6 research outputs found

    Integrating Western and non-Western cultural expressions to further cultural and creative tourism: a case study

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    The term cultural industries was coined more than half a century ago, but at the beginning of the twenty-first century, the broader concept of creative industries, covering a wide range of cultural, design and digital activity, captured the imagination of public policymakers at national and city levels. Paralleling these developments has been the recognition of the phenomenon of cultural tourism and, more recently, the emergence of the idea of creative tourism, that is, tourism programmes designed to engage tourists actively in cultural activity. This paper presents a case study of a creative tourism event which took place in 2012 in the City of Manchester in the UK. The festival, which celebrated West African culture, utilised existing cultural institutions of the city and drew on the talents of local and visiting members of West African community to engage not only tourists but also indigenous and Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) residents of Manchester in a variety of cultural activities. It thus used the focus of creative tourism to seek to foster community and cultural development as well as tourism

    Physical and photoelastic properties of bulk-fill and conventional composites

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    Renata Pereira,1 Maria Cecília Caldas Giorgi,2 Rodrigo Barros Esteves Lins,1 Jéssica Dias Theobaldo,1 Débora Alves Nunes Leite Lima,1 Giselle Maria Marchi,1 Flávio Henrique Baggio Aguiar1 1Department of Restorative Dentistry, Piracicaba Dental School, University of Campinas, Piracicaba, SP 13.414-903, Brazil; 2Department of Operative Dentistry, School of Health Sciences, State University of Amazonas, Manaus, AM 69065-001, Brazil Purpose: This study evaluated the influence of thickness increment on degree of conversion (DC), Knoop microhardness (KHN), and polymerization-shrinkage stress (PSS) by photoelasticity of three dental composites.Methods: For DC and KHN, 45 samples were prepared and divided into nine groups (n=5), according to composite (microhybrid [Filtek Z250 - Z250], bulk-fill flowable [SureFil SDR Flow - SDR], and nanohybrid composite [N’Durance - NDU]) and increment thickness (1, 1.5, and 3 mm). PSS was measured by photoelastic analysis. Composites were placed into a photoelastic model cavity and light-cured. DC and KHN data were subjected to two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni post hoc test. PSS results were qualitatively evaluated through Kruskal–Wallis test.Results: SDR showed the highest DC values. At top and bottom surfaces, the highest KHN was obtained by Z250. Z250 showed higher PSS than SDR in 1.5 mm increments. NDU showed higher PSS than SDR in 3 mm increments.Conclusion: The bulk-fill composite demonstrated better DC and similar KHN and PSS in deeper layers compared to conventional composites. Bulk-fill composites may perform as well as conventional nanohybrid and microhybrid composites. Keywords: composite resins, dental restoration, permanent, dental stress analysis, dentistry, operativ

    Influence of an Intermediary Base on the Micro leakage of Simulated Class II Composite Resin Restorations

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    The aim of this in vitro study was to qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate the microleakage of Class II cavities restored with a methacrylate-based composite (Filtek Z250, 3M ESPE) or silorane-based composite (Filtek LS, 3M ESPE), varying the application of an intermediary base, using a low-viscosity composite resin (Filtek Z350 Flow, 3M ESPE) or resinmodified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC) (Vitrebond, 3M ESPE) and no intermediary base (control groups). Sixty cavities were prepared on the proximal surfaces of bovine teeth and were randomly divided according to the experimental groups (n=10). Following the restorative procedures and thermocycling, the samples were immersed in methylene blue for two hours. The qualitative evaluation was made using a stereomicroscope, whereby two observers analyzed the infiltration level of the dye within the tooth/filling. Microleakage scores among the groups were compared using the Kruskal-Wallis test followed by the Mann-Whitney test (p <= 0.05). The samples were then ground and the powder was prepared for quantitative analysis in an absorbance spectrophotometer. The results were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance and the Tukey test (p <= 0.05). Results from the quantitative analysis showed that LS presented higher values of microleakage than did Z250. There was a significant difference between both composites concerning the intermediary materials, with the lowest values obtained using RMGIC as an intermediary base. Results from the qualitative analysis showed that there were no statistically significant differences between composites; however, there were significant differences for both composites concerning the intermediary materials, with the lowest values obtained using RMGIC as an intermediary. It is possible to conclude that using RMGIC as an intermediary base provided lower microleakage, indicating better sealing of the tooth-restoration interface.39330130

    The meaning given by the healthcare professional to labor and humanizing delivery El significado dado por el profesional de salud al trabajo de parto y parto humanizado O significado dado pelo profissional de saúde para trabalho de parto e parto humanizado

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    OBJECTIVE: To understand the meaning the healthcare professional in charge of the woman in childbirth gives to labor and humanizing delivery. METHODS: This is a qualitative research with a phenomenological perspective. Seven physicians and four nurses working at the obstetric center of a public hospital in the city of São Paulo were interviewed. RESULTS: After data analysis, two subthemes emerged: Understanding labor and humanizing delivery as a group of differentiated healthcare and behavioral measures, and Identifying failures in the search for healthcare humanization. CONCLUSION: The study showed that there are still disagreements regarding what is understood as humanizing delivery and what is done in practice. Humanization remains a government policy that is far from efficient, not only because of infrastructural deficits or financial shortages, but because of a lack of contact with the theme, resulting in healthcare that is not individualized or human.<br>OBJETIVO: Comprender el significado que el profesional de salud que atiende a la parturienta, da al trabajo de parto y parto humanizado. MÉTODOS: Se trata de uma investigación cualitativa con perspectiva fenomenológica. Fueron entrevistados siete médicos y cuatro enfermeras que trabajaban en el Centro Obstétrico de un hospital público del Municipio de Sao Paulo. RESULTADOS: Después del análisis de los datos emergieron dos subtemas: Comprendiendo el trabajo de parto y parto humanizado como un conjunto de medidas asistenciales y de comportamiento diferenciado, e Identificando fallas en la búsqueda de la humanización de la asistencia, los cuales al ser sintetizados dieron origen al fenómeno mayor de la experiencia de los sujetos: Vivenciando la desarmonía entre teoría y práctica en la búsqueda de la humanización de la asistencia. CONCLUSIÓN: En el estudio se evidenció que aun hay discordancia referente a lo que se entiende por parto humanizado y lo que se realiza en la práctica. La humanización continúa siendo una política gubernamental que está lejos de volverse eficaz, no sólo por los déficits en la infra-estructura o escasez financiera, sino también por la carencia de contacto con la temática, contribuyendo a que asistencia, ofrecida sea, muchas veces, despersonalizada y deshumana.<br>OBJETIVO: Compreender o significado que o profissional de saúde que atende a parturiente, dá para trabalho de parto e parto humanizado. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa com perspectiva fenomenológica. Foram entrevistados sete médicos e quatro enfemeiras que atuavam no Centro Obstétrico de um hospital público do Município de São Paulo. RESULTADOS: Após a análise dos dados emergiram dois subtemas: Compreendendo trabalho de parto e parto humanizado como um conjunto de medidas assistenciais e de comportamento diferenciado, e Identificando falhas na busca de humanização da assistência, os quais ao serem sintetizados deram origem ao fenômeno maior da experiência dos sujeitos: Vivenciando a desarmonia entre teoria e prática na busca pela humanização da assistência. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo evidenciou que ainda há discordância referente ao que se entende por parto humanizado e o que se realiza na prática. A humanização continua sendo uma política governamental longe de se tornar eficaz, não apenas pelos déficits na infra-estrutura ou escassez financeira, mas pela carência de contato com a temática, contribuindo para que a assistência, oferecida seja, muitas vezes, despersonalizada e desumana

    O que é ser mãe de uma criança com fibrose cística

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    Conhecer o que é ser mãe de uma criança que apresenta fibrose cística é fundamental para o cuidado desses indivíduos, pois geralmente ela divide as responsabilidades relacionadas ao tratamento com o filho que apresenta essa doença grave e sem cura. Nesse sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer a vivência de ser mãe de uma criança com fibrose cística. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo-exploratório, qualitativo, de caráter fenomenológico. Foram entrevistadas 14 mulheres e a coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de uma entrevista semiestruturada. A análise das falas transcritas na íntegra seguiu direcionamentos propostos pela fenomenologia. Essa é uma experiência que a tristeza, angústia, dúvidas, sofrimento e medo estão presentes, levando essas mulheres a refletirem sobre suas vidas e a de seus filhos, promovendo mudanças em seu mundo vida e uma reorganização de toda a família