83 research outputs found

    Polinización de las flores de brachyotum (melastomataceae) por dos especies de diglossa (emberizidae)

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    Por primera vez se registra a aves del género Diglossa (Emberizidae) aparentemente actuando como polinizadores en forma regular y consistente. Esta interacción involucra flores del género Brachyotum (Melastomataceae). supuestamente especializadas para la polinización por colibríes. Se discuten las posibles adaptaciones morfológicas de las flores, y las posibles implicaciones evolutivas para las plantas de este género, de la polinización por Diglossa.We present the first report of Flower-piercers of the genus Diglossa (Emberizidae) apparently regularly and consistently pollinating flowers supposedly specialized for hummingbird pollination, those of the genus Braehyotum (Melastomataceae). The possible morphological adaptations for, and evolutionary implications of, such pollination for these plants, are discussed

    Polinización de las flores de brachyotum (melastomataceae) por dos especies de diglossa (emberizidae)

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    Por primera vez se registra a aves del género Diglossa (Emberizidae) aparentemente actuando como polinizadores en forma regular y consistente. Esta interacción involucra flores del género Brachyotum (Melastomataceae). supuestamente especializadas para la polinización por colibríes. Se discuten las posibles adaptaciones morfológicas de las flores, y las posibles implicaciones evolutivas para las plantas de este género, de la polinización por Diglossa.We present the first report of Flower-piercers of the genus Diglossa (Emberizidae) apparently regularly and consistently pollinating flowers supposedly specialized for hummingbird pollination, those of the genus Braehyotum (Melastomataceae). The possible morphological adaptations for, and evolutionary implications of, such pollination for these plants, are discussed

    Media and information literacy in secondary students: diagnosis and assessment

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    In the information and knowledge society, technology and the COVID-19 pandemic have added to the debate on Media and Information Literacy (MIL). In Peru, in spite of the recommendations from international institutions, proper attention has not been given, generating gaps in the study curricula. From this perspective, the study investigates the level of development of MIL in students studying the last cycle of intermediate education. In order to determine this, the AMI-Peru-21 surv-ey was designed and validated, based on the UNESCO proposals. This research is of a quantitative, descriptive and crosscurricular nature, which made it possible to diagnose the relationship of the socioformative factors with the levels of MIL achievement, based on a sample made up by 1250 students from the province of Arequipa. The results evidence the validity and reliability of the instrument (α=0.96) in order to measure the level of MIL, from the perspective of student self-perception, as well as the association of certain socioformative factors with MIL (p<0.000), among them, progress with age, i.e., older ages are associated with greater the levels of achievement, and females make more progress than males. It is also verified that access to basic services, such as electricity and the Internet, and the type of educational institution are correlated with higher levels of MIL achievement. From the evidence that is generated, in order to ensure the education of critical, ethical and responsible citizens, a set of initiatives is suggested to further the evolution of MIL in educationPeer Reviewe

    Similarities and differences between HIV and SARS-CoV-2

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    In the last 50 years we have experienced two big pandemics, the HIV pandemic and the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2. Both pandemics are caused by RNA viruses and have reached us from animals. These two viruses are different in the transmission mode and in the symptoms they generate. However, they have important similarities: the fear in the population, increase in proinflammatory cytokines that generate intestinal microbiota modifications or NETosis production by polymorphonuclear neutrophils, among others. They have been implicated in the clinical, prognostic and therapeutic attitudes

    Artropofauna edáfica asociada a cultivo de Plátano Musa x paradisiaca L. Dominico–Hartón Musa AAB Simmons (MUSACEAE) en Calarcá, Quindío

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    In this paper we analyze the edaphic arthropod community structure associated to a secondary forest in Calarcá-Quindío, and a plantain crop under organic amendments (Necromasa, Compost) and under agrochemicals, with two planting distances between plant and plant (1.7m and 2.5m), between June 2013 and January 2014, under the methodology proposed by the Programme Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility; during the analysed period were taken three (3) soil monoliths every month. Were collected 18929 individuals distributed in 52 families of insects, 16 of millipedes, 8 of arachnids and 1 crustaceans. Sampling effort is represented by ACE and Chao 1 estimators higher than 82% for both coverages (crop and forest). In general, there were no differences in the community structure due to the treatments. Nevertheless the arachnid and myriapod communities were substantially affected, while insects were altered by the crop microclimate variation. It is concluded that the type of fertilization and planting distances do not affect the soil arthropods, but modifies the soil microclimatic and biological conditions.En este trabajo se analiza la estructura de la comunidad de artrópodos edáficos asociados a un bosque secundario (Calarcá-Quindío), y a un cultivo de plátano bajo enmiendas orgánicas (Necromasa, Compost) y bajo agroquímicos, con dos distancias de siembra entre planta y planta (1,7m y 2,5m), en los meses de junio 2013 a enero 2014. Mensualmente se tomaron 3 monolitos de suelo por cada tratamiento bajo la metodología propuesta por el Programa de Biología y Fertilidad de los Suelos Tropicales. 18.929 individuos fueron colectados, distribuidos en 52 familias de insectos, 16 de miriápodos, 8 de arácnidos y 1 de crustáceos. Se evidencia un esfuerzo de muestreo con estimadores ACE y CHAO1 superior al 82% en las dos coberturas (cultivo y bosque). De manera general no se presentaron diferencias en la estructura de la comunidad a causa de los tratamientos pero se observa que estos modifican sustancialmente los grupos de arácnidos y miriápodos; mientras que los insectos parecen ser impactados por la variación microclimática del cultivo. Se concluye que los tipos de fertilización y las distancias de siembra no afectan la artropofauna edáfica; aunque se evidencia la modificación en las condiciones microclimáticas y biológicas del suelo por lo tratamientos

    Modifications of liver stiffness and CXCL4, TGF-beta 1 and HGF are similar in HCV- and HIV/HCV-infected patients after DAAs

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    The objective of this work was to identify predictive factors of fibrosis regression after direct antiviral agents (DAAs) in HCV-monoinfected and HIV/HCV-coinfected patients. This was a prospective study of HCV-monoinfected (n=20), HIV/HCV-co-infected (n=66) patients and healthy controls (n=15). Patients had started DAAs and achieved sustained virological response. Liver stiffness (LS) and serum concentrations of profibrotic transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta 1 and CXC chemokine ligand 4 (CXCL4) and antifibrotic HGF hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) were analyzed at baseline (M0) and 12 months after starting DAAs (M12). A M12 LS achievement of 9.5 achieved a M12 LS 9.5 achieved a LS under this cutoff point

    Neutrophil Expression of T and B Immunomodulatory Molecules in HIV Infection

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    ObjectiveEvaluate the expression of B and T cell immunomodulatory molecules in polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) in HIV-infected patients. MethodsHIV load, bacterial translocation and neutrophils' expression of T [programmed death ligand, interleukin-10+, arginase 1+] and B [BAFF, APRIL] molecules were analyzed in different cohorts and time points: a control group of 25 healthy individuals and two groups of HIV-infected patients. Group 1 of patients included 35 untreated patients, studied at baseline and after antiretroviral therapy (ART). Group 2 was composed of 25 patients with undetectable viral load after a median of 101 months of ART prior to inclusion in the study. ResultsCompared with the control group, group 1 patients showed increased bacterial translocation and their PMN had a significantly higher expression of T and B-cell immunomodulatory molecules, both at baseline and after 12 months of ART. Group 2 patients showed reduced bacterial translocation levels when compared with group 1 patients after 12 months of treatment. PMN expression of B-cell modulators was similar between group 2 patients and healthy controls, although the expression of T-cell modulators remained increased. ConclusionIn HIV-infected patients, the expression of B-cell stimulatory and T-cell suppressive molecules by neutrophils was increased at baseline and after a limited time of therapy. After a prolonged period of ART, only PMNs expression of T-cell immunosuppressive molecules remained elevated.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Accion Estrategica en Salud 2014 (No PI14/01779), Spain. Cofinanced by FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regiona

    Pioglitazone modulates the vascular contractility in hypertension by interference with ET-1 pathway

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    Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is an important modulator of the vascular tone and a proinflammatory molecule that contributes to the vascular damage observed in hypertension. Peroxisome-proliferator activated receptors-γ (PPARγ) agonists show cardioprotective properties by decreasing inflammatory molecules such as COX-2 and reactive oxygen species (ROS), among others. We investigated the possible modulatory effect of PPARγ activation on the vascular effects of ET-1 in hypertension. In spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), but not in normotensive rats, ET-1 enhanced phenylephrineinduced contraction through ETA by a mechanism dependent on activation of TP receptors by COX-2- derived prostacyclin and reduction in NO bioavailability due to enhanced ROS production. In SHR, the PPARγ agonist pioglitazone (2.5 mg/Kg·day, 28 days) reduced the increased ETA levels and increased those of ETB. After pioglitazone treatment of SHR, ET-1 through ETB decreased ROS levels that resulted in increased NO bioavailability and diminished phenylephrine contraction. In vascular smooth muscle cells from SHR, ET-1 increased ROS production through AP-1 and NFκB activation, leading to enhanced COX-2 expression. These effects were blocked by pioglitazone. In summary, in hypertension, pioglitazone shifts the vascular ETA/ETB ratio, reduces ROS/COX-2 activation and increases NO availability; these changes explain the effect of ET-1 decreasing phenylephrine-induced contractionThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (SAF2015-69294-R and SAF2016-80305-P), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBER de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares, CB16.11.00286), Comunidad de Madrid (B2017/BMD-3676) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a way to build Europ

    Comparación de técnicas de entrenamiento de flexibilidad (FNP) con y sin electroestimulación

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el efecto de la técnica de estiramiento Contract-Relax Agonist Contract con (CRAC+EE) y sin (CRAC) electroestimulación sobre la mejora y retención del rango de movimiento activo (AROM) y pasivo (PROM) de cadera en flexión, en extremidad inferior dominante. 34 estudiantes universitarios fueron asignados a tres grupos: control, CRAC+EE y CRAC. AROM y PROM fueron evaluados antes, una vez finalizada y tras dos semanas de la finalización del entrenamiento. El entrenamiento tuvo una duración de cuatro semanas, a razón de tres sesiones semanales. El ANOVA mostró un aumento muy significativo de AROM (p<0,001 y p<0,005) y PROM (p<0,001 y p<0,01) en ambos grupos experimentales respectivamente. En la retención, se mantienen valores superiores con respecto a la medida pre-test. Como conclusión, la aplicación de CRAC+EE y CRAC mejoró AROM y PROM, siendo además efectivas en la retención de sendos rangos de movimiento

    MULTICAGE CAD-4 para la detección de adicciones conductuales: validez estructural después de la inclusión de una escala en el abuso de teléfonos inteligentes

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    Addictive behaviors are not limited to drugs use, but also include certain daily behaviors that can cause gratification. Their progression to more severe pathological patterns entails grave consequences for the individual, including multiple psychopathological manifestations. The early detection of this type of behavior is of concern to primary health care. Therefore, in order to detect risk at early stages, reliable and valid tools for daily practice are essential. The MULTICAGE CAD-4 questionnaire is a screening tool for simultaneously detecting addictive behaviors. This study includes a new scale for the detection of smartphone abuse. The objective is to evaluate the adequacy of its psychometric properties. A sample of 2,074 subjects that were recruited from primary care centers ofMadrid(Spain) completed the MULTICAGE CAD-4 questionnaire. A confirmatory factor analysis, using unweighted least squares method, was performed. The test showed good internal consistency both at item and scale levels. The questionnaire structure was consistent with theoretical expectations. The MULTICAGE CAD-4, including the new smartphone scale, is a robust, reliable tool with a valid structure for assessing the presence of dysfunctional or potentially addictive behaviors, and especially useful in primary health care services.Los comportamientos adictivos no se limitan al uso de drogas, sino que también incluyen ciertos comportamientos diarios que pueden causar gratificación. Su progresión a patrones patológicos más severos conlleva graves consecuencias para el individuo, incluidas múltiples manifestaciones psicopatológicas. La detección temprana de este tipo de comportamiento es de interés para la atención primaria de salud. Por lo tanto, para detectar riesgos en etapas tempranas, las herramientas confiables y válidas para la práctica diaria son esenciales. El cuestionario MULTICAGE CAD-4 es una herramienta de detección para detectar simultáneamente conductas adictivas. Este estudio incluye una nueva escala para la detección del abuso de teléfonos inteligentes. El objetivo es evaluar la adecuación de sus propiedades psicométricas. Una muestra de 2.074 sujetos reclutados en centros de atención primaria de Madrid (España) completó el cuestionario MULTICAGE CAD-4. Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio, utilizando el método de mínimos cuadrados no ponderados. La prueba mostró una buena consistencia interna tanto a nivel del ítem como de las escalas. La estructura del cuestionario fue consistente con las expectativas teóricas. El MULTICAGE CAD-4, incluida la nueva escala para teléfonos inteligentes, es una herramienta robusta y confiable con una estructura válida para evaluar la presencia de comportamientos disfuncionales o potencialmente adictivos, y especialmente útil en servicios de atención primaria de salud