138 research outputs found


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    This paper is to describe the rhetorical structure and the communicative strategies that students use in the web discussion forum of Ma Chung University. This web discussion forum allows the participants, especially students, to share their ideas, opinions about the current issues in the campus in the form of written texts. Among 11 students who get involved in discussing two issues, the campus bell and hair coloring, they are most likely to attend to directive based rhetorical structure when they have the same opinions. By contrast, representative based rhetorical structure becomes more obviously apparent when they have diverse opinions among themselves. In order to strengthen the perlocutionary force of the utterance, the students are also most likely to use some communicative strategies such as a colloquial and native language, abbreviation, capitalized letters and emoticon

    On Multiscale Methods in Petrov-Galerkin formulation

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    In this work we investigate the advantages of multiscale methods in Petrov-Galerkin (PG) formulation in a general framework. The framework is based on a localized orthogonal decomposition of a high dimensional solution space into a low dimensional multiscale space with good approximation properties and a high dimensional remainder space{, which only contains negligible fine scale information}. The multiscale space can then be used to obtain accurate Galerkin approximations. As a model problem we consider the Poisson equation. We prove that a Petrov-Galerkin formulation does not suffer from a significant loss of accuracy, and still preserve the convergence order of the original multiscale method. We also prove inf-sup stability of a PG Continuous and a Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element multiscale method. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the Petrov-Galerkin method can decrease the computational complexity significantly, allowing for more efficient solution algorithms. As another application of the framework, we show how the Petrov-Galerkin framework can be used to construct a locally mass conservative solver for two-phase flow simulation that employs the Buckley-Leverett equation. To achieve this, we couple a PG Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element method with an upwind scheme for a hyperbolic conservation law


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    Integrating a mobile-learning (M-Learning) into a language classroom is an interesting topic to discuss; however, little is known about how much this technology-based language teaching is feasible for teachers to use in the language classrooms. This study aims at describing how M-learning has been implemented in English classrooms of non-English Department students. The questionnaire of the online survey was employed to collect data from the respondents. The students from English Department (Management) became the subjects of the study. This study found that most students in two different classes had positive perception towards the implementation of M-Learning in English class in terms of the curriculum (70%), learning enjoyment (85%), easy use (75%), assessment activities (85%), the materials (85%), teaching and learning activities (90%), and teacher’s feedback (80%). Despite the fact that students consider the prevailing M-Learning a useful and relevant teaching strategy to use, this teaching online is also subject to some weaknesses, such as: time consuming for giving feedback, copy right issues, cost of buying the devices and internet connection service

    Teachers’ Efforts to Stay Resilient during the Emergency Remote Teaching

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    Education worldwide faces a daunting challenge following the closure of schools in response to the pandemic protocols. Many schools have switched to distance teaching to ensure the implementation of education for all students. ERT is meant to start a temporary shift in instructional delivery to an alternative teaching and learning delivery due to crisis conditions. This paper presents a sketch of teachers (Guru Penggerak) who have shared their experience during the emergency remote teaching. Although they had gone through their ERT quite well, they admitted that their teaching needed improvement. Some of their best teaching practices are presented as follows: enhancing professional development through trainings, establishing collaborative atmosphere through mentorship, taking initiatives to design learning materials independently, promoting commitment through favorable communication, and delivering materials in a measurable and scheduled manner. This paper provides several practical teaching pedagogic implications to enhance teachers’ professional development during the new normal

    Ethical Research Dilemmas and Their Implications In English Language Teaching Studies

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    Researchers across the disciplines, including those whose passions are in English teaching studies, are always challenged to continuously contribute their research findings to the development of science. However, ethical considerations must be adhered to when they involve humans as participants in their study. Ethical dilemmas, even though they are considered important, are still rarely discussed. Thus, depicting the sketch of a comprehensive configuration of ethical dimensions is extremely needed for ESL researchers to serve as a guidance to carry out their research. This paper concludes with some ethical implications for researchers to carry out research ethicall

    Is a Hybrid Teaching-Learning Model Feasible to Use in Language Classrooms?

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    This preliminary study aims at describing how a hybrid class has been implemented in English class of non-English Department students. The questionnaire of the online survey was employed to collect the primary data. About 25 students from Management Study Program became the subjects of the study. This study found most students had positive perceptions towards the implementation of the hybrid model in terms of the curriculum, assessment, classroom management, materials, teaching and learning activities, and teacher’s feedback. Despite the fact that most students favor the prevailing hybrid class, this combined model of the conventional and online learning is also subject to some weaknesses: time-consuming for giving feedback, copyright issues, the cost of buying the devices and internet connection service.


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    There are at least two reasons why linguistic creativity is appealing and hence worth discussing in this paper: Firstly, linguistic creativity serves profound explanation to individual differences in the sense that people have unique ways to express themselves in a language. In the perspective of a stilistic approach we can sense how literary authors are obviously unique to one another in terms of their writing styles even when they have to depict the same theme. Secondly, linguistic creativity also serves profound explanation to the fact that a human’s language is basically a product of his mental  ability that operates according to the rules of grammar. In this sense, human’s linguistic creativity is viewed as rule-governed creativity


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    Menjaga kebersihan diri selama Pandemi Covid-19 seperti mencuci tangan merupakan  salah  satu langkah  yang  perlu  dilakukan, Tangan  merupakan bagian  tubuh  yang  paling  banyak tercemar kotoran dan bibit penyakit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui  Bagaimana Pengaruh penyuluhan dengan media audio visual terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap anak sekolah tentang Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS) pada masa pandemi covid-19. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitia n kuantitatif dengan desain eksperimen semu (Quasi experiment), dan  rancangan  non-equivalent control group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah  Seluruh Siswa Kelas 5 SDN I sebanyak 88 siswa, dan seluruh siswakelas 5 SDN 5 sebanyak 59 orang. Untuk melihat pengaruh pengetahuan dan sikap anak dengan perlakuan atau tanpa perlakuan penyuluhan dengan media audio visual,  maka peneliti pengambil sampel sebanding (1:1) sehingga SDN I sebanyak 59 orang dan SDN 5 sebanyak 59 orang. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa penyuluhan dengan media audio visual terhadap pengetahuan anak sekolah lebih berpengaruh dengan p = 0,042 serta penyuluhan dengan media audio visual lebih berpengaruh terhadap sikap anak dengan p=0.031. maka disarankan agar sekolah dapat meningkatkan penyuluhan dengan menggunakan media audiovisual.


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    The incidence of myocardial infarction refers to the process of damage to heart tissue due to inadequate oxygen supply so that coronary blood flow is reduced. Left chest pain is a complaint of patients with myocardial infarction that often appears and in some cases is serious enough to be injured as the worst pain often experienced by patients. Anxiety has been identified as an predictable emotional response due to myocardial infarction. Pirngadi Medan. This research is comparative in nature to mention the differences in the subjects to be studied. Data was collected by using a questionnaire consisting of two parts, namely identity and questions. After doing so, the results of the difference in anxiety levels based on characteristics were 1 respondent who experienced mild anxiety (10%), moderate anxiety was 3 respondents (30%) ), and anxiety as many as 6 respondents (60%). So from the results of statistical tests based on gender, the value of P = 0.005, age p value = 0.007, marital status obtained p = 0.006, and for duration of illness p value = 0.014. The difference in levels based on the characteristics of 10 respondents experiencing mild pain 1 respondent (10%), moderate pain 3 respondents (30%), severe pain 6 respondents (60%). obtained p = 0.021, marital status obtained p value = 0.008, length of suffering p value = 0.020. It was concluded that there were differences in anxiety and pain based on the characteristics of the patient's memory card at Dr Pirngadi Hospital Medan. Therefore, health workers need to improve and improve the management system for myocardial infarction patients in hospitals, so as to reduce the level and anxiety of these patients

    Tanggap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Kedelai Terhadap Pemberian Abu Vulkanik Sinabung Dan Pupuk Kandang Ayam

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    The aim of research was to known the effect by application Sinabung volcanic ash and chicken manure. The research was done at Tanjung Sari Medan district (±25 meters from sea) form October 2014 until January 2015. It was used Randomized Block Design with two factorials Sinabung volcanic ash (0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 g / plot) and chicken manure (0, 500, 1000 g / plot) with three replicate. The result showed with application Sinabung volcanic ash was significant effect to steam diameters three week after planted, the numbers of pods seeds, the number of seed per plant, the seed weight per plant, yield of plant, the seed weight in one hundred. The chicken was significant effect to steam diameters three week after planted, the numbers of pods seeds, the number of seed per plant, the seed weight per plant, yield of plant, the seed weight in one hundred. The interaction with Sinabung volcanic ash and chicken manure was significant effect to steam diameters three week after planted, the numbers of pods seeds, the number of seed per plant, the seed weight per plant, yield of plant, the seed weight in one hundred
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