7 research outputs found

    Fatores relacionados à infecção de trato urinário na gestação: revisão integrativa

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    Objective: to know the scientific evidence of the factors related to urinary tract infection in pregnancy. Methods: an integrative review, searched on LILACS and Medline databases in March 2015, with the descriptors pregnancy and urinary infections. Results: selected studies analysis indicate the factors that have great representativeness in infection of the urinary tract, which include socioeconomic situation of the pregnant woman and serious maternal and fetal complications due to urinary tract infection. Additionally, it revealed how inadequate management of health professionals with some pregnant women and appropriate management of the health service can have a direct impact on maternal and fetal health. Conclusions: the study identified a major gap on scientific knowledge when providing nursing interventions to pregnant women with urinary tract infection.  Still, the proper management of the pregnant woman represents great relevance in the outcome of the pregnancy

    Mucopolysaccharidosis I, II, and VI: Brief review and guidelines for treatment

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    Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are rare genetic diseases caused by the deficiency of one of the lysosomal enzymes involved in the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) breakdown pathway. This metabolic block leads to the accumulation of GAG in various organs and tissues of the affected patients, resulting in a multisystemic clinical picture, sometimes including cognitive impairment. Until the beginning of the XXI century, treatment was mainly supportive. Bone marrow transplantation improved the natural course of the disease in some types of MPS, but the morbidity and mortality restricted its use to selected cases. The identification of the genes involved, the new molecular biology tools and the availability of animal models made it possible to develop specific enzyme replacement therapies (ERT) for these diseases. At present, a great number of Brazilian medical centers from all regions of the country have experience with ERT for MPS I, II, and VI, acquired not only through patient treatment but also in clinical trials. Taking the three types of MPS together, over 200 patients have been treated with ERT in our country. This document summarizes the experience of the professionals involved, along with the data available in the international literature, bringing together and harmonizing the information available on the management of these severe and progressive diseases, thus disclosing new prospects for Brazilian patients affected by these conditions

    Abscessos dentários periapicais em leitões com síndrome multissistémica do definhamento.

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    Duzentos e oitenta leitões, entre 40 e 70 dias de idade, afetados pela sindrome multissistêmica do definhamento (SMD) foram examinados após eutanásia para pesquisa de lesões dentárias. Pelo menos um abscesso periapical foi observado em 58 leitões (20,7%), dos quais 12 apresentaram abscessos múltiplos. Terceiros incisivos superiores, 3os incisivos inferiores, caninos superiores, caninos inferiores e outros dentes apresentaram respectivamente 22 (31,4%), 16 (22,9%), 4 (5,7%), 23 (32,9%) e 5 (7,1%) abscessos periapicais. A maior prevalência de abscessos observada nos dentes 3os incisivos e caninos inferiores está provavelmente associada com a maior área de corte ou desgaste que sofrem esses dentes. Entre as bactérias isoladas de amostras de 65 abscessos, Streptococcus sp. foi a mais prevalente e esteve presente em 21,48% e 27,7% dos isolados em aerobiose e anaerobiose, respectivamente. Na segunda posição em prevalência estiveram as bactérias corineformes, as quais foram mais freqüentemente isoladas em atmosfera anaeróbica do que aeróbica. Houve preponderância de isolamentos de bactérias Gram-positivas. Não foi possível determinar se as co-infecções bacterianas predispuseram às lesões características de SMD ou foram conseqüentes à imunossupressão causada pela infecção com PCV2.Swine producers have historically resected needle teeth of newborn pigs to prevent potential injuries to the sow mammary gland and faces of littermates. However, the possible impact of this practice on pig performance has been questioned. As part of a study, 280 PMWS affected piglets, with 40-70 days of age, were examined for the presence of dental lesions immediately after euthanasia. Most pigs were confirmed as PMWS by the detection of typical microscopic lesions and immunohistochemical pattern. At least one periapical abscess was observed in 58 piglets (20.7%), of which 12 had multiple abscesses. There were 22 (31.4%), 16 (22.9%), 4 (5.7%), 23 (32.9%), and 5 (7.1%) abscesses in 3rd upper incisives, 3rd lower incisives, upper canines, lower canines, and other teeth, respectively. The higher prevalence of dental abscesses observed in 3rd incisives and lower canines is probably associated with the wider area of grinding or clipping to which these teeth were subjected. Among bacteria isolated from samples collected from 65 abscesses, Streptococcus sp. was the most prevalent bacteria and was present in 21.48% and 27.7% of the aerobic and anaerobic isolates, respectively. In the second most frequent group were coryneform microorganisms, which showed higher rate of isolation under anaerobic atmosphere than in aerobic culture. There was preponderance of Gram-positive isolates. It could not be determined whether these bacterial co-infections predisposed pigs to development of PMWS-type lesions or if were subsequent to the PCV2 infection

    Abscessos dentários periapicais em leitões com síndrome multissistémica do definhamento.

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    Duzentos e oitenta leitões, entre 40 e 70 dias de idade, afetados pela sindrome multissistêmica do definhamento (SMD) foram examinados após eutanásia para pesquisa de lesões dentárias. Pelo menos um abscesso periapical foi observado em 58 leitões (20,7%), dos quais 12 apresentaram abscessos múltiplos. Terceiros incisivos superiores, 3os incisivos inferiores, caninos superiores, caninos inferiores e outros dentes apresentaram respectivamente 22 (31,4%), 16 (22,9%), 4 (5,7%), 23 (32,9%) e 5 (7,1%) abscessos periapicais. A maior prevalência de abscessos observada nos dentes 3os incisivos e caninos inferiores está provavelmente associada com a maior área de corte ou desgaste que sofrem esses dentes. Entre as bactérias isoladas de amostras de 65 abscessos, Streptococcus sp. foi a mais prevalente e esteve presente em 21,48% e 27,7% dos isolados em aerobiose e anaerobiose, respectivamente. Na segunda posição em prevalência estiveram as bactérias corineformes, as quais foram mais freqüentemente isoladas em atmosfera anaeróbica do que aeróbica. Houve preponderância de isolamentos de bactérias Gram-positivas. Não foi possível determinar se as co-infecções bacterianas predispuseram às lesões características de SMD ou foram conseqüentes à imunossupressão causada pela infecção com PCV2.Swine producers have historically resected needle teeth of newborn pigs to prevent potential injuries to the sow mammary gland and faces of littermates. However, the possible impact of this practice on pig performance has been questioned. As part of a study, 280 PMWS affected piglets, with 40-70 days of age, were examined for the presence of dental lesions immediately after euthanasia. Most pigs were confirmed as PMWS by the detection of typical microscopic lesions and immunohistochemical pattern. At least one periapical abscess was observed in 58 piglets (20.7%), of which 12 had multiple abscesses. There were 22 (31.4%), 16 (22.9%), 4 (5.7%), 23 (32.9%), and 5 (7.1%) abscesses in 3rd upper incisives, 3rd lower incisives, upper canines, lower canines, and other teeth, respectively. The higher prevalence of dental abscesses observed in 3rd incisives and lower canines is probably associated with the wider area of grinding or clipping to which these teeth were subjected. Among bacteria isolated from samples collected from 65 abscesses, Streptococcus sp. was the most prevalent bacteria and was present in 21.48% and 27.7% of the aerobic and anaerobic isolates, respectively. In the second most frequent group were coryneform microorganisms, which showed higher rate of isolation under anaerobic atmosphere than in aerobic culture. There was preponderance of Gram-positive isolates. It could not be determined whether these bacterial co-infections predisposed pigs to development of PMWS-type lesions or if were subsequent to the PCV2 infection