121 research outputs found


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    This Research provides results of a study on the conditions of the rental flats on Palangka Raya Study Case of Sesepmadu. Here, conditions of a facility are the facility’s states of being capable of performing its intended functions. As a fundamental step in the study, this part of research provides information that should enable further steps to solving problems hampering the facilities’ full utilisation. The single block of the building consists of 96 type-21 flats. Despite being inhabited only 4 years ago, the facility has already shown decreases in its conditions. Those are related among others to the sanitary system, security, and maintenance system. Further, with the occupancy level being disturbingly low, its relation to the current conditions has been hypothesised. Perception of the residents is that there are some conditions of facilities flat are still far from expectations, the smoothness of the access roads around the neighborhood flat, area residential units flat, facilities clothes line rental public housing, clean water facilities flat, waste water disposal flat, means landfills flat, the services of the management and the participation of government in terms of management and maintenance of rental public housing facilities. It is therefore important for a future research to examine the supposed relationship and to develop an approach to improving the conditions


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    Koneksi manusia dengan alam merupakan bagian biologis yang sejak semula ada dalam diri manusia untuk berafiliasi dan saling ketergantungan dengan alam. Desain Biofilik dalam perancangan arsitektur berkelanjutan dapat menjadi pendekatan dengan berfokus pada upaya menciptakan habitat yang baik bagi manusia dalam lingkungan binaan modern yang dapat memajukan kesehatan, kebugaran, dan kesejahteraan manusia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memperoleh prinsip-prinsip dan parameter-parameter / pola-pola desain biofilik bagi perancangan arsitektur yang berkelanjutan. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan desain biofilik memberikan potensi yang sangat besar untuk berkreasi dalam memadukan fitur-fitur alam menjadi bagian terintegrasi dengan bangunan arsitektural serta memberikan dampak positif bagi pengguna bangunannya


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    The terms "interior designer" and "interior decorator" are often used interchangeably, as if they wereidentical professions. Although both may have the ability and talent to create beautiful rooms, the twoare not synonymous.Interior decorators are primarily concerned with surface decoration, generally refers to someone whodeals with finishes, surfaces, furniture, and wall coverings and no government regulation regarding thework of an interior decorator.On the other hand, an interior designer is one who is trained to create a functional and quality interiorenvironment, qualified through education, experience and examination, so a professional designer canidentify and creatively resolve issues and lead to a healthy, safe and comfortable physical environment.Referring to that definition, interior design is the art and science of understanding people's behaviorin order to create functional spaces within the building structures, an in the other hand, an interiordecoration is the art of decorating to beautify a space.Although an interior designer can also make aesthetic changes to an interior space, the interiordesigner is a professional licensed with a licensing authority who coordinates design projects with aholistic approach. This effort includes designing the interior architecture, in addition to beautifying thespace

    STUDI KAJIAN “EXIN – SITU” BAGI FAUNA ENDEMIK KALIMANTAN: Studi Kajian Pusat Pelestarian dan Perlindung Fauna Endemik Kalimantan

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    Penelitian ini berangkat dari sebuah fenomena fauna endemik di Kalimantan yang memiliki keterbatasan populasi dan hanya ada di Pulau Kalimantan. Apabila kondisi ini dihadapkan pada kenyataan pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi, dan aktivitas eksploitasi besar-besaran pada sebuah lahan terbuka maka akan berdampak pada rusaknya ekosistem fauna endemik Kalimantan. Selain itu Fauna Endemik di Pulau Kalimantan juga terancam punah akibat perkembangan kondisi wilayah saat ini. Terancam punahnya Fauna Endemik di Pulau Kalimantan ini juga akan berdampak pada terbatasnya generasi lanjut mempelajari ciri khas wilayahnya khususnya di bidang Fauna khas pulau Kalimantan. Metode studi literatur dan studi preseden yang dikaji menggunakan kajian konservatif menemukan rekomendasi perancangan pusat pengembangan pelestarian dan perlindungan fauna endemik Kalimantan melalui konsep ex-Situ dan in-Situ

    SPECT/CT-plethysmography – non-invasive quantitation of bone and soft tissue blood flow

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    Preserved blood flow to bone and soft tissue is essential for their normal function. To date only numerous methods are suitable for direct bone blood flow (BBF) measurement. Here, we introduce a novel quantitative method for bone and soft tissue blood flow (BBF and SBF, respectively) measurement. It involves a combination of SPECT/CT imaging for blood pool localization in a specific region of interest ("soft" and "hard" tissues composing a limb) with veno-occlusive plethysmography. Using it, we measured BBF and SBF in the four limbs of 10 healthy subjects. At steady state blood flow measurements in the four limbs were similar, ranging between 5.5 – 6.5 and 1.87–2.48 ml per 100 ml of tissue per minute for BBF and SBF, respectively. Our results are comparable to those in the literature. We concluded that SPECT/CT-plethysmography appears to be a readily available and easy to use method to measure BBF and SBF, and can be added to the armamentarium of methods for BBF measurements

    Peran Tokoh Partai Politik Dalam Pendidikan Politik Bagi Generasi Muda Di Desa Jatipurwo Kecamatan Jatipurno Kabupaten Wonogiri

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    Giris Tri Handayani/ A220120055. ROLE OF POLITICAL PARTIES LEADERS IN EDUCATION POLITICS FOR THE YOUNG GENERATION IN THE VILLAGE JATIPURWO JATIPURNO DISTRICT OF WONOGIRI. Essay. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Surakarta Muhammadiyah University in July, 2016. The purpose of this research are: 1) To describe the importance of political education should be given to young people in the village Jatipurwo Jatipurno District of Wonogiri. 2) To describe the efforts of leaders of political parties in conveying political education for young people in the village Jatipurwo Jatipurno District of Wonogiri. 3) To describe response to the political education of the young generation is given by prominent political party in the village Jatipurwo Jatipurno District of Wonogiri. This research includes qualitative research emphasis on observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this research are: 1) political party leaders wanted to give the young people get insight into the world of politics through political education and political literacy of young generation and is aware of its obligations as a citizen to participate in active politics. 2) political party leaders continue to urge young people to follow the political socialization that is given by prominent political party in the village, party leaders also invited the younger generation went to the field as follows campaigns and to organize the country when the election in the village. 3) a variety of responses regarding the holding of political education will be undertaken by the leaders of political parties in the village, there is an opinion that political education needs to be given to young people to further increase knowledge and develop political awareness and some who prefer other activities than following the socialization of political-education. Keywords: political party leaders, political education, young generatio

    Cardiovascular Autonomic Profile in Women With Premenstrual Syndrome

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    Introduction: The premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a constellation of somatic and psychogenic symptoms that appear during late luteal (LL) phase of the menstrual cycle. Since many symptoms could be related to the autonomic nervous system, we hypothesized that the sympathetic nervous system is perturbed in PMS.Methods: The cardiovascular autonomic profile of nine women with PMS (30.4 ± 2.5 years) were compared to that of nine healthy controls (30 ± 2.5 years) during their early follicular (EF) and LL phases of the menstrual cycle. Plasma norepinephrine (NE) concentrations, power spectral analysis of heart rate and systolic blood pressure (BP), and baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) were assessed during recumbency and a head-up tilt (HUT). Cardiovascular responsiveness to α1- and ÎČ-adrenoreceptor agonists (phenylephrine and isoproterenol, respectively) were also assessed.Results: In the LL phase, the plasma NE concentrations in women with PMS during recumbency and a HUT were lower than those in women without PMS [180 ± 30 vs. 320 ± 50 pg/ml; p = 0.04 (recumbent), and 480 ± 70 vs. 940 ± 180 pg/ml: p = 0.02 (HUT)]. In the LL phase, the dose of phenylephrine required to increase systolic BP by 15 mmHg in women with PMS was significantly greater than that in women without PMS (202 ± 30 ÎŒg vs. 138 ± 20 ÎŒg; p = 0.02). Sympathetic and vagal cardiac control indices were comparable in the two groups in the menstrual phases. In women with PMS, the value of LFSBP in the LL phase was lower than that in the EF phase (0.98 ± 0.2 vs. 1.77 ± 0.4 mmHg2, p = 0.04). The increase in LFSBP in women with PMS in the LL phase during HUT was greater than that in the controls, 5.2 ± 0.9 vs. 3.1 ± 0.5 mmHg2, p = 0.045, and this increase was associated with a significant decrease in BRS.Conclusion: In women with PMS without psychogenic symptoms, the sympathetic control of their circulation is not dominant during the LL phase of their menstrual cycle

    Sequential Modulation of Cardiac Autonomic Control Induced by Cardiopulmonary and Arterial Baroreflex Mechanisms

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    Background—Nonhypotensive lower body negative pressure (LBNP) induces a reflex increase in forearm vascular resistance and muscle sympathetic neural discharge without affecting mean heart rate. We tested the hypothesis that a reflex change of the autonomic modulation of heartbeat might arise during low intensity LBNP without changes of mean heart rate.Methods and Results—Ten healthy volunteers underwent plasma catecholamine evaluation and a continuous recording of ECG, finger blood pressure, respiratory activity, and central venous pressure (CVP) during increasing levels of LBNP up to −40 mm Hg. Spectrum and cross-spectrum analyses assessed the changes in the spontaneous variability of R-R interval, respiration, systolic arterial pressure (SAP), and CVP and in the gain (αLF) of arterial baroreflex control of heart rate. Baroreceptor sensitivity was also evaluated by the SAP/R-R spontaneous sequences technique. LBNP began decreasing significantly: CVP at −10, R-R interval at −20, SAP at −40, and the indexes αLFand baroreceptor sensitivity at −30 and −20 mm Hg, compared with baseline conditions. Plasma norepinephrine increased significantly at −20 mm Hg. The normalized low-frequency component of R-R variability (LFR-R) progressively increased and was significantly higher than in the control condition at −15 mm Hg.Conclusions—Nonhypotensive LBNP elicits a reflex increase of cardiac sympathetic modulation, as evaluated by LFR-R, which precedes the changes in the hemodynamics and in the indexes of arterial baroreflex control

    Pengabdian Arsitektur ke Betang Toyoi di Desa Tumbang Malahoi, Kabupaten Gunung Mas

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    Desa wisata mempunyai karakteristik topografi, budaya, dan lingkungan untuk dijadikan sebagai daerah tujuan wisata. Desa wisata berlokasi di Desa Tumbang Malahoi, Kecamatan Rungan, Kabupaten Gunung Mas mempunyai karakteristik topografi di kawasan tepian sungai dan kekhususan wisata budaya pada permukiman awal. Wisata budaya di Desa Tumbang Malahoi meliputi Betang atau rumah panjang, karak betang dan rumah-rumah panggung. Tujuan adalah mengeksplorasi potensi wisata budaya pada Betang Toyoi dan permukiman di Desa Tumbang Malahoi, Kabupaten Gunung Mas. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan data-data primer dari observasi bangunan Betang Toyoi dan wawancara dengan kepala adat dan penduduk Desa Tumbang Malahoi mengenai arsitektur Betang Toyoi dan mendokumentasikan kegiatan kunjungan lapangan. Tahap penggalian informasi dilakukan antara lain tahap persiapan yaitu survei awal dan pemetaan lokasi, tahap pelaksanaan melakukan survei dan dokumentasi Betang Toyoi, eksplorasi bangunan Betang Toyoi dan permukiman di Desa Tumbang Malahoi, dan tahap pasca pelaksanaan adalah mendokumentasikan data lapangan Betang Toyoi dan permukiman di Desa Tumbang Malahoi, dan membuat laporan hasil penelitian, serta publikasi ilmia
