rome–Naples; Area 3: Catania–Bari, respectively) but negatively with home plastic food packaging (p = 0.004). Follicular MBP was associated with irregular cycles (p = 0.019). No association was detected between EDCs and eating habits and other clinical and epidemiological features. Conclusions: This study represents the first Italian biomonitoring of plastic EDCs in follicular fluid, laying the basis for future prospective evaluation on oocyte quality before assisted reproduction techniques (ART

    First Results of the “Carbonaceous Aerosol in Rome and Environs (CARE)” Experiment: Beyond Current Standards for PM10

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    In February 2017 the “Carbonaceous Aerosol in Rome and Environs (CARE)” experiment was carried out in downtown Rome to address the following specific questions: what is the color, size, composition, and toxicity of the carbonaceous aerosol in the Mediterranean urban background area of Rome? The motivation of this experiment is the lack of understanding of what aerosol types are responsible for the severe risks to human health posed by particulate matter (PM) pollution, and how carbonaceous aerosols influence radiative balance. Physicochemical properties of the carbonaceous aerosol were characterised, and relevant toxicological variables assessed. The aerosol characterisation includes: (i) measurements with high time resolution (min to 1–2 h) at a fixed location of black carbon (eBC), elemental carbon (EC), organic carbon (OC), particle number size distribution (0.008–10 μ m), major non refractory PM1 components, elemental composition, wavelength-dependent optical properties, and atmospheric turbulence; (ii) 24-h measurements of PM10 and PM2.5 mass concentration, water soluble OC and brown carbon (BrC), and levoglucosan; (iii) mobile measurements of eBC and size distribution around the study area, with computational fluid dynamics modeling; (iv) characterisation of road dust emissions and their EC and OC content. The toxicological assessment includes: (i) preliminary evaluation of the potential impact of ultrafine particles on lung epithelia cells (cultured at the air liquid interface and directly exposed to particles); (ii) assessment of the oxidative stress induced by carbonaceous aerosols; (iii) assessment of particle size dependent number doses deposited in different regions of the human body; (iv) PAHs biomonitoring (from the participants into the mobile measurements). The first experimental results of the CARE experiment are presented in this paper. The objective here is to provide baseline levels of carbonaceous aerosols for Rome, and to address future research directions. First, we found that BC and EC mass concentration in Rome are larger than those measured in similar urban areas across Europe (the urban background mass concentration of eBC in Rome in winter being on average 2.6 ± 2.5 μ g · m − 3 , mean eBC at the peak level hour being 5.2 (95% CI = 5.0–5.5) μ g · m − 3 ). Then, we discussed significant variations of carbonaceous aerosol properties occurring with time scales of minutes, and questioned on the data averaging period used in current air quality standard for PM 10 (24-h). Third, we showed that the oxidative potential induced by aerosol depends on particle size and composition, the effects of toxicity being higher with lower mass concentrations and smaller particle size. Albeit this is a preliminary analysis, findings reinforce the need for an urgent update of existing air quality standards for PM 10 and PM 2.5 with regard to particle composition and size distribution, and data averaging period. Our results reinforce existing concerns about the toxicity of carbonaceous aerosols, support the existing evidence indicating that particle size distribution and composition may play a role in the generation of this toxicity, and remark the need to consider a shorter averaging period (<1 h) in these new standards

    Mobile opportunity against stress: Open study protocol on the effectiveness of a mobile platform for stress self-management in the post-pandemic era

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    Mobile health platforms have shown promise in the management of various mental health conditions (including stress, anxiety, and depression) and cognitive behavioral strategies emerged as a popular and effective option offered by the platforms. This paper presents the protocol of a study aimed to test the effectiveness of a mobile platform that uses cognitive-behavioral strategies for stress self-management in the Tuscany region (Italy). The mobile app is adapted to the specific needs of each vulnerable population for which it is designed: young and older people, healthcare professionals, entrepreneurs. The app will be evaluated on the following outcomes: (i) perceived susceptibility and severity of the pandemic situation, perceived benefits, and costs of preventive health behaviors, (ii) knowledge about Covid-19 preventive behaviors and negative consequences of social distancing, (iii) stress and psychopathological symptoms (i.e., anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress symptoms) and cognitive distortions. If successful, we expect that the platform could give various groups clinical benefits by providing symptom self-monitoring and early intervention, consolidating the number of mental health programs available, and decreasing barriers to treatment-seeking. This population-level approach has the potential to improve mental health outcomes in pandemic periods for many people

    Socioeconomic disparities in physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep patterns among 6- to 9-year-old children from 24 countries in the WHO European region

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    Physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep are important predictors of children's health. This paper aimed to investigate socioeconomic disparities in physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep across the WHO European region. This cross-sectional study used data on 124,700 children aged 6 to 9 years from 24 countries participating in the WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative between 2015 and 2017. Socioeconomic status (SES) was measured through parental education, parental employment status, and family perceived wealth. Overall, results showed different patterns in socioeconomic disparities in children's movement behaviors across countries. In general, high SES children were more likely to use motorized transportation. Low SES children were less likely to participate in sports clubs and more likely to have more than 2 h/day of screen time. Children with low parental education had a 2.24 [95% CI 1.94-2.58] times higher risk of practising sports for less than 2 h/week. In the pooled analysis, SES was not significantly related to active play. The relationship between SES and sleep varied by the SES indicator used. Importantly, results showed that low SES is not always associated with a higher prevalence of "less healthy" behaviors. There is a great diversity in SES patterns across countries which supports the need for country-specific, targeted public health interventions.The authors gratefully acknowledge support from a grant from the Russian Government in the context of the WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of NCDs. Data collection in the countries was made possible through funding from: Croatia: Ministry of Health, Croatian Institute of Public Health and WHO Regional Office for Europe. Albania: World Health Organization (WHO) Country Office Albania and the WHO Regional Office for Europe. Bulgaria: WHO Regional Office for Europe. Czech Republic: Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, grant nr. AZV MZČR 17-31670 A and MZČR–RVO EÚ 00023761. Denmark: The Danish Ministry of Health. France: Santé publique France, the French Agency for Public Health. Georgia: WHO. Ireland: Health Service Executive. Italy: Italian Ministry of Health; Italian National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità). Kazakhstan: the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the scientific and technical program. Kyrgyzstan: World Health Organization. Latvia: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Ministry of Health, Latvia. Lithuania: Science Foundation of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and Lithuanian Science Council and WHO. Malta: Ministry of Health. Montenegro: WHO and Institute of Public Health of Montenegro. Poland: National Health Programme, Ministry of Health. Portugal: Ministry of Health Institutions, the National Institute of Health, Directorate General of Health, Regional Health Directorates and the kind technical support from the Center for Studies and Research on Social Dynamics and Health (CEIDSS). Romania: Ministry of Health. Russian Federation: WHO. San Marino: Health Ministry. Spain: the Spanish Agency for Food Safety & Nutrition. Tajikistan: WHO Country Office in Tajikistan and Ministry of Health and Social Protection; Turkmenistan: WHO Country Office in Turkmenistan and Ministry of Health. Turkey: Turkish Ministry of Health and World Bank. Austria: Federal Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection of Austria.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Covid-19 and its impact on public urban space in the Netherlands: ongoing trends and looking ahead

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    This document aims to capture some of the ongoing trends and everyday life challenges in public space observed in Dutch cities since the Covid-19 pandemic hit. We interviewed professionals from municipalities, research organizations, NGOs and design and architecture agencies in the Netherlands, each part of the community of practice connected to the project ‘From Prevention to Resilience’. In these interviews, partners reflected on the various responses that have sprung up during one year of Covid-19 and how these may inform efforts to design better futures for our cities