3,172 research outputs found

    A gallery of maximum-entropy distributions: 14 and 21 moments

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    This work explores the different shapes that can be realized by the one-particle velocity distribution functions (VDFs) associated with the fourth-order maximum-entropy moment method. These distributions take the form of an exponential of a polynomial of the particle velocity, with terms up to the fourth-order. The 14- and 21-moment approximations are investigated. Various non-equilibrium gas states are probed throughout moment space. The resulting maximum-entropy distributions deviate strongly from the equilibrium VDF, and show a number of lobes and branches. The Maxwellian and the anisotropic Gaussian distributions are recovered as special cases. The eigenvalues associated with the maximum-entropy system of transport equations are also illustrated for some selected gas states. Anisotropic and/or asymmetric non-equilibrium states are seen to be associated with a non-uniform spacial propagation of perturbations

    The Metallicity of Intergalactic Gas in Cosmic Voids

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    We have used the Hubble/STIS and FUSE archives of ultraviolet spectra of bright AGN to identify intergalactic Lya absorbers in nearby (z < 0.1) voids. From a parent sample of 651 Lya absorbers, we identified 61 void absorbers located more than 1.4/h_70 Mpc from the nearest L* or brighter galaxy. Searching for metal absorption in high-quality (S/N > 10) spectra at the location of three diagnostic metal lines (O VI 1032, C IV 1548, Si III 1206), we detected no metal lines in any individual absorber, or in any group of absorbers using pixel co-addition techniques. The best limits on metal-line absorption in voids were set using four strong Lya absorbers with N(H I) > 10^{14} cm^-2, with 3-sigma equivalent-width limits ranging from 8 mA (O VI), 7-15 mA (C IV), and 4-10 mA (Si III). Photoionization modeling yields metallicity limits Z < 10^{-1.8+/-0.4} Z_sun, from non-detections of C IV and O VI, some 6 times lower than those seen in Lya and OVI absorbers at z < 0.1. Although the void Lya absorbers could be pristine material, considerably deeper spectra are required to rule out a universal metallicity floor produced by bursts of early star formation, with no subsequent star formation in the voids. The most consistent conclusion derived from these low-z results, and similar searches at z = 3-5, is that galaxy filaments have increased their mean IGM metallicity by factors of 30-100 since z = 3.Comment: Accepted for ApJ, 8 pages including Fig 1a,

    Sex and the Cinema: What American Pie Teaches the Young

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    This paper focuses upon the wildly successful blockbuster American Pie teenpics, especially American Pie 3 – the Wedding. I argue that these films, which are sited so securely within the visual and pedagogical machinery of Hollywood culture, are specifically designed to appeal to teenage male audiences, and to provide lessons in sex and romance. Movies like this are especially important as they are experienced by far more teenagers than, for example, instructional films or other classroom materials; indeed, as Henry Giroux has observed, "teens and youth learn how to define themselves outside of the traditional sites of instruction, such as the home and the school… Learning in the postmodern age is located elsewhere – in popular spheres that shape their identities, through forms of knowledge and desires that appear absent from what is taught in schools" (Giroux, 1997, p.49). In this paper I discuss whether the American Pie series is actually a "new age" effort which, via insubordinate performances of gender, contests the hegemonic field of signification which regulates the production of sex, gender and desire, or whether it is more accurately described as a retrogressive hetero-conservative opus with a veneer of sexual radicalism. In short, I intend to probe whether this filmic vector for sex education is all about the shaping of responsible, caring, vulnerable men, or is it guiding them to become just like their heterosexual, middle-class fathers? And whether, despite its riotous and raunchy advertising, American Pie really dishes up something spicy or something terribly wholesome instead

    Efectos de las condiciones primaverales en la propensión reproductora de las hembras de ánsar nival

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    Breeding propensity, defined as the probability that a sexually mature adult will breed in a given year, is an important determinant of annual productivity. It is also one of the least known demographic parameters in vertebrates. We studied the relationship between breeding propensity and conditions on spring staging areas (a spring conservation hunt) and the breeding grounds (spring snow cover) in Greater Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens atlantica), a long distance migrant that breeds in the High Arctic. We combined information from mark–recapture, telemetry, and nest survey data to estimate breeding propensity over a 7–year period. True temporal variation in breeding propensity was considerable (mean: 0.574 [95% CI considering only process variation: 0.13 to 1.0]). Spring snow cover was negatively related to breeding propensity (snow = –2.05 ± 0.96 SE) and tended to be reduced in years with a spring hunt ( = –0.78 ± 0.35). Nest densities on the breeding colony and fall ratios of young:adults were good indices of annual variation in breeding propensity, with nest densities being slightly more precise. These results suggest that conditions encountered during the pre–breeding period can have a significant impact on productivity of Arctic–nesting birds.La propensión reproductora, definida como la probabilidad de que un adulto sexualmente maduro se reproduzca en un determinado año, constituye un importante determinante de la productividad anual. También es uno de los parámetros demográficos menos conocidos de los vertebrados. Estudiamos la relación entre la propensión reproductora y las condiciones reproductoras en áreas de acumulación primaveral de nutrientes (cacería primaveral orientada a la conservación) y emplazamientos de reproducción (capa de nieve durante la primavera) en el ánsar nival (Chen caerulescens atlántica), un ave migratoria que recorre grandes distancias y que se reproduce en el Alto Ártico. Combinamos la información de marcaje–recaptura, telemetría y datos de supervivencia en el nido para estimar la propensión reproductora durante un período de siete años. La variación temporal verdadera en la propensión reproductora fue significativa [media: 0,574 (95% CI, considerando únicamente la variación en los procesos: de 0,13 a 1,0)]. La capa de nieve primaveral se relacionó negativamente con la propensión reproductora (snow = – 2,05 ± 0,96 EE), tendiendo a reducirse en los años en que se había producido una cacería primaveral ( = –0,78 ± 0,35). Las densidades de los nidos de la colonia reproductora y la tasa de jóvenes:adultos en otoño constituyeron buenos índices de la variación anual en la propensión reproductora, siendo las densidades de los nidos ligeramente más precisas. Tales resultados sugieren que las condiciones presentes durante el período previo a la reproducción pueden tener un impacto significativo en la productividad de las aves que nidifican en el Ártico

    Beyond ‘ignorance’: using the cultural stereotypes of Americans studying in the UK as a resource for learning and teaching about British culture

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    A course introducing British culture is a standard component of many study abroad programmes running in this country that are aimed at international students who will be spending a limited amount of time in the United Kingdom. However, it is not often acknowledged that such students possess a range of strong pre-conceptions about British culture and society prior to their arrival. Conventional teaching strategies assume student ignorance of the subject. However, an alternative approach which makes us of pre-arrival stereotypes can be more productive in terms of engaging students in active processes of comparative analysis of their new and existing knowledge. A case study of American student stereotypes of the British monarchy is presented and it is suggested that these can be used as the basis for refining student understanding of cultural politics in the United Kingdom. International students, therefore, should not be treated as being culturally ignorant of Britain in the sense of having no knowledge or opinions at all. Rather, it should be understood that they possess a culturally mediated state of subjectivity which I refer to as ‘ignorance’ and that this can become a valuable resource for teaching and learning

    Weak and strong fillability of higher dimensional contact manifolds

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    For contact manifolds in dimension three, the notions of weak and strong symplectic fillability and tightness are all known to be inequivalent. We extend these facts to higher dimensions: in particular, we define a natural generalization of weak fillings and prove that it is indeed weaker (at least in dimension five),while also being obstructed by all known manifestations of "overtwistedness". We also find the first examples of contact manifolds in all dimensions that are not symplectically fillable but also cannot be called overtwisted in any reasonable sense. These depend on a higher-dimensional analogue of Giroux torsion, which we define via the existence in all dimensions of exact symplectic manifolds with disconnected contact boundary.Comment: 68 pages, 5 figures. v2: Some attributions clarified, and other minor edits. v3: exposition improved using referee's comments. Published by Invent. Mat

    Towards a framework for critical citizenship education

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    Increasingly countries around the world are promoting forms of "critical" citizenship in the planned curricula of schools. However, the intended meaning behind this term varies markedly and can range from a set of creative and technical skills under the label "critical thinking" to a desire to encourage engagement, action and political emancipation, often labelled "critical pedagogy". This paper distinguishes these manifestations of the "critical" and, based on an analysis of the prevailing models of critical pedagogy and citizenship education, develops a conceptual framework for analysing and comparing the nature of critical citizenship

    A Study of the Reionization History of Intergalactic Helium with FUSE and VLT

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    We obtained high-resolution VLT and FUSE spectra of the quasar HE2347-4342 to study the properties of the intergalactic medium between redshifts z=2.0-2.9. The high-quality optical spectrum allows us to identify approximately 850 HeII absorption components with column densities between N~5X10^11 and $ 10^18 cm^-2. The reprocessed FUSE spectrum extends the wavelength coverage of the HeII absorption down to an observed wavelength of 920 A. Approximately 1400 HeII absorption components are identified, including 917 HeII Ly-alpha systems and some of their HeII Ly-beta, Ly-gamma, and Ly-delta counterparts. The ionization structure of HeII is complex, with approximately 90 components that are not detected in the hydrogen spectrum. These components may represent the effect of soft ionizing sources. The ratio Eta=N(HeII)/N(HI) varies approximately from unity to more than a thousand, with a median value of 62 and a distribution consistent with the intrinsic spectral indices of quasars. This suggests that the dominant ionizing field is from the accumulated quasar radiation, with contributions from other soft sources such as star-forming regions and obscured AGN, which do not ionize helium. We find an evolution in Eta toward smaller values at lower redshift, with the gradual disappearance of soft components. At redshifts z>2.7, the large but finite increase in the HeII opacity, Tau=5+/-1, suggests that we are viewing the end stages of a reionization process that began at an earlier epoch. Fits of the absorption profiles of unblended lines indicate comparable velocities between hydrogen and He^+ ions. At hydrogen column densities N<3X10^12 cm^-2 the number of forest lines shows a significant deficit relative to a power law, and becomes negligible below N=10^11 cm^-2.Comment: 40 pages, 10 Postscript figures, uses Aastex.sty The Astrophysical Journal, in pres


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