192 research outputs found

    Change in the DGS Level of Coverage Due to the 2008 Financial Crisis: First Basic Impact Evaluation

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    Scope of this report is the assessment of the impact of increasing the DGS level of coverage for banks¿ deposits (from current levels up to 50K¿ or possibly 100K¿) as a consequnce of the 2008 financial crisis.JRC.G.9-Econometrics and statistical support to antifrau

    Geochemical and mineralogical datasets on waters and stream precipitates from an abandoned mining site: Montevecchio-Ingurtosu district, Rio Irvi (SW Sardinia)

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    Geochemical modelling data and Powder X-Ray Diffraction data on samples collected along Rio Irvi (Montevecchio-Ingurtosu mining district, SW Sardinia, Italy) are reported in this paper. The data show the results of data processing to calculate water chemical speciation of ions and saturation indices of relevant mineral phases. These data are related with the research article: De Giudici G. et al (2018), Application of hydrologic-tracer techniques to the Casargiu adit and Rio Irvi (SW-Sardinia, Italy): Using enhanced natural attenuation to reduce extreme metal loads, Applied Geochemistry, vol.96, 42–54. The comparison of the calculated saturation indices of relevant Fe-bearing phases with the PXRD data of samples collected along the stream confirm the quality of the SI dataset and the good correlation between the calculations and the observed data. The comparison of this dataset with others can help to deeper understand and quantify the impact of past and current mining activity on water bodies, contributing to implement the scientific background for the application of remediation actions

    Effects of antihypertensive drugs on carotid intima-media thickness: Focus on angiotensin II receptor blockers. A review of randomized, controlled trials

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    Carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) and plaques have been shown to have a strong continuous relationship with cardiovascular (CV) morbidity and mortality; therefore, carotid atherosclerosis, as assessed by ultrasonography, can be regarded as a reliable surrogate end-point for therapeutic interventions. In this survey, we report the results of 16 double blind, randomized, controlled studies comparing: 1) antihypertensive drugs versus placebo/no treatment (five trials including 3,215 patients); 2) different active antihypertensive drug regimens (five trials including 4,662 patients); 3) angiotensin-II receptor blockers (ARBs) versus other antihypertensive agents (six trials including 841 patients). Our main findings can be summarized as follows: I) Long-term antihypertensive treatment has a blunting effect on carotid IMT progression, regardless of types of drugs. II) Calcium-channel blockers (CCBs) are more effective than other antihypertensive drugs including diuretics, beta-blockers, and angiotensin converting-enzyme (ACE)-inhibitors in this blunting effect; III) the effect of ARBs compared to other antihypertensive regimens (mostly based on atenolol) on carotid atherosclerosis progression needs to be further elucidated, as a protective effect was demonstrated by some, but not all studies examined. Thus, further studies are needed to clarify the role of ARBs in this therapeutic area

    Unlocking Strategic and Critical Raw Materials: Assessment of Zinc and REEs Enrichment in Tailings and Zn-Carbonate in a Historical Mining Area (Montevecchio, SW Sardinia)

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    Mining wastes are often both a potential source of Strategic and Critical Raw Materials (SRMs and CRMs) and a threat to the environment. This study investigated the potential of mining wastes from the Montevecchio district of Sardinia, Italy, as a source of SRMs and CRMs. The tailings from Sanna mine processing plant were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy, and Plasma Mass Spectometry, showing contents of 1.2 wt% of lead, 2.6 wt% of zinc, and about 600 mg/kg of Rare Earth Elements (REEs). White patinas formed in the riverbed, composed by Zn-bearing minerals (hydrozincite and zincite), also contain about 2900 mg/kg of REEs. Characterization of white patinas along the Rio Roia Cani evidenced that their precipitation from water also involves an uptake of Rare Earth Elements, enhancing their contents by an order of magnitude compared with tailings. The process of REEs concentration in Zn-bearing minerals of white patinas is a candidate as a tool for the economic recovery of these elements. These findings suggest that mining wastes from the Montevecchio district could be considered a potential resource for extracting SRMs and CRMs

    Environmental impact of object breakup in medium-Earth orbit

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    Large derelict objects are severely affecting the sustainability of the space environment. This has brought attention on the importance of ranking in-orbit objects and future missions, based on the risk they pose to the proliferation of orbital fragments. To this purpose, several sustainability metrics have been formulated to guarantee a scientific support in the definition of remediation measures, as well as for the identification of safe orbital slots for future missions. The index ECOB (Environmental Consequences of Orbital Breakups) was developed with the objective of measuring the space environmental impact of an object in low-Earth orbit based on the risk it represents for satellites operations. The severity of a breakup was computed as the cumulative collision probability induced by the evolving debris cloud on the active satellites population. In this paper, the ECOB metric is extended to the medium-Earth orbital region, leveraging a density-based multi-dimensional fragments cloud propagator and collision risk estimator, capable of working with any arbitrarily complex orbital dynamics and conjunction geometry. The dependency of the effect of a breakup on the fragmentation orbit’s shape and orientation is investigated and discussed. The currently in-orbit missions are eventually ranked based on the proposed metric

    Children With Short Stature Display Reduced ACE2 Expression in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells

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    Background: The cause of short stature remains often unknown. The renin-angiotensin system contributes to growth regulation. Several groups reported that angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)-knockout mice weighed less than controls. Our case-control study aimed to investigate if children with short stature had reduced ACE2 expression as compared to controls, and its significance. Materials and Methods: children aged between 2 and 14 years were consecutively recruited in a University Hospital pediatric tertiary care center. Cases were children with short stature defined as height SD ≤ −2 diagnosed with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) or idiopathic short stature (ISS), before any treatment. Exclusion criteria were: acute diseases, kidney disease, endocrine or autoimmune disorders, precocious puberty, genetic syndromes, SGA history. ACE and ACE2 expression were measured in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, angiotensins were measured by ELISA. Results: Children with short stature displayed significantly lower ACE2 expression, being 0.40 fold induction (0.01-2.27) as compared to controls, and higher ACE/ACE2, with no differences between GHD and ISS. ACE2 expression was significantly and inversely associated with the risk of short stature, OR 0.26 (0.07-0.82), and it had a moderate accuracy to predict it, with an AUC of 0.73 (0.61-0.84). The cutoff of 0.45 fold induction of ACE2 expression was the value best predicting short stature, identifying correctly 70% of the children. Conclusions: Our study confirms the association between the reduction of ACE2 expression and growth retardation. Further studies are needed to determine its diagnostic implications

    Metabolic syndrome and multiple organ damage in essential hypertension

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    Aim. We investigated the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome (MS) in hypertensive patients categorized according to the number of markers of organ damage (OD) in order to assess the value of a systematic search for cardiac and extra-cardiac OD in the MS setting. Methods. A total of 3119 untreated and treated essential hypertensives included in the Evaluation of Target Organ Damage in Hypertension (ETODH), an observational registry of hypertension-related OD, were considered for this analysis. All patients underwent extensive investigation for left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) or LV concentric remodeling (cardiac OD), carotid plaques and/or intima-media thickening (vascular OD) and microalbuminuria (MA) and/or increased serum creatinine (renal OD). Subjects were classified as: positive for none (group 0), one (group I), two (group II) or three markers (group III) of OD. Results. MS prevalence rates progressively rose across the groups stratified according to the OD score, reaching a 2.3-fold increase in group III compared with their MS counterparts in group 0. The distribution of subjects with and without the MS across the groups was 15% vs 29% (group 0), 32% vs 38% (group I), 39% vs 26% (group II) and 14% vs 7% (group III), respectively. Thus, subjects having two or three markers of OD were 53% among those with MS and 33% (p<0.01) among those without it. Conclusion. Our findings indicate a strong association between the MS and OD by showing that a clustering of two or three markers of OD is the prevalent cardiovascular phenotype in MS hypertensives referred to a specialist center and call for a systematic evaluation of cardiac and extracardiac OD in this setting

    Engineering-geological modeling for supporting local seismic response studies. Insights from the 3D model of the subsoil of Rieti (Italy)

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    A high-resolution 3D engineering-geological model of the subsoil can be derived by integrating stratigraphic and geophysical data in order to represent reliably the geological setting, and therefore support several geological studies such as local seismic response analyses. In this study, we show how an accurate 3D engineering-geological model suggests the proper seismic response modeling approach (1D or 2D) in a peculiar and complex geological context, such as the historical city center of Rieti (Italy), selected as test site, and characterized by important lateral heterogeneities between stiff travertine and alluvial soft deposits. The proposed methodology involves three steps: (i) conceptual geological modelling, obtained from data and maps of literature; (ii) engineering-geological modeling, validated through geophysical data; and (iii) a 3D model restitution achieved by a geodatabase (built basing on the previous steps), that collects, stores, reliably represents, and integrates properly the geospatial data. The analysis of seismic ambient noise measurements specifically available for the study area allowed to infer the shear wave velocity value for each lithotecnical unit and to retrieve some additional stratigraphies. These synthetic log stratigraphies allowed to improve the detail of the geodatabase and therefore a more accurate 3D geological model. Such a reliable engineering-geological model of the subsoil is required to perform a site-specific seismic response characterization which is a fundamental tool in the framework of seismic risk management

    Is there a role for tumor volume in prediction of prognosis for oral cancer?

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    Purpose: New prognostic factors in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) (tumor-, host-, and environment-related) have been introduced recently to complete those traditionally considered. Among them, tumor volume (TV) could be the most interesting and applicable in clinical practice, considering the routine use of computed tomography in tumor staging. In this retrospective study we aimed to investigate whether a correlation exists among these new prognostic factors and survival outcomes. Meterials and methods: We collected data about 140 patients affected by OSCC who underwent primary surgery. Prognostic factors were collected and Overall Survival (OS), Disease Specific Survival (DSS) and Disease Free Survival (DFS) were estimated using Kaplan-Meier method; the Log-Rank test (Mantel-Cox) and Cox regression models were applied to investigate predictors of survival. Results: The 5-year OS, DSS and DFS were 73.6 %, 89.2 % and 75.2 % respectively. Nodal metastasis (pN+), relapse and American Society of Anesthesiologists ASA-II were found independent prognostic factors for OS, and significantly associated to worst DSS (p < 0.001). TV significantly correlated with higher relapse occurrence (p = 0.03). Conclusions: In our experience, lymph-node status, ASA classification and relapse significantly influenced DSS on univariate analysis. TV could represent an interesting additional parameter, since it significantly influenced DFS. However, prospective studies with standardized TV measurements and a greater number of patients are needed to validate this result
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