82 research outputs found

    A solving tool for fuzzy quadratic optimal control problems

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    In this paper we propose an iterative method to solve an optimal control problem, with fuzzy target and constraints. The algorithm is developed in such a way as to satisfy the target function and the constraints. The algorithm can be applied only if a method exists to solve a crisp parametric sub-problem obtained by the original one. This is the case for a quadratic-linear target function with linear constraints, for which some well established solvable methods exist for the crisp associated sub-problem. A numerical test confirmed the good convergence properties.fuzzy, mathematical programming

    On non-monotonic Choquet integrals as aggregation functions

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    This paper deals with non-monotonic Choquet integral, a generalization of the regular Choquet integral. The discrete non-monotonic Choquet integral is considered under the viewpoint of aggregation. In particular we give an axiomatic characterization of the class of non-monotonic Choquet integrals.We show how the Shapley index, in contrast with the monotonic case, can assume positive values if the criterion is in average a benefit, depending on its effect in all the possible coalition coalitions, and negative values in the opposite case of a cost criterion.

    Incomplete pairwise comparison and consistency optimization

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    This paper proposes a new method for calculating the missing elements of an incomplete matrix of pairwise comparison values for a decision problem. The matrix is completed by minimizing a measure of global inconsistency, thus obtaining a matrix which is optimal from the point of view of consistency with respect to the available judgements. The optimal values are obtained by solving a linear system and unicity of the solution is proved under general assumptions. Some other methods proposed in the literature are discussed and a numerical example is presented.consistency, pairwise comparison matrices

    Fuzzy interval net present value

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    In this paper we conjugate the operative usability of the net present value with the capability of the fuzzy and the interval approaches to manage uncertainty. Our fuzzy interval net present value can be interpreted, besides the usual present value of an investment project, as the present value of a contract in which the buyer lets the counterpart the possibility to release goods/services for money amounts that can vary, at time instants that can also vary. The buyer can reduce the widths of these variations by paying a cost. So, it is "natural" to represent the good/service money amounts and the time instants by means of triangular fuzzy numbers, and the cost of the buyer as a strictly increasing function of the level a in [0, 1] associated to the generic cut of the fuzzy interval net present value. As usual, the buyer is characterized by a utility function, depending on a and on the cost, that he/she has to maximize. As far the interest rates regard, we assume that the economic operators are only able to specify a variability range for each of the considered period interest rate. So, we represent the interest rates by means of interval numbers. Besides proposing our model, we formulate and solve the programming problems which have to be coped with to determine the extremals of the cut of the fuzzy interval net present value, and we deal with some questions related to the utility function of the buyer.net present value, fuzzy set theory, interval number theory, alpha-cut, utility function

    Optimization under fuzzy rule constraints

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    Suppose we are given a mathematical programming problem in which the functional relationship between the decision variables and the objective function is not completely known. Our knowledge-base consists of a block of fuzzy if-then rules, where the antecedent part of the rules contains some linguistic values of the decision variables, and the consequence part is a linear combination of the crisp values of the decision variables. We suggest the use of Takagi and Sugeno fuzzy reasoning method to determine the crisp functional relationship between the objective function and the decision variables, and solve the resulting (usually nonlinear) programming problem to find a fair optimal solution to the original fuzzy problem

    Youth A Multicriteria Approach for the Evaluation of the Sustainability of Re-use of Historic Buildings in Venice

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    The paper presents a multiple criteria model for the evaluation of the sustainability of projects for the economic re-use of historical buildings in Venice. The model utilises the relevant parameters for the appraisal of sustainability, aggregated into three macroindicators: intrinsic sustainability, context sustainability and economic-financial feasibility. The model has been calibrated by a panel of experts and tested on two reuse hypothesis of the Old Arsenal in Venice.multiple criteria valuation, economic reuse, historical building conservation

    Modelling fraud detection by attack trees and Choquet integral

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    Modelling an attack tree is basically a matter of associating a logical ÒndÓand a logical ÒrÓ but in most of real world applications related to fraud management the Ònd/orÓlogic is not adequate to effectively represent the relationship between a parent node and its children, most of all when information about attributes is associated to the nodes and the main problem to solve is how to promulgate attribute values up the tree through recursive aggregation operations occurring at the Ònd/orÓnodes. OWA-based aggregations have been introduced to generalize ÒndÓand ÒrÓoperators starting from the observation that in between the extremes Òor allÓ(and) and Òor anyÓ(or), terms (quantifiers) like ÒeveralÓ ÒostÓ ÒewÓ ÒomeÓ etc. can be introduced to represent the different weights associated to the nodes in the aggregation. The aggregation process taking place at an OWA node depends on the ordered position of the child nodes but it doesnÕ take care of the possible interactions between the nodes. In this paper, we propose to overcome this drawback introducing the Choquet integral whose distinguished feature is to be able to take into account the interaction between nodes. At first, the attack tree is valuated recursively through a bottom-up algorithm whose complexity is linear versus the number of nodes and exponential for every node. Then, the algorithm is extended assuming that the attribute values in the leaves are unimodal LR fuzzy numbers and the calculation of Choquet integral is carried out using the alpha-cuts.Fraud detection; attack tree; ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator; Choquet integral; fuzzy numbers.

    A Multicriteria Approach for the Evaluation of the Sustainability of Re-use of Historic Buildings in Venice

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    The paper presents a multiple criteria model for the evaluation of the sustainability of projects for the economic re-use of historical buildings in Venice. The model utilises the relevant parameters for the appraisal of sustainability, aggregated into three macro-indicators: intrinsic sustainability, context sustainability and economic-financial feasibility. The model has been calibrated by a panel of experts and tested on two reuse hypotheses of the Old Arsenal in Venice. The tests have proven the model to be a useful support in the early stages of evaluation of re-use projects, where economic improvements are to be combined with conservation, as it supports the identification of critical points and the selection of projects, thus providing not only a check-list of variables to be considered, but an appraisal of trade-offs between economic uses and requirements of conservation.Economic Reuse, Historical Building Conservation

    A fuzzy-based scoring rule for author ranking

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    The measurement of the quality of research has reached nowadays an increasing interest not only for scientific reasons but also for the critical problem of researchers' ranking, due to the lack of grant assignments. The most commonly used approach is based on the so-called hh-index, even if the current literature debated a lot about its pros and cons. This paper, after a brief review of the hh-index and of alternative models, focuses on the characterization and the implementation of a modified scoring rule approach by means of a fuzzy inference system a lĂ  Sugeno.Research evaluation, bibliometrics, author ranking, hh-index, scoring rules, fuzzy inference system.

    Axiomatizations of signed discrete Choquet integrals

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    We study the so-called signed discrete Choquet integral (also called non-monotonic discrete Choquet integral) regarded as the Lov\'asz extension of a pseudo-Boolean function which vanishes at the origin. We present axiomatizations of this generalized Choquet integral, given in terms of certain functional equations, as well as by necessary and sufficient conditions which reveal desirable properties in aggregation theory
