59 research outputs found

    Fonts documentals referents al moltó tarragoní recopilades per Emili Giralt i Raventós

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    Aquest article recull tota la informació sobre el moltó tarragoní recopilada per Emili Giralt i Raventós: notes històriques sobre aquesta espècie animal i les possibles causes de la seva extinció; bibliografia; il·lustracions, i una taula resum amb dades sobre diverses races de moltons.This contribution includes all information about the “Moltó Tarragoní” compiled by Emili Giralt i Raventós: historic notes on this species and possible causes of its extinction; literature; illustrations; and a table including data on several races of sheeps

    Tetramelas thiopolizus comb. nov. with a key to all known species of Tetramelas

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    The study of the type and additional material of Buellia andicola, B. hypophana and B. reagens has shown that these taxa are conspecific with B. thiopoliza. Buellia thiopoliza is a muscicolous species growing at middle to high altitudes in the mountains of both hemispheres. It is easily recognized by its K+ purple-red yellow pigment mainly concentrated in the hypothecium, and by the presence of xanthones in the thallus and the apothecial tissues. The new combination Tetramelas thiopolizus is proposed. A key to all known Tetramelas species is included. The also muscicolous Buellia hypoleuca is reduced to synonymy with Phaeorrhiza sareptana var. sphaerocarp

    ''Buellia'' lindingeri and Rinodina hallii (Physciaceae), two closely related species

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    A comparative study of the morphology, anatomy and chemistry of Buellia lindingeri and Rinodina hallii clearly shows that these taxa are very closely related but not conspecific. The unique epihymenia distinguishes them from most species of both Buellia and Rinodina but, as they are more closely related to Rinodina, Buellia lindingeri is transferred to that genus

    Flora liquènica epifítica de la Punta de la Mora (Tarragonès, Catalunya)

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    Hom presenta el catàleg florístic dels líquens epífits del savinar litoral de la punta de la Mora, localitat d'excepcional interès florístic, biogeogràfic i fitosociològic, tant pel que fa a la vegetació vascular com a la liquènica. Hom ha trobat un total de 74 tàxons en una àrea de només 400 Ha, nombre força elevat en comparació amb moltes altres localitats del litoral tarragoní recentment estudiades. Per a cadascun dels tàxons, hom indica la seva ecologia i, en alguns casos, les citations s'acompanyen amb descriptions abreujades i iconografia. Entre les espècies més notables cal destacar: B. Ignarii (Nyl.) Oxner, B. Subacerina Vain., Biatorella ochrophora (Nyl.) Am., B. aff. Laricina (Stein.) D. Hawksw. et Eriks., Buellia schaereri DN., Hypocenomyce stoechadiana Abassi Maaf et Roux, Leptorhaphis oleae (Massal.) Koerber, Melaspilea proximella Nyl., Micarea synotheoides (Nyl.) Coppins and Pyrenula chlorospila (Nyl.) Arn.Floristic results of a survey devoted to lichen epiphytes of the sabine and pine coastal woods of Punta de la Mora, a relict representative of west Mediterranean coastal vegetation. In the surveyed area (400 Ha), 74 epiphytic taxa have been recognized, a figure higher than those of other localities studied in the coast of Tarragona. Data on ecology and distribution are complemented, in some cases, with descriptions and iconography. Some species are worthy of being pointed out: Bacidia ignarii (Nyl.) Oxner, B. subacerina Vain., Biatorella ochrophora (Nyl.) Am., B. aff laricina (Stein.) D. Hawksw. et Eriks., Buellia schaereri DN., Hypocenomyce stoechadiana Abassi Maaf et Roux, Leptorhaphis oleae (Massal.) Koerber, Melaspilea proximella Nyl., Micarea synotheoides (Nyl.) Coppins and Pyrenula chlorospila (Nyl.) Arn

    Student teachers' positioning with regard to their key learning experiences in the first practicum

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    This exploratory study consists of a description of which kind of key learning experiences student teachers' have to face during their first practicum in schools and how they positioned their selves in these situations. Twenty-seven second-year student teachers were interviewed. Five key learning experiences were identified: classroom instruction, socialization, conflicting between pre-existing conceptions and the reality, classroom management, and diversity. Two kinds of positions were adopted by them when they faced these experiences: I as a student and I as a teacher. They posi-tioned as students when they focused their attention on observing educational practices and fully and unreservedly accepting their mentors' strategies and they positioned as teachers when they acted and made decisions with autonomy and applied the theoretical knowledge acquired. The difficulties students face in positioning themselves as teachers were found to relate to all the key learning ex-periences except for those connected to do with classroom instruction.Este estudio exploratorio describe el tipo de experiencias clave de aprendizaje a las que se en-frentan los estudiantes docentes durante su primera práctica en las escuelas y cómo se posiciona-ron en estas situaciones. Veintisiete estudiantes de segundo año fueron entrevistados. Se identifi-caron cinco experiencias clave de aprendizaje: instrucción en el aula, socialización, conflicto en-tre las concepciones preexistentes y la realidad, gestión del aula e diversidad. Adoptaron dos tipos de posiciones ante las experiencias: yo como estudiante y yo como maestro/a. Se posicionaron como estudiantes cuando enfocaron su atención en observar las prácticas educativas, aceptando sin reservas las estrategias de sus mentores, y se posicionaron como maestros cuando actuaron y tomaron decisiones con autonomía y aplicaron el conocimiento teórico adquirido en los contextos universitarios. Los resultados muestran que las dificultades que enfrentan los estudiantes para po-sicionarse como maestros se relacionan con todas las experiencias clave de aprendizaje, excepto las relacionadas con la instrucción en el aula

    Probing the Kinetic and Thermodynamic Fingerprints of Anti-EGF Nanobodies by Surface Plasmon Resonance

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    Despite the widespread use of antibodies in clinical applications, the precise molecular mechanisms underlying antibody-antigen (Ab-Ag) interactions are often poorly understood. In this study, we exploit the technical features of a typical surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor to dissect the kinetic and thermodynamic components that govern the binding of single-domain Ab or nanobodies to their target antigen, epidermal growth factor (EGF), a key oncogenic protein that is involved in tumour progression. By carefully tuning the experimental conditions and transforming the kinetic data into equilibrium constants, we reveal the complete picture of binding thermodynamics, including the energetics of the complex-formation transition state. This approach, performed using an experimentally simple and high-throughput setup, is expected to facilitate mechanistic studies of Ab-based therapies and, importantly, promote the rational development of new biological drugs with suitable properties

    Hepatitis A surveillance: sensitivity of two information sources

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    BACKGROUND: The frequency of mild forms of hepatitis A, especially in children, could lead to underreporting. The objective of the study was to investigate the sensitivity of two surveillance systems, mandatory Statutory Disease Reports and the Microbiological Reporting System of Catalonia, using capture-recapture techniques. METHODS: The study was conducted in Catalonia between 2011 and 2015. Hepatitis A cases reported to two independent surveillance systems were included: Statutory Disease Reports (SDR) and Microbiological Reporting System of Catalonia (MRS). The variables collected were: age, sex, year of declaration, size of municipality ( 15 years (25.5%; 22.8-28.3 vs. 12.1%; 10-14.2). For those born in Spain, the sensitivity was 57.2% (49.6-67.4) in the SDR and 27.1% (23.5-31.9) in the MRS, lower than that for foreign-born patients (58%; 51.2-66.8 vs. 49.1%; 43.4-56.6). In electronically-reported cases, the sensitivity was much higher in the SDR than in the MRS (47.2%; 42.3-52.1 vs. 9.4%; 6.5-12.3). No differences were observed according to sex, size of municipality, and year of declaration or reporting centre. The estimated total number of cases using the Chapman formula was very similar to the adjusted estimate (1121; 985-1258 vs. 1120; 876-1525), indicating the robustness of the results. CONCLUSIONS: The sensitivity of the SDR was greater than that of MRS, especially in patients aged < 15 years, although for patients born abroad the difference in sensitivity was lower. Reinforced surveillance combining the SDR and MRS improves the efficiency in the detection of cases

    Toward a novel drug to target the EGF-EGFR interaction: design of metabolically stable bicyclic peptides

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    In cancer, proliferation of malignant cells is driven by overactivation of growth-signalling mechanisms, such as the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway. Despite its therapeutic relevance, the EGF-EGFR interaction has remained elusive to inhibition by synthetic molecules, mostly as a result of its large size and lack of binding pockets and cavities. Designed peptides, featuring cyclic motifs and other structural constraints, have the potential to modulate such challenging protein-protein interactions (PPIs). Herein, we present the structure-based design of a series of bicyclic constrained peptides that mimic an interface domain of EGFR and inhibit the EGF-EGFR interaction by targeting the smaller partner (i.e., EGF). This design process was guided by the integrated use of in silico methods and biophysical techniques, such as NMR spectroscopy and surface acoustic wave. The best analogues were able to reduce selectively the viability of EGFR+ human cancer cells. In addition to their efficacy, these bicyclic peptides are endowed with exceptional stability and metabolic resistance-two features that make them suitable candidates for in vivo applications

    Avaluació d’intervencions psicològiques en l’àmbit de la violència sexual i física en la infància i l’adolescència

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    Intervencions psicològiques; Violència; Infants; AdolescentsPsychological interventions; Violence; Infants; TeenagersIntervenciones psicológicas; Violencia; Niños; AdolescentesEl maltractament i la violència física o sexual en la infància i l’adolescència són, segons indica l’Organització Mundial de la Salut (OMS), un problema greu de salut pública. També es consideren una violació dels drets humans que pot tenir importants conseqüències per a la salut, el desenvolupament o la dignitat dels infants i adolescents. Així, a les guies i els protocols d’actuació existents es recomana que, davant de símptomes i de l’impacte en la salut mental deguts a la violència, els infants i adolescents rebin suport psicològic. Val a dir que no tots els infants i adolescents que presenten violència física o sexual desenvolupen simptomatologia o trastorns de salut mental. L'objectiu general d'aquest informe és avaluar l’impacte d’una selecció d’intervencions psicològiques en la infància i l’adolescència en el context de la violència física i sexual a partir d’una revisió sistemàtica de l’evidència científica

    Avaluació d’intervencions psicològiques en l’àmbit de la violència sexual i física en la infància i l’adolescència

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    Intervencions psicològiques; Violència; Infants; AdolescentsIntervenciones psicológicas; Violencia; Infantes; AdolescentesPsychological interventions; Violence; Children; TeenagersEn aquest article es presenten avaluacions d'intervencions psicològiques per atendre els infants i adolescents víctimes de violències sexuals i físiques