66 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT High risk pregnancy could be early detected and handled if pregnant mothers routinely visit healthcare service, thus reduce maternal death. Internal factors of pregnant mothers related to the compliance of pregnancy examination are age, education, work, income and knowledge on high risk pregnancy. The study intended to describe factors related to early detection of high risk pregnancy in District of Brebes. This was a descriptive study with rapid survey method. Study subjects should meet the criteria of having labor 0-4 months baby (both live of death) at the time the study conducted and living in selected cluster. There were 30 clusters, and 7 subjects were selected from each of it, therefore the total subject was 210 mothers. The result showed mothers had low level of education, most of them were housewives, with equal number of low and high income. Age ranged from 16 to 43 years, it meant there were still pregnant mothers out of optiimal reproductive age. Anemia was the highest risk of pregnancy in District of Brebes and there was still hypertension case in pregnant mothers. Knowledge of high risk pregnancy was low, with most of information source from books. It was suggested to health officer to increase their role in giving information on high risk pregnancy to pregnant mothers in District of Brebes. Keywords: high risk pregnancy, knowledge, anemia, hypertension  Kesmasindo Volume 5(1)  Januari 2012, hlm. 44-51 &nbsp


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    ABSTRACT High risk pregnancy could be early detected and handled if pregnant mothers routinely visit healthcare service, thus reduce maternal death. Internal factors of pregnant mothers related to the compliance of pregnancy examination are age, education, work, income and knowledge on high risk pregnancy. The study intended to describe factors related to early detection of high risk pregnancy in District of Brebes. This was a descriptive study with rapid survey method. Study subjects should meet the criteria of having labor 0-4 months baby (both live of death) at the time the study conducted and living in selected cluster. There were 30 clusters, and 7 subjects were selected from each of it, therefore the total subject was 210 mothers. The result showed mothers had low level of education, most of them were housewives, with equal number of low and high income. Age ranged from 16 to 43 years, it meant there were still pregnant mothers out of optiimal reproductive age. Anemia was the highest risk of pregnancy in District of Brebes and there was still hypertension case in pregnant mothers. Knowledge of high risk pregnancy was low, with most of information source from books. It was suggested to health officer to increase their role in giving information on high risk pregnancy to pregnant mothers in District of Brebes. Keywords: high risk pregnancy, knowledge, anemia, hypertension  Kesmasindo Volume 5(1)  Januari 2012, hlm. 44-51 &nbsp

    Perceived Threat and Benefit Toward Community Compliance of Filariasis’ Mass Drug Administration in Pekalongan District, Indonesia

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    Purpose : Lymphatic filariasis (LF) is a chronic infection of Brugia malayi, Brugia timori, and Wuchereria bancrofti and is a mosquito – transmitted disease. Mass drud administration (MDA) needs to be done annualiy to control LF and requires adherence of endemic populations to take medication properly. Maintaining high coverage of MDA is a challenge because the activity needs to be done in several years. Tis study would like to know the compliance of the community in taking medication during MDA periods in Pekalongan district using the health belief model (HBM) approach. Patients and methods : Study population was people living in endemic areas in Pekalongan district, Central Java Province. This was a cross-sectional study. HBM approach was used to analyze community perceived in regard to MDA. There were six of the 19 subdistrict selected as study location, and 100 subjects were selected from each sub-district. Therefore, a total of 600 subjects participated in this study. Data were collected using the structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed quantitatively using the Chi-squared test. Multivariate was used for logistic regression. Results : Results of this study showed that the mean age of subjects was 38.6 years and had been staying in their villages for more than 30 years. Gender, marital status, history of LF, history of LF in the family, and external cues to action did not relate to MDA compliance. Perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, and perceived barriers were factors related to the compliance of MDA. After multivariate analysis, the perceived susceptibility did not have relationship with compliance. Conclusion : This study showed HBM variables, ie, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefit, and perceived barrier associated with the medication adherence of LF. The role of elimination officers was important to increase community knowledge about MDA program and the benefit to control LF discase

    Tidak Ada Perbedaan Respon Imun Perokok Berat Dan Perokok Ringan Karena Asupan Mikronutrien

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    Background: Smoking may affect cytokine levels, including IFN-γ, IL-6, and IL-10. Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the difference in levels of cytokines (IFN-γ, IL-6 and IL-10) based on the degree of smoking, and how the daily intake of nutrient influence the relationship of smoking with cytokines level. Method: This was a cross sectional study. Study subject consisted of 23 adult, healthy, smoker men. Ethical clearance was issued by Commission of Ethics of Medical and Public Health Research, Faculty of Public Health Diponegoro University. Smoking variabel was obtained from questions. Level of cytokines examined consists of IFN-γ, IL-6 and IL-10 was measured using ELISA (pg/dl). Nutritional intake was measured by method of 2x24-hour recall. The difference of level of IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-10 and daily nutrient intake based on smoking degree was analyzed with Mann Whitney (α 0,05). Result: The result showed no difference in level of IFN-γ, IL-6 and IL-10 found between group of light and heavy smokers. In the group of heavy smokers, daily nutrient intake was higher compare to light smokers. However, the significant difference only found in vitamin C (p = 0.042). Conclusion: Immune response, as measured by level of interferon gamma, interleukin 6 and interleukin 10, do not differ betwen light and heavy smokers due to micronutrient intak

    Peer Review : Faktor Risiko yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Komplikasi Kronis pada Pasien Diabetes Type 2

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    ABSTRAK Diabetes melitus tipe 2 merupakan masalah dunia dan menjadi beban kesehatan dikarenakan jumlah pasien yang terus meningkat. Di kabupaten Kudus, prevalensinya nomor dua terbesar untuk penyakit tidak menular. Komplikasi kronis merupakan keluaran utama dari perjalanan penyakit diabetes mellitus tipe 2, yang mengurangi kualitas hidup pasien, menambah beban sistem pelayanan kesehatan dan meningkatkan angka kematian karena diabetes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan faktor risiko kejadian komplikasi kronis pada pasien diabetes tipe 2. Desain studi kasus kontrol dengan jumlah kasus 40 pasien NIDDM dengan komplikasi kronis dan 40 kontrol pasien NIDDM tanpa komplikasi kronis, yang didapat dari Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kudus. Data dianalisis menggunakan Chi Square dengan 95% Confidence Interval (CI) dan risiko dihitung menggunakan Odds Ratio (OR). Hasil menunjukkan faktor risiko komplikasi kronis antara lain lama mengalami NIDDM lebih dari 10 tahun (OR=4.622; 95% CI=1.24-17.226), kurangnya aktivitas fisik/olahraga (OR=4.636; 95% CI=1.593-13.494), pengobatan diabetes yang tidak teratur (OR=3.273; 95% CI=1.211-8.844), ketidakpatuhan diet diabetes (OR=6.667; 95% CI=2.44-18.212), dan stres (OR=3.77; 95% CI=1.205-11.789). Disarankan agar pasien NIDDM melakukan aktivitas fisik/olahraga secara teratur, patuh pada pengobatan diabetes dan diet, dan menguatkan kesehatan mental agar tidak mudah stres.   Kata kunci: lama DM, aktivitas fisik, komplikasi kronis, diabetes tipe 2  Kesmasindo, Volume 7( 1) Juli 2014, Hal 21-2

    Relationship between Sanitation of Warung Makan Tegal and Intestinal Nematodes Infestations in Cockroaches in Tembalang District, Semarang City

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    Background: Cockroaches are insects that are considered disgusting and act as mechanical vectors. The existence of cockroaches in a place becomes a benchmark of low sanitation in the place. The properties possessed by cockroaches by eating anything, so that in looking for food can spread nematodes by walking and removing dirt on top of food, dishes or other eating utensils that pass. The purpose of this study was to determine the intestinal nematode infestation in cockroaches.Methods: This study was an observational study with a cross sectional approach. The stall samples were taken using a total sampling of 43 stalls and cockroach samples were determined by 2 cockroaches from each warteg.Results: Observations under a microscope showed that intestinal nematodes were found in cockroaches including hookworm (14.0%), and Oxyuris vermicularis (30.2%).Conclusion: Intestinal nematodes (hookworm and Oxyuris vermicularis) are found in cockroach bodie
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