2,278 research outputs found

    Quantificazione dell'azotofissazione della sulla in Sardegna: azoto fissato nella fitomassa epigea ed effetto dell'inoculazione

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    An important and economic source of nitrogen for Mediterranean crop and forage systems arises from symbiotic nitrogen fixation, which contributes also to a high environmental protection and sustainability. This papers refers on the quantification of nitrogen fixation in sweetvetch, by the isotopic dilution and nitrogen balance methods. In addition, the effect of sweetvetch inoculation with a Sardinian strain of Rhizobium sullae was evaluated against an uninoculated treatment. The potential of nitrogen fixation in sweetvetch, estimated by the isotopic dilution method, resulted high, reaching 180 kg ha-1 of nitrogen fixed in the biennium. The nitrogen balance method underestimated the nitrogen fixation compared to the isotopic dilution. Very low differences between inoculated and uninoculated sweetvetch were due to a presence of resident rhizobia in the soil. This result outlines the need of evaluating where inoculation is necessary or useless

    Leguminose da pascolo di seconda generazione: una opportunitĂ  per i sistemi foraggero-zootecnici mediterranei?

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    Nell’ultima decade, diverse varietà di leguminose da pascolo di seconda generazione (Loi et al., 2005) selezionate in Australia vengono distribuite nel mercato sementiero europeo, ampliando di fatto la possibilità di scelta dei nostri agricoltori (Sulas, 2005; Porqueddu & González, 2006). Pertanto, è importante valutare i benefici derivanti dalla loro introduzione in sistemi foraggero-zootecnici mediterranei. In questo lavoro condotto in Sardegna si riferisce sull’adattamento e la persistenza di alcune leguminose di seconda generazione

    Stima dei surplus di macronutrienti attraverso il metodo del bilancio apparente in sistemi foraggero-zootecnici ovini sardi

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    A farm survay with the aim to estimate the nitrogen, phosphorus and potash apparent bai ance using the methodology proposed by Simon and Le Corre (1992) was carried out during 1993-1994 on 20 dairy sheep farms, representative of the farming systems widespread in the Sardinian N-W lowland. The macronutrient inputs and outputs data elaboration at farm scale, the physical-chemical analysis on the soil characteristic of the area and the critical investigation of the crop and livestock practices applied, it has allowed to clarify the source of surplus generation. High variability in the ratio of the crops among farms, agronomic techniques, stockmg rate, crop and animal performances was observed. Average annual surplus, calculated as difference between inputs and outputs, were 67,53,8 and 1,7 kg ha-1 for N, P2O5 e K2O respectively. The efficiency for N and P2O5 use was low: 16,7 and 8,3% respectively while high for K2O reaching 82%. Nutrient surplus in the surveyed dairy sheep farms are lower than that observed for other farming systems and/or regions and are related with mineral fertilizer applications. Therefore it is possible to reduce the surplus rationalizing fertilizer applications because of the sufficient content of nitrogen and phosphorus in several farm locations. The apparent balance method represents a useful tool to investigate the agronomic techniques used at farm scale however it presents some semplifications by a scientific point of view. This methodology could permit the valorization of the information collected by the agriculture extension service, helping the technicians to identify a correct farming system management. Su un campione di 20 aziende ovine da latte, rappresentativo della pianura nord-occidentale sarda, è stata condotta nel corso dell'annata 1993-94 un'indagine al fine di stimare i bilanci apparenti di azoto, fosforo e potassio secondo la metodologia proposta da Simon e Le Corre (1992). L'elaborazione dei dati relativi ai flussi di macronutrimenti in entrata ed uscita dall'azienda, l'analisi delle caratteristiche fisico chimiche dei terreni su cui ricadono le aziende censite e l'esame critico delle pratiche colturali e zootecniche rilevate, ha consentito di chiarire attraverso quali meccanismi si generano i surplus degli elementi indagati. E’ stata registrata un'ampia variabilità, nei rapporti fra le diverse colture all'interno delle aziende, delle tecniche agronomiche applicate, del carico mantenuto e dei livelli produttivi delle colture e degli animali. Dal bilancio tra input ed output aziendali è risultato un surplus medio annuo di 67 kg ha-1 per l'N, 53,8 kg ha-1 per la P2O5 e 1,7 kg ha-1 per il K2O. Il valore dell'efficienza d'uso per l'N e la P2O5 è risultato modesto e rispettivamente pari al 16,7 e 8,3% al contrario del K2O che ha fatto registrare l'82%. Le eccedenze di azoto e fosforo osservate nelle aziende in esame si situano su valori medio-bassi quando confrontate con quelle registrate per altre tipologie e/o per altre regioni e risultano correlate alle relative voci in ingresso sotto forma di concimi minerali. Le buone dotazioni dei terreni per i suddetti nutrienti in numerose situazioni aziendali fanno pensare che sia possibile ridurre i surplus razionalizzando le concimazioni. Nel complesso, il metodo del bilancio apparente, pur soggetto ad alcune semplificazioni dal punto di vista prettamente scientifico, si è dimostrato uno strumento utile nell'approfondimento dello studio delle tecniche agronomiche adottate a livello aziendale. Il metodo può consentire la valorizzazione delle informazioni raccolte dai tecnici appartenenti agli enti territoriali di assistenza in agricoltura, agevolandoli nell'individuazione di eventuali in efficienze del sistema foraggero-zootecnico e di scelte agro-ambientali alternative

    Mucoceles of the oral cavity : a large case series (1994-2008) and a literature review

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    Objectives: Evaluating data of patients affected by oral mucoceles, examined at the Unit of Oral Medicine and Pathology of the University of Milan between January 1994 and December 2008. Study Design: Concise review on oral mucoceles and analysis of the clinical files of patients who underwent excisional biopsy (patient age, medical history, diagnosis, date and site of the biopsy, histopathological diagnosis and recurrences if any). Results: During the period June 1994-December 2008, 158 mucoceles were observed (93 males and 65 females), with the most frequent site being the lower lip (53%) (p=0.001 by Fisher?s test). The mean age of the patients was 31.9 years, with a peak of occurrence in the first four decades of life (75%). Conclusions: Mucoceles are lesions commonly seen in an oral medicine service, mainly affecting young people and lower lips


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    Negli ultimi dieci anni le regioni europee del bacino mediterraneo (Italia, Spagna, Portogallo, Francia e Grecia) hanno registrano una perdita media annua di circa 500000 ettari di territorio a causa degli incendi boschivi. Anche per le aree boscate della Sardegna il fenomeno degli incendi boschivi rappresenta una seria minaccia con importanti conseguenze non solo da un punto di vista ecologico, ma soprattutto per gli effetti sul sistema socioeconomico. Un elevato numero di ignizioni si verifica nelle aree a vegetazione erbacea che ricopre il cinquanta percento della superficie dell’isola. Fra queste, i pascoli e pascoli arborati, spesso adiacenti ad aree a macchia e ad aree a boschi di latifoglie, costituiscono una combinazione di biomasse combustibili vegetali le cui quantità possono avere degli effetti sul comportamento degli incendi, in particolare sulla propagazione verso le aree boscate adiacenti, caratterizzate spesso da rilevante interesse naturalistico. La protezione delle aree boschive rappresenta per la Regione Sardegna una delle priorità, anche al fine di una loro valorizzazione, funzionale all’ampliamento dell’offerta turistica sia attraverso l’allungamento della stagione turistica, sia attraverso l’ampliamento delle opportunità di fruizione dei beni naturali localizzati sia nelle aree costiere, sia soprattutto nelle aree interne. Gli obbiettivi principali del presente lavoro sono quelli di dimostrare come le moderne tecnologie basate sui sistemi informativi geografici siano un valido strumento per i) lo studio ed elaborazione di piani di prevenzione dagli incendi, finalizzati alla protezione di un’area a forte valenza naturalistica ubicata nel centro Sardegna, e ii) la valutazione dell’efficacia di pratiche silvo-pastorali nella riduzione del rischio di incendio e nella contemporanea promozione di uno sviluppo sostenibile del settore silvo-pastorale. Lo studio è stato condotto presso la foresta demaniale di Monte Pisanu, una delle principali aree boscate del centro Sardegna; all’interno di quest’area è presente la foresta di Sos Nibberos, recentemente dichiarata “monumento naturale” con un decreto della Regione Sardegna. Quest’area ha una estensione di 7 ettari ed è popolata da tassi millenari con fusto alto fino a 15 metri e diametro di 1 metro. Ampie aree forestali caratterizzate da coperture arboree non elevate sono destinate al pascolamento ovino e bovino controllato

    Probe-hosted silicon photomultipliers for time-domain functional near-infrared spectrscopy: phantom and in vivo tests

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    We report the development of a compact probe for time-domain (TD) functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) based on a fast silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) that can be put directly in contact with the sample without the need of optical fibers for light collection. We directly integrated an avalanche signal amplification stage close to the SiPM, thus reducing the size of the detection channel and optimizing the signal immunity to electromagnetic interferences. The whole detection electronics was placed in a plastic screw holder compatible with the electroencephalography standard cap for measurement on brain or with custom probe holders. The SiPM is inserted into a transparent and insulating resin to avoid the direct contact of the scalp with the 100-V bias voltage. The probe was integrated in an instrument for TD fNIRS spectroscopy. The system was characterized on tissue phantoms in terms of temporal resolution, responsivity, linearity, and capability to detect deep absorption changes. Preliminary in vivo tests on adult volunteers were performed to monitor hemodynamic changes in the arm during a cuff occlusion and in the brain cortex during a motor tas

    The Effect of Inoculation on Growth, Nodulation and Nitrogen in Annual Clover Cultivars Grown at Two Mediterranean Locations of Sardinia, Italy

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    The legume's benefits are well-known and exploited in animal production systems, and the commercial availability of novel clover cultivars is an important opportunity for Mediterranean climatic areas. However, the successful performance of a legume species is strongly affected by the presence of specific rhizobia in the soil. The performances of 10 annual clover cultivars belonging to nine species, both uninoculated and inoculated, were compared at two locations in Sardinia (Italy). The rows (2 m length each) were established in autumn and seed inoculation with a selected commercial rhizobial strain was performed at sowing. In the following spring, shoot length, the number of root nodules, shoot dry matter yield and nitrogen concentration were determined on complete recovered plants. Inoculation affected shoot length, with significant differences at each site. It ranged from 7.9 to 39.7 cm. The average shoot DM production in the two locations ranged from 0.21 to 1.92 g per plant and there was a significant interaction of the location x cultivar. Inoculation significantly increased the growth of four cultivars. However, a cultivar selected in Sardinia, Trifolium brachycalycinum 'Antas', was irrespective of both location and inoculation, producing more shoot DM per plant than did the other clovers (about 1.80 g per plant). The results demonstrated that the clover agronomic performances differed among cultivars and locations. In addition, they highlighted that inoculation with a selected rhizobial strain is very useful for some clovers, suggesting that is preferable to ascertain at each site the need for clover inoculation

    The Evolving Role of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treatment

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of most common cancers and the fourth leading cause of death worldwide. Commonly, HCC development occurs in a liver that is severely compromised by chronic injury or inflammation. Liver transplantation, hepatic resection, radiofrequency ablation (RFA), transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE), and targeted therapies based on tyrosine protein kinase inhibitors are the most common treatments. The latter group have been used as the primary choice for a decade. However, tumor microenvironment in HCC is strongly immunosuppressive; thus, new treatment approaches for HCC remain necessary. The great expression of immune checkpoint molecules, such as programmed death-1 (PD-1), cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4), lymphocyte activating gene 3 protein (LAG-3), and mucin domain molecule 3 (TIM-3), on tumor and immune cells and the high levels of immunosuppressive cytokines induce T cell inhibition and represent one of the major mechanisms of HCC immune escape. Recently, immunotherapy based on the use of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), as single agents or in combination with kinase inhibitors, anti-angiogenic drugs, chemotherapeutic agents, and locoregional therapies, offers great promise in the treatment of HCC. This review summarizes the recent clinical studies, as well as ongoing and upcoming trials

    Fatty acid composition and antioxidant capacity in linseed grown as forage in Mediterranean environment

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    This research was aimed at studying the bromatological traits, fatty acid profile, bioactive compounds, and antioxidant capacity in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) shoots harvested at six codified morphological stages. Quality traits were significantly related to cumulated growing degree days from seedling emergence to senescence. The crude protein and ash contents exhibited a gradual decrease and were negatively correlated with morphological stages, whereas cell wall components such as neutral, acid detergent fibers and lignin (NDF, ADF, and ADL) and ether extract (EE) showed a positive correlation. Both ABTS [(2,2'-azinobis (3- ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) diammonium salt] and DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) assays indicated a reduction in antioxidant capacities from stem extension to senescence, from 16 to 7.1, and 19 to 7 mmol TEAC/100g DW, for ABTS and DPPH, respectively. Significant linear correlation among the antioxidant activity, phenolics, NDF, ADF, ADL, and EE were found showed usually. Total phenolic (9.6-26.4 g GAE kg–1) and total flavonoid (5.2-16.7 g CE kg–1) contents were negatively related with morphological stages. The morphological stage was significantly correlated with oil content, although individual fatty acid content did not. Research gives new insights into the evolution of chemical composition of linseed shoot. Remarkable variations in quality traits, fatty acid contents, bioactive compounds, and antioxidant capacity evidence the possibility to use green linseed in animals' diet, also suggesting the exploitation of linseed plant as forage source
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