3,052 research outputs found

    The Strongly-Interacting Light Higgs

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    We develop a simple description of models where electroweak symmetry breaking is triggered by a light composite Higgs, which emerges from a strongly-interacting sector as a pseudo-Goldstone boson. Two parameters broadly characterize these models: m_rho, the mass scale of the new resonances and g_rho, their coupling. An effective low-energy Lagrangian approach proves to be useful for LHC and ILC phenomenology below the scale m_rho. We identify two classes of operators: those that are genuinely sensitive to the new strong force and those that are sensitive to the spectrum of the resonances only. Phenomenological prospects for the LHC and the ILC include the study of high-energy longitudinal vector boson scattering, strong double-Higgs production and anomalous Higgs couplings. We finally discuss the possibility that the top quark could also be a composite object of the strong sector.Comment: 45 pages, 1 figure. v2: references adde

    Probing Split Supersymmetry with Cosmic Rays

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    A striking aspect of the recently proposed split supersymmetry is the existence of heavy gluinos which are metastable because of the very heavy squarks which mediate their decay. In this paper we correlate the expected flux of these particles with the accompanying neutrino flux produced in inelastic pppp collisions in distant astrophysical sources. We show that an event rate at the Pierre Auger Observatory of approximately 1 yr−1^{-1} for gluino masses of about 500 GeV is consistent with existing limits on neutrino fluxes. The extremely low inelasticity of the gluino-containing hadrons in their collisions with the air molecules makes possible a distinct characterization of the showers induced in the atmosphere. Should such anomalous events be observed, we show that their cosmogenic origin, in concert with the requirement that they reach the Earth before decay, leads to a lower bound on their proper lifetime of the order of 100 years, and consequently, to a lower bound on the scale of supersymmetry breaking, ΛSUSY>2.6×1011\Lambda_{\rm SUSY} >2.6 \times 10^{11} GeV. Obtaining such a bound is not possible in collider experiments.Comment: Version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Brane Cosmology and KK Gravitinos

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    The cosmology of KK gravitinos in models with extra dimensions is considered. The main result is that the production of such KK modes is not compatible with an epoch of non--standard expansion after inflation. This is so because the BBN constraint on the zero mode forces the reduced five dimensional Planck mass M5M_5 down to values much smaller than the usual four dimensional one, but this in turn implies many KK states available for a given temperature. Once these states are taken into account one finds that there is no M5M_5 for which the produced KK gravitinos satisfy BBN and overclosure constraints. This conclusion holds for both flat and warped models in which only gravity propagates in the full spacetime.Comment: 19 pages, references added, IoP styl

    Radiative seesaw and degenerate neutrinos

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    The radiative see-saw mechanism of Witten generates the right-handed neutrino masses in SO(10) with the spinorial 16_H Higgs field. We study here analytically the 2nd and 3rd generations for the minimal Yukawa structure containing 10_H and 120_H Higgs representations. In the approximation of small 2nd generation masses and gauge loop domination we find the following results : (1) b-tau unification, (2) natural coexistence between large theta_l and small theta_q, (3) degenerate neutrinos.Comment: 4 page

    comparison between thermal energy and acoustic emission for the fatigue behavior of steels

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    Abstract The paper is focused on the study of fatigue materials, using an energy approach, with the support of two different non-destructive techniques. Indeed, the analysis of the energy behavior was conducted by the simultaneous application of Acoustic Emission (AE) and Thermography (TH). The purpose of the paper was to compare and integrate the results obtained by the two methodologies to assess the fatigue behavior of materials. The experimental tests were carried out on flat steel specimens of steels commonly used for metal carpentry either under static loading or under sequences of increasing cyclic loading. The results allow to define the fatigue limit either by the thermography or by the acoustic emission and they are encouraging to continue the comparison and the integration between the two energetic methodologies

    Serum protein electrophoresis pro le during late pregnancy and early post partum period in mares

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    The aim of the study was to determine how the physiological adjustments occurring during late pregnancy and the early post partum period affect mares’ serum protein profile. Ten pregnant mares (Group A) were monitored from the 34th week of pregnancy until the 3rd week after foaling, ten nonpregnant mares (Group B) were used as the control. Blood samples were collected every 3 weeks, from -16 to -4 weeks preceding parturition, and then every week until the 3rd week after foaling. Additional blood samples were taken within 24±12 h from foaling. The statistical analysis revealed a significant increase in albumin and α2-globulin concentrations obtained from Group A during the experimental period. Dunnet’s test also revealed significantly higher concentrations of α1-globulins, α2-globulins and γ-globulins in group A than in group B. The following results showed that the serum proteins differed in periparturient mares when compared to non-pregnant mares and significant changes in some protein fractions occurred over the experimental period. Focusing on the peripartum period, our study provides specific information about mare’s serum protein profile that could help equine practitioners to better interpret clinical data and promptly diagnose pathological conditions that might compromise the health status of the mare and, as consequence, also her foal

    The peripartum period influenced the serum macromineral profile in mares

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    Changes in metabolic requirements during pregnancy may produce nutritional imbalances predisposing mares to pathological conditions. Therefore, we aimed to examine changes in serum macrominerals during the peripartum period in mares. Fifteen pregnant mares (Group A) were monitored starting at the 263rd day of pregnancy until the 21st day after foaling. Seven non-pregnant and non-lactating mares were used as a control group (Group B). Group A was subjected to blood sampling within 24-12 h after parturition (P) and then 7, 14 and 21 days after foaling (C1, C2, C3 weeks, respectively). Group B was subjected to regular sampling throughout the study to ensure that seasonal changes had no significant effect on studied parameters. Serum samples were analysed for serum electrolytes including sodium (NaC), potassium (KC), calcium (CaCC), phosphorus (PC), chloride (Cl) and magnesium (MgCC). Two-way repeated measures of analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to evaluate significant effects of peripartum on electrolyte concentrations. Group A showed a decrease in Cl concentrations (P D 0:011) after foaling and lower PC concentrations (P D 0:015) compared to Group B throughout the study. The linear regression model showed an increase in NaC concentrations (P D 0:002) and a gradual decrease in serum CaCC (P D 0:001) during pregnancy. Because the most significant changes in serum electrolytes occurred within 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after foaling, monitoring serum electrolyte concentrations would indicate whether the mare needs further mineral supplementation at this stage. The significant changes in a mare's macromineral profile that we observed over the peripartum provide enhanced knowledge about mineral interrelations and their modifications during specific physiological conditions such as late pregnancy and early postpartum

    Widespread extrahepatic expression of acute-phase proteins in healthy chicken (Gallus gallus) tissues

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    Acute phase proteins (APP) are plasma proteins that can modify their expression in response to inflammation caused by tissue injury, infections, immunological disorders or stress. Although APP are produced mainly in liver, extrahepatic production has also been described. As a prerequisite to get insight the expression of APP in chicken during diseases, this study investigated the presence of five APP, including alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), Serum Amyloid A (SAA), PIT54, C-Reactive protein (CRP) and Ovotransferrin (OVT) in twenty tissues collected from healthy chicken (Gallus gallus) by quantitative Real Time PCR and immunohistochemistry. As expected, APP gene abundance was higher in liver compared with other tissues. The mRNA coding for CRP, OVT and SAA was detected in all analyzed tissues with a higher expression in gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and lymphatic samples. SAA expression was particularly high in cecal tonsil, lung, spleen and Meckel's diverticulum, whereas OVT in lung, bursa of Fabricius and pancreas. AGP and PIT54 mRNA expression were detected in all tissues but at negligible levels. Immunohistochemical expression of AGP and OVT was variably detected in different organs, being identified in endothelium of every tissue. Positive cells were present in the epithelium of the mucosal layer of gastrointestinal tract and kidney. Lung and central nervous system stained for both proteins. No positive staining was detected in lymphoid tissues and muscle. These results suggest that most tissues can express different amount of APP even in healthy conditions and are therefore capable to mount a local acute phase reaction

    Photocurrent study of beta-ray priming in CVD diamond

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    Priming by X-rays or by beta-rays is generally needed in order to qualify CVD diamond for nuclear detection or for dosimetry. The priming effect is usually attributed in filling the hole traps, which are responsible for the charge collection efficiency of the detector. Emptying the filled traps can be easily detected by Thermoluminescence (TL), which is considered to be a measure of the absorbed dose. In this work, we prove that below-gap photocurrent (BGPC) can also be used in the same way and it is dominated by the optical detrapping of holes from the same centers. Time dependence of this beta-rays induced persistent photocurrent (PPC), which in fact, depends only on the total number of photons impinging onto the sample. In fact, at long times or for large number of photons, the photocurrent approaches to the same limit of PC for a null dose. The hole trapping centers distribution seems to extend from 1.25 to 2.5 eV valence band

    COVID-19 Pneumonia in Children: From Etiology to Management

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    COVID-19 is less serious in children than in adults. However, respiratory management dominates the clinical picture of hospitalized COVID-19 even in children. In some case series, deterioration of the clinical picture wherein dyspnea, cyanosis, and the onset of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) emerged ~8–10 days after the onset of SARS-CoV-2 infection, which could rapidly progress to multiple organ failure and death. This review aimed to evaluate the characteristics of COVID-19 pneumonia in pediatric populations, beginning from its etiology and pathological mechanisms and closing with its clinical management
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