63 research outputs found

    Completing NLO QCD Corrections for Tree Level Non-Leptonic Delta F = 1 Decays Beyond the Standard Model

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    In various extensions of the Standard Model (SM) tree level non-leptonic decays of hadrons receive contributions from new heavy gauge bosons and scalars. Prominent examples are the right-handed W' bosons in left-right symmetric models and charged Higgs (H^\pm) particles in models with extended scalar sector like two Higgs doublet models and supersymmetric models. Even in the case of decays with four different quark flavours involved, to which penguin operators cannot contribute, twenty linearly independent operators, instead of two in the SM, have to be considered. Anticipating the important role of such decays at the LHCb, KEKB and Super-B in Rome and having in mind future improved lattice computations, we complete the existing NLO QCD formulae for these processes by calculating O(alpha_s) corrections to matching conditions for the Wilson coefficients of all contributing operators in the NDR-\bar{MS} scheme. This allows to reduce certain unphysical scale and renormalization scheme dependences in the existing NLO calculations. Our results can also be applied to models with tree-level heavy neutral gauge boson and scalar exchanges in Delta F = 1 transitions and constitute an important part of NLO analyses of those non-leptonic decays to which also penguin operators contribute.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    Near-infrared Spectroscopy Monitoring of the Collateral Network Prior to, During, and After Thoracoabdominal Aortic Repair: A Pilot Study

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    ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of non-invasive monitoring of the paraspinous collateral network (CN) oxygenation prior to, during, and after thoracoabdominal aortic repair in a clinical series.MethodsNear-infrared spectroscopy optodes were positioned bilaterally—over the thoracic and lumbar paraspinous vasculature—to transcutaneously monitor muscle oxygenation of the CN in 20 patients (age: 66 ± 10 years; men = 11) between September 2010 and April 2012; 15 had open thoracoabdominal aortic repair (Crawford II and III), three had thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR; Crawford I), and two had a hybrid repair (Crawford II). CN oxygenation was continuously recorded until 48 hours postoperatively.ResultsHospital mortality was 5% (n = 1), 15% suffered ischemic spinal cord injury (SCI). Mean thoracic CN oxygenation saturation was 75.5 ± 8% prior to anesthesia (=baseline) without significant variations throughout the procedure (during non-pulsatile cooling on cardiopulmonary bypass and with aortic cross-clamping; range = 70.6–79.5%). Lumbar CN oxygenation (LbS) dropped significantly after proximal aortic cross-clamping to a minimum after 11.7 ± 4 minutes (74 ± 13% of baseline), but fully recovered after restoration of pulsatile flow to 98.5% of baseline. During TEVAR, stent-graft deployment did not significantly affect LbS. Three patients developed relevant SCI (paraplegia n = 1/paraparesis n = 2). In these patients LbS reduction after aortic cross-clamping was significantly lower compared with patients who did not experience SCI (p = .041).ConclusionsNon-invasive monitoring of CN oxygenation prior to, during, and after thoracoabdominal aortic repair is feasible. Lumbar CN oxygenation levels directly respond to compromise of aortic blood circulation

    Fair scans of the seesaw. Consequences for predictions on LFV processes

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    Usual analyses based on scans of the seesaw parameter-space can be biassed since they do not cover in a fair way the complete parameter-space. More precisely, we show that in the common "R-parametrization", many acceptable R-matrices, compatible with the perturbativity of Yukawa couplings, are normally disregarded from the beginning, which produces biasses in the results. We give a straightforward procedure to scan the space of complex R-matrices in a complete way, giving a very simple rule to incorporate the perturbativity requirement as a condition for the entries of the R-matrix, something not considered before. As a relevant application of this, we show that the extended believe that BR(mu --> e, gamma) in supersymmetric seesaw models depends strongly on the value of theta_13 is an "optical effect" produced by such biassed scans, and does not hold after a careful analytical and numerical study. When the complete scan is done, BR(mu --> e, gamma) gets very insensitive to theta_13. Moreover, the values of the branching ratio are typically larger than those quoted in the literature, due to the large number of acceptable points in the parameter-space which were not considered before. Including (unflavoured) leptogenesis does not introduce any further dependence on theta_13, although decreases the typical value of BR(mu --> e, gamma).Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    On the Standard Model prediction for BR(B{s,d} to mu+ mu-)

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    The decay Bs to mu+ mu- is one of the milestones of the flavor program at the LHC. We reappraise its Standard Model prediction. First, by analyzing the theoretical rate in the light of its main parametric dependence, we highlight the importance of a complete evaluation of higher-order electroweak corrections, at present known only in the large-mt limit, and leaving sizable dependence on the definition of electroweak parameters. Using insights from a complete calculation of such corrections for K to pi bar{nu} nu decays, we find a scheme in which NLO electroweak corrections are likely to be negligible. Second, we address the issue of the correspondence between the initial and the final state detected by the experiments, and those used in the theoretical prediction. Particular attention is devoted to the effect of the soft radiation, that has not been discussed for this mode in the previous literature, and that can lead to O(10%) corrections to the decay rate. The "non-radiative" branching ratio (that is equivalent to the branching ratio fully inclusive of bremsstrahlung radiation) is estimated to be (3.23 +/- 0.27) x 10^{-9} for the flavor eigenstate, with the main uncertainty resulting from the value of f_{Bs}, followed by the uncertainty due to higher order electroweak corrections. Applying the same strategy to Bd to mu+ mu-, we find for its non-radiative branching ratio (1.07 +/- 0.10) x 10^{-10}.Comment: 15 pages. v3: very minor changes to match the journal version (EPJC

    Flavor Physics in an SO(10) Grand Unified Model

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    In supersymmetric grand-unified models, the lepton mixing matrix can possibly affect flavor-changing transitions in the quark sector. We present a detailed analysis of a model proposed by Chang, Masiero and Murayama, in which the near-maximal atmospheric neutrino mixing angle governs large new b -> s transitions. Relating the supersymmetric low-energy parameters to seven new parameters of this SO(10) GUT model, we perform a correlated study of several flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC) processes. We find the current bound on B(tau -> mu gamma) more constraining than B(B -> X_s gamma). The LEP limit on the lightest Higgs boson mass implies an important lower bound on tan beta, which in turn limits the size of the new FCNC transitions. Remarkably, the combined analysis does not rule out large effects in B_s-B_s-bar mixing and we can easily accomodate the large CP phase in the B_s-B_s-bar system which has recently been inferred from a global analysis of CDF and DO data. The model predicts a particle spectrum which is different from the popular Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (CMSSM). B(tau -> mu gamma) enforces heavy masses, typically above 1 TeV, for the sfermions of the degenerate first two generations. However, the ratio of the third-generation and first-generation sfermion masses is smaller than in the CMSSM and a (dominantly right-handed) stop with mass below 500 GeV is possible.Comment: 44 pages, 5 figures. Footnote and references added, minor changes, Fig. 2 corrected; journal versio

    On the Correlations between Flavour Observables in Minimal U(2)^3 Models

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    The stringent correlations between flavour observables in models with CMFV are consistent with the present data except for the correlation Delta M_{s,d}-epsilon_K. Motivated by the recent work of Barbieri et al, we compare the CMFV correlations with the ones present in a special class of models with an approximate global U(2)^3 flavour symmetry, constrained by a minimal set of spurions governing the breakdown of this symmetry and the assumption that only SM operators are relevant in flavour physics. This analog of CMFV to be called MU(2)^3 allows to avoid the Delta M_{s,d}-epsilon_K tension in question because of reduced flavour symmetry and implied non-MFV contributions to Delta M_{s,d}. While the patterns of flavour violation in K meson system is the same as in CMFV models, the CP-violation in B_{s,d} meson systems can deviate from the one in the SM and CMFV models. We point out a stringent triple S_{psi K_S}-S_{psi phi}-|V_ub| correlation in this class of models that could in the future provide a transparent distinction between different MU(2)^3 models and in the context of these models determine |V_ub| by means of precise measurements of S_{psi K_S} and S_{psi phi} with only small hadronic uncertainties. For fixed S_{psi K_S} the correlation between B(B^+ -> tau^+nu_tau) and S_{psi phi} follows. We also find that MU(2)^3 models could in principle accommodate a negative value of S_{psi phi}, provided |V_ub| is found to be in the ballpark of exclusive determinations and the particular MU(2)^3 model provides a 25% enhancement of epsilon_K. A supersymmetric U(2)^3 model worked out in the Barbieri-School appears to satisfy these requirements. However if B(B^+ -> tau^+nu_tau)>1.0 10^{-4} will be confirmed by future experiments only positive S_{psi phi} is allowed in this framework. We summarize briefly the pattern of flavour violation in rare K and B_{s,d} decays in MU(2)^3 models.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures; v2: Few references and discussion on CP violation in B_s-> mu^+ mu^- added; v3: Several clarifying comments added, conclusions unchanged, version accepted for publication in JHE

    Lepton flavour violation in the MSSM

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    We derive new constraints on the quantities delta_{XY}^{ij}, X,Y=L,R, which parametrise the flavour-off-diagonal terms of the charged slepton mass matrix in the MSSM. Considering mass and anomalous magnetic moment of the electron we obtain the bound |delta^{13}_{LL} delta^{13}_{RR}|<0.1 for tan beta=50, which involves the poorly constrained element delta^{13}_{RR}. We improve the predictions for the decays tau -> mu gamma, tau -> e gamma and mu -> e gamma by including two-loop corrections which are enhanced if tan beta is large. The finite renormalisation of the PMNS matrix from soft SUSY-breaking terms is derived and applied to the charged-Higgs-lepton vertex. We find that the experimental bound on BR(tau -> e gamma) severely limits the size of the MSSM loop correction to the PMNS element U_{e3}, which is important for the proper interpretation of a future U_{e3} measurement. Subsequently we confront our new values for delta^{ij}_{LL} with a GUT analysis. Further, we include the effects of dimension-5 Yukawa terms, which are needed to fix the Yukawa unification of the first two generations. If universal supersymmetry breaking occurs above the GUT scale, we find the flavour structure of the dimension-5 Yukawa couplings tightly constrained by mu -> e gamma.Comment: 37 pages, 15 figures; typo in Equation (35) and (49) correcte

    SUSY_FLAVOR v2.5: a computational tool for FCNC and CP-violating processes in the MSSM

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    We present SUSY_FLAVOR version 2.5 - a Fortran 77 program that calculates low-energy flavor observables in the general RR-parity conserving MSSM. For a set of MSSM parameters as input, the code gives predictions for: 1. Electric dipole moments of the leptons and the neutron. 2. Anomalous magnetic moments (i.e. g2g-2) of the leptons. 3. Radiative lepton decays (μeγ\mu\to e\gamma and τμγ,eγ\tau\to \mu\gamma, e\gamma). 4. Rare Kaon decays (KL0π0νˉνK^0_L\to \pi^0\bar\nu\nu and K+π+νˉνK^+\to \pi^+ \bar\nu\nu). 5. Leptonic BB decays (Bs,dl+lB_{s,d}\to l^+ l^-, BτνB\to \tau \nu, BDτνB\to D \tau \nu and BDτνB\to D^\star \tau \nu). 6. Radiative BB decays (BXˉsγB\to\bar X_s \gamma). 7. Rare decays of top quark to Higgs boson (tch,uht\to ch,uh). 8. ΔF=2\Delta F=2 processes (Kˉ0K0\bar K^0-K^0, DˉD\bar D-D, BˉdBd\bar B_d-B_d and BˉsBs\bar B_s-B_s mixing). SUSY_FLAVOR performs the resummation of all chirally enhanced corrections, i.e. takes into account the effects enhanced by tanβ\tan\beta and/or large trilinear soft mixing terms to all orders in perturbation theory. All calculations are done using exact diagonalization of the sfermion mass matrices. Comparing to previous versions, in SUSY_FLAVOR v2.5 parameter initialization in SLHA2 format has been significantly generalized and simplified, so that program accepts without modifications most of the output files produced by other codes calculating MSSM spectra and processes. In addition, the routine calculating branching ratios for rare decays of top quark to Higgs boson has been included. The program can be obtained from www.fuw.edu.pl/susy_flavor.Comment: Updated from arXiv:1003.4260 [hep-ph] (SUSY_FLAVOR v1 manual), 61 pages; updated sections on modified user interface and on newly added processes. SUSY_FLAVOR code available at http://www.fuw.edu.pl/susy_flavo

    Testing new physics with the electron g-2

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    We argue that the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron (a_e) can be used to probe new physics. We show that the present bound on new-physics contributions to a_e is 8*10^-13, but the sensitivity can be improved by about an order of magnitude with new measurements of a_e and more refined determinations of alpha in atomic-physics experiments. Tests on new-physics effects in a_e can play a crucial role in the interpretation of the observed discrepancy in the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (a_mu). In a large class of models, new contributions to magnetic moments scale with the square of lepton masses and thus the anomaly in a_mu suggests a new-physics effect in a_e of (0.7 +- 0.2)*10^-13. We also present examples of new-physics theories in which this scaling is violated and larger effects in a_e are expected. In such models the value of a_e is correlated with specific predictions for processes with violation of lepton number or lepton universality, and with the electric dipole moment of the electron.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figures. Minor changes and references adde