17 research outputs found

    Osteoarthritis: What does imaging tell us about its etiology.

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disorder and a leading cause of disability. Due to an aging population and increasing obesity, the incidence of OA is rising. The etiology of OA is multifactorial and complex; thus prevention of OA remains challenging. Risk factors can be divided into person-level factors such as age, sex, obesity, genetics, race/ethnicity, and diet, and joint-level factors including injury, malalignment, and abnormal loading of the joints. This review provides a brief overview of the person-level risk factors and a more in-depth analysis of those at the joint level. It is only through an improved understanding of risk factors for the disease that we may be able to intervene meaningfully and prevent its occurrence

    Business processes in connected communities

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    The utility of cross‐sectional imaging in the management of suspected scaphoid fractures

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    Abstract Introduction Scaphoid fractures are the commonest carpal bone fracture. If untreated they pose significant risk to patients, thus if a scaphoid fracture is suspected, patients are managed with immobilisation. Although scaphoid fractures may be difficult to diagnose on plain radiography, sometimes for months after injury, ongoing radiographic surveillance is preferred due to its low upfront cost. Patients in immobilising casts for long periods experience significant personal and social ramifications such as difficulty working and self‐caring. This study examines whether cross‐sectional imaging by computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is quicker than serial X‐ray surveillance at allowing a scaphoid fracture to be either excluded or confirmed. Methods A retrospective record review was performed of the 1709 patients who presented to Royal North Shore Hospital in 2015 with wrist injuries, finding 104 patients clinically suspicious for a fractured scaphoid. Results All patients were examined by X‐ray during their initial hospital presentation, providing 33.7% of final diagnoses in 0.6 ± 1.7 days. However, if initial X‐ray proved inconclusive, subsequent serial X‐ray surveillance made a final diagnosis after a mean of 24.1 ± 17.2 days, with some being immobilised for up to 67 days before diagnosis. Cross‐sectional imaging significantly reduced diagnosis time to 9.8 ± 5.8 days (P = 0.0016), with a maximum immobilisation time of 24 days. Conclusion Cross‐sectional imaging allows for faster scaphoid fracture diagnosis than X‐ray. We propose a protocol for scaphoid fracture diagnosis wherein patients undergo two episodes of X‐ray separated by 7 days, followed by a single MRI if clinical suspicion remains, minimising unnecessary immobilisation

    Severe neonatal onset of glycogenosis type IV: Clinical and laboratory findings leading to diagnosis in two siblings

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    Glycogenosis type IV is an autosomal recessive disease, exceptionally diagnosed at birth: only very few reports of the fatal perinatal neuromuscular form have been described. We report on two sibling male newborns who died at 10 and 4 weeks of age with clinical signs of a systemic storage disease. Prenatal history included polyhydramnios, reduced fetal movements and fetal hydrops, and Caesarean section was performed at 36 weeks of gestational age because of fetal distress. At birth, both babies showed severe hypotonia, hyporeflexia and no spontaneous breathing activity. They never showed active movements, sucking and swallowing and were respirator-dependent until death. A muscle biopsy revealed, in both patients, the presence of PAS-positive and partially diastase-resistant cytoplasmic inclusions containing granular and filamentous amylopectin-like material. This suggested that the stored material consisted of abnormal glycogen. At autopsy, ultrastructural examination of cardiac and skeletal muscle, liver, kidney and brain showed PAS-positive diastase-resistant eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions. Determination of branching enzyme activity, in cultured fibroblasts from the second patient, showed markedly reduced enzyme activity, confirming diagnosis of glycogenosis type IV. Our patients showed the full spectrum of both prenatal signs (hydrops, polyhydramnios) and postnatal signs (hypotonia, hyporeflexia, absence of active movements, cardiomegaly), which have been reported previously. They suffered from a very severe form of glycogenosis type IV with clinical and histological involvement of many tissues and organs. Diagnosis was accomplished on the second baby and required several biochemical and histological studies, in order to rule out both neuromuscular disorders and the most common storage diseases with neonatal onset. In our experience, the correct interpretation of the histological findings was essential in the search for the diagnosis

    How will the main risk factors contribute to the burden of non-communicable diseases under different scenarios by 2050? A modelling study

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    Background: The future burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) depends on numerous factors such as population ageing, evolution of societal trends, behavioural and physiological risk factors of individuals (e.g. smoking, alcohol use, obesity, physical inactivity, and hypertension). This study aims to assess the burden of NCDs in Europe by 2050 under alternative scenarios. Methods: This study combines qualitative and quantitative forecasting techniques to examine how population health in Europe may evolve from 2015 to 2050, taking into account future societal trends. Four scenarios were developed (one business-as-usual scenario, two response scenarios and one pessimistic scenario) and assessed against ‘best’ and ‘worst’-case scenarios. This study provides quantitative estimates of both diseases and mortality outcomes, using a microsimulation model incorporating international survey data. Findings: Each scenario is associated with a different risk factor prevalence rate across Europe during the period 2015–2050. The prevalence and incidence of NCDs consistently increase during the analysed time period, mainly driven by population ageing. In more optimistic scenarios, diseases will appear in later ages, while in the pessimistic scenarios, NCDs will impair working-age people. Life expectancy is expected to grow in all scenarios, but with differences by up to 4 years across scenarios and population groups. Premature mortality from NCDs will be reduced in more optimistic scenarios but stagnate in the worst-case scenario. Interpretation: Population ageing will have a greater impact on the spread of NCDs by 2050 compared to risk factors. Nevertheless, risk factors, which are influenced by living environments, are an important factor for determining future life expectancy in Europe

    Pubic apophysitis:a previously undescribed clinical entity of groin pain in athletes

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    BACKGROUND: Sport-related pubalgia is often a diagnostic challenge in elite athletes. While scientific attention has focused on adults, there is little data on adolescents. Cadaveric and imaging studies identify a secondary ossification centre located along the anteromedial corner of pubis beneath the insertions of symphysial joint capsule and adductor longus tendon. Little is known about this apophysis and its response to chronic stress. AIM: We report pubic apophysitis as a clinically relevant entity in adolescent athletes. METHODS: The clinical and imaging findings in 26 highly trained adolescent football players (15.6 years±1.3) who complained of adductor-related groin pain were reviewed. The imaging features (X-ray 26/26, US 9/26, MRI 11/26, CT 7/26) of the pubic apophyses in this symptomatic group were compared against those of a comparison group of 31 male patients (age range 9–30 years) with no known history of groin pain or pelvic trauma, who underwent pelvic CT scans for unrelated medical reasons. RESULTS: All symptomatic subjects presented with similar history and physical findings. The CT scans of these patients demonstrated open pubic apophyses with stress-related physeal changes (widening, asymmetry and small rounded cyst-like expansions) that were not observed in the comparison group. No comparison subject demonstrated apophyseal maturity before 21 years of age, and immaturity was seen up to the age of 26 years. CONCLUSIONS: This retrospective case series identifies pubic apophyseal stress (or ‘apophysitis’) as an important differential consideration in the adolescent athlete who presents with groin pain

    Evaluating the role of magnetic resonance imaging post neoadjuvant therapy for breast cancer in the NEONAB trial

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    BACKGROUND: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) accuracy after neoadjuvant systemic therapy (NST) for breast cancer varies according to hormone receptor (HR), human epidermal growth factor receptor type-2 (HER2) subtype and Ki-67 proliferation index. Whether MRI accuracy varies by genomic signatures is unknown. We examined the accuracy of MRI in the NEONAB trial (Clinicaltrials.gov #: NCT01830244). AIM: To examine the accuracy of MRI to predict pathological response to neoadjuvant therapy for breast cancer in the NEONAB trial. METHODS: Patients with stages II-III breast cancer received sequential epirubicin, cyclophosphamide and nab-paclitaxel and trastuzumab if they were HER2+. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) were calculated to assess the utility of preoperative MRI to predict pathological complete response (pCR). Bland-Altman plots were used to assess agreement between MRI and pathological assessment of residual disease. RESULTS: MRI correctly predicted pCR in 64.1% of the cohort. Sensitivity and specificity were 52% and 78%, respectively; PPV 73% and NPV 58%. MRI predicted pCR most accurately in HER2-positive patients; sensitivity 58%, specificity 100%, PPV 100% and NPV 38%. MRI had higher PPV and NPV in tumours with Ki-67 ≄ 15% than tumours with Ki-67 < 15%, 75% versus 50% and 57.5% versus 50%, respectively. In this study, MRI underestimated residual tumour size by 1.65 mm (limits of agreement: 43.07-39.77 mm). CONCLUSIONS: MRI appears more accurate for predicting pCR in HER2+ disease than other subtypes and in cancers with Ki-67 ≄ 15% compared to those with Ki-67 < 15%. Accuracy of MRI in our HR+, RS ≄ 25 cohort is comparable to previous reports of unselected HR+ disease. MRI post-NST should be interpreted in conjunction with HER2 status and Ki-67 index of the primary

    How will the main risk factors contribute to the burden of non-communicable diseases under different scenarios by 2050? A modelling study

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    The future burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) depends on numerous factors such as population ageing, evolution of societal trends, behavioural and physiological risk factors of individuals (e.g. smoking, alcohol use, obesity, physical inactivity, and hypertension). This study aims to assess the burden of NCDs in Europe by 2050 under alternative scenarios.Funding: FRESHER ("FoResight and Modelling far European Health policy and Regulation") is an interdisciplinary research project funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 643576 far a duration of 36 months (2015-2018)