561 research outputs found

    The Influence of Food Regimes on Oxidative Stress: A Permutation-Based Approach Using the NPC Test

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    (1) Background: This paper aims to assess the existence of significant differences between two dietary regimes (omnivorous vs. semi-vegetarian) with reference to some oxidative stress markers (SOD, GPx, TRxR, GR, AGEs, and AOPPs) using non-parametric combination methodology based on a permutation test. (2) Methods: At the endocrinology unit of Messina University Hospital, two hundred subjects were asked to fill out a questionnaire about their dietary habits. None were under any pharmacological treatment. Using the NPC test, all comparisons were performed stratifying patients according to gender, age (≤40 or >40 years), BMI (normal weight vs. overweight), physical activity (sedentary vs. active lifestyle), TSH, FT4 levels in quartiles, and diagnosis of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. We evaluated differences in oxidative stress parameters in relation to two examined dietary regimes (omnivorous vs. semi-vegetarian). (3) Results: The antioxidant parameters GPx and TRxR were significantly lower in subjects with an omnivorous diet than in semi-vegetarians, particularly in females, both age groups, subjects with normal weight, those not affected by Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and both the sedentary and active lifestyle groups. Finally, the AGE and AOPP markers were significantly lower in semi-vegetarians. (4) Conclusion: Thanks to the NPC methodology, we can state that dietary patterns exert a significant influence on some oxidative stress parameters

    Relapse of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome during pregnancy in a patient on eculizumab maintenance treatment: A case report

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    Objective: Rare disease Background: Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) is a genetic disorder with uncontrolled complement activation leading to systemic thrombotic microangiopathy; kidneys are almost invariably involved. Eculizumab has dramatically improved the prognosis of aHUS and affected women in the childbearing age are more likely to consider pregnancy, even if this could represent a risk for disease reactivation. Pregnancies in women with aHUS during Eculizumab treatment have been reported, with no cases of aHUS relapse. Case Report: We report the case of a female patient affected by aHUS with no specific gene mutations who had a pregnancyassociated aHUS relapse at 26-weeks of gestation during maintenance Eculizumab treatment. The patient developed stage II acute kidney injury and microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. Delivery by cesarean section at week 27, plasma exchange sessions and several supplemental Eculizumab administrations were required. After appropriate treatment, the patient partially recovered kidney function; the baby had a prolonged stay in the intensive care unit and showed no signs of neurologic damage. Conclusions: Previous reports indicated that pregnancy-related aHUS relapses were unlikely in women undergoing Eculizumab treatment. Based on our case, we suggest caution in counselling pregnancy in women with aHUS treated with Eculizumab, especially in the absence of pathogenic mutations in complement-regulating genes. Clinicians should be aware of possible aHUS relapse in pregnancy during Eculizumab treatment


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    The topological consistency of Boundary-Representation models, meaning here that the incidence graph is homeomorphic with the underlying topology of geographical data, is checked for several CityGML datasets, and a first classification of topological inconsistencies is performed. The analysis is carried out on a spatial database system into which the datasets have been imported. It is found that real-world datasets contain many topologically inconsistent pairs of intersecting polygons. Also data satisfying the ISO/OGC standards can still be topologically inconsistent. In the case when the intersection is a point, topological inconsistency occurs because a vertex lies on a line segment. However, the most frequent topological inconsistencies seem to arise when the intersection of two polygons is a line segment. Consequently, topological queries in present CityGML data cannot rely on the incidence graph only, but must always make costly geometric computations if correct results are to be expected

    Clinical Predictors of Nondiabetic Kidney Disease in Patients with Diabetes: A Single-Center Study

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    Background. Although diabetic kidney disease (DKD) could affect up to one-third of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM), these patients can develop kidney diseases different from DKD, or these conditions can superimpose on DKD. Several potential predictors of nondiabetic kidney disease (NDKD) have been proposed, but there are no definitive indications available for kidney biopsy in diabetic patients. Methods. We designed a single-center, cross-sectional, and retrospective cohort study to identify clinical and laboratory factors associated with a diagnosis of NDKD after native kidney biopsy in diabetic patients and to investigate differences in time to end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) in patients with a diagnosis of DKD and NDKD. Results. Of 142 patients included in our analysis, 89 (62.68%) had a histopathological diagnosis of NDKD or mixed NDKD + DKD. Patients in the NDKD group had significantly lower HbA1C, lower prevalence of diabetic retinopathy (DR), and less severe proteinuria, and there was a lower proportion of patients with nephrotic syndrome; the DKD group had significantly lower proportion of patients with hematological conditions. In the multivariate binary logistic regression, only absence of DR and presence of a hematological condition significantly predicted NDKD after adjustment for age and sex. Time to ESKD was significantly higher in patients with NDKD or mixed forms than in those with DKD. Conclusions. After a careful selection, more than half of kidney biopsies performed in diabetic patients can identify NDKD (alone or with concomitant DKD). Absence of DR and coexistence of a hematological condition (especially MGUS) were strong predictors of NDKD in our cohort

    Influence of dialysate temperature on creatinine peritoneal clearance in peritoneal dialysis patients: a randomized trial

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    Background: Patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (PD) are encouraged to warm dialysate to 37 \ub0C before peritoneal infusion; main international PD guidelines do not provide specific recommendation, and patients generally warm dialysate batches partially or do not warm them at all. Warming of dialysate is a time-consuming procedure, not free from potential risks (i.e. degradation of glucose), and should be justified by a clear clinical benefit. Methods: We designed a single blind randomized controlled trial where 18 stable PD patients were randomized to receive a peritoneal equilibration test either with dialysate at a controlled temperature of 37 \ub0C (intervention group) or with dialysate warmed with conventional methods (control group). Primary end-point was a higher peritoneal creatinine clearance in patients in the intervention group. Results: Patients in the intervention group did not show a significantly higher peritoneal creatinine clearance when compared to the control group (6.38 \ub1 0.52 ml/min vs 5.65 \ub1 0.37 ml/min, p = 0.2682). Similar results were obtained for urea peritoneal clearance, mass transfer area coefficient of creatinine and urea. There were no significant differences in total abdominal discomfort questionnaire score, blood pressure and body temperature between the two groups. Conclusions: Using peritoneal dialysate at different temperatures without causing significant side effects to patients appears feasible. We report a lack of benefit of warming peritoneal dialysate to 37 \ub0C on peritoneal clearances; future PD guidelines should not reinforce this recommendation. Trial registration: NCT04302649, ClinicalTrials.gov; date of registration 10/3/2020 (retrospectively registered)

    THU0600 a case of systemic sclerosis complicated by renal crisis: potential etiopathogenetic role of cytomegalovirus and treatment

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    Background: Scleroderma renal crisis (SRC) is a rare complication of systemic sclerosis (SSc), which can be triggered by viruses, such as Cytomegalovirus (CMV). SRC presents as a new-onset accelerated-phase hypertension with/without rapidly progressive renal failure. Objectives: Here we describe the case of a patient developing SSc complicated by the appearance of SRC after a recent episode of acute Cytomegalovirus infection. Methods: A 66-year-old male was referred to our Scleroderma Unit in March 2019. He presented with widespread skin rash, exertional dyspnoea and peripheral oedemas. He reported a myocarditis due to CMV occurred in October 2018. Antibodies anti-CMV IgM were detected in his serum. The patient developed a progressive cutaneous involvement characterized by diffuse oedema, sclerosis and melanoderma. Subsequently, Raynaud’s phenomenon, puffy hands and pitting scars

    Unravelling the intricated photophysical behavior of 3-(pyridin-2-yl)triimidazotriazine AIE and RTP polymorphs

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    The development of purely organic materials showing multicolor fluorescent and phosphorescent behaviour represents a formidable challenge in view of practical applications. Herein the rich photophyisical behaviour of 3-(pyridin-2- yl)triimidazotriazine (TT-Py) organic molecule, comprising excitation-dependent fluorescence and phosphorescence under ambient conditions in both blended film and crystalline phase, is investigated by means of steady state, time resolved and ultrafast spectroscopies and interpreted on the basis of X-ray diffraction studies and DFT/TDDFT calculations. In particular, by proper excitation wavelength, dual fluorescence and dual phosphorescence of molecular origin can be observed together with low energy phosphorescences resulting from aggregate species. It is demonstrated that the multiple emission property is originated by the copresence, in the investigated system, of an extended polycyclic nitrogen-rich moiety (TT), strongly rigidified by p-p stacking interactions and short C\u2013H...N hydrogen bonds, and a fragment (Py) featuring partial conformational freedom
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