97 research outputs found

    Lessons Learned from Oil Pipeline Natech Accidents and Recommendations for Natech Scenario Development - Final Report

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    Natural hazards can impact oil transmission pipelines with potentially adverse consequences on the population and the environment. They can also cause significant economic impacts to pipeline operators. Currently, there is only limited historical information available on the dynamics of natural hazard impact on pipelines and Action A6 of the EPCIP 2012 Programme aimed at shedding light on this issue. This report presents the findings of the second year of the study that focused on the analysis of onshore hazardous liquid transmission pipeline natechs, with special emphasis on natural hazard impact and damage modes, incident consequences, and lessons learned for scenario building. Due to the limited amount of data available on European pipeline natech incidents, the study was supplemented with information from U.S. pipeline natech incidents.JRC.G.5-Security technology assessmen

    Rapid Natech Risk Assessment and Mapping Tool for Earthquakes: RAPID-N

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    Natural-hazard triggered accidents at industrial facilities (natechs) are recognized as an emerging risk with possibly serious consequences. Risk maps are helpful to identify natech hot spots. However, recent surveys showed that hardly any natech risk maps exist in the OECD and EU. A probabilistic natech risk mapping methodology for earthquakes was developed to fill this gap. It was implemented as a web-based software tool called RAPID-N. This tool allows rapid natech risk assessment and mapping by using fragility curves for damage estimation and simple models for consequence assessment with minimum data input. The tool includes a property estimation framework that can be used to calculate hazard parameters and site, process equipment, and substance properties. RAPID-N comes with a basic set of fragility curves for the damage assessment. If needed, custom damage states and fragility curves can also be defined for different process equipment types. Conditional and probabilistic relationships can be specified between damage states and probable natech event scenarios. The consequences of the natech events are assessed using the Risk Management Program (RMP) methodology of the U.S. EPA and the results are presented as summary reports and interactive risk maps. The tool can be used for land-use and emergency planning.JRC.G.6-Security technology assessmen

    Seismic Vulnerability of Chemical Racks in the Cross-Aisle Direction

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    Information on the seismic response of chemical containers located in storage racks is very limited. Unfortunately, no clearly established data and statistics exist related to potential damage of chemical racking systems during earthquakes. Hence, this work presents an approach for developing fragility curves for chemical racking systems in the cross-aisle direction through dynamic non-linear analysis. It aims to simulate the structural behaviour of various racking systems in the cross-aisle direction for the worst-case scenario, in order to quantify the vulnerability of chemical racks in seismic areas and to better understand the associated natech risk. Analytical fragility curves and a fault tree model were derived and used to evaluate the probabilities of chemical containers falling from racks. The damage state limits were considered as four levels of intensity of loss of containment. Three damage modes (overturning, sliding, and buckling), two types of chemical containers (205 l metal drums and 1000 l IBCs), three types of rack base anchoring (unanchored, anchored-brittle, and anchored-plastic), and four rack heights (3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, 9 m) were considered in the analysis. Overall, twenty-four fragility curves were developed based on twenty-six strong motion records from the PEER Strong Motion database. However, the analytical method employed in this study can also be used for deriving fragility curves for other merchandise types of racking structures. In order to assess the natech risk of a chemical rack containing a flammable substance, to test the developed fragility curves, and to illustrate the natech risk assessment and mapping capabilities of RAPID-N, a case study based on the 1786 Olivieri earthquake scenario was conducted. The findings demonstrate that chemical racks loaded with IBCs are more vulnerable than those loaded with drums. Moreover, although a very robust anchorage reduces the probability of collapse of the rack, it increases the probability of chemical containers falling.JRC.G.5-Security technology assessmen

    Risk Assessment for Natural-Hazard Impact on Hazardous Chemical Installations: Workshop Outcome Report

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    The impact of natural hazards on hazardous installations can cause major chemical accidents. This so-called “Natech” risk is increasing due to industrialisation and climate change. Capacity building in EU Member States, Candidate Countries and EU Neighbourhood Countries on Natech risk required for Natech risk reduction. This report summarises the findings of a training workshop on risk assessment for natural-hazard impact on hazardous chemical installations which the JRC organised in the frame of the JRC's Enlargement & Integration Action Programme in March 2016. It gives an overview of the presented materials and summarises the Natech risk management situation in new EU Member States, Candidate Countries and Neighbourhood countries.JRC.E.2-Technology Innovation in Securit

    Introduction to RAPID-N for Natech Risk Analysis and Mapping: A Beginner's Guide

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    The impact of natural hazards on industrial facilities, pipelines, offshore platforms and other infrastructure that handles, stores or transports hazardous substances can cause secondary events such as fires, explosions, and toxic or radioactive releases. These so-called Natech accidents have often had significant human, environmental and economic impacts. Successfully controlling Natech risk is usually a major challenge, which requires targeted prevention, preparedness and response measures. Systematic analysis and assessment of the Natech risk a prerequisite for this purpose. Developed by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in response to requests by governments for efficient and easy-to-use Natech risk assessment tools, the Rapid Natech Risk Analysis and Mapping System (RAPID-N) is an on-line software for the quick analysis and mapping of Natech accident risk both at local and regional levels. The system unites natural-hazard impact assessment, Natech scenario development, and chemical accident consequence analysis capabilities under a single roof, which features a modular, extensible, and collaborative architecture facilitating data entry, analysis and visualisation. Since it became operational in 2012, the user base of RAPID-N has been growing progressively, including more and more users from public authorities, research organisations, academia, and the private sector. According to feedback from the users, the system has been further developed in time to feature additional capabilities, such as a better and mobile-friendly user interface, a more advanced analysis framework, and extended support for various natural hazards and industrial activities. Besides a comprehensive User's Manual, the JRC has also provided case-studies and hands-on training to support the users. As part of these support activities, this beginner's guide aims to deliver a comprehensive, yet easy-to-follow introduction to Natech risk analysis and mapping by using RAPID-N. The guide is composed of three main sections. In the first section, information about the primary record types of the system, such as natural hazards, industrial plants, and risk assessments, are explained. Data entry options and also minimum data requirements are described for each record type separately by giving examples. In the second part, the data estimation and analysis framework of RAPID-N is explained in detail. The steps of the Natech risk analysis methodology are indicated and information on customization possibilities of the analysis models by using user-defined properties and property estimators are provided, including the basics of the programming language that can be used by the users to develop custom estimators. In the last section, step-by-step risk analysis tutorials are provided for various case studies ranging from a simple single plant/single plant unit scenario to a multiple plant/multiple plant unit scenario. In addition to information on data entry and the analysis steps that should be followed for each scenario, short discussions on the risk analysis results are also provided to assist the users in the interpretation of the risk analysis reports and maps. The information and tutorials provided in this guide will facilitate the use of RAPID-N by a wide range of users world-wide and lessen the time necessary to perform Natech risk analysis at local and regional levels. The guide also provides updated information with respect to the user manual by describing features and capabilities added or updated since the publication of the manual.JRC.E.2-Technology Innovation in Securit

    Understanding Natech Risk Due to Storms - Analysis, Lessons Learned and Recommendations

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    As standards of living generally improve across the globe, there is a corresponding change in people’s perception and acceptance of risk. The impact of natural hazards is an emerging threat to industrial facilities, pipelines, offshore platforms and other infrastructure that handles, stores or transports hazardous substances. When accidentally released, hazardous substances can lead to fires, explosions, and toxic or radioactive releases. These so-called Natech accidents are a recurring but often overlooked feature of many natural disasters and have often had significant human, environmental and economic impacts. Industries and authorities must be able to learn from incidents and capture the lessons that are needed to safely conduct business and produce goods for the whole of society. Among natural events, storms can seriously affect the integrity of an industrial installation and lead to accident scenarios such as fires, explosions and the dispersion of chemicals in the environment. In addition, scientists expect an overall worsening of extreme weather events in this century due to climate change, which will further increase the threat to industrial facilities. This report analyses past technological accidents with hazardous materials releases and damage to industrial facilities caused by the impact of storms. It discusses the vulnerability of industrial sites including that of the main equipment types present at the facility and analyses how they are damaged. The first part of the report describes the storm hazard. It discusses storm types and their occurrence, as well as the main effects that cause damage to human settlements and the environment. The report lists strong winds, heavy precipitation, lightning and storm surge as the main effects responsible for damage to industrial installations. In the second part of the report, we perform an analysis of past storm-triggered Natech events. Using different sources of public information on technological incidents, this study: 1. Analyses incident statistics; 2. Reviews a number of “landmark” accidents; 3. Discusses the lessons learned. From the analysis of past events, the report concludes that Natech events caused by storms are frequent and that their relative occurrence is increasing compared to the overall occurrence of technological incidents from other causes in the analysed databases. The largest losses were generally triggered by heavy rain and flooding, while the most frequent trigger was lightning. The study also highlighted the role of a loss of power supply in triggering an accident or hampering the mitigation of its consequences. The study presents lessons learned from the forensic analysis of past events and puts forward recommendations for future risk reduction for all storm effects. The most important lesson is that storm predictions based on past events are not sufficient to be well prepared for future events, in particular in the face of climate change.JRC.E.2-Technology Innovation in Securit

    Proximal aortic arch cannulation for proximal ascending aortic aneurysms

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    Introduction: Different arterial inflow sites have been reported to date for particularly challenging cardiac operations. The ascending aorta, femoral artery, and subclavian artery are the most commonly used sites. Although its use has been reported, the aortic arch has not gained popularity in the performance of cannulation. According to a search performed in the PubMed database, aortic arch cannulation for ascending aorta replacement has not been examined in a separate study before. In the present study, we report the treatment outcomes of patients with ascending aortic aneurysms in whom the aortic arch was cannulated for arterial inflow. Material and methods: Twenty-seven patients with aneurysmal dilatation of the ascending aorta underwent ascending aorta replacement from April 2010 to March 2013. The mean age of the patients was 64 years. All operations were carried out by cannulating the aortic arch distally from the origin of the innominate artery. Results: There was no mortality or cannulation-related morbidity. In 23 patients, only the supracoronary ascending aorta was replaced, whereas in 4 patients, the button modification of the Bentall procedure was performed to replace the root and the ascending aorta. Conclusions: The technique of aortic arch cannulation distal to the origin of the innominate artery is worthy of consideration in the treatment of aneurysms limited to the ascending aorta due to its safety, simplicity, and low morbidity


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    Yapı temel sistemlerinin projelendirilmesinde, yapı-temel-zemin üçlüsü arasındaki etkileşimin dikkatealınması, zemine aktarılan yükler nedeniyle zemin tabakalarında oluşan deformasyonların temel elemanı veüstyapı taşıyıcı sistemindeki iç kuvvetler ve yük dağılımı üzerindeki etkilerinin hesaba katılması gerekir.Bu gereklilik rutin mühendislik uygulamalarında, yapı ve zemin arasındaki ilişkiyi sabit yatak katsayısı ilekuran Winkler yöntemi kullanılarak sağlanmaya çalışılmaktadır. Ancak Winkler yönteminin temel tabanbasıncı dağılımını temsil etmekte yetersiz kaldığı literatürde belirgin bir biçimde ortaya konmuştur. Temelelemanının elastik eğrisini gerçeğe daha yakın modelleyen yöntemler geçmişte birçok araştırmacıtarafından önerilmiştir. Ne var ki, yatak katsayısı modelinin betonarme yapı tasarımı üzerindeki rolüşimdiye dek ortaya konmamıştır. Bu çalışmada zemin yapı etkileşiminin yapısal tasarıma etkisi örnek biranaliz çalışmasıyla incelenmiştir. Rijit yapı-zemin, sabit ve değişken yatak katsayısı yöntemleri ile yapısalçözümler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yürürlükteki ulusal yönetmelikler çerçevesinde betonarme kolonkesitlerindeki donatı oranları hesaplanarak, yapı-zemin etkileşiminin yapısal tasarımdaki etkisi ortayakonmuştur While designing foundations of structures, structure-foundation-soil interaction must be considered andthe effect of deformations occurring due to the structural loads in soil layers on the load distributions andsectional forces of structural elements must be taken into account. Winkler method is used in order torelate the soil and the structure by means of constant subgrade modulus in routine engineeringapplications. In the literature, it is clearly stated that, Winkler method is insufficient to represent thecontact pressure distribution beneath the foundation. In the past, methods capable of modeling actualelastic curve of the foundation element were suggested by researchers. However, the role of subgradereaction on the structural design has not been stated yet. In this study, the effect of soil-structureinteraction on structural design of reinforced concrete structures is investigated via a case analysis study.Structural analyses were performed using fixed base-soil, constant subgrade modulus and variablesubgrade modulus methods. Reinforcement ratios in reinforced concrete column sections were calculatedaccording to national codes and specifications. The effect of soil-structure interaction on structural designis presented

    A versatile Cloud Computing environment to facilitate African-European partnership in research: EO AFRICA R&D Innovation Lab

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    The African Framework for Research, Innovation, Communities and Applications (EO AFRICA) is an ESA initiative in collaboration with the African Union Commission that aims to foster an African-European R&D partnership facilitating the sustainable adoption of Earth Observation and related space technologies in Africa. EO AFRICA R&D Facility is the flagship of EO AFRICA with the overarching goals of enabling an active research community and promoting creative and collaborative innovation processes by providing funding, advanced training, and computing resources. The Innovation Lab is a state-of-the-art Cloud Computing infrastructure provided by the Facility to 30 research projects of African-European research tandems and participants of the capacity development activities of the Space Academy. The Innovation Lab creates new opportunities for innovative research to develop EO algorithms and applications adapted to African challenges and needs, through interactive Virtual Research Environments (VREs) with ready-to-use research and EO analysis software, and facilitated access to a wide range of analysis-ready EO datasets by leveraging the host DIAS infrastructure. The Innovation Lab is a cloud-based, user-friendly, and versatile Platform as a service (PaaS) that allows the users to develop, test, run, and optimize their research code making full use of the Copernicus DIAS infrastructure and a tailor-made interactive computing environment for geospatial analysis. Co-located data and computing services enable fast data exploitation and analysis, which in turn facilitates the utilization of multi-spectral spatiotemporal big data and machine learning methods. Each user has direct access to all online EO data available on the host DIAS (CreoDIAS), especially for Africa, and if required, can also request archived data, which is automatically retrieved and made available within a short delay. The Innovation Lab also supports user-provided in-situ data and allows access to EO data on the Cloud (e.g., other DIASes, CNES PEPS, Copernicus Hub, etc.) through a unified and easy-to-use and open-source data access API (EODAG). Because all data access and analysis are performed on the server-side, the platform does not require a fast Internet connection, and it is adapted for low bandwidth access to enable active collaboration of African – European research tandems. As a minimum configuration, each user has access to computing units with four virtual CPUs, 32 GB RAM, 100 GB local SSD storage, and 1 TB network storage. To a limited extent and for specific needs (e.g., AI applications like Deep Learning), GPU-enabled computing units are also provided. The user interface of the Innovation Lab allows the use of interactive Jupyter notebooks through the JupyterLab environment, which is served by a JupyterHub deployment with improved security and scalability features. For advanced research code development purposes, the Innovation Lab features a web-based VS Code integrated development environment, which provides specialized tools for programming in different languages, such as Python and R. Code analytics tools are also available for benchmarking, code profiling, and memory/performance monitoring. For specific EO workflows that require exploiting desktop applications (e.g., ESA SNAP, QGIS) for pre-processing, analysis, or visualization purposes, the Innovation Lab provides a web-based remote desktop with ready-to-use EO desktop applications. The users can also customize their working environment by using standard package managers. As endorsed by the European Commission Open Science approach, data and code sharing and versioning are crucial to allow reuse and reproduction of the algorithms, workflows, and results. In this context, the Innovation Lab has tools integrated into its interactive development environment that provide direct access to code repositories and allow easy version control. Although public code repositories (e.g., Github) are advised for better visibility, the Innovation Lab also includes a dedicated code repository to support the users' particular needs (e.g., storage of sensitive information). The assets (e.g., files, folders) stored on the platform can be easily accessed and shared externally through the FileBrowser tool. Besides providing a state-of-the-art computing infrastructure, the Innovation Lab also includes other necessary services to ensure a comfortable virtual research experience. All research projects granted by the EO AFRICA R&D Facility receive dedicated technical support for the Innovation Lab facilities. Scientific support and advice from senior researchers and experts for developing geospatial computing workflows are also provided. Users are able to request support contacting a helpdesk via a dedicated ticketing and chat system. After a 6-month development and testing period, the Innovation Lab became operational in September 2021. The first field testing of the platform took place in November 2021 during a 3-day hackathon jointly organized by EO AFRICA R&D, GMES & Africa, and CURAT as part of the AfricaGIS 2021 conference. Forty participants utilized the platform to develop innovative solutions to food security and water resources challenges, such as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural production or linking the decrease in agricultural production to armed conflicts. The activity was successful and similar ones are expected to be organized during major GIS and EO conferences in Africa during the lifetime of the project. Thirty research projects of African-European research tandems granted by the Facility will utilize the Innovation Lab to develop innovative and open-source EO algorithms and applications, preferably as interactive notebooks, adapted to African solutions to African challenges in food security and water scarcity by leveraging cutting-edge cloud-based data access and computing infrastructure. The call for the first 15 research projects was published in November 2021, and the projects are expected to start using the Innovation Lab in February 2022. In parallel, the Innovation Lab provides the computing environment for the capacity development activities of the EO AFRICA R&D Facility, which are organized under the umbrella of EO AFRICA Space Academy. These capacity development activities include several MOOCs, webinars, online and face-to-face courses designed and tailored to improve the knowledge and skills of African researchers in the utilization of Cloud Computing technology to work with EO data. Selected participants of the capacity development activities will use the Innovation Lab during their training. Moreover, the instructors in the Facility use the Innovation Lab to develop the training materials for the Space Academy. Access to the Innovation Lab will also be granted to individual researchers and EO experts depending on the use case and resource availability. Application for access can be made easily through the EO AFRICA R&D web portal after becoming a member of the EO AFRICA Community.This study is funded by ESA Contract No. 4000133905/21/I-EF