94 research outputs found

    First results on the use of a EDXRF scanner for 3D imaging of paintings

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    A 3D map of chemical elements distribution from energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) analysis would be a perfect conclusion in a detailed study of any type of artifact. This map can be easily achieved by using synchrotron light as source of radiation, and microoptics both at the source and at the detector. In such a manner a micro-voxel is irradiated and detected, which can be at any depth with respect to the surface of the artifact. This method is effective but needs a high-intensity X-ray source; therefore, its use in archaeometry is limited. An alternative method is proposed in the present paper, which uses a portable EDXRF-device to measure the altered Kα/KÎČ or Lα/LÎČ-ratios, which allow to locate the chemical elements. Several examples are described

    XISMuS x-ray fluorescence imaging software for multiple samples

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    X-rays have long been used as a non-destructive analytical technique to investigate artefacts and objects that can be considered cultural heritage. With the unceasing development of technologies and miniaturization of electronics, X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analysis has undergone a natural evolution, being now extensively used in a bi-dimensional manner, scanning whole surfaces and generating astonishing amounts of data. Evaluating all this data demands a software distribution or at least a stand-alone algorithm. The former being an obvious choice, as software are easy to install and the learning curve is fast. Moreover, developing a proprietary algorithm is time consuming and not always needed for the average user. In this scope, XIMuS was developed as an ad hoc software for macro-XRF analysis (MA-XRF), with an intuitive and simple graphical user interface (GUI). The software provides several built-in tools, staple for the interpretation of X-ray fluorescence data, automated data evaluation and some novelty functionalities as data stitching. XISMuS creates an iterative user database as samples are loaded and compiled through usage, facilitating navigation through different datasets. Simultaneous samples can be loaded in separate instances for comparison purposes. Elemental mapping is made simple, the methods available are described and have each one an application for fast, balanced or precise calculations, supporting parallel computing. Ratios between elements in specific regions of the image can be measured while a region-derived spectrum is shown and updated live. Image correlation can be performed supporting the usage of threshold filters and/or region selection. Batch exporting is also available, cross-normalizing the input datasets

    Gold and Silver joining technologies in the Moche Tombs “Señor de SipĂĄn” and “Señora de Cao jewelery

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    About 200 gold and silver funerary ornaments from the Moche tombs “Señor de SipĂĄn” and “Señora de Cao” were analyzed to determine their metallurgic characteristics. Of particular interest was the question about the gold-silver joining process. To this aim, following methods were employed, all based on the use of X-rays: - energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence; - transmission of monoenergetic fluorescent X-rays; - radiography. At least three joining methods were possibly identified: - of gluing gold and silver sheets; - of brazing using a proper solder; - of using a mercury amalgam

    Survey archaeology and regional analysis. A conceptual model on the selection of past dynamics during the Holocene in Wadi Abiod, Aures, Eastern Algeria

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    This paper inserted within a geoarchaeological study, provides a model for the investigation and the support of past dynamics of a mountainous landscape in the Aures region (Algeria) during the Holocene. It introduces the first analysis based on the detailed mapping of morphological features of the study area in relation with a typomorphology theoretical model that was confronted with data from archaeological research. Our results suggest that the choice of the prehistorical movement processes has been driven by the outcrop of some deposits and the presence of specific landforms, such as high and low-relief areas. This approach was applied to a sector with controversial archaeological evidences (the valley of Wadi Abiod), where geological and morphological analyses support archaeological research in the reconstruction of the ancient pathways during the Holocene. This integrated approach can help archaeologists to understand and then discover ancient courses crossing complex in impervious landscapes such as the intramountain Lands

    Complement Inhibition Promotes Endogenous Neurogenesis and Sustained Anti-Inflammatory Neuroprotection following Reperfused Stroke

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    The restoration of blood-flow following cerebral ischemia incites a series of deleterious cascades that exacerbate neuronal injury. Pharmacologic inhibition of the C3a-receptor ameliorates cerebral injury by attenuating post-ischemic inflammation. Recent reports also implicate C3a in the modulation of tissue repair, suggesting that complement may influence both injury and recovery at later post-ischemic time-points.To evaluate the effect of C3a-receptor antagonism on post-ischemic neurogenesis and neurological outcome in the subacute period of stroke, transient focal cerebral ischemia was induced in adult male C57BL/6 mice treated with multiple regimens of a C3a receptor antagonist (C3aRA).Low-dose C3aRA administration during the acute phase of stroke promotes neuroblast proliferation in the subventricular zone at 7 days. Additionally, the C3a receptor is expressed on T-lymphocytes within the ischemic territory at 7 days, and this cellular infiltrate is abrogated by C3aRA administration. Finally, C3aRA treatment confers robust histologic and functional neuroprotection at this delayed time-point.Targeted complement inhibition through low-dose antagonism of the C3a receptor promotes post-ischemic neuroblast proliferation in the SVZ. Furthermore, C3aRA administration suppresses T-lymphocyte infiltration and improves delayed functional and histologic outcome following reperfused stroke. Post-ischemic complement activation may be pharmacologically manipulated to yield an effective therapy for stroke

    An overview of the Italian forest biodiversity and its conservation level, based on the first outcomes of the 4th Habitat Report ex-Art. 17

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    In 2019 the 4th Report ex-Art. 17 on the conservation status (CS) of Annex I Habitats of the 92/43/EEC Directive was expected by every EU/28 country, with reference to the period 2013-18. In Italy, the process was in charge to the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), on behalf of the Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection (MATTM), with the scientific support of the Italian Botanical Society (SBI). A large group of thematic and territorial experts elaborated the available data concerning the 124 types of terrestrial and inland water Habitats present in Italy, 39 of which are represented by Forest Habitats (Group 9),. The main aim of the work was the evaluation of the overall CS of each Habitat by Biogeographic Region (Mediterranean, Continental and Alpine), for a total amount of 294 assessments. A high proportion of these (92, corresponding to 31% of the total) referred to Forest Habitats, including 20 marginal types for which the CS was not requested. The analysis was carried out at different scales: a) administrative territory, through the data contained in the ISPRA database, whose compilation was in charge to the Regions and Autonomous Provinces; b) Natura 2000 site, with the latest updates available (Standard Data Forms updated to 2018); c) national scale, implementing the distribution maps for each Habitat based on the European grid ETRS89-LAEA5210 (10x10 km2 mesh); d) Biogeographic Region, scale of the final assessment. Cartographic outcomes, associated databases and additional data used for the assessments will be available online on the ISPRA Portal as soon as the validation process by the European Commission will be completed. A dedicated archive named "HAB_IT" has been created in the national database "VegItaly" (1), managed by the Italian Society of Vegetation Science, where the phytosociological relevés representative of the various Annex I Habitats in Italy will be archived and freely accessible. An overview of the results regarding the Forest habitats is here provided, including a comparison with the outcomes of the former reporting cycle, the 3rd Report ex-Art. 17 (2). In several cases (e.g. 9120, 91L0), the distribution maps have been remarkably improved due to better knowledge and more fitful interpretation. The conservation status resulted as Favourable (FV) for 6,7%, Inadequate (U1) for 58,7% and Bad (U1) for 32,0% of the 72 assessed forest Habitat types. In no case there was an improvement of the conservation status, while in 6 cases a worsening of the conditions resulted from the data analysis, pointing out the Habitats types with a higher need of action. Similarly to other projects carried out as a team by the network of Annex I Habitat experts of the Italian Botanical Society and the Italian Society for Vegetation Science (e.g. 3, 4), this is another step in the direction of supporting the implementation of the 92/43/EEC "Habitat" Directive in Italy and Europe. On this ground, the high biodiversity of the Italian forest Habitats could be emphasized, however results pointed out that some rare or endemic types (e.g. Alnus cordata or Betula aetnensis-dominated forests) are still scarcely acknowledged by the most prominent EU conservation tools such as the Annex I to the "Habitat" Directive. 1) F. Landucci et al. (2012) Plant Biosyst., 146(4), 756-763 2) P. Genovesi et al. (2014) ISPRA, Serie Rapporti, 194/2014 3) E. Biondi et al. (2009) Società Botanica Italiana, MATTM, D.P.N., http://vnr.unipg.it/habitat/ 4) D. Gigante et al. (2016) Plant Sociology, 53(2), 77-8

    Geographical heterogeneity of clinical and serological phenotypes of systemic sclerosis observed at tertiary referral centres. The experience of the Italian SIR-SPRING registry and review of the world literature

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    Introduction: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is characterized by a complex etiopathogenesis encompassing both host genetic and environmental -infectious/toxic- factors responsible for altered fibrogenesis and diffuse microangiopathy. A wide spectrum of clinical phenotypes may be observed in patients' populations from different geographical areas. We investigated the prevalence of specific clinical and serological phenotypes in patients with definite SSc enrolled at tertiary referral centres in different Italian geographical macro-areas. The observed findings were compared with those reported in the world literature.Materials and methods: The clinical features of 1538 patients (161 M, 10.5%; mean age 59.8 +/- 26.9 yrs.; mean disease duration 8.9 +/- 7.7 yrs) with definite SSc recruited in 38 tertiary referral centres of the SPRING (Systemic sclerosis Progression INvestiGation Group) registry promoted by Italian Society of Rheumatology (SIR) were obtained and clustered according to Italian geographical macroareas.Results: Patients living in Southern Italy were characterized by more severe clinical and/or serological SSc phenotypes compared to those in Northern and Central Italy; namely, they show increased percentages of diffuse cutaneous SSc, digital ulcers, sicca syndrome, muscle involvement, arthritis, cardiopulmonary symptoms, interstitial lung involvement at HRCT, as well increased prevalence of serum anti-Scl70 autoantibodies. In the same SSc population immunusppressive drugs were frequently employed. The review of the literature underlined the geographical heterogeneity of SSc phenotypes, even if the observed findings are scarcely comparable due to the variability of methodological approaches.Conclusion: The phenotypical differences among SSc patients' subgroups from Italian macro-areas might be correlated to genetic/environmental co-factors, and possibly to a not equally distributed national network of information and healthcare facilities
