485 research outputs found

    Over-Stuffing the Envelope: The Problems with Creative Transfer of Development Rights

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    This note examines how not-for-profit institutions and private developers are engaging in innovative transactions pushing transferable development rights (TDRs) to new extremes. The Board of Estimate has created exceptions to its own zoning laws to benefit not-for-profits, for instance, by allowing transfer of unused development rights to previously impermissible distances. This note explores whether TDR transactions involving not-for-profit organizations have set precedents that will thwart traditional urban planning objectives. The note examines the history of TDRs and recent radical applications involving Grand Central Terminal, South Street Seaport, and Old Slip. The author ultimately balances the creative applications of TDRs with urban planning objectives and proposes a literal interpretation of existing zoning laws to protect zoning objectives

    Hypothesizing Synergy between Acupuncture/ Auriculotherapy and Natural Activation of Mesolimbic Dopaminergic Pathways: Putative Natural Treatment Modalities for the Reduction of Drug Hunger and Relapse

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    Acupuncture is a very ancient form of healing which predates recorded history. The philosophy is rooted in the Taoist tradition which goes back over 8000 years. To date this practice although used world-wide to treat addictive behaviors has not been generally accepted or scientifically proven. There are however many positive reports in the literature in its effectiveness in reducing symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol, heroin and cocaine. In addition, due to known neuro-chemical mechanisms associated with acupuncture, especially its role in pain relief and endogenous opioid function, clinical benefits in reward dependence behaviors seem parsimonious. In this review article we are hypothesizing synergy between acupuncture/auriculotherapy and natural activation of mesolimbic dopaminergic pathways to reduce drug hunger and prevent relapse. Following a review of the literature involving both of these modalities the scientific and clinical community is encouraged to carry out translational research in large randomized double-blinded placebo controlled investigations coupling these two anti-craving treatment modalities

    Pilot clinical observations between food and drug seeking derived from fifty cases attending an eating disorder clinic

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    Background The reward deficiency syndrome hypothesis posits that genes are responsible for reward dependence and related behaviors. There is evidence that both bulimia and anorexia nervosa, especially in women, have been linked to a lifetime history of substance use disorder (SUD). There are difficulties in accepting food as an addiction similar to drugs; however, increasingly neuroimaging studies favor such an assertion. Case presentations We are reporting the evidence of comorbidity of eating disorders with SUD found within these case presentations. We show 50 case reports derived from two independent treatment centers in Florida that suggest the commonality between food and drug addictions. In an attempt to provide data from this cohort, many participants did not adequately respond to our questionnaire. Discussion We propose that dopamine agonist therapy may be of common benefit. Failure in the past may reside in too powerful D2 agonist activity leading to D2 receptor downregulation, while the new methodology may cause a reduction of “dopamine resistance” by inducing “dopamine homeostasis.” While this is not a definitive study, it does provide some additional clinical evidence that these two addictions are not mutually exclusive. Conclusion Certainly, it is our position that there is an overlap between food- and drug-seeking behavior. We propose that the studies focused on an effort to produce natural activation of dopaminergic reward circuitry as a type of common therapy may certainly be reasonable. Additional research is warranted

    Reference to the index of John Reynolds (1899-1986), distinguished Tasmanian metallurgist, with an interest in journalism and historical research.

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    John Reynolds (1899-1986) was educated at Friends' School, Hobart, and Hobart Technical School, where he studied chemistry. He had a distinguished career as a metallurgist, starting with the E.Z.Co., and played a leading role in the establishment of the Australian aluminium industry with its beginnings at Bell Bay following the discovery of bauxite at Ouse in 1943. In 1939, at the beginning of the War, he was seconded to the Public Service as Commerce Officer, Department of Agriculture, Commerce & Industry Section, Hobart, to advise on the production of industrial charcoal for carbide manufacture. He was involved in making a contract for the sale of wolfram and tungsten to the British Government. He held a number of advisory and official posts in Tasmania during the next two decades, including responsibility for the implementation of the Grain Reserve Act 1950. John Reynolds main interest, however, lay in journalism and historical research. He won a Commonwealth Literary Fund Award for his biography of Toby Barton. He wrote a life of William Lawrence Baillieu, Launceston -the history of an Australian City (1969); Men & Mines (1974) and articles for the Australian Dictionary of Biography and the Transactions of the Tasmanian Historical Research Association. His last book, Countries of the mind, a biography of Edmund Morris Miller, completed in collaboration with Margaret Giordano, was published in 1987 after his death. Contains desk diaries historical notes, correspondence. Private Deposit DX.1

    Hypothesizing repetitive paraphilia behavior of a medication refractive Tourette's syndrome patient having rapid clinical attenuation with KB220Z-nutrigenomic amino-acid therapy (NAAT)

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    Background and aims: Many patients presenting multiple behaviors including drug and food abuse as well as other pathological repetitive unwanted activities such as gambling, self-mutilation and paraphilias may not be appropriately diagnosed. Here we present a case of a male presenting many of these seemingly diverse behaviors and finally diagnosed with reward deficiency syndrome (RDS) by his attending physician. Methods: The use of the dopamine agonist, ropinirole after two weeks showed improvement in terms of sexual behavior but tolerance set in and was discontinued especially when an infraction occurred with the patient's insurance. In this article, we carefully explore the potential of ropinirole to downregulate dopamine receptors causing adenylate cyclase receptor supersensitivity and tolerance a feature of neurotransmitter cross-talk. Based on previous scientific evidence showing KB220Znutrigenomic amino-acid therapy (NAAT) to rapidly (post one-hour) activate dopaminergic pathways in both the pre-frontal cortex cingulate gyrus (relapse loci) and ventral tegmental area-caudate-accumbens-putamen (craving and emotion loci) the patient was prescribed NAAT. Results and discussion: Within one week of utilization the repetitive paraphilia was eliminated. There were also a number of other positive effects such as enhanced focus that persisted even after the patient stopped using KB220Z suggesting neuroplasticity (e.g. altruistic thoughts). However, these observed profound benefits require more in-depth study, especially in a large cohort against a placebo. While this report focused on a rapid response rather than long-term benefits previously associated with NAAT, it is somewhat encouraging and longer term required follow-up and larger placebo controlled studies are warranted before any definitive conclusions could be gleaned from this case report

    Host Plant Associations of an Entomopathogenic Variety of the Fungus, Colletotrichum acutatum, Recovered from the Elongate Hemlock Scale, Fiorinia externa

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    A fungal epizootic has been detected in populations of the scale Fiorinia externa Ferris (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) in the eastern hemlock, Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carrière (Pinales: Pinaceae), of several northeastern states. Colletotrichum acutatum Simmonds var. fioriniae Marcelino and Gouli var. nov. inedit (Phyllachorales: Phyllachoraceae), a well-known plant pathogen, was the most commonly recovered fungus from these infected scales. This is the second report of a Colletotrichum sp. infecting scale insects. In Brazil C. gloeosporioides f. sp. ortheziidae recovered from Orthezia praelonga is under development as a biopesticide for citrus production. C. acutatum was detected growing endophytically in 28 species of plants within the epizootic areas. DNA sequences of the High Mobility Box at the MAT 1–2, mating type gene indicate that Colletotrichum sp. isolates recovered from scale insects and plants within epizootic areas were identical. Results from plant bioassays showed that this entomopathogenic Colletotrichum variety grew endophytically in all of the plants tested without causing external symptoms or signs of infection, with the exception of strawberry plants where mild symptoms of infection were observed. The implications of these findings with respect to the use of this fungus as a biological control agent are discussed

    Neurological Signs at the First Psychotic Episode as Correlates of Long-Term Outcome:Results From the AESOP-10 Study

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    Minor neurological signs are subtle deficits in sensory integration, motor coordination, and sequencing of complex motor acts present in excess in the early stages of psychosis. Still, it remains unclear whether at least some of these signs represent trait or state markers for psychosis and whether they are markers of long-term disease outcome of clinical utility. We examined the relationship between neurological function at illness onset assessed with the Neurological Evaluation Scale and subsequent illness course in 233 patients from AESOP-10 (Aetiology and Ethnicity in Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses), a 10-year follow-up study of a population-based cohort of individuals recruited at the time of their first episode of psychosis in the United Kingdom. In 56 of these patients, we also explored changes in neurological function over time. We included a group of 172 individuals without psychosis as controls. After 10 years, 147 (63%) patients had developed a non-remitting course of illness, and 86 (37%) a remitting course. Already at first presentation, patients who developed a non-remitting course had significantly more primary, motor coordination, and total signs than both remitting patients and healthy controls. While Motor Coordination signs did not change over time, rates of Primary, Sensory Integration, and Total signs increased, independently of illness course type. These findings suggest that motor coordination problems could be a useful early, quick, and easily detectable marker of subsequent clinical outcome. With other motor abnormalities, a measure of motor incoordination could contribute to the identification of the most vulnerable individuals, who could benefit from targeted and more assertive treatment approaches