36 research outputs found

    Ruolo del citrato nel metabolismo osseo

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    Citrate is an organic compound involved in tricarboxylic acid cycle, regulation of acid-base balance, lipid metabolism and bone formation. The 90% of body citrate is deposited in bone tissue and is released with calcium ions during bone resorption; therefore, bone resorption contributes to maintain normal plasma levels of citrate together with kidney excretion. The parallel release of citrate and calcium from bones decreases the possibility of calcium-phosphate precipitation in soft tissues, as citrate can bind calcium ions in organic fluids. Citrate may also take part to the bone formation as it sustains the correct mineralization of bone organic matrix: its molecule binds calcium ions at the surface of hydroxyapatite nanocrystals and maintains the correct spatial disposition of nanocrystals, thus, stabilizing the structure of bone lamellae and sustaining biomechanical characteristics of bone tissue. Multiple studies observed that citrate administration significantly increased areal and volumetric bone mineral density at different locations of 1-2% per year and improved bone resorption markers as well. Therefore, it has been hypothesised a therapeutic role of citrate in osteoporosis; however, this role has to be better clarified to understand its real anti-fracture effect

    Mapping surface features of an Alpine glacier through multispectral and thermal drone surveys

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    Glacier surfaces are highly heterogeneous mixtures of ice, snow, light-absorbing impurities and debris material. The spatial and temporal variability of these components affects ice surface characteristics and strongly influences glacier energy and mass balance. Remote sensing offers a unique opportunity to characterize glacier optical and thermal properties, enabling a better understanding of different processes occurring at the glacial surface. In this study, we evaluate the potential of optical and thermal data collected from field and drone platforms to map the abundances of predominant glacier surfaces (i.e., snow, clean ice, melting ice, dark ice, cryoconite, dusty snow and debris cover) on the Zebrù glacier in the Italian Alps. The drone surveys were conducted on the ablation zone of the glacier on 29 and 30 July 2020, corresponding to the middle of the ablation season. We identified very high heterogeneity of surface types dominated by melting ice (30% of the investigated area), dark ice (24%), clean ice (19%) and debris cover (17%). The surface temperature of debris cover was inversely related to debris-cover thickness. This relation is influenced by the petrology of debris cover, suggesting the importance of lithology when considering the role of debris over glaciers. Multispectral and thermal drone surveys can thus provide accurate high-resolution maps of different snow and ice types and their temperature, which are critical elements to better understand the glacier’s energy budget and melt rates

    L'infermiere e la percezione del Moral Distress nella cura del fine vita nel paziente dializzato

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    The phenomenon of Moral Distress in nursing practice is described as a situation of suffering that arises when the nurse recognizes the ethically appropriate action to be taken and yet institutional impediments make it impossible for him to follow the right course of action. Dialysis patients often have a complex disease trajectory that sometimes involves professional and emotional challenges for staff, especially at the end of life. The objective of this review is to identify which strategies are useful for preserving emotional integrity and awareness in operational settings, for the benefit of both operators and patients

    The small heat shock protein B8 (HSPB8) efficiently removes aggregating species of dipeptides produced in C9ORF72-related neurodegenerative diseases

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) are two neurodegenerative diseases in which similar pathogenic mechanisms are involved. Both diseases associate to the high propensity of specific misfolded proteins, like TDP-43 or FUS, to mislocalize and aggregate. This is partly due to their intrinsic biophysical properties and partly as a consequence of failure of the neuronal protein quality control (PQC) system. Several familial ALS/FTD cases are linked to an expansion of a repeated G4C2 hexanucleotide sequence present in the C9ORF72 gene. The G4C2, which localizes in an untranslated region of the C9ORF72 transcript, drives an unconventional repeat-associated ATG-independent translation. This leads to the synthesis of five different dipeptide repeat proteins (DPRs), which are not âclassicalâ misfolded proteins, but generate aberrant aggregation-prone unfolded conformations poorly removed by the PQC system. The DPRs accumulate into p62/SQSTM1 and ubiquitin positive inclusions. Here, we analyzed the biochemical behavior of the five DPRs in immortalized motoneurons. Our data suggest that while the DPRs are mainly processed via autophagy, this system is unable to fully clear their aggregated forms, and thus they tend to accumulate in basal conditions. Overexpression of the small heat shock protein B8 (HSPB8), which facilitates the autophagy-mediated disposal of a large variety of classical misfolded aggregation-prone proteins, significantly decreased the accumulation of most DPR insoluble species. Thus, the induction of HSPB8 might represent a valid approach to decrease DPR-mediated toxicity and maintain motoneuron viability

    Tdp-25 Routing to Autophagy and Proteasome Ameliorates its Aggregation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Target Cells

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease that primarily affects motoneurons, while non-neuronal cells may contribute to disease onset and progression. Most ALS cases are characterized by the mislocalization and aggregation of the TAR DNA binding protein 43 (TDP-43) in affected cells. TDP-43 aggregates contain C-terminal TDP-43 fragments of 35 kDa (TDP-35) and 25 kDa (TDP-25) and have been mainly studied in motoneurons, while little is currently known about their rate of accumulation and clearance in myoblasts. Here, we performed a comparative study in immortalized motoneuronal like (NSC34; i-motoneurons) cells and stabilized myoblasts (C2C12; s-myoblasts) to evaluate if these two cell types differentially accumulate and clear TDP forms. The most aggregating specie in i-motoneurons is the TDP-25 fragment, mainly constituted by the \u201cprion-like\u201d domain of TDP-43. To a lower extent, TDP-25 also aggregates in s-myoblasts. In both cell types, all TDP species are cleared by proteasome, but TDP-25 impairs autophagy. Interestingly, the routing of TDP-25 fragment to proteasome, by overexpressing BAG1, or to autophagy, by overexpressing HSPB8 or BAG3 decreased its accumulation in both cell types. These results demonstrate that promoting the chaperone-assisted clearance of ALS-linked proteins is beneficial not only in motoneurons but also in myoblasts

    The Elephant in the Room: A Cross-Sectional Study on the Stressful Psychological Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mental Healthcare Workers

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    Despite extensive research on COVID-19’s impact on healthcare workers, few studies have targeted mental health workers (MHWs) and none have investigated previous traumatic events. We investigated psychological distress in MHWs after the first lockdown in Italy to understand which COVID-19, sociodemographic, and professional variables represented greater effects, and the role of previous trauma. The survey included sociodemographic and professional questions, COVID-19 variables, and the questionnaires Life Events Checklist for DSM-5 (LEC-5), Impact of Event Scale—Revised (IES-R), and Depression Anxiety Stress Scales 21 (DASS-21). On the 271 MHWs who completed the survey (73.1% female; mean age 45.37), we obtained significant effects for contagion fear, experience of patients’ death, increased workload, and worse team relationship during the first wave. Nurses were more affected and showed more post-traumatic stress symptoms, assessed by IES-R, and more depressive, anxiety, and stress symptoms, assessed by DASS-21. The strongest risk factors for distress were greater age, professional role, increased workload, worse team relationship, and separation from family members. Previous experience of severe human suffering and unwanted sexual experiences negatively impacted IES-R and DASS-21 scores. Being a psychiatrist or psychologist/psychotherapist and good team relationships were protective factors. Recent but also previous severe stressful events might represent relevant risk factors for distress, reducing resilience skills. Identifying vulnerable factors and professional categories may help in the development of dedicated measures to prevent emotional burden and support psychological health. Highlights: Psychological distress in mental health workers in the COVID-19 pandemic is more frequent in nurses, who experience more depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress symptoms. Previous and recent stressful events are risk factors for distress and should guide intervention strategies

    The role of the heat shock protein B8 (HSPB8) in motoneuron diseases

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) are two motoneuron diseases (MNDs) characterized by aberrant protein behavior in affected cells. In familial ALS (fALS) and in SBMA specific gene mutations lead to the production of neurotoxic proteins or peptides prone to misfold, which then accumulate in form of aggregates. Notably, some of these proteins accumulate into aggregates also in sporadic ALS (sALS) even if not mutated. To prevent proteotoxic stresses detrimental to cells, misfolded and/or aggregated proteins must be rapidly removed by the protein quality control (PQC) system. The small heat shock protein B8 (HSPB8) is a chaperone induced by harmful events, like proteasome inhibition. HSPB8 is expressed both in motoneuron and muscle cells, which are both targets of misfolded protein toxicity in MNDs. In ALS mice models, in presence of the mutant proteins, HSPB8 is upregulated both in spinal cord and muscle. HSPB8 interacts with the HSP70 co-chaperone BAG3 and enhances the degradation of misfolded proteins linked to sALS, or causative of fALS and of SBMA. HSPB8 acts by facilitating autophagy, thereby preventing misfolded protein accumulation in affected cells. BAG3 and BAG1 compete for HSP70-bound clients and target them for disposal to the autophagy or proteasome, respectively. Enhancing the selective targeting of misfolded proteins by HSPB8-BAG3-HSP70 to autophagy may also decrease their delivery to the proteasome by the BAG1-HSP70 complex, thereby limiting possible proteasome overwhelming. Thus, approaches aimed at potentiating HSPB8-BAG3 may contribute to the maintenance of proteostasis and may delay MNDs progression

    Trehalose induces autophagy via lysosomal-mediated TFEB activation in models of motoneuron degeneration

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    Macroautophagy/autophagy, a defense mechanism against aberrant stresses, in neurons counteracts aggregate-prone misfolded protein toxicity. Autophagy induction might be beneficial in neurodegenerative diseases (NDs). The natural compound trehalose promotes autophagy via TFEB (transcription factor EB), ameliorating disease phenotype in multiple ND models, but its mechanism is still obscure. We demonstrated that trehalose regulates autophagy by inducing rapid and transient lysosomal enlargement and membrane permeabilization (LMP). This effect correlated with the calcium-dependent phosphatase PPP3/calcineurin activation, TFEB dephosphorylation and nuclear translocation. Trehalose upregulated genes for the TFEB target and regulator Ppargc1a, lysosomal hydrolases and membrane proteins (Ctsb, Gla, Lamp2a, Mcoln1, Tpp1) and several autophagy-related components (Becn1, Atg10, Atg12, Sqstm1/p62, Map1lc3b, Hspb8 and Bag3) mostly in a PPP3- and TFEB-dependent manner. TFEB silencing counteracted the trehalose pro-degradative activity on misfolded protein causative of motoneuron diseases. Similar effects were exerted by trehalase-resistant trehalose analogs, melibiose and lactulose. Thus, limited lysosomal damage might induce autophagy, perhaps as a compensatory mechanism, a process that is beneficial to counteract neurodegeneration

    A Conformation Variant of p53 Combined With Machine Learning Identifies Alzheimer Disease in Preclinical and Prodromal Stages

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    © 2020 by the authors. Li-censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a crucial starting point in disease man-agement. Blood-based biomarkers could represent a considerable advantage in providing AD-risk information in primary care settings. Here, we report new data for a relatively unknown blood-based biomarker that holds promise for AD diagnosis. We evaluate a p53-misfolding conformation rec-ognized by the antibody 2D3A8, also named Unfolded p53 (U-p532D3A8+), in 375 plasma samples derived from InveCe.Ab and PharmaCog/E-ADNI longitudinal studies. A machine learning approach is used to combine U-p532D3A8+ plasma levels with Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and apolipoprotein E epsilon-4 (APOEε4) and is able to predict AD likelihood risk in InveCe.Ab with an overall 86.67% agreement with clinical diagnosis. These algorithms also accurately classify (AUC = 0.92) Aβ+—amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (aMCI) patients who will develop AD in PharmaCog/E-ADNI, where subjects were stratified according to Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) AD markers (Aβ42 and p-Tau). Results support U-p532D3A8+ plasma level as a promising additional candidate blood-based biomarker for AD