80 research outputs found

    El Otro Encuentro: Gigi Oltavaro-Hormillosa’s Neo-Queer Precolonial Imagining

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    This essay examines the performance and video art piece Cosmic Blood, by Gigi Otalvaro-Hormillosa, a queer Colombian and Filipina American artist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. It argues that Cosmic Blood is a performative intervention into dominant modes of reading the racialized and gendered Filipina body, as well as a critique of absolutist notions of national and ethnic belonging. Cosmic Blood challenges the inherent heteronormativity and masculinism of dominant notions of nation and kinship, accomplishing this imaginative intervention by its retroping of the past through a lens of queer desire. Within Otalvaro-Hormillosa’s retelling of the moment of first contact, queer bodily desire is the locus of power relations between colonizer and colonized. In this vision of the past, the figure of the Filipina is presented as a desiring subject, resisting the overdetermined tropes of woman as nation, territory, and land that are both a legacy of colonization, and a persistent narrative within contemporary articulations of national and diasporic belonging. In doing so, Cosmic Blood presents a possibility for forms of belonging that exceed the absolutism of race, ethnicity, and nation, while also imagining a utopian vision of the future that critiques the material conditions of the present

    Negotiating Legacies: The \u27Traffic in Women\u27 and the Politics of Filipina/o American Feminist Solidarity

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    I wait in the audience as National Heroes, a dramatic vignette presented at the 2006 Pilipino Cultural Night (PCN) performance, [Re]creation, at the University of California at Berkeley, begins with a completely silent, dark stage. I am surrounded by hundreds of expectant Filipina/o American students and their families, eager to witness this annual performance of Filipina/o American culture, which is repeated on college and high school campuses across the West Coast.1 As I wait in the dark, the figures on stage are lit sequentially. One by one, the characters’ tear-streaked faces become visible. The main character, a Filipina migrant domestic worker named Baby, cries out, “This is not my country. This is not my home. This is not my family. This is not my daughter. My daughter is far away, sick, dreaming of me holding her in my arms. Yet I hold someone else’s child. It does not matter how much my bones ache, or that I am so tired. I will work as hard as I can to pay for her school, and her medicine, and her clothes” (Pilipino American Alliance 2006). [excerpt]

    Queering the Global Filipina Body: Contested Nationalisms in the Filipina/o Diaspora.

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    Contemporary popular culture stereotypes Filipina women as sex workers, domestic laborers, mail order brides, and caregivers. These figures embody the gendered and sexual politics of representing the Philippine nation in the Filipina/o diaspora. Gina K. Velasco explores the tensions within Filipina/o American cultural production between feminist and queer critiques of the nation and popular nationalism as a form of resistance to neoimperialism and globalization. Using a queer diasporic analysis, Velasco examines the politics of nationalism within Filipina/o American cultural production to consider an essential question: can a queer and feminist imagining of the diaspora reconcile with gendered tropes of the Philippine nation? Integrating a transnational feminist analysis of globalized gendered labor with a consideration of queer cultural politics, Velasco envisions forms of feminist and queer diasporic belonging, while simultaneously foregrounding nationalist movements as vital instruments of struggle.https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/books/1173/thumbnail.jp

    Factores de riesgo asociado a vaginosis bacteriana en adolescente en un centro de salud de Babahoyo, 2023

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    El objetivo principal del estudio fue determinar la relación que existe entre los factores de riesgo y la vaginosis bacteriana en adolescentes en un Centro de Salud de Babahoyo, 2023. El diseño utilizado fue el no experimental correlacional, de enfoque cuantitativo y de tipo básica, con un corte transversal. La muestra estuvo constituida por 50 adolescentes que asisten a un Centro de Salud de Babahoyo. En los resultados obtenidos se evidencia correlación entre los factores socioeconómicos Rho=0.791 y una significancia de (0.007<1%), de comportamiento sexual Rho de 0.814 y una significancia de (0.002<1%), de higiene genital Rho de 0.821 y una significancia de (0.005<1%) y estrés psicológico Rho de 0.821 y una significancia de (0.005<1%) con la vaginosis bacteriana en adolescentes en un Centro de Salud de Babahoyo, 2023. Se concluye que con un valor de Rho=0.856 y una significancia de (0.001<1%), una fuerte correlación entre los factores de riesgo y la vaginosis bacteriana en adolescentes en Babahoyo, 2023. Este resultado indica una relación directa y significativa, enfatizando la necesidad de enfocar las estrategias de prevención en los factores de riesgo identificados para reducir la incidencia de la vaginosis bacteriana en la población de adolescentes

    ENSEÑAR HISTORIA, HACIENDO HISTORIA Enseñanza de la Historia, Solución de Problemas e Historia Oral

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    El articulo “Historia Oral: una alternativa para la enseñanza de la historia”busca desde la practica docente hacer una propuesta de la enseñanza de lahistoria basado en varias estrategias didácticas como lo son: la tipología deproyectos de historia oral en el ámbito disciplinar y la solución de problemas en elámbito pedagógico , que permita en primera instancia, el desarrollo de habilidadesde pensamiento histórico, y de otro lado, el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivaspara el aprendizaje de contenidos históricos

    Naturaleza jurídica de la plusvalía urbana en Colombia

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    Este artículo de investigación se desarrolla con el objetivo de poder establecer la naturaleza jurídica de la plusvalía urbana en Colombia. Para tal fin, se hizo necesario analizar los hechos históricos más característicos que permitieron conocer las bases conceptuales que dieron origen al desarrollo de la misma; también, se precisó su definición desde la perspectiva de diferentes doctrinas y se abordó además dentro del marco jurídico-legal Colombiano, el cual permitió situar a la plusvalía como un instrumento de financiación que contribuye al desarrollo físico de las entidades territoriales en ejercicio de su autonomía urbanística y fiscal consagrada en la constitución. Por último, se definieron los conceptos sobre impuesto, tasa y contribución fundamentados en la jurisprudencia y se estableció la diferencia entre estos. por todo lo anterior, se logró elaborar una hipótesis que fundamenta el origen jurídico de la contribución, el cual fue el eje fundamental de esta investigación.This research article develops with the aim of establish the legal nature of urban capital gains in Colombia. For this purpose, it was necessary to analyze the most characteristic historical facts that allowed us to know the conceptual bases that gave rise to the development of the same; also, it’s definition was specified from the perspective of different doctrines and was also addressed within the Colombian juridical-legal framework, which allowed to place the capital gains as a financing instrument that contributes to the physical development of territorial entities in the exercise of their autonomy city plan and tax related enshrined in the constitution. Finally, the concepts of tax, rate and contribution substantiated on jurisprudence and established the difference between these. for all the above, it was possible to elaborate a theory based the legal origin of this contribution, which was the major focus of this investigation

    Design of a hands-on course in networked control systems

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    This report presents a hands-on course in networked control systems (NCS) to be integrated in the education of embedded control systems engineers. The course activities have a strong practical component and most of them are ap- plied exercises to be implemented in a NCS setup. The report containts four parts: a) a report that describes the experimental setup, proposing several activities that can be shaped into a course program according to the needs and diverse background of the targeted audience, b) a tentative program ex- ample for master students, c) a user manual to help setting up the hardware and software from a Live CD, and d) a quick guide to start working with the programming environment.Preprin

    Proyecto investigativo de riesgo psicosocial empresa Sygla Colombia Ltda.

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    Sygla Colombia Ltda. Cuenta con un sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo, normalizado bajo los estándares de calidad y normatividades legales vigente. Con este proyecto deseamos resaltar la importancia de evaluar los aspectos que rodean el entorno laboral de la empresa, enfocados en el campo psicosocial y así identificar y prevenir los factores de riesgo laboral, con la evaluación y la optimizando las condiciones de trabajo, con el fin de informar los riesgos que se están teniendo dentro de la compañía. Como es bien sabido la empresa cuenta con un proceso tercerizado por medio de Outsourcing, que se encarga del proceso productivo maquilador de la empresa. Se inició con la identificación y evaluación de los factores de riesgo psicosocial, cuyos resultados se presentan en este documento con el fin de brindar herramientas que faciliten a la empresa la toma de decisiones, el planteamiento de una propuesta de mejora y la implementación de controles que le permitan disminuir la peligrosidad e impacto de los factores de riesgo prioritarios. La legislación colombiana hace un importante reconocimiento de los factores psicosociales a los que están arriesgados los trabajadores y relacionado al alcance de su intervención, cuando ya se identificaron los riesgos psicosociales, se realiza un compromiso interdisciplinario gerencial para efectuar y conservar estrategias de inspección y control para proyectarse hacia el trabajador, toda la transformación en el control de riesgos psicosociales se convierte en virtud profesional al unir las responsabilidad general, productividad y seguridad.Sygla Colombia Ltda. It has an occupational health and safety management system, standardized according to the quality standards and current legal regulations. With this project we wish to highlight the importance of evaluating the aspects that surround the work environment of the company, focusing on the psychosocial field and thus identifying and preventing occupational risk factors, with the evaluation and optimizing working conditions, in order to the risks that are found within the company. As is well known, the company has an outsourced process through Outsourcing, which is responsible for the manufacturing process of the company. It began with the identification and evaluation of psychosocial risk factors, whose results are presented in this document in order to provide tools that facilitate decision making, the proposal of an improvement proposal and the implementation of controls that influence and the danger of the impact of priority risks. The Colombian legislation has an important recognition of the psychosocial factors to which they are risky and related to the scope of their intervention, when the psychosocial risks have already been identified, a commitment was made, interdisciplinary, managerial, for the conservation and maintenance of the strategies control and control, to project to the worker, all the transformation in the control of psychosocial risks becomes the general civil responsibility, productivity and safety

    Plan de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial la ruta hacia la eficiencia y sostenibilidad para la empresa Coopservivelez

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    La presente investigación sobre la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) como factor fundamental en nuestro diario vivir, hace resaltar los valores, la ética, los pensamientos y compromiso social, que como seres humanos nos representa, el enfoque que llevó a cabo en la elaboración de esta investigación nos transmite el compromiso que se tiene con la comunidad en el ámbito social, económico y cultural, La Responsabilidad Social Empresaria (RSE) es importante fomentarla desde los sitios de trabajo, nuestros hogares, porque son valores que podemos transmitir para nuestras futuras generaciones, creando un ámbito agradable en la ejecución de nuestras labores. Este tema actualmente lo están desarrollando las empresas a nivel mundial tomando la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) como factor importante para mejorar las condiciones en los entornos y generar ambientes integrales dentro de las organizaciones, las empresas deben de contar con una base sólida de valores para crear compromisos que mejoren de forma continua dentro y fuera de las instalaciones y generando beneficios a la sociedad.En este trabajo se hablara de la responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE), sus principales componentes y dimensiones, la importancia de su implementacion en la empresa coopservivelez como apalancamiento para la incluision social de personas con discapacidad en un ambiente laboral que permita un normal desarrollo de la empleabilidad en una sociedad laboral excluyente. Se determinara por medio de entrevistas las diferentes opiniones de empleados en temas de relevancia social dentro de la cooperativa, estableciendo asi el problema principal y los factores mas relevantes a tener en cuenta para llegar a un plan de mejora optimo que encamine a coopservivelez en el desarrollo, eficiencia, sostenibilidad e inclusion de una pequeña empresa que esta encauzada a aplicar las herramientas necesarias de responsabilidad social empresarial para asi tener un correcto e incluyente crecimiento dentro la nueva y demandante corriente empresarial sostenible.This Project talk about the corporate social responsability (CSR), the principal components and dimensions, as well as the importance of implementation in the Company coopservivelez with leverage for the social inclusion of people that have a work disability, how they would be able to have a professional development in a exluding society. This will be established by different interviews of employees in topics which are social relevant aspects inside of the corporation, in order to determine the main problem and the relevant details to known with the objective to improve the plan in coorpservivelez to get a better development in areas such as efficiency, sustainability,inclusion in a small company that have above all the principal objective to apply necessary skils of social bussines responsability so as to have a correct and inclusive grows inside the new and demanding entrepreneurial activity

    Seroprevalence of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 in domestic dogs and cats and its relationship with COVID-19 cases in the city of Villavicencio, Colombia [version 3; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background: Since the beginning of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) outbreak, different animal species have been implicated as possible intermediate hosts that could facilitate the transmission of the virus between species. The detection of these hosts has intensified, reporting wild, zoo, farm, and pet animals. The goal of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulins (IgG) in domestic dogs and cats and its epidemiological association with the frequency of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients in Villavicencio, Colombia. Methods: 300 dogs and 135 cats were randomly selected in a two-stage distribution by clusters according to COVID-19 cases (positive RT-qPCR for SARS-CoV-2) within the human population distributed within the eight communes of Villavicencio. Indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique was applied in order to determine anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG in sera samples. Kernel density estimation was used to compare the prevalence of COVID-19 cases with the seropositivity of dogs and cats. Results: The overall seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG was 4.6% (95% CI=3.2-7.4). In canines, 3.67% (95% CI=2.1-6.4) and felines 6.67% (95% CI=3.6-12.18). Kernel density estimation indicated that seropositive cases were concentrated in the southwest region of the city. There was a positive association between SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity in pet animals and their habitat in Commune 2 (adjusted OR=5.84; 95% CI=1.1-30.88). Spearman's correlation coefficients were weakly positive (p=0.32) between the ratio of COVID-19 cases in November 2020 and the results for domestic dogs and cats from the eight communes of Villavicencio. Conclusions: In the present research cats were more susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection than dogs. This study provides the first positive results of anti-SARS-CoV-2 ELISA serological tests in domestic dogs and cats in Colombia with information about the virus transmission dynamics in Latin America during the COVID-19 pandemic