82 research outputs found

    Antón Pelayo, Javier (2013). La correspondència epistolar de la família Burguès (1750-1850)

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    Antón Pelayo, Javier (2013)La correspondència epistolar de la família Burguès (1750-1850)Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 334 p.ISBN 978-84-490-4212-6 (paper) / 978-84-490-4391-8 (digital)Antón Pelayo, Javier (2013)La correspondència epistolar de la família Burguès (1750-1850)Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 334 p.ISBN 978-84-490-4212-6 (paper) / 978-84-490-4391-8 (digital)Antón Pelayo, Javier (2013)La correspondència epistolar de la família Burguès (1750-1850)Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 334 p.ISBN 978-84-490-4212-6 (paper) / 978-84-490-4391-8 (digital

    The variability of corneal and anterior segment parameters in keratoconus

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    Purpose: To analyse, describe and test diverse corneal and anterior segment parameters in normal and keratoconic eyes to better understand the geometry of the keratoconic cornea. Method: 44 eyes from 44 keratoconic patients and 44 eyes from 44 healthy patients were included in the study. The Pentacam System was used for the analysis of the anterior segment parameters. New ad-hoc parameters were defined by measuring the distances on the Scheimpflug image at the horizontal diameter, with chamber depth now comprising of two distinctive distances: corneal sagittal depth and the distance from the endpoint of this segment to the anterior surface of the lens (DL). Results: Statistically significant differences (p<0.05) between normal and keratoconic eyes were found in all of the analysed corneal parameters. Anterior chamber depth presented statistical differences between normal and keratoconic eyes (3.06 ± 0.43 mm versus 3.34 ± 0.45 mm, respectively; p = 0.004). This difference was found to originate in an increase of the DL distance (0.40 ± 0.33 mm in normal eyes against 0.61 ± 0.45 mm in keratoconic eyes; p = 0.014), rather than in the changes in corneal sagittal depth. Conclusion: These findings indicate that keratoconus results in central and peripheral corneal manifestations, as well as changes in the shape of the scleral limbus. The DL parameter was useful in describing the forward elongation and advance of the scleral tissue in keratoconic eyes. This finding may help in the monitoring of disease progression and contact lens design and fitting.Preprin


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    Obra ressenyada: Javier ANTÓN PELAYO, La correspondència epistolar de la família Burguès (1750-1850). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2013

    Els gremis manresans i el suplement del servei de bagatges (1738-1741). Pressió militar, resistència i litigi a la Catalunya borbònica

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    A finals de la dècada de 1730, el Principat de Catalunya encara es trobava en ple procés d’adaptació a la Nova Planta. Les notables tensions derivades tant del pes de la militarització estructural del nou sistema administratiu com de la corrupció generalitzada en el món local acabaren cristal·litzant en nombrosos plets i resistències en l’àmbit local. L’objectiu d’aquest article és saber com i per què s’esdevingueren aquest tipus de resistències, com es vertebraren i quin va ser el seu desenllaç final. Per aconseguir-ho, prendrem com a principal objecte d’anàlisi el plet entre les autoritats locals de Manresa i els gremis de la ciutat al voltant del cobrament d’un impost local per finançar els «retorns» del servei de bagatges. Mitjançant la consulta de documentació oficial de la Reial Audiència de Catalunya i de l’administració municipal i corregimental, així com de l’àmbit notarial i gremial, procurarem definir una imatge el més completa possible d’aquestes dinàmiques de protesta i litigi a la Catalunya de mitjans del Set-cents.The guilds of Manresa and the baggage service supplement (1738-1741). Military pressure, resistance and litigation in Bourbon CataloniaAt the end of the 1730s, the Catalan people were still adapting to the administrative system of the Nueva Planta. Tensions derived from both the weight of the structural militarization of the new bureaucratic system and generalized corruption at the local scale ended up crystallizing in numerous lawsuits and resistance at the local level. The main aim of this article is to understand why those resistances occurred, how were they structured, and what was their usual outcome. To achieve this goal, we will focus our analysis on the lawsuit between the Bourbon authorities of Manresa and the city’s unions, based on a distinctive local tax that financed the ‘returns’ of the military baggage transport commission provided by its inhabitants. By consulting the official documents produced by the Royal Court of Catalonia and the municipal administration, as well as notarial and guild records, we will try to define as complete as possible a picture of this type of protest in 18th-century Catalonia.Los gremios manresanos y el suplemento del servicio de bagajes (1738-1741). Presión militar, resistencia y litigio en la Cataluña bornónicaA finales de la década de 1730, el Principado de Cataluña aún es encontraba en pleno proceso de adaptación al sistema administrativo de la Nueva Planta. Las notables tensiones derivadas tanto del peso de la militarización estructural del nuevo sistema burocrático como de la corrupción generalizada en el mundo local acabaron cristalizando en numerosos pleitos y resistencias en el ámbito local. El principal objetivo de este artículo es conocer cómo y por qué ocurrieron este tipo de resistencias, cómo se vertebraron y cuál fue desenlace final. Para ello, tomaremos como principal objeto de análisis el pleito acontecido entre las autoridades de Manresa y los gremios de la ciudad por el cobro de un impuesto local para financiar los «retornos» del servicio de bagajes prestado por sus habitantes. Mediante la consulta de documentación oficial de la Real Audiencia de Cataluña y de la Administración municipal y corregimental, así como de registros notariales y gremiales, procuraremos definir una imagen lo más completa posible de estas dinámicas de protesta y litigio en la Cataluña de mediados del setecientos

    Real-Time Non-Intrusive Assessment of Viewing Distance During Computer Use

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    Purpose: To develop and test the sensitivity of an ultrasound-based sensor to assess the viewing distance of visual display terminals operators in real-time conditions. Methods: A modified ultrasound sensor was attached to a computer display to assess viewing distance in real time. Sensor functionality was tested on a sample of 20 healthy participants while they conducted four 10-minute randomly presented typical computer tasks (a match-three puzzle game, a video documentary, a task requiring participants to complete a series of sentences, and a predefined internet search). Results: The ultrasound sensor offered good measurement repeatability. Game, text completion, and web search tasks were conducted at shorter viewing distances (54.4 cm [95% CI 51.3-57.5 cm], 54.5 cm [95% CI 51.1-58.0 cm], and 54.5 cm [95% CI 51.4-57.7 cm], respectively) than the video task (62.3 cm [95% CI 58.9-65.7 cm]). Statistically significant differences were found between the video task and the other three tasks (all p < 0.05). Range of viewing distances (from 22 to 27 cm) was similar for all tasks (F = 0.996; p = 0.413). Conclusions: Real-time assessment of the viewing distance of computer users with a non-intrusive ultrasonic device disclosed a task-dependent pattern. (C) 2016 American Academy of OptometryPostprint (author's final draft

    Extracting insights from the shape of EuroLeague data using statistics and topology

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2021, Director: Carles Casacuberta i Josep Vives i Santa Eulàlia[en] Mapper is a tool for topological data analysis (TDA) which was designed in 2007 in order to study shape features of high-dimensional data sets, allowing to visualize them in a more comprehensive way. Our work is mainly practical but it also provides a theoretical background that sustains the methods used and the results obtained. We combine statistical techniques with topological data analysis to discern the structure of our data. We performed a principal component analysis, computed persistent homology, and applied Mapper to the EuroLeague data from the 2019–2020 season without taking into account the playoff matches. Our goal was to determine the underlying distribution of types of players and compare our results with those of a previous study based on data from the NBA

    Eficàcia d'alguns insecticides naturals sobre pugons i aranya groga en hortícoles i fruiters

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    Given the lack of access to chemical pesticides for agricultural purposes in poor or developing areas, there is a need to carry out this study with the objective of obtaining information of the potential insecticidal and/or repellent efficacy of some natural extracts of vegetable origin in front of several common pests of crops. One of these areas would be Casamance, in Senegal, where Escola Superior d'Agricultura de Barcelona conducts a cooperation project in a local agricultural community. The assays of this study have been carried out under the conditions as close as possible to those that we would find in this area: in terms of the use of resources, materials and techniques used, and the cost. The chosen pests, greenfly and red spider are also two of the most common there. Five treatments of natural extracts (garlic infusion, onion infusion, neem seed extract, soap and pepper extract, and mint infusion) and three more treatments with commercial insecticides suitable for organic farming (Azadiractin, Tromin- oil and potassium soap) have been applied. The potential efficacy of these extracts has been evaluated in four different assays: three against various species of greenflies (Myzus persicae, Pterochloroides persicae, Hyalopterus pruni, Hyalopterus amygdali and Brachycaudus persicae) in prunes and peach trees, and one more assay against red spider (Tetranychus urticae) in eggplants. With the obtained results, it can be stated that all the natural extracts used are effective against the Hyalopterus pruni greenfly, and being the extract of soap and pepper and the garlic infusion the most effective ones against red spider. We also have found evidences that the soap and pepper extract and garlic and mint infusions seem to be effective towards Pterochloroides persicae, as well as the infusion of garlic seems to be against Myzus persicae and the onion extract against Brachycaudus persicae. It cannot be claimed that none of the preparations used have insecticidal properties against Hyalopterus amygdali, or have any repellent effect against the greenflies Brachycaudus persicae, Myzus persicae or Hyalopterus amygdali.Davant la falta d'accés a plaguicides químics per part d'àrees agrícoles de zones pobres o en vies de desenvolupament neix la necessitat de fer aquest estudi amb l'objectiu d'obtenir informació sobre la possible eficàcia insecticida i/o repel·lent d'alguns preparats i extractes naturals d'origen vegetal en front de diverses plagues habituals dels cultius. Una d'aquestes zones seria la Casamance, al Senegal, on l'Escola Superior d'Agricultura de Barcelona hi té un projecte de cooperació en una comunitat agrícola local. Els assajos d'aquest treball s'han realitzat sota les condicions el més similars possibles a les que trobaríem a aquesta zona, tant pel que fa a l'ús de recursos, material i tècniques utilitzades com també el cost. Les plagues escollides, pugons i aranya roja, són també de les més habituals allà. S'han realitzat cinc tractaments amb preparats naturals (infusió d'all, infusió de ceba, extracte de llavors de neem, preparat de sabó i pebrot, i infusió de menta) i tres amb insecticides comercials aptes en agricultura ecològica (Azadiractin, Tromin-oil i Sabó potàssic). S'ha avaluat la possible eficàcia d'aquests preparats en quatre experiments diferents: tres sobre diverses espècies de pugons (Myzus persicae, Pterochloroides persicae, Hyalopterus pruni, Hyalopterus amygdali i Brachycaudus persicae) en pruneres i presseguers, i un sobre aranya roja (Tetranychus urticae) en albergínies. Amb els resultats obtinguts es pot afirmar que tots els preparats naturals utilitzats són efectius contra el pugó Hyalopterus pruni, i que els preparats més eficaços contra l'aranya roja són l'extracte de sabó i pebrot i la infusió d'all. Trobem també indicis de que els preparats de sabó i pebrot, all i menta respectivament semblen ser eficaços vers Pterochloroides persicae, així com també semblen ser-ho la infusió d'all contra Myzus persicae i l'extracte de ceba contra Brachycaudus persicae. No es pot afirmar que cap dels preparats emprats tingui propietats insecticides contra Hyalopterus amygdali, o tinguin algun efecte repel·lent vers els pugons Brachycaudus persicae, Myzus persicae o Hyalopterus amygdali.Delante la falta de acceso a plaguicidas químicos por parte de áreas agrícolas de zonas pobres o en vías de desarrollo nace la necesidad de este estudio con el objetivo de obtener información sobre la posible eficacia insecticida o repelente de algunos preparados y extractos naturales de origen vegetal frente diversas plagas habituales de los cultivos. Una de estas zonas seria Casamance, al Senegal, dónde la Escola Superior d'Agricultura de Barcelona tiene un proyecto de cooperación en una comunidad agrícola local. Los ensayos de este trabajo se han realizado bajo las condiciones lo más similares posibles a las que encontraríamos en esta zona, tanto por lo que respeta al uso de recursos, materiales y técnicas utilizadas como también el coste. Las plagas elegidas, pulgones y araña roja, son también de las más habituales allí. Se han realizado cinco tratamientos con preparados naturales (infusión de ajo, infusión de cebolla, extracto de semillas de neem, preparado de jabón y pimiento, e infusión de menta) y tres con insecticidas comerciales aptos en agricultura ecológica (Azadiractin, Tromin-oil y Jabón potásico). Se ha evaluado la posible eficacia de estos preparados en cuatro experimentos distintos: tres sobres diversas especies de pulgones (Myzus persicae, Pterochloroides persicae, Hyalopterus pruni, Hyalopterus amygdali y Brachycaudus persicae) en ciruelos y melocotoneros, y uno sobre araña roja (Tetranychus urticae) en berenjenas. Con los resultados obtenidos se puede afirmar que todos los preparados naturales utilizados son efectivos contra el pulgón Hyalopterus pruni, y que los más eficaces contra araña roja son el extracto de jabón y pimiento y la infusión de ajo. Encontramos también indicios de que los preparados de jabón y pimiento, ajo y menta respectivamente parecen ser efectivos contra Pterochloroides persicae, así como también parecen serlo la infusión de ajo contra Myzus persicae y el extracto de cebolla contra Brachycaudus persicae. No se puede afirmar que ninguno de los preparados utilizados tenga propiedades insecticidas contra Hyalopterus amygdali, o que tengan algún efecto repelente contra los pulgones Brachycaudus persicae, Myzus persicae o Hyalopterus amygdali

    Anterior chamber parameters in early and advanced keratoconus. A meridian by meridian analysis

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    Purpose: To explore anterior segment changes with keratoconus onset and progression to determine whether structural changes are predominantly corneal, limbal or both. To investigate these changes in different corneal meridians. Method: Eighty-four eyes with keratoconus and 49 healthy eyes were included in the study. Eyes with keratoconus were divided in two groups according to the Amsler-Krumeich classification: stage I and stages II-IV. Scheimpflug images at three different meridians were used to evaluate the following parameters: anterior chamber depth from the endothelium (ACD_end) and corneal thickness (CT) (software provided), anterior chamber depth (ACD) and sagittal depth (SAGT) from the epithelium, and distance from the end point of SAGT to the anterior surface of the lens (DL) (measured manually), and [ACD – CT] and [SAGT – CT] (calculated). Changes in these parameters with ocular condition and meridian were analysed. Results: Statistically significant larger values were found of ACD (p=0.012) and DL (p=0.016) with keratoconus onset and progression, with no differences in SAGT values. Besides, [ACD – CT] and [SAGT – CT] were significantly larger in keratoconus eyes (p<0.001 and p=0.003, respectively). Significant differences (all p<0.001) were found in SAGT, [SAGT – CT] and DL among meridians. Changes in these parameters with keratoconus onset and progression were similar in all meridians. Conclusion: Considering the results from the three meridians under investigation, it may be concluded that keratoconus onset has an impact on the anterior segment as a whole and not only on corneal structures. The DL distance is a useful parameter to describe limbal changes in keratoconus.Postprint (author's final draft

    Las neutralidades imposibles : los casos de España y los Estados Unidos de América en la Gran Guerra (1914-1918)

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    En los estudios más generalistas sobre la Gran Guerra se acostumbran a obviar las realidades de los múltiples estados que se declararon neutrales. A pesar de los esfuerzos hechos desde los distintos gobiernos, fue imposible que el influjo de la contienda no afectara a las sociedades e intelectualidades de dichos estados. Las dinámicas de "movilización cultural" también se dieron en estos estados neutrales, y con la misma dureza y formas que en los países en pugna. Para ilustrarlo, se propone comparar los casos de Estados Unidos y España.Most of general studies about the Great War tend to ignore the realities of the majority of neutral states. Despite the efforts made for its governments, it was impossible that the influence of the war did not affect its society and its intellectuals. The dynamics of "Cultural mobilization" are also found in those neutral states, and with the same hardness and forms that we can found in the countries in conflict. To exemplify this statement, we propose to compare the cases of the United States of America and Spain

    Sources of variability of the van Herick technique for anterior angle estimation

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    BackgroundThe purpose of the present study was to investigate two potential sources of variability of the traditional van Herick technique for temporal anterior chamber angle estimation, namely the need to compare the depth of the peripheral anterior chamber (PACD) with the thickness of the peripheral cornea (PCT), and the possible loss of information resulting from restricting the assessment of the anterior chamber angle (ACA) to the temporal limbus.; MethodsBoth image analysis and Scheimpflug photography were employed to measure PCT and PACD in a group of 82 eyes (mean SD age of 32.8 4.1 years) with and without narrow anterior chamber angles. Subjective and semi-objective van Herick grades were compared and the relationship between PCT and PACD was investigated. Scheimpflug photography was also used to determine the value of the narrowest anterior chamber angle and to compare it with the temporal angle.; ResultsNo statistically significant differences were encountered between semi-objective and subjective grades. A weak statistically significant correlation was found between image analysis values for PCT and PACD (r = 0.295; p = 0.007). Upon examining Scheimpflug photographic data, no statistically significant association between PCT and PACD was revealed. Temporal and minimum anterior chamber angles presented statistically significant differences (t = 7.213; p < 0.001). In approximately 65 per cent of the patients, the minimum ACA was not located at the temporal limbus, with a difference of up to 9.8 degrees between minimum and temporal angles.; ConclusionThe encountered association between the image analyses of PCT and PACD advocates for the direct measurement of PACD as a better estimation of ACA depth than the ratio between PCT and PACD. All anterior chamber quadrants should be examined, as the minimum ACA may not be located temporally.Preprin
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